import unittest import signal import subprocess import sys import tempfile import time import psutil class TestProcessProto(unittest.TestCase): """Test process attributes, common flow""" _process_cmd = ['minode'] _connection_limit = 4 if sys.platform.startswith('win') else 10 _listen = False _listening_port = None home = None @classmethod def setUpClass(cls): if not cls.home: cls.home = tempfile.gettempdir() cmd = cls._process_cmd + [ '--data-dir', cls.home, '--connection-limit', str(cls._connection_limit) ] if not cls._listen: cmd += ['--no-incoming'] elif cls._listening_port: cmd += ['-p', str(cls._listening_port)] cls.process = psutil.Popen(cmd, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT) # nosec @classmethod def _stop_process(cls, timeout=5): cls.process.send_signal(signal.SIGTERM) try: cls.process.wait(timeout) except psutil.TimeoutExpired: return False return True @classmethod def tearDownClass(cls): """Ensures that pybitmessage stopped and removes files""" try: if not cls._stop_process(10): try: cls.process.kill() except psutil.NoSuchProcess: pass except psutil.NoSuchProcess: pass class TestProcessShutdown(TestProcessProto): """Separate test case for SIGTERM""" def test_shutdown(self): """Send to minode SIGTERM and ensure it stopped""" # longer wait time because it's not a benchmark self.assertTrue( self._stop_process(20), '%s has not stopped in 20 sec' % ' '.join(self._process_cmd)) class TestProcess(TestProcessProto): """The test case for minode process""" _wait_time = 120 _check_limit = False def test_connections(self): """Check minode process connections""" _started = time.time() def connections(): return [ c for c in self.process.connections() if c.status == 'ESTABLISHED'] def continue_check_limit(extra_time): for t in range(extra_time * 2): self.assertLessEqual( len(connections()), # shared.outgoing_connections, one listening # TODO: find the cause of one extra (min(self._connection_limit, 8) if not self._listen else self._connection_limit) + 1, 'Opened more connections than required' ' by --connection-limit') time.sleep(1) for t in range(self._wait_time * 2): if len(connections()) > self._connection_limit / 2: _time_to_connect = round(time.time() - _started) break time.sleep(0.5) else: 'Failed establish at least %s connections in %s sec' % (self._connection_limit / 2, self._wait_time)) if self._check_limit: continue_check_limit(_time_to_connect) for c in self.process.connections(): if c.status == 'LISTEN': if self._listen is False: return 'Listening while started with --no-incoming') self.assertEqual(c.laddr[1], self._listening_port or 8444) break else: if self._listen:'No listening connection found')