# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- """The main thread, managing connections, nodes and objects""" import base64 import csv import logging import os import pickle import queue import random import threading import time from . import proofofwork, shared, structure from .connection import Bootstrapper, Connection from .i2p import I2PDialer class Manager(threading.Thread): """The manager thread""" def __init__(self): super().__init__(name='Manager') self.q = queue.Queue() self.bootstrap_pool = [] self.last_cleaned_objects = time.time() self.last_cleaned_connections = time.time() self.last_pickled_objects = time.time() self.last_pickled_nodes = time.time() # Publish destination 5-15 minutes after start self.last_published_i2p_destination = \ time.time() - 50 * 60 + random.uniform(-1, 1) * 300 # nosec B311 def fill_bootstrap_pool(self): """Populate the bootstrap pool by core nodes and checked ones""" self.bootstrap_pool = list(shared.core_nodes.union(shared.node_pool)) random.shuffle(self.bootstrap_pool) def run(self): self.load_data() self.clean_objects() self.fill_bootstrap_pool() while True: time.sleep(0.8) now = time.time() if shared.shutting_down: logging.debug('Shutting down Manager') break if now - self.last_cleaned_objects > 90: self.clean_objects() self.last_cleaned_objects = now if now - self.last_cleaned_connections > 2: self.manage_connections() self.last_cleaned_connections = now if now - self.last_pickled_objects > 100: self.pickle_objects() self.last_pickled_objects = now if now - self.last_pickled_nodes > 60: self.pickle_nodes() self.last_pickled_nodes = now if now - self.last_published_i2p_destination > 3600: self.publish_i2p_destination() self.last_published_i2p_destination = now @staticmethod def clean_objects(): for vector in set(shared.objects): if not shared.objects[vector].is_valid(): if shared.objects[vector].is_expired(): logging.debug( 'Deleted expired object: %s', base64.b16encode(vector).decode()) else: logging.warning( 'Deleted invalid object: %s', base64.b16encode(vector).decode()) with shared.objects_lock: del shared.objects[vector] def manage_connections(self): """Open new connections if needed, remove closed ones""" hosts = set() def connect(target, connection_class=Connection): """ Open a connection of *connection_class* to the *target* (host, port) """ c = connection_class(*target) c.start() with shared.connections_lock: shared.connections.add(c) def bootstrap(): """Bootstrap from DNS seed-nodes and known nodes""" try: target = self.bootstrap_pool.pop() except IndexError: logging.warning( 'Ran out of bootstrap nodes, refilling') self.fill_bootstrap_pool() return logging.info('Starting a bootstrapper for %s:%s', *target) connect(target, Bootstrapper) outgoing_connections = 0 for c in shared.connections.copy(): if not c.is_alive() or c.status == 'disconnected': with shared.connections_lock: shared.connections.remove(c) else: hosts.add(structure.NetAddrNoPrefix.network_group(c.host)) if not c.server: outgoing_connections += 1 for d in shared.i2p_dialers.copy(): hosts.add(d.destination) if not d.is_alive(): shared.i2p_dialers.remove(d) to_connect = set() if shared.trusted_peer: to_connect.add(shared.trusted_peer) if ( outgoing_connections < shared.outgoing_connections and shared.send_outgoing_connections and not shared.trusted_peer ): if shared.ip_enabled: if len(shared.unchecked_node_pool) > 16: to_connect.update(random.sample( tuple(shared.unchecked_node_pool), 16)) else: to_connect.update(shared.unchecked_node_pool) if outgoing_connections < shared.outgoing_connections / 2: bootstrap() shared.unchecked_node_pool.difference_update(to_connect) if len(shared.node_pool) > 8: to_connect.update(random.sample( tuple(shared.node_pool), 8)) else: to_connect.update(shared.node_pool) if shared.i2p_enabled: if len(shared.i2p_unchecked_node_pool) > 16: to_connect.update(random.sample( tuple(shared.i2p_unchecked_node_pool), 16)) else: to_connect.update(shared.i2p_unchecked_node_pool) shared.i2p_unchecked_node_pool.difference_update(to_connect) if len(shared.i2p_node_pool) > 8: to_connect.update(random.sample( tuple(shared.i2p_node_pool), 8)) else: to_connect.update(shared.i2p_node_pool) for host, port in to_connect: group = structure.NetAddrNoPrefix.network_group(host) if group in hosts: continue if port == 'i2p' and shared.i2p_enabled: if shared.i2p_session_nick and host != shared.i2p_dest_pub: try: d = I2PDialer( shared, host, shared.i2p_session_nick, shared.i2p_sam_host, shared.i2p_sam_port) d.start() hosts.add(d.destination) shared.i2p_dialers.add(d) except Exception: logging.warning( 'Exception while trying to establish' ' an I2P connection', exc_info=True) else: continue else: connect((host, port)) hosts.add(group) shared.hosts = hosts @staticmethod def load_data(): """Loads initial nodes and data, stored in files between sessions""" try: with open( os.path.join(shared.data_directory, 'objects.pickle'), 'br' ) as src: shared.objects = pickle.load(src) except FileNotFoundError: pass # first start except Exception: logging.warning( 'Error while loading objects from disk.', exc_info=True) try: with open( os.path.join(shared.data_directory, 'nodes.pickle'), 'br' ) as src: shared.node_pool = pickle.load(src) except FileNotFoundError: pass except Exception: logging.warning( 'Error while loading nodes from disk.', exc_info=True) try: with open( os.path.join(shared.data_directory, 'i2p_nodes.pickle'), 'br' ) as src: shared.i2p_node_pool = pickle.load(src) except FileNotFoundError: pass except Exception: logging.warning( 'Error while loading nodes from disk.', exc_info=True) with open( os.path.join(shared.source_directory, 'core_nodes.csv'), 'r', newline='', encoding='ascii' ) as src: reader = csv.reader(src) shared.core_nodes = {(row[0], int(row[1])) for row in reader} shared.node_pool.update(shared.core_nodes) with open( os.path.join(shared.source_directory, 'i2p_core_nodes.csv'), 'r', newline='', encoding='ascii' ) as f: reader = csv.reader(f) shared.i2p_core_nodes = { (row[0].encode(), 'i2p') for row in reader} shared.i2p_node_pool.update(shared.i2p_core_nodes) @staticmethod def pickle_objects(): try: with open( os.path.join(shared.data_directory, 'objects.pickle'), 'bw' ) as dst: with shared.objects_lock: pickle.dump(shared.objects, dst, protocol=3) logging.debug('Saved objects') except Exception: logging.warning('Error while saving objects', exc_info=True) @staticmethod def pickle_nodes(): if len(shared.node_pool) > 10000: shared.node_pool = set(random.sample( tuple(shared.node_pool), 10000)) if len(shared.unchecked_node_pool) > 1000: shared.unchecked_node_pool = set(random.sample( tuple(shared.unchecked_node_pool), 1000)) if len(shared.i2p_node_pool) > 1000: shared.i2p_node_pool = set(random.sample( tuple(shared.i2p_node_pool), 1000)) if len(shared.i2p_unchecked_node_pool) > 100: shared.i2p_unchecked_node_pool = set(random.sample( tuple(shared.i2p_unchecked_node_pool), 100)) try: with open( os.path.join(shared.data_directory, 'nodes.pickle'), 'bw' ) as dst: pickle.dump(shared.node_pool, dst, protocol=3) with open( os.path.join(shared.data_directory, 'i2p_nodes.pickle'), 'bw' ) as dst: pickle.dump(shared.i2p_node_pool, dst, protocol=3) logging.debug('Saved nodes') except Exception: logging.warning('Error while saving nodes', exc_info=True) @staticmethod def publish_i2p_destination(): if shared.i2p_session_nick and not shared.i2p_transient: logging.info('Publishing our I2P destination') dest_pub_raw = base64.b64decode( shared.i2p_dest_pub, altchars=b'-~') obj = structure.Object( b'\x00' * 8, int(time.time() + 2 * 3600), shared.i2p_dest_obj_type, shared.i2p_dest_obj_version, shared.stream, dest_pub_raw) proofofwork.do_pow_and_publish(obj)