"""Doing proof of work""" import base64 import hashlib import logging import multiprocessing import struct import threading import time from . import shared, structure def _pow_worker(target, initial_hash, q): nonce = 0 logging.debug( 'target: %s, initial_hash: %s', target, base64.b16encode(initial_hash).decode()) trial_value = target + 1 while trial_value > target: nonce += 1 trial_value = struct.unpack('>Q', hashlib.sha512(hashlib.sha512( struct.pack('>Q', nonce) + initial_hash).digest()).digest()[:8])[0] q.put(struct.pack('>Q', nonce)) def _worker(obj): q = multiprocessing.Queue() p = multiprocessing.Process( target=_pow_worker, args=(obj.pow_target(), obj.pow_initial_hash(), q)) logging.debug('Starting POW process') t = time.time() p.start() nonce = q.get() p.join() logging.debug( 'Finished doing POW, nonce: %s, time: %ss', nonce, time.time() - t) obj = structure.Object( obj.expires_time, obj.object_type, obj.version, obj.stream_number, object_payload=obj.object_payload, nonce=nonce ) logging.debug( 'Object vector is %s', base64.b16encode(obj.vector).decode()) shared.objects[obj.vector] = obj shared.vector_advertise_queue.put(obj.vector) def do_pow_and_publish(obj): """ Start a worker thread, doing PoW for the given object and putting a new object and its vector into appropriate places in `shared` to advertize to the network. """ t = threading.Thread(target=_worker, args=(obj, )) t.start()