V0.6 #852

Atheros1 merged 399 commits from v0.6 into master 2016-05-03 01:58:38 +02:00
2 changed files with 16 additions and 15 deletions
Showing only changes of commit 32b0d24be2 - Show all commits

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@ -71,18 +71,19 @@ class singleWorker(threading.Thread, StoppableThread):
10) # give some time for the GUI to start before we start on existing POW tasks.
queryreturn = sqlQuery(
'''SELECT DISTINCT toaddress FROM sent WHERE (status='doingpubkeypow' AND folder='sent')''')
for row in queryreturn:
toaddress, = row
# just in case there are any pending tasks for msg
# messages that have yet to be sent.
# just in case there are any tasks for Broadcasts
# that have yet to be sent.
if shared.shutdown == 0:
queryreturn = sqlQuery(
'''SELECT DISTINCT toaddress FROM sent WHERE (status='doingpubkeypow' AND folder='sent')''')
for row in queryreturn:
toaddress, = row
logger.debug("c: %s", shared.shutdown)
# just in case there are any pending tasks for msg
# messages that have yet to be sent.
# just in case there are any tasks for Broadcasts
# that have yet to be sent.
while shared.shutdown == 0:
command, data = shared.workerQueue.get()

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@ -396,6 +396,9 @@ def doCleanShutdown():
shutdown = 1 #Used to tell proof of work worker threads and the objectProcessorThread to exit.
broadcastToSendDataQueues((0, 'shutdown', 'no data'))
objectProcessorQueue.put(('checkShutdownVariable', 'no data'))
for thread in threading.enumerate():
if thread.isAlive() and isinstance(thread, StoppableThread):
UISignalQueue.put(('updateStatusBar','Saving the knownNodes list of peers to disk...'))
@ -430,9 +433,6 @@ def doCleanShutdown():
from class_outgoingSynSender import outgoingSynSender
for thread in threading.enumerate():
if thread.isAlive() and isinstance(thread, StoppableThread):
for thread in threading.enumerate():
if thread is not threading.currentThread() and isinstance(thread, StoppableThread) and not isinstance(thread, outgoingSynSender):
logger.debug("Waiting for thread %s", thread.name)