Make addDataPadding method to avoid clutter. #668

ghost merged 2 commits from master into master 2014-07-14 20:12:07 +02:00
ghost commented 2014-05-02 16:53:17 +02:00 (Migrated from

addDataPadding adds bytes with 0 value to pad message to desired length.

msg\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00 becomes addDataPadding('msg')

addDataPadding adds bytes with 0 value to pad message to desired length. `msg\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00` becomes `addDataPadding('msg')`
bmng-dev commented 2014-05-22 13:24:51 +02:00 (Migrated from

Good job. But it would be better to cache slices, strip the null bytes, use a compiled struct to unpack/pack the headers, and use a dispatcher.

Good job. But it would be better to cache slices, strip the null bytes, use a compiled struct to unpack/pack the headers, and use a dispatcher.
Atheros1 commented 2014-07-14 20:17:53 +02:00 (Migrated from

Thank you antius!

Thank you antius!
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