implement stealth ack objects #1062

f97ada87 merged 1 commits from stealth-ack into v0.6 2018-01-28 10:41:20 +01:00
f97ada87 commented 2017-09-30 11:47:10 +02:00 (Migrated from

By default, message ACK objects are generated as 32-byte random strings with a message header attached. Because of this, they are easily identified on the network (they're the only msg objects of size 54).
This PR implements some new types of ACK objects that blend in more realistically with the network traffic, and enables selection via the new configuration option ackstealthlevel.
Three stealth levels are defined currently:
0 - the default format described above
1 - a getpubkey request for a randomly generated hash
2 - a standard formatted message encrypted to a randomly generated key
To support objects of types other than 2 (msg), the internal format of the ackdata has been changed to also include the type header (objtype/version/stream). The startup routine has been updated to convert the legacy (headerless) format to the new format automatically, to continue tracking of any unacknowledged messages after upgrade.

Any comments and feedback will be appreciated.

By default, message ACK objects are generated as 32-byte random strings with a message header attached. Because of this, they are easily identified on the network (they're the only msg objects of size 54). This PR implements some new types of ACK objects that blend in more realistically with the network traffic, and enables selection via the new configuration option **ackstealthlevel**. Three stealth levels are defined currently: 0 - the default format described above 1 - a getpubkey request for a randomly generated hash 2 - a standard formatted message encrypted to a randomly generated key To support objects of types other than 2 (msg), the internal format of the ackdata has been changed to also include the type header (objtype/version/stream). The startup routine has been updated to convert the legacy (headerless) format to the new format automatically, to continue tracking of any unacknowledged messages after upgrade. Any comments and feedback will be appreciated.
f97ada87 commented 2017-09-30 12:00:50 +02:00 (Migrated from

Tested on Linux, including old/new ACK conversion, excluding SMTP gateway.

Tested on Linux, including old/new ACK conversion, excluding SMTP gateway.
PeterSurda commented 2018-01-28 10:41:51 +01:00 (Migrated from

Thank you, all fine.

Thank you, all fine.
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