Fallback to language only localization #423

grant-olson merged 1 commits from language_only_localization_fallback into master 2013-08-22 05:04:27 +02:00
grant-olson commented 2013-08-20 14:47:23 +02:00 (Migrated from github.com)

Current localization is to specific. French speakers living in France don't get the current translation. German speakers from Switzerland don't get the current translation.

This pull request:

  1. Adds a fallback to check for a langauge-only localization.
  2. Makes all current localizations language-only.

In the future we should default to language-only, and add country-specific localizations only when required.

Current localization is to specific. French speakers living in France don't get the current translation. German speakers from Switzerland don't get the current translation. This pull request: 1. Adds a fallback to check for a langauge-only localization. 2. Makes all current localizations language-only. In the future we should default to language-only, and add country-specific localizations only when required.
iShift commented 2013-08-21 06:41:37 +02:00 (Migrated from github.com)
  • add option to change language in options page
- add option to change language in options page
rickdsanchez commented 2013-08-21 21:53:46 +02:00 (Migrated from github.com)

@grant-olson, as a person maintaining Russian translation of Bitmessage, I strongly support your idea.

I am also pretty sure that there is a number of francophones outside of Belgium who would love to use French translation (France, Quebec, African countries and so on).

The same applies to German translation being useful outside of Germany (Switzerland, Austria and so on).

@iShift, great idea too, but it feels like a separate issue worth separate pull request. @grant-olson 's suggestion is orthogonal to that.

@grant-olson, as a person maintaining Russian translation of Bitmessage, I strongly support your idea. I am also pretty sure that there is a number of francophones outside of Belgium who would love to use French translation (France, Quebec, African countries and so on). The same applies to German translation being useful outside of Germany (Switzerland, Austria and so on). @iShift, great idea too, but it feels like a separate issue worth separate pull request. @grant-olson 's suggestion is orthogonal to that.
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