Refactor type 2 message decoding, drop any extra lines from subject. #295

grbitmsg merged 1 commits from single_line_subject into master 2013-07-14 22:40:07 +02:00
Showing only changes of commit fc5da5d3ff - Show all commits

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@ -528,13 +528,7 @@ class receiveDataThread(threading.Thread):
print 'fromAddress:', fromAddress
if messageEncodingType == 2:
bodyPositionIndex = string.find(message, '\nBody:')
if bodyPositionIndex > 1:
subject = message[8:bodyPositionIndex]
body = message[bodyPositionIndex + 6:]
subject = ''
body = message
subject, body = self.decodeType2Message(message)
elif messageEncodingType == 1:
body = message
subject = ''
@ -684,13 +678,7 @@ class receiveDataThread(threading.Thread):
print 'fromAddress:', fromAddress
if messageEncodingType == 2:
bodyPositionIndex = string.find(message, '\nBody:')
if bodyPositionIndex > 1:
subject = message[8:bodyPositionIndex]
body = message[bodyPositionIndex + 6:]
subject = ''
body = message
subject, body = self.decodeType2Message(message)
elif messageEncodingType == 1:
body = message
subject = ''
@ -1005,15 +993,7 @@ class receiveDataThread(threading.Thread):
toLabel = toAddress
if messageEncodingType == 2:
bodyPositionIndex = string.find(message, '\nBody:')
if bodyPositionIndex > 1:
subject = message[8:bodyPositionIndex]
subject = subject[
:500] # Only save and show the first 500 characters of the subject. Any more is probably an attak.
body = message[bodyPositionIndex + 6:]
subject = ''
body = message
subject, body = self.decodeType2Message(message)
elif messageEncodingType == 1:
body = message
subject = ''
@ -1086,6 +1066,21 @@ class receiveDataThread(threading.Thread):
print 'Time to decrypt this message successfully:', timeRequiredToAttemptToDecryptMessage
print 'Average time for all message decryption successes since startup:', sum / len(shared.successfullyDecryptMessageTimings)
def decodeType2Message(self, message):
bodyPositionIndex = string.find(message, '\nBody:')
if bodyPositionIndex > 1:
subject = message[8:bodyPositionIndex]
# Only save and show the first 500 characters of the subject.
# Any more is probably an attack.
subject = subject[:500]
body = message[bodyPositionIndex + 6:]
subject = ''
body = message
# Throw away any extra lines (headers) after the subject.
if subject:
subject = subject.splitlines()[0]
return subject, body
def isAckDataValid(self, ackData):
if len(ackData) < 24: