Simple Inbox and Sent Preview box enhancements #411

UnderSampled merged 3 commits from master into master 2013-08-28 03:05:06 +02:00
UnderSampled commented 2013-08-15 16:12:25 +02:00 (Migrated from

I've made the border between the Preview panels and the directory re-sizable, and made the previews read-only.
Also resolves #413 by disabling the table's edit triggers.

I've made the border between the Preview panels and the directory re-sizable, and made the previews read-only. Also resolves #413 by disabling the table's edit triggers. Cheers!
Atheros1 commented 2013-08-28 03:05:37 +02:00 (Migrated from

Thank You

Thank You
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