Refactored the code in #790

timothyparez merged 3 commits from development into master 2015-07-01 21:49:36 +02:00
timothyparez commented 2015-03-21 12:56:15 +01:00 (Migrated from

Some refactoring for the source.
Instead of having a single, really long, method, the handler code for each
request is not defined in its own method.

This should make it easier to read, modify and maintain.

Some refactoring for the source. Instead of having a single, really long, method, the handler code for each request is not defined in its own method. This should make it easier to read, modify and maintain.
Atheros1 commented 2015-07-01 21:49:57 +02:00 (Migrated from

Thank you very much Timothy

Thank you very much Timothy
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