V0.6 #852

Atheros1 merged 399 commits from v0.6 into master 2016-05-03 01:58:38 +02:00
3 changed files with 36 additions and 1 deletions
Showing only changes of commit 17d045da10 - Show all commits

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@ -328,6 +328,12 @@ class sqlThread(threading.Thread):
shared.config.set('bitmessagesettings', 'settingsversion', '10')
# sanity check
if shared.config.getint('bitmessagesettings', 'maxacceptablenoncetrialsperbyte') == 0:
shared.config.set('bitmessagesettings','maxacceptablenoncetrialsperbyte', str(shared.ridiculousDifficulty * shared.networkDefaultProofOfWorkNonceTrialsPerByte))
if shared.config.getint('bitmessagesettings', 'maxacceptablepayloadlengthextrabytes') == 0:
shared.config.set('bitmessagesettings','maxacceptablepayloadlengthextrabytes', str(shared.ridiculousDifficulty * shared.networkDefaultPayloadLengthExtraBytes))
# The format of data stored in the pubkeys table has changed. Let's
# clear it, and the pubkeys from inventory, so that they'll be re-downloaded.
item = '''SELECT value FROM settings WHERE key='version';'''

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@ -134,6 +134,31 @@ def _doGPUPoW(target, initialHash):
logger.debug("GPU PoW done")
return [trialValue, nonce]
def estimate(difficulty, format = False):
ret = difficulty / 10
if ret < 1:
ret = 1
if format:
out = str(int(ret)) + " seconds"
if ret > 60:
ret /= 60
out = str(int(ret)) + " minutes"
if ret > 60:
ret /= 60
out = str(int(ret)) + " hours"
if ret > 24:
ret /= 24
out = str(int(ret)) + " days"
if ret > 7:
out = str(int(ret)) + " weeks"
if ret > 31:
out = str(int(ret)) + " months"
if ret > 366:
ret /= 366
out = str(int(ret)) + " years"
return ret
def run(target, initialHash):
target = int(target)
if safeConfigGetBoolean('bitmessagesettings', 'opencl') and openclpow.has_opencl():

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@ -91,6 +91,10 @@ objectProcessorQueue = Queue.Queue(
) # receiveDataThreads dump objects they hear on the network into this queue to be processed.
streamsInWhichIAmParticipating = {}
# sanity check, prevent doing ridiculous PoW
# 20 million PoWs equals approximately 2 days on dev's dual R9 290
ridiculousDifficulty = 20000000
#If changed, these values will cause particularly unexpected behavior: You won't be able to either send or receive messages because the proof of work you do (or demand) won't match that done or demanded by others. Don't change them!
networkDefaultProofOfWorkNonceTrialsPerByte = 1000 #The amount of work that should be performed (and demanded) per byte of the payload.
networkDefaultPayloadLengthExtraBytes = 1000 #To make sending short messages a little more difficult, this value is added to the payload length for use in calculating the proof of work target.