Various fixes related to typos #634

zeushammer merged 6 commits from master into master 2014-04-30 22:50:57 +02:00
Showing only changes of commit 0e310849ca - Show all commits

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@ -24,14 +24,14 @@ sed -i 's/-'${PREV_VERSION}'.so/-'${VERSION}'.so/g' debian/*.links
make clean
rm -f archpackage/*.gz
# having the root directory called name-version seems essential
# Having the root directory called name-version seems essential
mv ../${APP} ../${APP}-${VERSION}
tar -cvzf ${SOURCE} ../${APP}-${VERSION} --exclude-vcs
# rename the root directory without the version number
# Rename the root directory without the version number
mv ../${APP}-${VERSION} ../${APP}
# calculate the MD5 checksum
# Calculate the MD5 checksum
CHECKSM=$(md5sum ${SOURCE})
sed -i "s/md5sums[^)]*)/md5sums=(${CHECKSM%% *})/g" archpackage/PKGBUILD