""" Bitmessage android(mobile) interface """ # pylint: disable=too-many-lines,import-error,no-name-in-module,unused-argument # pylint: disable=too-many-ancestors,too-many-locals,useless-super-delegation import os import time from bitmessagekivy import identiconGeneration from bitmessagekivy import kivy_helper_search from bitmessagekivy.uikivysignaler import UIkivySignaler from bmconfigparser import BMConfigParser from functools import partial from helper_sql import sqlExecute, sqlQuery from kivymd.app import MDApp from kivy.clock import Clock from kivy.core.clipboard import Clipboard from kivy.core.window import Window from kivy.lang import Builder from kivy.metrics import dp from kivy.properties import ( BooleanProperty, ListProperty, NumericProperty, ObjectProperty, StringProperty ) from kivy.uix.behaviors import FocusBehavior from kivy.uix.boxlayout import BoxLayout from kivy.uix.button import Button from kivy.uix.carousel import Carousel from kivy.uix.image import Image from kivy.uix.label import Label from kivy.uix.popup import Popup from kivy.uix.recycleboxlayout import RecycleBoxLayout from kivy.uix.recycleview import RecycleView from kivy.uix.recycleview.layout import LayoutSelectionBehavior from kivy.uix.recycleview.views import RecycleDataViewBehavior from kivy.uix.screenmanager import Screen from kivy.uix.spinner import Spinner from kivy.uix.textinput import TextInput from kivy.utils import platform from kivymd.uix.button import MDIconButton from kivymd.uix.dialog import MDDialog from kivymd.uix.label import MDLabel from kivymd.uix.list import ( ILeftBody, ILeftBodyTouch, IRightBodyTouch, TwoLineAvatarIconListItem, OneLineIconListItem, OneLineAvatarIconListItem, OneLineListItem ) # from kivymd.uix.navigationdrawer import ( # MDNavigationDrawer, # NavigationDrawerHeaderBase # ) from kivymd.uix.selectioncontrol import MDCheckbox, MDSwitch from kivymd.uix.chip import MDChip import queues from semaphores import kivyuisignaler import state from addresses import decodeAddress from kivy.uix.modalview import ModalView from datetime import datetime from kivy.config import Config Config.set('input', 'mouse', 'mouse,multitouch_on_demand') # pylint: disable=too-few-public-methods,too-many-arguments,attribute-defined-outside-init KVFILES = [ 'settings', 'popup', 'allmails', 'draft', 'maildetail', 'common_widgets', 'addressbook', 'myaddress', 'composer', 'payment', 'sent', 'network', 'login', 'credits', 'trash', 'inbox', 'payment_method' ] def toast(text): """Method will display the toast message""" # pylint: disable=redefined-outer-name from kivymd.toast.kivytoast import toast toast(text) return def showLimitedCnt(total_msg): """This method set the total count limit in badge_text""" return "99+" if total_msg > 99 else str(total_msg) def ShowTimeHistoy(act_time): """This method is used to return the message sent or receive time""" action_time = datetime.fromtimestamp(int(act_time)) crnt_date = datetime.now() duration = crnt_date - action_time display_data = ( action_time.strftime('%d/%m/%Y') if duration.days >= 365 else action_time.strftime('%I:%M %p').lstrip('0') if duration.days == 0 and crnt_date.strftime('%d/%m/%Y') == action_time.strftime('%d/%m/%Y') else action_time.strftime("%d %b") ) return display_data def AddTimeWidget(time): # pylint: disable=redefined-outer-name """This method is used to create TimeWidget""" action_time = BadgeText( size_hint=(None, None), text=str(ShowTimeHistoy(time)), halign='right', font_style='Caption', size=[65, 70]) return action_time def chipTag(text): """This method is used for showing chip tag""" obj = MDChip() obj.size_hint = (None, None) obj.label = text obj.icon = '' obj.pos_hint = {'center_x': .96, 'center_y': .2} obj.height = dp(18) obj.radius = 8 return obj class Inbox(Screen): """Inbox Screen uses screen to show widgets of screens""" queryreturn = ListProperty() has_refreshed = True account = StringProperty() def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): """Method Parsing the address""" super(Inbox, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs) Clock.schedule_once(self.init_ui, 0) @staticmethod def set_defaultAddress(): """This method set's default address""" if state.association == '': if BMConfigParser().addresses(): state.association = BMConfigParser().addresses()[0] def init_ui(self, dt=0): """Clock schdule for method inbox accounts""" self.loadMessagelist() def loadMessagelist(self, where="", what=""): """Load Inbox list for Inbox messages""" self.set_defaultAddress() self.account = state.association if state.searcing_text: self.children[2].children[0].children[0].scroll_y = 1.0 where = ['subject', 'message'] what = state.searcing_text xAddress = 'toaddress' data = [] self.ids.identi_tag.children[0].text = '' self.inboxDataQuery(xAddress, where, what) self.ids.identi_tag.children[0].text = '' if self.queryreturn: self.ids.identi_tag.children[0].text = 'Inbox' state.kivyapp.get_inbox_count() self.set_inboxCount(state.inbox_count) for mail in self.queryreturn: # third_text = mail[3].replace('\n', ' ') body = mail[3].decode() if isinstance(mail[3], bytes) else mail[3] subject = mail[5].decode() if isinstance(mail[5], bytes) else mail[5] data.append({ 'text': mail[4].strip(), 'secondary_text': (subject[:50] + '........' if len( subject) >= 50 else (subject + ',' + body)[0:50] + '........').replace( '\t', '').replace(' ', ''), 'msgid': mail[1], 'received': mail[6]}) self.has_refreshed = True self.set_mdList(data) self.children[2].children[0].children[0].bind( scroll_y=self.check_scroll_y) else: self.set_inboxCount('0') content = MDLabel( font_style='Caption', theme_text_color='Primary', text="No message found!" if state.searcing_text else "yet no message for this account!!!!!!!!!!!!!", halign='center', size_hint_y=None, valign='top') self.ids.ml.add_widget(content) def set_inboxCount(self, msgCnt): # pylint: disable=no-self-use """This method is used to sent inbox message count""" src_mng_obj = state.kivyapp.root.ids.content_drawer.ids.inbox_cnt src_mng_obj.children[0].children[0].text = showLimitedCnt(int(msgCnt)) def inboxDataQuery(self, xAddress, where, what, start_indx=0, end_indx=20): """This method is used for retrieving inbox data""" self.queryreturn = kivy_helper_search.search_sql( xAddress, self.account, "inbox", where, what, False, start_indx, end_indx) def set_mdList(self, data): """This method is used to create the mdList""" total_message = len(self.ids.ml.children) for item in data: meny = TwoLineAvatarIconListItem( text=item['text'], secondary_text=item['secondary_text'], theme_text_color='Custom', text_color=NavigateApp().theme_cls.primary_color) meny.add_widget(AvatarSampleWidget( source='./images/text_images/{}.png'.format( avatarImageFirstLetter(item['secondary_text'].strip())))) meny.bind(on_press=partial(self.inbox_detail, item['msgid'])) meny.add_widget(AddTimeWidget(item['received'])) carousel = Carousel(direction='right') carousel.height = meny.height carousel.size_hint_y = None carousel.ignore_perpendicular_swipes = True carousel.data_index = 0 carousel.min_move = 0.2 del_btn = Button(text='Delete') del_btn.background_normal = '' del_btn.background_color = (1, 0, 0, 1) del_btn.bind(on_press=partial(self.delete, item['msgid'])) carousel.add_widget(del_btn) carousel.add_widget(meny) # ach_btn = Button(text='Achieve') # ach_btn.background_color = (0, 1, 0, 1) # ach_btn.bind(on_press=partial(self.archive, item['msgid'])) # carousel.add_widget(ach_btn) carousel.index = 1 self.ids.ml.add_widget(carousel) update_message = len(self.ids.ml.children) self.has_refreshed = True if total_message != update_message else False def check_scroll_y(self, instance, somethingelse): """Loads data on scroll""" if self.children[2].children[0].children[ 0].scroll_y <= -0.0 and self.has_refreshed: self.children[2].children[0].children[0].scroll_y = 0.06 total_message = len(self.ids.ml.children) self.update_inbox_screen_on_scroll(total_message) else: pass def update_inbox_screen_on_scroll(self, total_message, where="", what=""): """This method is used to load more data on scroll down""" data = [] if state.searcing_text: where = ['subject', 'message'] what = state.searcing_text self.inboxDataQuery('toaddress', where, what, total_message, 5) for mail in self.queryreturn: # third_text = mail[3].replace('\n', ' ') subject = mail[3].decode() if isinstance(mail[3], bytes) else mail[3] body = mail[5].decode() if isinstance(mail[5], bytes) else mail[5] data.append({ 'text': mail[4].strip(), 'secondary_text': body[:50] + '........' if len( body) >= 50 else (body + ',' + subject.replace( '\n', ''))[0:50] + '........', 'msgid': mail[1]}) self.set_mdList(data) def inbox_detail(self, msg_id, *args): """Load inbox page details""" state.detailPageType = 'inbox' state.mail_id = msg_id if self.manager: src_mng_obj = self.manager else: src_mng_obj = self.parent.parent src_mng_obj.screens[13].clear_widgets() src_mng_obj.screens[13].add_widget(MailDetail()) src_mng_obj.current = 'mailDetail' def delete(self, data_index, instance, *args): """Delete inbox mail from inbox listing""" sqlExecute( "UPDATE inbox SET folder = 'trash' WHERE msgid = ?;", data_index) msg_count_objs = self.parent.parent.ids.content_drawer.ids if int(state.inbox_count) > 0: msg_count_objs.inbox_cnt.children[0].children[0].text = showLimitedCnt(int(state.inbox_count) - 1) msg_count_objs.trash_cnt.children[0].children[0].text = showLimitedCnt(int(state.trash_count) + 1) msg_count_objs.allmail_cnt.children[0].children[0].text = showLimitedCnt(int(state.all_count) - 1) state.inbox_count = str( int(state.inbox_count) - 1) state.trash_count = str( int(state.trash_count) + 1) state.all_count = str( int(state.all_count) - 1) if int(state.inbox_count) <= 0: self.ids.identi_tag.children[0].text = '' self.ids.ml.remove_widget( instance.parent.parent) toast('Deleted') self.update_trash() def archive(self, data_index, instance, *args): """Archive inbox mail from inbox listing""" sqlExecute( "UPDATE inbox SET folder = 'trash' WHERE msgid = ?;", data_index) self.ids.ml.remove_widget(instance.parent.parent) self.update_trash() def update_trash(self): """Update trash screen mails which is deleted from inbox""" try: self.parent.screens[4].clear_widgets() self.parent.screens[4].add_widget(Trash()) except Exception: self.parent.parent.screens[4].clear_widgets() self.parent.parent.screens[4].add_widget(Trash()) def refresh_callback(self, *args): """Method updates the state of application, While the spinner remains on the screen""" def refresh_callback(interval): """Method used for loading the inbox screen data""" state.searcing_text = '' self.children[2].children[1].ids.search_field.text = '' self.ids.ml.clear_widgets() self.loadMessagelist(state.association) self.has_refreshed = True self.ids.refresh_layout.refresh_done() self.tick = 0 Clock.schedule_once(refresh_callback, 1) class CustomTwoLineAvatarIconListItem(TwoLineAvatarIconListItem): """Custom Two Line Avatar Icon List""" pass class MyAddress(Screen): """MyAddress screen uses screen to show widgets of screens""" addresses_list = ListProperty() has_refreshed = True is_add_created = False def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): """Clock schdule for method Myaddress accounts""" super(MyAddress, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs) Clock.schedule_once(self.init_ui, 0) def init_ui(self, dt=0): """Clock schdule for method Myaddress accounts""" # pylint: disable=unnecessary-lambda, deprecated-lambda # self.addresses_list = state.kivyapp.variable_1 self.addresses_list = BMConfigParser().addresses() if state.searcing_text: self.ids.refresh_layout.scroll_y = 1.0 filtered_list = [ x for x in BMConfigParser().addresses() if self.filter_address(x) ] self.addresses_list = filtered_list self.addresses_list = [obj for obj in reversed(self.addresses_list)] self.ids.identi_tag.children[0].text = '' if self.addresses_list: self.ids.identi_tag.children[0].text = 'My Addresses' self.has_refreshed = True self.set_mdList(0, 15) self.ids.refresh_layout.bind(scroll_y=self.check_scroll_y) else: content = MDLabel( font_style='Caption', theme_text_color='Primary', text="No address found!" if state.searcing_text else "yet no address is created by user!!!!!!!!!!!!!", halign='center', size_hint_y=None, valign='top') self.ids.ml.add_widget(content) if not state.searcing_text and not self.is_add_created: try: self.manager.current = 'login' except Exception: pass def set_mdList(self, first_index, last_index): """Creating the mdlist""" data = [] for address in self.addresses_list[first_index:last_index]: data.append({ 'text': BMConfigParser().get(address, 'label'), 'secondary_text': address}) for item in data: is_enable = BMConfigParser().get(item['secondary_text'], 'enabled') meny = CustomTwoLineAvatarIconListItem( text=item['text'], secondary_text=item['secondary_text'], theme_text_color='Custom' if is_enable == 'true' else 'Primary', text_color=NavigateApp().theme_cls.primary_color,) try: meny.canvas.children[6].rgba = [0, 0, 0, 0] if is_enable == 'true' else [0.5, 0.5, 0.5, 0.5] except Exception: meny.canvas.children[9].rgba = [0, 0, 0, 0] if is_enable == 'true' else [0.5, 0.5, 0.5, 0.5] meny.add_widget(AvatarSampleWidget( source='./images/text_images/{}.png'.format( avatarImageFirstLetter(item['text'].strip())))) meny.bind(on_press=partial( self.myadd_detail, item['secondary_text'], item['text'])) if state.association == item['secondary_text']: meny.add_widget( BadgeText( size_hint=(None, None), text='Active', halign='right', font_style='Body1', size=[50, 60], theme_text_color='Custom', text_color=NavigateApp().theme_cls.primary_color)) else: meny.add_widget(ToggleBtn(active=True if is_enable == 'true' else False)) # carousel = Carousel(direction='right') # carousel.height = meny.height # carousel.size_hint_y = None # carousel.ignore_perpendicular_swipes = True # carousel.data_index = 0 # carousel.min_move = 0.2 # del_btn = Button(text='Disable' if is_enable == 'true' else 'Enable') # if is_enable == 'true': # del_btn.background_normal = '' # del_btn.background_color = (1, 0, 0, 1) if is_enable == 'true' else (0, 1, 0, 1) # del_btn.bind( # on_press=partial( # self.disableAddress if is_enable == 'true' else self.enableAddress , item['secondary_text'])) # carousel.add_widget(del_btn) # carousel.add_widget(meny) # carousel.index = 1 self.ids.ml.add_widget(meny) def check_scroll_y(self, instance, somethingelse): """Load data on scroll down""" if self.ids.refresh_layout.scroll_y <= -0.0 and self.has_refreshed: self.ids.refresh_layout.scroll_y = 0.06 my_addresses = len(self.ids.ml.children) if my_addresses != len(self.addresses_list): self.update_addressBook_on_scroll(my_addresses) self.has_refreshed = True if my_addresses != len( self.addresses_list) else False else: pass def update_addressBook_on_scroll(self, my_addresses): """Loads more data on scroll down""" self.set_mdList(my_addresses, my_addresses + 20) # @staticmethod def myadd_detail(self, fromaddress, label, *args): """Load myaddresses details""" if BMConfigParser().get(fromaddress, 'enabled') == 'true': p = MyaddDetailPopup() p.open() p.set_address(fromaddress, label) else: width = .8 if platform == 'android' else .55 msg_dialog = MDDialog( text='Address is not currently active. Please click on Toggle button to active it.', title='', size_hint=(width, .25), text_button_ok='Ok', events_callback=self.callback_for_menu_items) msg_dialog.open() @staticmethod def callback_for_menu_items(text_item, *arg): """Callback of alert box""" toast(text_item) def refresh_callback(self, *args): """Method updates the state of application, While the spinner remains on the screen""" def refresh_callback(interval): """Method used for loading the myaddress screen data""" state.searcing_text = '' # state.kivyapp.root.ids.sc10.children[2].active = False self.children[2].children[2].ids.search_field.text = '' self.has_refreshed = True self.ids.ml.clear_widgets() self.init_ui() self.ids.refresh_layout.refresh_done() self.tick = 0 Clock.schedule_once(refresh_callback, 1) @staticmethod def filter_address(address): """Method will filter the my address list data""" if [ x for x in [ BMConfigParser().get(address, 'label').lower(), address.lower() ] if (state.searcing_text).lower() in x ]: return True return False def disableAddress(self, address, instance): """This method is use for disabling address""" BMConfigParser().set(str(address), 'enabled', 'false') BMConfigParser().save() instance.parent.parent.theme_text_color = 'Primary' try: instance.parent.parent.canvas.children[6].rgba = [0.5, 0.5, 0.5, 0.5] except Exception: instance.parent.parent.canvas.children[9].rgba = [0.5, 0.5, 0.5, 0.5] toast('Address disabled') Clock.schedule_once(self.address_permision_callback, 0) def enableAddress(self, address, instance): """This method is use for enabling address""" BMConfigParser().set(address, 'enabled', 'true') BMConfigParser().save() instance.parent.parent.theme_text_color = 'Custom' try: instance.parent.parent.canvas.children[6].rgba = [0, 0, 0, 0] except Exception: instance.parent.parent.canvas.children[9].rgba = [0, 0, 0, 0] toast('Address Enabled') Clock.schedule_once(self.address_permision_callback, 0) def address_permision_callback(self, dt=0): """callback for enable or disable addresses""" addresses = [addr for addr in BMConfigParser().addresses() if BMConfigParser().get(str(addr), 'enabled') == 'true'] self.parent.parent.ids.content_drawer.ids.btn.values = addresses self.parent.parent.ids.sc3.children[1].ids.btn.values = addresses def toggleAction(self, instance): """This method is used for enable or disable address""" addr = instance.parent.parent.secondary_text if instance.active: self.enableAddress(addr, instance) else: self.disableAddress(addr, instance) class AddressBook(Screen): """AddressBook Screen uses screen to show widgets of screens""" queryreturn = ListProperty() has_refreshed = True def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): """Getting AddressBook Details""" super(AddressBook, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs) Clock.schedule_once(self.init_ui, 0) def init_ui(self, dt=0): """Clock Schdule for method AddressBook""" self.loadAddresslist(None, 'All', '') print(dt) def loadAddresslist(self, account, where="", what=""): """Clock Schdule for method AddressBook""" if state.searcing_text: self.ids.scroll_y.scroll_y = 1.0 where = ['label', 'address'] what = state.searcing_text xAddress = '' self.ids.identi_tag.children[0].text = '' self.queryreturn = kivy_helper_search.search_sql( xAddress, account, "addressbook", where, what, False) self.queryreturn = [obj for obj in reversed(self.queryreturn)] if self.queryreturn: self.ids.identi_tag.children[0].text = 'Address Book' self.has_refreshed = True self.set_mdList(0, 20) self.ids.scroll_y.bind(scroll_y=self.check_scroll_y) else: content = MDLabel( font_style='Caption', theme_text_color='Primary', text="No contact found!" if state.searcing_text else "No contact found yet...... ", halign='center', size_hint_y=None, valign='top') self.ids.ml.add_widget(content) def set_mdList(self, start_index, end_index): """Creating the mdList""" for item in self.queryreturn[start_index:end_index]: meny = TwoLineAvatarIconListItem( text=item[0], secondary_text=item[1], theme_text_color='Custom', text_color=NavigateApp().theme_cls.primary_color) meny.add_widget(AvatarSampleWidget( source='./images/text_images/{}.png'.format( avatarImageFirstLetter(item[0].strip())))) meny.bind(on_press=partial( self.addBook_detail, item[1], item[0])) carousel = Carousel(direction='right') carousel.height = meny.height carousel.size_hint_y = None carousel.ignore_perpendicular_swipes = True carousel.data_index = 0 carousel.min_move = 0.2 del_btn = Button(text='Delete') del_btn.background_normal = '' del_btn.background_color = (1, 0, 0, 1) del_btn.bind(on_press=partial(self.delete_address, item[1])) carousel.add_widget(del_btn) carousel.add_widget(meny) carousel.index = 1 self.ids.ml.add_widget(carousel) def check_scroll_y(self, instance, somethingelse): """Load data on scroll""" if self.ids.scroll_y.scroll_y <= -0.0 and self.has_refreshed: self.ids.scroll_y.scroll_y = 0.06 exist_addresses = len(self.ids.ml.children) if exist_addresses != len(self.queryreturn): self.update_addressBook_on_scroll(exist_addresses) self.has_refreshed = True if exist_addresses != len( self.queryreturn) else False else: pass def update_addressBook_on_scroll(self, exist_addresses): """Load more data on scroll down""" self.set_mdList(exist_addresses, exist_addresses + 5) @staticmethod def refreshs(*args): """Refresh the Widget""" # state.navinstance.ids.sc11.ids.ml.clear_widgets() # state.navinstance.ids.sc11.loadAddresslist(None, 'All', '') pass @staticmethod def addBook_detail(address, label, *args): """Addressbook details""" p = AddbookDetailPopup() p.open() p.set_addbook_data(address, label) def delete_address(self, address, instance, *args): """Delete inbox mail from inbox listing""" self.ids.ml.remove_widget(instance.parent.parent) # if len(self.ids.ml.children) == 0: if self.ids.ml.children is not None: self.ids.identi_tag.children[0].text = '' sqlExecute( "DELETE FROM addressbook WHERE address = '{}';".format(address)) class SelectableRecycleBoxLayout( FocusBehavior, LayoutSelectionBehavior, RecycleBoxLayout): """Adds selection and focus behaviour to the view""" # pylint: disable = duplicate-bases pass class SelectableLabel(RecycleDataViewBehavior, Label): """Add selection support to the Label""" index = None selected = BooleanProperty(False) selectable = BooleanProperty(True) def refresh_view_attrs(self, rv, index, data): """Catch and handle the view changes""" self.index = index return super(SelectableLabel, self).refresh_view_attrs( rv, index, data) def on_touch_down(self, touch): # pylint: disable=inconsistent-return-statements """Add selection on touch down""" if super(SelectableLabel, self).on_touch_down(touch): return True if self.collide_point(*touch.pos) and self.selectable: return self.parent.select_with_touch(self.index, touch) def apply_selection(self, rv, index, is_selected): """Respond to the selection of items in the view""" self.selected = is_selected if is_selected: print("selection changed to {0}".format(rv.data[index])) rv.parent.txt_input.text = rv.parent.txt_input.text.replace( rv.parent.txt_input.text, rv.data[index]['text']) class RV(RecycleView): """Recycling View""" def __init__(self, **kwargs): """Recycling Method""" super(RV, self).__init__(**kwargs) class DropDownWidget(BoxLayout): """Adding Dropdown Widget""" # pylint: disable=too-many-statements txt_input = ObjectProperty() rv = ObjectProperty() def send(self, navApp): """Send message from one address to another""" fromAddress = self.ids.ti.text.strip() toAddress = self.ids.txt_input.text.strip() subject = self.ids.subject.text.strip() message = self.ids.body.text.strip() encoding = 3 print("message: ", self.ids.body.text) sendMessageToPeople = True if sendMessageToPeople: if toAddress != '' and subject and message: status, addressVersionNumber, streamNumber, ripe = ( decodeAddress(toAddress)) if status == 'success': navApp.root.ids.sc3.children[0].active = True if state.detailPageType == 'draft' \ and state.send_draft_mail: sqlExecute( "UPDATE sent SET toaddress = ?" ", fromaddress = ? , subject = ?" ", message = ?, folder = 'sent'" ", senttime = ?, lastactiontime = ?" " WHERE ackdata = ?;", toAddress, fromAddress, subject, message, int(time.time()), int(time.time()), state.send_draft_mail) self.parent.parent.screens[15].clear_widgets() self.parent.parent.screens[15].add_widget(Draft()) # state.detailPageType = '' # state.send_draft_mail = None else: from addresses import addBMIfNotPresent toAddress = addBMIfNotPresent(toAddress) statusIconColor = 'red' if (addressVersionNumber > 4) or ( addressVersionNumber <= 1): print( "addressVersionNumber > 4" " or addressVersionNumber <= 1") if streamNumber > 1 or streamNumber == 0: print("streamNumber > 1 or streamNumber == 0") if statusIconColor == 'red': print("shared.statusIconColor == 'red'") stealthLevel = BMConfigParser().safeGetInt( 'bitmessagesettings', 'ackstealthlevel') from helper_ackPayload import genAckPayload ackdata = genAckPayload(streamNumber, stealthLevel) # t = () sqlExecute( '''INSERT INTO sent VALUES (?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?)''', '', toAddress, ripe, fromAddress, subject, message, ackdata, int(time.time()), int(time.time()), 0, 'msgqueued', 0, 'sent', encoding, BMConfigParser().safeGetInt( 'bitmessagesettings', 'ttl')) state.check_sent_acc = fromAddress # state.msg_counter_objs = self.parent.parent.parent.parent\ # .parent.parent.children[2].children[0].ids if state.detailPageType == 'draft' \ and state.send_draft_mail: state.draft_count = str(int(state.draft_count) - 1) # state.msg_counter_objs.draft_cnt.badge_text = ( # state.draft_count) state.detailPageType = '' state.send_draft_mail = None self.parent.parent.parent.ids.sc4.update_sent_messagelist() Clock.schedule_once(self.callback_for_msgsend, 3) queues.workerQueue.put(('sendmessage', toAddress)) print("sqlExecute successfully #######################") state.in_composer = True return else: msg = 'Enter a valid recipients address' elif not toAddress: msg = 'Please fill the form completely' else: msg = 'Please fill the form completely' self.address_error_message(msg) @staticmethod def callback_for_msgsend(dt=0): """Callback method for messagesend""" state.kivyapp.root.ids.sc3.children[0].active = False state.in_sent_method = True state.kivyapp.back_press() toast('sent') def address_error_message(self, msg): """Generates error message""" width = .8 if platform == 'android' else .55 msg_dialog = MDDialog( text=msg, title='', size_hint=(width, .25), text_button_ok='Ok', events_callback=self.callback_for_menu_items) msg_dialog.open() @staticmethod def callback_for_menu_items(text_item, *arg): """Callback of alert box""" toast(text_item) def reset_composer(self): """Method will reset composer""" self.ids.ti.text = '' self.ids.btn.text = 'Select' self.ids.txt_input.text = '' self.ids.subject.text = '' self.ids.body.text = '' toast("Reset message") def auto_fill_fromaddr(self): """Fill the text automatically From Address""" self.ids.ti.text = self.ids.btn.text self.ids.ti.focus = True def qrScanner(self): """This method is used for scanning Qr code""" pass class MyTextInput(TextInput): """Takes the text input in the field""" txt_input = ObjectProperty() flt_list = ObjectProperty() word_list = ListProperty() starting_no = NumericProperty(3) suggestion_text = '' def __init__(self, **kwargs): """Getting Text Input.""" super(MyTextInput, self).__init__(**kwargs) self.__lineBreak__ = 0 def on_text(self, instance, value): """Find all the occurrence of the word""" self.parent.parent.parent.parent.parent.ids.rv.data = [] matches = [self.word_list[i] for i in range( len(self.word_list)) if self.word_list[ i][:self.starting_no] == value[:self.starting_no]] display_data = [] for i in matches: display_data.append({'text': i}) self.parent.parent.parent.parent.parent.ids.rv.data = display_data if len(matches) <= 10: self.parent.height = (250 + (len(matches) * 20)) else: self.parent.height = 400 def keyboard_on_key_down(self, window, keycode, text, modifiers): """Keyboard on key Down""" if self.suggestion_text and keycode[1] == 'tab': self.insert_text(self.suggestion_text + ' ') return True return super(MyTextInput, self).keyboard_on_key_down( window, keycode, text, modifiers) class Payment(Screen): """Payment module""" def get_available_credits(self, instance): """Get the available credits""" # pylint: disable=no-self-use state.availabe_credit = instance.parent.children[1].text existing_credits = state.kivyapp.root.ids.sc18.ids.cred.text if float(existing_credits.split()[1]) > 0: toast( 'We already have added free coins' ' for the subscription to your account!') else: toast('Coins added to your account!') state.kivyapp.root.ids.sc18.ids.cred.text = '{0}'.format( state.availabe_credit) def move_to_pay_option(self, amount): # pylint: disable=no-self-use """Option move to pay""" state.kivyapp.set_toolbar_for_QrCode() class Credits(Screen): """Credits Method""" available_credits = StringProperty('{0}'.format('€ 0')) class Login(Screen): """Login Screeen""" log_text1 = ( 'You may generate addresses by using either random numbers' ' or by using a passphrase If you use a passphrase, the address' ' is called a deterministic; address The Random Number option is' ' selected by default but deterministic addresses have several pros' ' and cons:') log_text2 = ('If talk about pros You can recreate your addresses on any computer' ' from memory, You need-not worry about backing up your keys.dat file' ' as long as you can remember your passphrase and aside talk about cons' ' You must remember (or write down) your You must remember the address' ' version number and the stream number along with your passphrase If you' ' choose a weak passphrase and someone on the Internet can brute-force it,' ' they can read your messages and send messages as you') class NetworkStat(Screen): """Method used to show network stat""" text_variable_1 = StringProperty( '{0}::{1}'.format('Total Connections', '0')) text_variable_2 = StringProperty( 'Processed {0} per-to-per messages'.format('0')) text_variable_3 = StringProperty( 'Processed {0} brodcast messages'.format('0')) text_variable_4 = StringProperty( 'Processed {0} public keys'.format('0')) text_variable_5 = StringProperty( 'Processed {0} object to be synced'.format('0')) def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): """Init method for network stat""" super(NetworkStat, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs) Clock.schedule_interval(self.init_ui, 1) def init_ui(self, dt=0): """Clock Schdule for method networkstat screen""" import network.stats import shared from network import objectracker self.text_variable_1 = '{0} :: {1}'.format( 'Total Connections', str(len(network.stats.connectedHostsList()))) self.text_variable_2 = 'Processed {0} per-to-per messages'.format( str(shared.numberOfMessagesProcessed)) self.text_variable_3 = 'Processed {0} brodcast messages'.format( str(shared.numberOfBroadcastsProcessed)) self.text_variable_4 = 'Processed {0} public keys'.format( str(shared.numberOfPubkeysProcessed)) self.text_variable_5 = '{0} object to be synced'.format( len(objectracker.missingObjects)) class ContentNavigationDrawer(BoxLayout): """Navigate Content Drawer""" pass class Random(Screen): """Generates Random Address""" is_active = BooleanProperty(False) checked = StringProperty("") def generateaddress(self, navApp): """Method for Address Generator""" entered_label = str(self.ids.label.text).strip() if not entered_label: self.ids.label.focus = True # self.ids.label.error = True # self.ids.label.helper_text = 'This field is required' streamNumberForAddress = 1 label = self.ids.label.text eighteenByteRipe = False nonceTrialsPerByte = 1000 payloadLengthExtraBytes = 1000 lables = [BMConfigParser().get(obj, 'label') for obj in BMConfigParser().addresses()] if entered_label and entered_label not in lables: toast('Address Creating...') queues.addressGeneratorQueue.put(( 'createRandomAddress', 4, streamNumberForAddress, label, 1, "", eighteenByteRipe, nonceTrialsPerByte, payloadLengthExtraBytes)) self.ids.label.text = '' self.parent.parent.ids.toolbar.opacity = 1 self.parent.parent.ids.toolbar.disabled = False state.kivyapp.loadMyAddressScreen(True) self.manager.current = 'myaddress' Clock.schedule_once(self.address_created_callback, 6) @staticmethod def address_created_callback(dt=0): """New address created""" state.kivyapp.loadMyAddressScreen(False) state.kivyapp.root.ids.sc10.ids.ml.clear_widgets() state.kivyapp.root.ids.sc10.is_add_created = True state.kivyapp.root.ids.sc10.init_ui() toast('New address created') def add_validation(self, instance): """Checking validation at address creation time""" entered_label = str(instance.text.strip()) lables = [BMConfigParser().get(obj, 'label') for obj in BMConfigParser().addresses()] if entered_label in lables: self.ids.label.error = True self.ids.label.helper_text = 'Label name is already exist you'\ ' can try this Ex. ( {0}_1, {0}_2 )'.format( entered_label) elif entered_label: self.ids.label.error = False else: self.ids.label.error = False self.ids.label.helper_text = 'This field is required' def reset_address_label(self): """Resetting address labels""" self.ids.label.text = '' class Sent(Screen): """Sent Screen uses screen to show widgets of screens""" queryreturn = ListProperty() has_refreshed = True account = StringProperty() def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): """Association with the screen""" super(Sent, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs) if state.association == '': if BMConfigParser().addresses(): state.association = BMConfigParser().addresses()[0] Clock.schedule_once(self.init_ui, 0) def init_ui(self, dt=0): """Clock Schdule for method sent accounts""" self.loadSent() print(dt) def loadSent(self, where="", what=""): """Load Sent list for Sent messages""" self.account = state.association if state.searcing_text: self.ids.scroll_y.scroll_y = 1.0 where = ['subject', 'message'] what = state.searcing_text xAddress = 'fromaddress' data = [] self.ids.identi_tag.children[0].text = '' self.sentDataQuery(xAddress, where, what) if self.queryreturn: self.ids.identi_tag.children[0].text = 'Sent' self.set_sentCount(state.sent_count) for mail in self.queryreturn: data.append({ 'text': mail[1].strip(), 'secondary_text': (mail[2][:50] + '........' if len( mail[2]) >= 50 else (mail[2] + ',' + mail[3])[0:50] + '........').replace( '\t', '').replace(' ', ''), 'ackdata': mail[5], 'senttime': mail[6]},) self.set_mdlist(data, 0) self.has_refreshed = True self.ids.scroll_y.bind(scroll_y=self.check_scroll_y) else: self.set_sentCount('0') content = MDLabel( font_style='Caption', theme_text_color='Primary', text="No message found!" if state.searcing_text else "yet no message for this account!!!!!!!!!!!!!", halign='center', size_hint_y=None, valign='top') self.ids.ml.add_widget(content) def sentDataQuery(self, xAddress, where, what, start_indx=0, end_indx=20): """This method is used to retrieving data from sent table""" self.queryreturn = kivy_helper_search.search_sql( xAddress, self.account, 'sent', where, what, False, start_indx, end_indx) def set_mdlist(self, data, set_index=0): """This method is used to create the mdList""" total_sent_msg = len(self.ids.ml.children) for item in data: meny = TwoLineAvatarIconListItem( text=item['text'], secondary_text=item['secondary_text'], theme_text_color='Custom', text_color=NavigateApp().theme_cls.primary_color) meny.add_widget(AvatarSampleWidget( source='./images/text_images/{}.png'.format( avatarImageFirstLetter(item['secondary_text'].strip())))) meny.bind(on_press=partial(self.sent_detail, item['ackdata'])) meny.add_widget(AddTimeWidget(item['senttime'])) carousel = Carousel(direction='right') carousel.height = meny.height carousel.size_hint_y = None carousel.ignore_perpendicular_swipes = True carousel.data_index = 0 carousel.min_move = 0.2 del_btn = Button(text='Delete') del_btn.background_normal = '' del_btn.background_color = (1, 0, 0, 1) del_btn.bind(on_press=partial(self.delete, item['ackdata'])) carousel.add_widget(del_btn) carousel.add_widget(meny) # ach_btn = Button(text='Achieve') # ach_btn.background_color = (0, 1, 0, 1) # ach_btn.bind(on_press=partial(self.archive, item['ackdata'])) # carousel.add_widget(ach_btn) carousel.index = 1 self.ids.ml.add_widget(carousel, index=set_index) updated_msgs = len(self.ids.ml.children) self.has_refreshed = True if total_sent_msg != updated_msgs else False def update_sent_messagelist(self): """This method is used to update screen when new mail is sent""" self.account = state.association if len(self.ids.ml.children) < 3: self.ids.ml.clear_widgets() self.loadSent() if state.association == state.check_sent_acc: total_sent = int(state.sent_count) + 1 state.sent_count = str(int(state.sent_count) + 1) self.set_sentCount(total_sent) else: total_sent = int(state.sent_count) else: data = [] self.sentDataQuery('fromaddress', '', '', 0, 1) if state.association == state.check_sent_acc: total_sent = int(state.sent_count) + 1 state.sent_count = str(int(state.sent_count) + 1) self.set_sentCount(total_sent) else: total_sent = int(state.sent_count) for mail in self.queryreturn: data.append({ 'text': mail[1].strip(), 'secondary_text': (mail[2][:50] + '........' if len( mail[2]) >= 50 else (mail[2] + ',' + mail[3])[0:50] + '........').replace( '\t', '').replace(' ', ''), 'ackdata': mail[5], 'senttime': mail[6]}) self.set_mdlist(data, total_sent - 1) if state.msg_counter_objs and state.association == ( state.check_sent_acc): state.all_count = str(int(state.all_count) + 1) state.msg_counter_objs.allmail_cnt.badge_text = state.all_count state.check_sent_acc = None def check_scroll_y(self, instance, somethingelse): """Load data on scroll down""" if self.ids.scroll_y.scroll_y <= -0.0 and self.has_refreshed: self.ids.scroll_y.scroll_y = 0.06 total_sent_msg = len(self.ids.ml.children) self.update_sent_screen_on_scroll(total_sent_msg) else: pass def update_sent_screen_on_scroll(self, total_sent_msg, where="", what=""): """This method is used to load more data on scroll down""" if state.searcing_text: where = ['subject', 'message'] what = state.searcing_text self.sentDataQuery('fromaddress', where, what, total_sent_msg, 5) data = [] for mail in self.queryreturn: data.append({ 'text': mail[1].strip(), 'secondary_text': mail[2][:50] + '........' if len( mail[2]) >= 50 else (mail[2] + ',' + mail[3].replace( '\n', ''))[0:50] + '........', 'ackdata': mail[5]}) self.set_mdlist(data, 0) @staticmethod def set_sentCount(total_sent): """Set the total no. of sent message count""" src_mng_obj = state.kivyapp.root.ids.content_drawer.ids.send_cnt if state.association: src_mng_obj.children[0].children[0].text = showLimitedCnt(int(total_sent)) # state.kivyapp.get_sent_count() else: src_mng_obj.children[0].children[0].text = '0' def sent_detail(self, ackdata, *args): """Load sent mail details""" state.detailPageType = 'sent' state.mail_id = ackdata if self.manager: src_mng_obj = self.manager else: src_mng_obj = self.parent.parent src_mng_obj.screens[13].clear_widgets() src_mng_obj.screens[13].add_widget(MailDetail()) src_mng_obj.current = 'mailDetail' def delete(self, data_index, instance, *args): """Delete sent mail from sent mail listing""" msg_count_objs = self.parent.parent.ids.content_drawer.ids if int(state.sent_count) > 0: msg_count_objs.send_cnt.children[0].children[0].text = showLimitedCnt(int(state.sent_count) - 1) msg_count_objs.trash_cnt.children[0].children[0].text = showLimitedCnt(int(state.trash_count) + 1) msg_count_objs.allmail_cnt.children[0].children[0].text = showLimitedCnt(int(state.all_count) - 1) state.sent_count = str(int(state.sent_count) - 1) state.trash_count = str(int(state.trash_count) + 1) state.all_count = str(int(state.all_count) - 1) if int(state.sent_count) <= 0: self.ids.identi_tag.children[0].text = '' sqlExecute( "UPDATE sent SET folder = 'trash'" " WHERE ackdata = ?;", data_index) self.ids.ml.remove_widget(instance.parent.parent) toast('Deleted') self.update_trash() def archive(self, data_index, instance, *args): """Archive sent mail from sent mail listing""" sqlExecute( "UPDATE sent SET folder = 'trash'" " WHERE ackdata = ?;", data_index) self.ids.ml.remove_widget(instance.parent.parent) self.update_trash() def update_trash(self): """Update trash screen mails which is deleted from inbox""" try: self.parent.screens[4].clear_widgets() self.parent.screens[4].add_widget(Trash()) self.parent.screens[16].clear_widgets() self.parent.screens[16].add_widget(Allmails()) except Exception: self.parent.parent.screens[4].clear_widgets() self.parent.parent.screens[4].add_widget(Trash()) self.parent.parent.screens[16].clear_widgets() self.parent.parent.screens[16].add_widget(Allmails()) class Trash(Screen): """Trash Screen uses screen to show widgets of screens""" trash_messages = ListProperty() has_refreshed = True # delete_index = StringProperty() table_name = StringProperty() def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): """Trash method, delete sent message and add in Trash""" super(Trash, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs) Clock.schedule_once(self.init_ui, 0) def init_ui(self, dt=0): """Clock Schdule for method trash screen""" if state.association == '': if BMConfigParser().addresses(): state.association = BMConfigParser().addresses()[0] self.ids.identi_tag.children[0].text = '' self.trashDataQuery(0, 20) if self.trash_messages: self.ids.identi_tag.children[0].text = 'Trash' # src_mng_obj = state.kivyapp.root.children[2].children[0].ids # src_mng_obj.trash_cnt.badge_text = state.trash_count self.set_TrashCnt(state.trash_count) self.set_mdList() self.ids.scroll_y.bind(scroll_y=self.check_scroll_y) else: self.set_TrashCnt('0') content = MDLabel( font_style='Caption', theme_text_color='Primary', text="yet no trashed message for this account!!!!!!!!!!!!!", halign='center', size_hint_y=None, valign='top') self.ids.ml.add_widget(content) def trashDataQuery(self, start_indx, end_indx): """Trash message query""" self.trash_messages = sqlQuery( "SELECT toaddress, fromaddress, subject, message," " folder ||',' || 'sent' as folder, ackdata As" " id, DATE(senttime) As actionTime, senttime as msgtime FROM sent" " WHERE folder = 'trash' and fromaddress = '{0}' UNION" " SELECT toaddress, fromaddress, subject, message," " folder ||',' || 'inbox' as folder, msgid As id," " DATE(received) As actionTime, received as msgtime FROM inbox" " WHERE folder = 'trash' and toaddress = '{0}'" " ORDER BY actionTime DESC limit {1}, {2}".format( state.association, start_indx, end_indx)) def set_TrashCnt(self, Count): # pylint: disable=no-self-use """This method is used to set trash message count""" trashCnt_obj = state.kivyapp.root.ids.content_drawer.ids.trash_cnt trashCnt_obj.children[0].children[0].text = showLimitedCnt(int(Count)) def set_mdList(self): """This method is used to create the mdlist""" total_trash_msg = len(self.ids.ml.children) for item in self.trash_messages: subject = item[2].decode() if isinstance(item[2], bytes) else item[2] body = item[3].decode() if isinstance(item[3], bytes) else item[3] meny = TwoLineAvatarIconListItem( text=item[1], secondary_text=(item[2][:50] + '........' if len( subject) >= 50 else (subject + ',' + body)[0:50] + '........').replace('\t', '').replace(' ', ''), theme_text_color='Custom', text_color=NavigateApp().theme_cls.primary_color) img_latter = './images/text_images/{}.png'.format( subject[0].upper() if (subject[0].upper() >= 'A' and subject[0].upper() <= 'Z') else '!') meny.add_widget(AvatarSampleWidget(source=img_latter)) meny.add_widget(AddTimeWidget(item[7])) meny.add_widget(chipTag('inbox 'if 'inbox' in item[4] else 'sent')) carousel = Carousel(direction='right') carousel.height = meny.height carousel.size_hint_y = None carousel.ignore_perpendicular_swipes = True carousel.data_index = 0 carousel.min_move = 0.2 del_btn = Button(text='Delete') del_btn.background_normal = '' del_btn.background_color = (1, 0, 0, 1) del_btn.bind(on_press=partial( self.delete_permanently, item[5], item[4])) carousel.add_widget(del_btn) carousel.add_widget(meny) carousel.index = 1 self.ids.ml.add_widget(carousel) self.has_refreshed = True if total_trash_msg != len( self.ids.ml.children) else False def check_scroll_y(self, instance, somethingelse): """Load data on scroll""" if self.ids.scroll_y.scroll_y <= -0.0 and self.has_refreshed: self.ids.scroll_y.scroll_y = 0.06 total_trash_msg = len(self.ids.ml.children) self.update_trash_screen_on_scroll(total_trash_msg) else: pass def update_trash_screen_on_scroll(self, total_trash_msg): """Load more data on scroll down""" self.trashDataQuery(total_trash_msg, 5) self.set_mdList() def delete_permanently(self, data_index, folder, instance, *args): """Deleting trash mail permanently""" self.table_name = folder.split(',')[1] self.delete_index = data_index self.delete_confirmation() def callback_for_screen_load(self, dt=0): """This methos is for loading screen""" self.ids.ml.clear_widgets() self.init_ui(0) self.children[1].active = False toast('Message is permanently deleted') def delete_confirmation(self): """Show confirmation delete popup""" width = .8 if platform == 'android' else .55 delete_msg_dialog = MDDialog( text='Are you sure you want to delete this' ' message permanently from trash?', title='', size_hint=(width, .25), text_button_ok='Yes', text_button_cancel='No', events_callback=self.callback_for_delete_msg) delete_msg_dialog.open() def callback_for_delete_msg(self, text_item, *arg): """Getting the callback of alert box""" if text_item == 'Yes': self.delete_message_from_trash() else: toast(text_item) def delete_message_from_trash(self): """Deleting message from trash""" self.children[1].active = True if self.table_name == 'inbox': sqlExecute( "DELETE FROM inbox WHERE msgid = ?;", self.delete_index) elif self.table_name == 'sent': sqlExecute( "DELETE FROM sent WHERE ackdata = ?;", self.delete_index) if int(state.trash_count) > 0: # msg_count_objs.trash_cnt.badge_text = str( # int(state.trash_count) - 1) self.set_TrashCnt(int(state.trash_count) - 1) state.trash_count = str(int(state.trash_count) - 1) Clock.schedule_once(self.callback_for_screen_load, 1) class Page(Screen): """Page Screen show widgets of page""" pass class Create(Screen): """Creates the screen widgets""" def __init__(self, **kwargs): """Getting Labels and address from addressbook""" super(Create, self).__init__(**kwargs) widget_1 = DropDownWidget() widget_1.ids.txt_input.word_list = [ addr[1] for addr in sqlQuery( "SELECT label, address from addressbook")] widget_1.ids.txt_input.starting_no = 2 self.add_widget(widget_1) class Setting(Screen): """Setting the Screen components""" exp_text = "By default, if you send a message to someone and he is offline for more than two days, Bitmessage will\ send the message again after an additional two days. This will be continued with exponential backoff\ forever; messages will be resent after 5, 10, 20 days ect. until the receiver acknowledges them.\ Here you may change that behavior by having Bitmessage give up after a certain number of days \ or months." class NavigateApp(MDApp): """Navigation Layout of class""" # pylint: disable=too-many-public-methods,inconsistent-return-statements # theme_cls = ThemeManager() previous_date = ObjectProperty() obj_1 = ObjectProperty() variable_1 = ListProperty(addr for addr in BMConfigParser().addresses() if BMConfigParser().get(str(addr), 'enabled') == 'true') nav_drawer = ObjectProperty() state.screen_density = Window.size window_size = state.screen_density app_platform = platform title = "PyBitmessage" imgstatus = False count = 0 manager_open = False def build(self): """Method builds the widget""" for kv_file in KVFILES: Builder.load_file(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), "kv/{}.kv").format(kv_file)) self.obj_1 = AddressBook() kivysignalthread = UIkivySignaler() kivysignalthread.daemon = True kivysignalthread.start() Window.bind(on_keyboard=self.on_key, on_request_close=self.on_request_close) return Builder.load_file( os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), 'main.kv')) def run(self): """Running the widgets""" kivyuisignaler.release() super(NavigateApp, self).run() @staticmethod def showmeaddresses(name="text"): """Show the addresses in spinner to make as dropdown""" if name == "text": if BMConfigParser().addresses(): return BMConfigParser().addresses()[0][:16] + '..' return "textdemo" elif name == "values": if BMConfigParser().addresses(): return [address[:16] + '..' for address in BMConfigParser().addresses()] return "valuesdemo" def getCurrentAccountData(self, text): """Get Current Address Account Data""" if os.path.exists('./images/default_identicon/{}.png'.format(text)): self.load_selected_Image(text) else: self.set_identicon(text) address_label = self.current_address_label( BMConfigParser().get(text, 'label'), text) self.root_window.children[1].ids.toolbar.title = address_label state.association = text state.searcing_text = '' LoadingPopup().open() self.set_message_count() for nav_obj in self.root.ids.content_drawer.children[ 0].children[0].children[0].children: nav_obj.active = True if nav_obj.text == 'Inbox' else False Clock.schedule_once(self.setCurrentAccountData, 0.5) def setCurrentAccountData(self, dt=0): """This method set the current accout data on all the screens""" self.root.ids.sc1.ids.ml.clear_widgets() self.root.ids.sc1.loadMessagelist(state.association) self.root.ids.sc4.ids.ml.clear_widgets() self.root.ids.sc4.children[2].children[2].ids.search_field.text = '' self.root.ids.sc4.loadSent(state.association) self.root.ids.sc16.clear_widgets() self.root.ids.sc16.add_widget(Draft()) self.root.ids.sc5.clear_widgets() self.root.ids.sc5.add_widget(Trash()) self.root.ids.sc17.clear_widgets() self.root.ids.sc17.add_widget(Allmails()) self.root.ids.sc10.ids.ml.clear_widgets() self.root.ids.sc10.init_ui() self.root.ids.scr_mngr.current = 'inbox' @staticmethod def getCurrentAccount(): """It uses to get current account label""" if state.association: return state.association return "Bitmessage Login" @staticmethod def addingtoaddressbook(): """Adding to address Book""" p = GrashofPopup() p.open() def getDefaultAccData(self): """Getting Default Account Data""" if BMConfigParser().addresses(): img = identiconGeneration.generate(BMConfigParser().addresses()[0]) self.createFolder('./images/default_identicon/') if platform == 'android': # android_path = os.path.expanduser # ("~/user/0/org.test.bitapp/files/app/") android_path = os.path.join( os.environ['ANDROID_PRIVATE'] + '/app/') img.texture.save('{1}/images/default_identicon/{0}.png'.format( BMConfigParser().addresses()[0], android_path)) else: if not os.path.exists('./images/default_identicon/{}.png'.format( BMConfigParser().addresses()[0])): img.texture.save('./images/default_identicon/{}.png'.format( BMConfigParser().addresses()[0])) return BMConfigParser().addresses()[0] return 'Select Address' @staticmethod def createFolder(directory): """Create directory when app starts""" try: if not os.path.exists(directory): os.makedirs(directory) except OSError: print('Error: Creating directory. ' + directory) @staticmethod def get_default_image(): """Getting default image on address""" if BMConfigParser().addresses(): return './images/default_identicon/{}.png'.format( BMConfigParser().addresses()[0]) return './images/no_identicons.png' @staticmethod def get_default_logo(): """Getting default logo image""" if BMConfigParser().addresses(): return './images/default_identicon/{}.png'.format( BMConfigParser().addresses()[0]) return './images/drawer_logo1.png' @staticmethod def addressexist(): """Checking address existence""" if BMConfigParser().addresses(): return True return False def on_key(self, window, key, *args): # pylint: disable=inconsistent-return-statements, too-many-branches """Method is used for going on previous screen""" if key == 27: if state.in_search_mode and self.root.ids.scr_mngr.current != ( "mailDetail"): self.closeSearchScreen() elif self.root.ids.scr_mngr.current == "mailDetail": self.root.ids.scr_mngr.current = 'sent'\ if state.detailPageType == 'sent' else 'inbox' \ if state.detailPageType == 'inbox' else 'draft' self.back_press() elif self.root.ids.scr_mngr.current == "create": self.save_draft() self.set_common_header() state.in_composer = False self.root.ids.scr_mngr.current = 'inbox' elif self.root.ids.scr_mngr.current == "showqrcode": self.root.ids.scr_mngr.current = 'myaddress' elif self.root.ids.scr_mngr.current == "random": self.root.ids.scr_mngr.current = 'login' elif self.root.ids.scr_mngr.current == 'pay-options': self.set_common_header() self.root.ids.scr_mngr.current = 'payment' else: if state.kivyapp.variable_1: self.root.ids.scr_mngr.current = 'inbox' self.root.ids.scr_mngr.transition.direction = 'right' self.root.ids.scr_mngr.transition.bind(on_complete=self.reset) return True elif key == 13 and state.searcing_text: if state.search_screen == 'inbox': self.root.ids.sc1.children[1].active = True Clock.schedule_once(self.search_callback, 0.5) elif state.search_screen == 'addressbook': self.root.ids.sc11.children[1].active = True Clock.schedule_once(self.search_callback, 0.5) elif state.search_screen == 'myaddress': self.loadMyAddressScreen(True) Clock.schedule_once(self.search_callback, 0.5) elif state.search_screen == 'sent': self.root.ids.sc4.children[1].active = True Clock.schedule_once(self.search_callback, 0.5) def search_callback(self, dt=0): """Show data after loader is loaded""" if state.search_screen == 'inbox': self.root.ids.sc1.ids.ml.clear_widgets() self.root.ids.sc1.loadMessagelist(state.association) self.root.ids.sc1.children[1].active = False elif state.search_screen == 'addressbook': self.root.ids.sc11.ids.ml.clear_widgets() self.root.ids.sc11.loadAddresslist(None, 'All', '') self.root.ids.sc11.children[1].active = False elif state.search_screen == 'myaddress': self.root.ids.sc10.ids.ml.clear_widgets() self.root.ids.sc10.init_ui() self.loadMyAddressScreen(False) else: self.root.ids.sc4.ids.ml.clear_widgets() self.root.ids.sc4.loadSent(state.association) self.root.ids.sc4.children[1].active = False self.root.ids.scr_mngr.current = state.search_screen def loadMyAddressScreen(self, action): """loadMyAddressScreen method spin the loader""" if len(self.root.ids.sc10.children) <= 2: self.root.ids.sc10.children[0].active = action else: self.root.ids.sc10.children[1].active = action def save_draft(self): """Saving drafts messages""" composer_objs = self.root from_addr = str(self.root.ids.sc3.children[1].ids.ti.text) # to_addr = str(self.root.ids.sc3.children[1].ids.txt_input.text) if from_addr and state.detailPageType != 'draft' \ and not state.in_sent_method: Draft().draft_msg(composer_objs) return def reset(self, *args): """Set transition direction""" self.root.ids.scr_mngr.transition.direction = 'left' self.root.ids.scr_mngr.transition.unbind(on_complete=self.reset) @staticmethod def status_dispatching(data): """Dispatching Status acknowledgment""" ackData, message = data if state.ackdata == ackData: state.status.status = message def clear_composer(self): """If slow down, the new composer edit screen""" self.set_navbar_for_composer() composer_obj = self.root.ids.sc3.children[1].ids composer_obj.ti.text = '' composer_obj.btn.text = 'Select' composer_obj.txt_input.text = '' composer_obj.subject.text = '' composer_obj.body.text = '' state.in_composer = True state.in_sent_method = False def set_navbar_for_composer(self): """Clearing toolbar data when composer open""" self.root.ids.toolbar.left_action_items = [ ['arrow-left', lambda x: self.back_press()]] self.root.ids.toolbar.right_action_items = [ ['refresh', lambda x: self.root.ids.sc3.children[1].reset_composer()], ['send', lambda x: self.root.ids.sc3.children[1].send(self)]] def set_toolbar_for_QrCode(self): """This method is use for setting Qr code toolbar.""" self.root.ids.toolbar.left_action_items = [ ['arrow-left', lambda x: self.back_press()]] self.root.ids.toolbar.right_action_items = [] def set_common_header(self): """Common header for all window""" self.root.ids.toolbar.right_action_items = [ ['account-plus', lambda x: self.addingtoaddressbook()]] # self.root.ids.toolbar.left_action_items = [ # ['menu', lambda x: self.root.toggle_nav_drawer()]] self.root.ids.toolbar.left_action_items = [ ['menu', lambda x: self.root.ids.nav_drawer.set_state("toggle")]] return def back_press(self): """Method for, reverting composer to previous page""" if self.root.ids.scr_mngr.current == 'create': self.save_draft() if self.root.ids.scr_mngr.current == \ 'mailDetail' and state.in_search_mode: toolbar_obj = self.root.ids.toolbar toolbar_obj.left_action_items = [ ['arrow-left', lambda x: self.closeSearchScreen()]] toolbar_obj.right_action_items = [] self.root.ids.toolbar.title = '' else: self.set_common_header() self.root.ids.scr_mngr.current = 'inbox' \ if state.in_composer else 'allmails'\ if state.is_allmail else state.detailPageType\ if state.detailPageType else 'myaddress'\ if self.root.ids.scr_mngr.current == 'showqrcode' else 'payment'\ if self.root.ids.scr_mngr.current == 'pay-options' else 'inbox' self.root.ids.scr_mngr.transition.direction = 'right' self.root.ids.scr_mngr.transition.bind(on_complete=self.reset) if state.is_allmail or state.detailPageType == 'draft': state.is_allmail = False state.detailPageType = '' state.in_composer = False @staticmethod def get_inbox_count(): """Getting inbox count""" state.inbox_count = str(sqlQuery( "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM inbox WHERE toaddress = '{}' and" " folder = 'inbox' ;".format(state.association))[0][0]) @staticmethod def get_sent_count(): """Getting sent count""" state.sent_count = str(sqlQuery( "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM sent WHERE fromaddress = '{}' and" " folder = 'sent' ;".format(state.association))[0][0]) def set_message_count(self): """Setting message count""" msg_counter_objs = state.kivyapp.root.children[0].children[0].ids # try: # msg_counter_objs = ( # self.root_window.children[0].children[2].children[0].ids) # except Exception: # msg_counter_objs = ( # self.root_window.children[2].children[2].children[0].ids) self.get_inbox_count() self.get_sent_count() state.trash_count = str(sqlQuery( "SELECT (SELECT count(*) FROM sent" " where fromaddress = '{0}' and folder = 'trash' )" "+(SELECT count(*) FROM inbox where toaddress = '{0}' and" " folder = 'trash') AS SumCount".format(state.association))[0][0]) state.draft_count = str(sqlQuery( "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM sent WHERE fromaddress = '{}' and" " folder = 'draft' ;".format(state.association))[0][0]) state.all_count = str(int(state.sent_count) + int(state.inbox_count)) if msg_counter_objs: msg_counter_objs.send_cnt.badge_text = state.sent_count msg_counter_objs.inbox_cnt.badge_text = state.inbox_count msg_counter_objs.trash_cnt.badge_text = state.trash_count msg_counter_objs.draft_cnt.badge_text = state.draft_count msg_counter_objs.allmail_cnt.badge_text = state.all_count def on_start(self): """Setting message count""" self.set_message_count() # @staticmethod # def on_stop(): # """On stop methos is used for stoping the runing script""" # print("*******************EXITING FROM APPLICATION*******************") # import shutdown # shutdown.doCleanShutdown() @staticmethod def current_address_label(current_add_label=None, current_addr=None): """Getting current address labels""" if BMConfigParser().addresses(): if current_add_label: first_name = current_add_label addr = current_addr else: addr = BMConfigParser().addresses()[0] first_name = BMConfigParser().get(addr, 'label') f_name = first_name.split() label = f_name[0][:14].capitalize() + '...' if len( f_name[0]) > 15 else f_name[0].capitalize() address = ' (' + addr + ')' return label + address return '' def searchQuery(self, instance): """Showing searched mails""" state.search_screen = self.root.ids.scr_mngr.current state.searcing_text = str(instance.text).strip() if instance.focus and state.searcing_text: toolbar_obj = self.root.ids.toolbar toolbar_obj.left_action_items = [ ['arrow-left', lambda x: self.closeSearchScreen()]] toolbar_obj.right_action_items = [] self.root.ids.toolbar.title = '' state.in_search_mode = True def closeSearchScreen(self): """Function for close search screen""" self.set_common_header() if state.association: address_label = self.current_address_label( BMConfigParser().get( state.association, 'label'), state.association) self.root.ids.toolbar.title = address_label state.searcing_text = '' self.refreshScreen() state.in_search_mode = False def refreshScreen(self): """Method show search button only on inbox or sent screen""" # pylint: disable=unused-variable state.searcing_text = '' if state.search_screen == 'inbox': try: self.root.ids.sc1.children[ 3].children[2].ids.search_field.text = '' except Exception: self.root.ids.sc1.children[ 2].children[2].ids.search_field.text = '' self.root.ids.sc1.children[1].active = True Clock.schedule_once(self.search_callback, 0.5) elif state.search_screen == 'addressbook': self.root.ids.sc11.children[ 2].children[2].ids.search_field.text = '' self.root.ids.sc11.children[ 1].active = True Clock.schedule_once(self.search_callback, 0.5) elif state.search_screen == 'myaddress': try: self.root.ids.sc10.children[ 1].children[2].ids.search_field.text = '' except Exception: self.root.ids.sc10.children[ 2].children[2].ids.search_field.text = '' self.loadMyAddressScreen(True) Clock.schedule_once(self.search_callback, 0.5) else: self.root.ids.sc4.children[ 2].children[2].ids.search_field.text = '' self.root.ids.sc4.children[1].active = True Clock.schedule_once(self.search_callback, 0.5) return def set_identicon(self, text): """Show identicon in address spinner""" img = identiconGeneration.generate(text) # self.root.children[0].children[0].ids.btn.children[1].texture = (img.texture) # below line is for displaing logo self.root.ids.content_drawer.ids.top_box.children[0].texture = (img.texture) def set_mail_detail_header(self): """Setting the details of the page""" toolbar_obj = self.root.ids.toolbar toolbar_obj.left_action_items = [ ['arrow-left', lambda x: self.back_press()]] delete_btn = ['delete-forever', lambda x: self.root.ids.sc14.delete_mail()] dynamic_list = [] if state.detailPageType == 'inbox': dynamic_list = [ ['reply', lambda x: self.root.ids.sc14.inbox_reply()], delete_btn] elif state.detailPageType == 'sent': dynamic_list = [delete_btn] elif state.detailPageType == 'draft': dynamic_list = [ ['pencil', lambda x: self.root.ids.sc14.write_msg(self)], delete_btn] toolbar_obj.right_action_items = dynamic_list def load_screen(self, instance): """This method is used for loading screen on every click""" if instance.text == 'Inbox': self.root.ids.scr_mngr.current = 'inbox' self.root.ids.sc1.children[1].active = True elif instance.text == 'All Mails': self.root.ids.scr_mngr.current = 'allmails' try: self.root.ids.sc17.children[1].active = True except Exception: self.root.ids.sc17.children[0].children[1].active = True Clock.schedule_once(partial(self.load_screen_callback, instance), 1) def load_screen_callback(self, instance, dt=0): """This method is rotating loader for few seconds""" if instance.text == 'Inbox': self.root.ids.sc1.ids.ml.clear_widgets() self.root.ids.sc1.loadMessagelist(state.association) self.root.ids.sc1.children[1].active = False elif instance.text == 'All Mails': # if len(self.root.ids.sc17.ids.ml.children) <= 2: # self.root.ids.sc17.clear_widgets() # self.root.ids.sc17.add_widget(Allmails()) # else: # self.root.ids.sc17.ids.ml.clear_widgets() # self.root.ids.sc17.loadMessagelist() self.root.ids.sc17.clear_widgets() self.root.ids.sc17.add_widget(Allmails()) try: self.root.ids.sc17.children[1].active = False except Exception: self.root.ids.sc17.children[0].children[1].active = False def on_request_close(self, *args): # pylint: disable=no-self-use """This method is for app closing request""" AppClosingPopup().open() return True def file_manager_open(self): """This method open the file manager of local system""" from kivymd.uix.filemanager import MDFileManager self.manager = ModalView(size_hint=(1, 1), auto_dismiss=False) self.file_manager = MDFileManager( exit_manager=self.exit_manager, select_path=self.select_path, previous=False, ext=['.png', '.jpg'] ) self.manager.add_widget(self.file_manager) self.file_manager.show(os.environ["HOME"]) self.manager_open = True self.manager.open() def select_path(self, path): """This method is used to save the select image""" from PIL import Image as PilImage if not os.path.exists('./images/default_identicon/'): os.makedirs('./images/default_identicon/') newImg = PilImage.open(path).resize((300, 300)) newImg.save('./images/default_identicon/{0}.png'.format(state.association)) self.load_selected_Image(state.association) self.exit_manager() toast('Image changed') def exit_manager(self, *args): """Called when the user reaches the root of the directory tree.""" self.manager.dismiss() self.manager_open = False def load_selected_Image(self, curerentAddr): """This method load the selected image on screen""" top_box_obj = self.root.ids.content_drawer.ids.top_box.children[0] # spinner_img_obj = self.root.ids.content_drawer.ids.btn.children[1] # spinner_img_obj.source = top_box_obj.source ='./images/default_identicon/{0}.png'.format(curerentAddr) top_box_obj.source = './images/default_identicon/{0}.png'.format(curerentAddr) top_box_obj.reload() # spinner_img_obj.reload() def copy_composer_text(self, text): # pylint: disable=no-self-use """Copy the data from mail detail page""" Clipboard.copy(text) toast('Copied') class GrashofPopup(Popup): """Moule for save contacts and error messages""" valid = False def __init__(self, **kwargs): """Grash of pop screen settings""" super(GrashofPopup, self).__init__(**kwargs) def savecontact(self): """Method is used for saving contacts""" label = self.ids.label.text.strip() address = self.ids.address.text.strip() if label == '' and address == '': self.ids.label.focus = True self.ids.address.focus = True elif address == '': self.ids.address.focus = True elif label == '': self.ids.label.focus = True stored_address = [addr[1] for addr in kivy_helper_search.search_sql( folder="addressbook")] stored_labels = [labels[0] for labels in kivy_helper_search.search_sql( folder="addressbook")] if label and address and address not in stored_address \ and label not in stored_labels and self.valid: # state.navinstance = self.parent.children[1] queues.UISignalQueue.put(('rerenderAddressBook', '')) self.dismiss() sqlExecute("INSERT INTO addressbook VALUES(?,?)", label, address) self.parent.children[1].ids.sc11.ids.ml.clear_widgets() self.parent.children[1].ids.sc11.loadAddresslist(None, 'All', '') self.parent.children[1].ids.scr_mngr.current = 'addressbook' toast('Saved') @staticmethod def close_pop(): """Pop is Canceled""" toast('Canceled') def checkAddress_valid(self, instance): """Checking address is valid or not""" # my_addresses = ( # self.parent.children[1].children[2].children[0].ids.btn.values) my_addresses = ( self.parent.children[1].children[0].children[0].ids.btn.values) add_book = [addr[1] for addr in kivy_helper_search.search_sql( folder="addressbook")] entered_text = str(instance.text).strip() if entered_text in add_book: text = 'Address is already in the addressbook.' elif entered_text in my_addresses: text = 'You can not save your own address.' elif entered_text: text = self.addressChanged(entered_text) if entered_text in my_addresses or entered_text in add_book: self.ids.address.error = True self.ids.address.helper_text = text elif entered_text and self.valid: self.ids.address.error = False elif entered_text: self.ids.address.error = True self.ids.address.helper_text = text else: self.ids.address.error = False self.ids.address.helper_text = 'This field is required' def checkLabel_valid(self, instance): """Checking address label is unique or not""" entered_label = instance.text.strip() addr_labels = [labels[0] for labels in kivy_helper_search.search_sql( folder="addressbook")] if entered_label in addr_labels: self.ids.label.error = True self.ids.label.helper_text = 'label name already exists.' elif entered_label: self.ids.label.error = False else: self.ids.label.error = False self.ids.label.helper_text = 'This field is required' def _onSuccess(self, addressVersion, streamNumber, ripe): pass def addressChanged(self, addr): """Address validation callback, performs validation and gives feedback""" status, addressVersion, streamNumber, ripe = decodeAddress( str(addr)) self.valid = status == 'success' if self.valid: text = "Address is valid." self._onSuccess(addressVersion, streamNumber, ripe) elif status == 'missingbm': text = "The address should start with ''BM-''" elif status == 'checksumfailed': text = ( "The address is not typed or copied correctly" " (the checksum failed).") elif status == 'versiontoohigh': text = ( "The version number of this address is higher than this" " software can support. Please upgrade Bitmessage.") elif status == 'invalidcharacters': text = "The address contains invalid characters." elif status == 'ripetooshort': text = "Some data encoded in the address is too short." elif status == 'ripetoolong': text = "Some data encoded in the address is too long." elif status == 'varintmalformed': text = "Some data encoded in the address is malformed." return text class AvatarSampleWidget(ILeftBody, Image): """Avatar Sample Widget""" pass class IconLeftSampleWidget(ILeftBodyTouch, MDIconButton): """Left icon sample widget""" pass class IconRightSampleWidget(IRightBodyTouch, MDIconButton): """Right icon sample widget""" pass class ToggleBtn(IRightBodyTouch, MDSwitch): """Right toggle button widget""" pass class CheckboxLeftSampleWidget(ILeftBodyTouch, MDCheckbox): """Left icon sample widget""" pass class MailDetail(Screen): # pylint: disable=too-many-instance-attributes """MailDetail Screen uses to show the detail of mails""" to_addr = StringProperty() from_addr = StringProperty() subject = StringProperty() message = StringProperty() status = StringProperty() page_type = StringProperty() time_tag = StringProperty() avatarImg = StringProperty() def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): """Mail Details method""" super(MailDetail, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs) Clock.schedule_once(self.init_ui, 0) def init_ui(self, dt=0): """Clock Schdule for method MailDetail mails""" self.page_type = state.detailPageType if state.detailPageType else '' if state.detailPageType == 'sent' or state.detailPageType == 'draft': data = sqlQuery( "select toaddress, fromaddress, subject, message, status," " ackdata, senttime from sent where ackdata = ?;", state.mail_id) state.status = self state.ackdata = data[0][5] self.assign_mail_details(data) state.kivyapp.set_mail_detail_header() elif state.detailPageType == 'inbox': data = sqlQuery( "select toaddress, fromaddress, subject, message, received from inbox" " where msgid = ?;", state.mail_id) self.assign_mail_details(data) state.kivyapp.set_mail_detail_header() def assign_mail_details(self, data): """Assigning mail details""" subject = data[0][2].decode() if isinstance(data[0][2], bytes) else data[0][2] body = data[0][3].decode() if isinstance(data[0][2], bytes) else data[0][3] self.to_addr = data[0][0] if len(data[0][0]) > 4 else ' ' self.from_addr = data[0][1] self.subject = subject.capitalize( ) if subject.capitalize() else '(no subject)' self.message = body if len(data[0]) == 7: self.status = data[0][4] self.time_tag = ShowTimeHistoy(data[0][4]) if state.detailPageType == 'inbox' else ShowTimeHistoy(data[0][6]) self.avatarImg = './images/avatar.png' if state.detailPageType == 'draft' else ( './images/text_images/{0}.png'.format(avatarImageFirstLetter(self.subject.strip()))) self.timeinseconds = data[0][4] if state.detailPageType == 'inbox' else data[0][6] def delete_mail(self): """Method for mail delete""" msg_count_objs = state.kivyapp.root.ids.content_drawer.ids state.searcing_text = '' self.children[0].children[0].active = True if state.detailPageType == 'sent': state.kivyapp.root.ids.sc4.children[ 2].children[2].ids.search_field.text = '' sqlExecute( "UPDATE sent SET folder = 'trash' WHERE" " ackdata = ?;", state.mail_id) msg_count_objs.send_cnt.children[0].children[0].text = str(int(state.sent_count) - 1) state.sent_count = str(int(state.sent_count) - 1) self.parent.screens[3].ids.ml.clear_widgets() self.parent.screens[3].loadSent(state.association) elif state.detailPageType == 'inbox': state.kivyapp.root.ids.sc1.children[ 2].children[2].ids.search_field.text = '' self.parent.screens[0].children[2].children[ 2].ids.search_field.text = '' sqlExecute( "UPDATE inbox SET folder = 'trash' WHERE" " msgid = ?;", state.mail_id) msg_count_objs.inbox_cnt.children[0].children[0].text = str( int(state.inbox_count) - 1) state.inbox_count = str(int(state.inbox_count) - 1) self.parent.screens[0].ids.ml.clear_widgets() self.parent.screens[0].loadMessagelist(state.association) elif state.detailPageType == 'draft': sqlExecute("DELETE FROM sent WHERE ackdata = ?;", state.mail_id) msg_count_objs.draft_cnt.children[0].children[0].text = str( int(state.draft_count) - 1) state.draft_count = str(int(state.draft_count) - 1) self.parent.screens[15].clear_widgets() self.parent.screens[15].add_widget(Draft()) if state.detailPageType != 'draft': msg_count_objs.trash_cnt.children[0].children[0].text = str( int(state.trash_count) + 1) msg_count_objs.allmail_cnt.children[0].children[0].text = str( int(state.all_count) - 1) state.trash_count = str(int(state.trash_count) + 1) state.all_count = str(int(state.all_count) - 1) if int(state.all_count) else '0' self.parent.screens[4].clear_widgets() self.parent.screens[4].add_widget(Trash()) self.parent.screens[16].clear_widgets() self.parent.screens[16].add_widget(Allmails()) Clock.schedule_once(self.callback_for_delete, 4) def callback_for_delete(self, dt=0): """Delete method from allmails""" if state.detailPageType: self.children[0].children[0].active = False state.kivyapp.set_common_header() self.parent.current = 'allmails' \ if state.is_allmail else state.detailPageType state.detailPageType = '' toast('Deleted') def inbox_reply(self): """Reply inbox messages""" data = sqlQuery( "select toaddress, fromaddress, subject, message, received from inbox where" " msgid = ?;", state.mail_id) composer_obj = self.parent.screens[2].children[1].ids composer_obj.ti.text = data[0][0] composer_obj.btn.text = data[0][0] composer_obj.txt_input.text = data[0][1] split_subject = data[0][2].split('Re:', 1) composer_obj.subject.text = 'Re: ' + (split_subject[1] if len(split_subject) > 1 else split_subject[0]) time_obj = datetime.fromtimestamp(int(data[0][4])) time_tag = time_obj.strftime("%d %b %Y, %I:%M %p") sender_name = BMConfigParser().get(data[0][1], 'label') composer_obj.body.text = ( '\n\n ------------------------On ' + time_tag + ', ' + sender_name + ' wrote:-----------------------\n' + data[0][3]) composer_obj.body.focus = True composer_obj.body.cursor = (0, 0) state.kivyapp.root.ids.sc3.children[1].ids.rv.data = '' self.parent.current = 'create' state.kivyapp.set_navbar_for_composer() def write_msg(self, navApp): """Write on draft mail""" state.send_draft_mail = state.mail_id data = sqlQuery( "select toaddress, fromaddress, subject, message from sent where" " ackdata = ?;", state.mail_id) composer_ids = ( self.parent.parent.ids.sc3.children[1].ids) composer_ids.ti.text = data[0][1] composer_ids.btn.text = data[0][1] composer_ids.txt_input.text = data[0][0] composer_ids.subject.text = data[0][2] if data[0][2] != '(no subject)' else '' composer_ids.body.text = data[0][3] self.parent.current = 'create' navApp.set_navbar_for_composer() def detailedPopup(self): """Detailed popup""" obj = SenderDetailPopup() obj.open() arg = (self.to_addr, self.from_addr, self.timeinseconds) obj.assignDetail(*arg) @staticmethod def callback_for_menu_items(text_item, *arg): """Callback of alert box""" toast(text_item) class MyaddDetailPopup(Popup): """MyaddDetailPopup pop is used for showing my address detail""" address_label = StringProperty() address = StringProperty() def __init__(self, **kwargs): """My Address Details screen setting""" super(MyaddDetailPopup, self).__init__(**kwargs) def set_address(self, address, label): """Getting address for displaying details on popup""" self.address_label = label self.address = address def send_message_from(self): """Method used to fill from address of composer autofield""" state.kivyapp.set_navbar_for_composer() try: window_obj = self.parent.children[2].ids except Exception: window_obj = self.parent.children[1].ids window_obj.sc3.children[1].ids.ti.text = self.address window_obj.sc3.children[1].ids.btn.text = self.address window_obj.sc3.children[1].ids.txt_input.text = '' window_obj.sc3.children[1].ids.subject.text = '' window_obj.sc3.children[1].ids.body.text = '' window_obj.scr_mngr.current = 'create' self.dismiss() @staticmethod def close_pop(): """Pop is Canceled""" toast('Canceled') class AddbookDetailPopup(Popup): """AddbookDetailPopup pop is used for showing my address detail""" address_label = StringProperty() address = StringProperty() def __init__(self, **kwargs): """Set screen of address detail page""" super(AddbookDetailPopup, self).__init__(**kwargs) def set_addbook_data(self, address, label): """Getting address book data for detial dipaly""" self.address_label = label self.address = address def update_addbook_label(self, address): """Updating the label of address book address""" address_list = kivy_helper_search.search_sql(folder="addressbook") stored_labels = [labels[0] for labels in address_list] add_dict = dict(address_list) label = str(self.ids.add_label.text) if label in stored_labels and self.address == add_dict[label]: stored_labels.remove(label) if label and label not in stored_labels: sqlExecute( "UPDATE addressbook SET label = '{}' WHERE" " address = '{}';".format( str(self.ids.add_label.text), address)) state.kivyapp.root.ids.sc11.ids.ml.clear_widgets() state.kivyapp.root.ids.sc11.loadAddresslist(None, 'All', '') self.dismiss() toast('Saved') def send_message_to(self): """Method used to fill to_address of composer autofield""" state.kivyapp.set_navbar_for_composer() try: window_obj = self.parent.children[2].ids except Exception: window_obj = self.parent.children[1].ids window_obj.sc3.children[1].ids.txt_input.text = self.address window_obj.sc3.children[1].ids.ti.text = '' window_obj.sc3.children[1].ids.btn.text = 'Select' window_obj.sc3.children[1].ids.subject.text = '' window_obj.sc3.children[1].ids.body.text = '' window_obj.scr_mngr.current = 'create' self.dismiss() @staticmethod def close_pop(): """Pop is Canceled""" toast('Canceled') def checkLabel_valid(self, instance): """Checking address label is unique of not""" entered_label = str(instance.text.strip()) address_list = kivy_helper_search.search_sql(folder="addressbook") addr_labels = [labels[0] for labels in address_list] add_dict = dict(address_list) if self.address and entered_label in addr_labels \ and self.address != add_dict[entered_label]: self.ids.add_label.error = True self.ids.add_label.helper_text = 'label name already exists.' elif entered_label: self.ids.add_label.error = False else: self.ids.add_label.error = False self.ids.add_label.helper_text = 'This field is required' class ShowQRCode(Screen): """ShowQRCode Screen uses to show the detail of mails""" address = StringProperty() def qrdisplay(self): """Method used for showing QR Code""" self.ids.qr.clear_widgets() state.kivyapp.set_toolbar_for_QrCode() from kivy.garden.qrcode import QRCodeWidget try: address = self.manager.get_parent_window().children[0].address except Exception: address = self.manager.get_parent_window().children[1].address self.address = address self.ids.qr.add_widget(QRCodeWidget(data=address)) self.ids.qr.children[0].show_border = False toast('Show QR code') class Draft(Screen): """Draft screen is used to show the list of draft messages""" data = ListProperty() account = StringProperty() queryreturn = ListProperty() has_refreshed = True def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): """Method used for storing draft messages""" super(Draft, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs) if state.association == '': if BMConfigParser().addresses(): state.association = BMConfigParser().addresses()[0] Clock.schedule_once(self.init_ui, 0) def init_ui(self, dt=0): """Clock Schdule for method draft accounts""" self.sentaccounts() print(dt) def sentaccounts(self): """Load draft accounts""" self.account = state.association self.loadDraft() def loadDraft(self, where="", what=""): """Load draft list for Draft messages""" xAddress = 'fromaddress' self.ids.identi_tag.children[0].text = '' self.draftDataQuery(xAddress, where, what) # if state.msg_counter_objs: # state.msg_counter_objs.draft_cnt.children[0].children[0].text = showLimitedCnt(len(self.queryreturn)) if self.queryreturn: self.ids.identi_tag.children[0].text = 'Draft' self.set_draftCnt(state.draft_count) self.set_mdList() self.ids.scroll_y.bind(scroll_y=self.check_scroll_y) else: self.set_draftCnt('0') content = MDLabel( font_style='Caption', theme_text_color='Primary', text="yet no message for this account!!!!!!!!!!!!!", halign='center', size_hint_y=None, valign='top') self.ids.ml.add_widget(content) def draftDataQuery(self, xAddress, where, what, start_indx=0, end_indx=20): """This methosd is for retrieving draft messages""" self.queryreturn = kivy_helper_search.search_sql( xAddress, self.account, "draft", where, what, False, start_indx, end_indx) def set_draftCnt(self, Count): # pylint: disable=no-self-use """This method set the count of draft mails""" draftCnt_obj = state.kivyapp.root.ids.content_drawer.ids.draft_cnt draftCnt_obj.children[0].children[0].text = showLimitedCnt(int(Count)) def set_mdList(self): """This method is used to create mdlist""" data = [] total_draft_msg = len(self.ids.ml.children) for mail in self.queryreturn: third_text = mail[3].replace('\n', ' ') data.append({ 'text': mail[1].strip(), 'secondary_text': mail[2][:10] + '...........' if len( mail[2]) > 10 else mail[2] + '\n' + " " + ( third_text[:25] + '...!') if len( third_text) > 25 else third_text, 'ackdata': mail[5], 'senttime': mail[6]}) for item in data: meny = TwoLineAvatarIconListItem( text='Draft', secondary_text=item['text'], theme_text_color='Custom', text_color=NavigateApp().theme_cls.primary_color) meny.add_widget(AvatarSampleWidget( source='./images/avatar.png')) meny.bind(on_press=partial( self.draft_detail, item['ackdata'])) meny.add_widget(AddTimeWidget(item['senttime'])) carousel = Carousel(direction='right') carousel.height = meny.height carousel.size_hint_y = None carousel.ignore_perpendicular_swipes = True carousel.data_index = 0 carousel.min_move = 0.2 del_btn = Button(text='Delete') del_btn.background_normal = '' del_btn.background_color = (1, 0, 0, 1) del_btn.bind(on_press=partial(self.delete_draft, item['ackdata'])) carousel.add_widget(del_btn) carousel.add_widget(meny) carousel.index = 1 self.ids.ml.add_widget(carousel) updated_msg = len(self.ids.ml.children) self.has_refreshed = True if total_draft_msg != updated_msg else False def check_scroll_y(self, instance, somethingelse): """Load data on scroll""" if self.ids.scroll_y.scroll_y <= -0.0 and self.has_refreshed: self.ids.scroll_y.scroll_y = 0.06 total_draft_msg = len(self.ids.ml.children) self.update_draft_screen_on_scroll(total_draft_msg) else: pass def update_draft_screen_on_scroll(self, total_draft_msg, where='', what=''): """Load more data on scroll down""" self.draftDataQuery('fromaddress', where, what, total_draft_msg, 5) self.set_mdList() def draft_detail(self, ackdata, *args): """Show draft Details""" state.detailPageType = 'draft' state.mail_id = ackdata if self.manager: src_mng_obj = self.manager else: src_mng_obj = self.parent.parent src_mng_obj.screens[13].clear_widgets() src_mng_obj.screens[13].add_widget(MailDetail()) src_mng_obj.current = 'mailDetail' def delete_draft(self, data_index, instance, *args): """Delete draft message permanently""" sqlExecute("DELETE FROM sent WHERE ackdata = ?;", data_index) # try: # msg_count_objs = ( # self.parent.parent.parent.parent.parent.children[ # 2].children[0].ids) # except Exception: # msg_count_objs = ( # self.parent.parent.parent.parent.parent.parent.children[ # 2].children[0].ids) # msg_count_objs = self.parent.parent.parent.parent.parent.children[ # 2].children[0].ids if int(state.draft_count) > 0: # msg_count_objs.draft_cnt.badge_text = str( # int(state.draft_count) - 1) state.draft_count = str(int(state.draft_count) - 1) self.set_draftCnt(state.draft_count) if int(state.draft_count) <= 0: self.ids.identi_tag.children[0].text = '' self.ids.ml.remove_widget(instance.parent.parent) toast('Deleted') @staticmethod def draft_msg(src_object): """Save draft mails""" composer_object = state.kivyapp.root.ids.sc3.children[1].ids fromAddress = str(composer_object.ti.text) toAddress = str(composer_object.txt_input.text) subject = str(composer_object.subject.text) message = str(composer_object.body.text) encoding = 3 sendMessageToPeople = True if sendMessageToPeople: streamNumber, ripe = decodeAddress(toAddress)[2:] from addresses import addBMIfNotPresent toAddress = addBMIfNotPresent(toAddress) stealthLevel = BMConfigParser().safeGetInt( 'bitmessagesettings', 'ackstealthlevel') from helper_ackPayload import genAckPayload ackdata = genAckPayload(streamNumber, stealthLevel) sqlExecute( '''INSERT INTO sent VALUES (?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?)''', '', toAddress, ripe, fromAddress, subject, message, ackdata, int(time.time()), int(time.time()), 0, 'msgqueued', 0, 'draft', encoding, BMConfigParser().safeGetInt('bitmessagesettings', 'ttl')) state.msg_counter_objs = src_object.children[2].children[0].ids state.draft_count = str(int(state.draft_count) + 1) \ if state.association == fromAddress else state.draft_count src_object.ids.sc16.clear_widgets() src_object.ids.sc16.add_widget(Draft()) toast('Save draft') return class CustomSpinner(Spinner): """This class is used for setting spinner size""" def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): """Method used for setting size of spinner""" super(CustomSpinner, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs) self.dropdown_cls.max_height = Window.size[1] / 3 class Allmails(Screen): """All mails Screen uses screen to show widgets of screens""" data = ListProperty() has_refreshed = True all_mails = ListProperty() account = StringProperty() def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): """Method Parsing the address""" super(Allmails, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs) if state.association == '': if BMConfigParser().addresses(): state.association = BMConfigParser().addresses()[0] Clock.schedule_once(self.init_ui, 0) def init_ui(self, dt=0): """Clock Schdule for method all mails""" self.loadMessagelist() print(dt) def loadMessagelist(self): """Load Inbox, Sent anf Draft list of messages""" self.account = state.association self.ids.identi_tag.children[0].text = '' self.allMessageQuery(0, 20) if self.all_mails: self.ids.identi_tag.children[0].text = 'All Mails' state.kivyapp.get_inbox_count() state.kivyapp.get_sent_count() state.all_count = str( int(state.sent_count) + int(state.inbox_count)) self.set_AllmailCnt(state.all_count) self.set_mdlist() # self.ids.refresh_layout.bind(scroll_y=self.check_scroll_y) self.ids.scroll_y.bind(scroll_y=self.check_scroll_y) else: self.set_AllmailCnt('0') content = MDLabel( font_style='Caption', theme_text_color='Primary', text="yet no message for this account!!!!!!!!!!!!!", halign='center', size_hint_y=None, valign='top') self.ids.ml.add_widget(content) def allMessageQuery(self, start_indx, end_indx): """Retrieving data from inbox or sent both tables""" self.all_mails = sqlQuery( "SELECT toaddress, fromaddress, subject, message, folder, ackdata" " As id, DATE(senttime) As actionTime, senttime as msgtime FROM sent WHERE" " folder = 'sent' and fromaddress = '{0}'" " UNION SELECT toaddress, fromaddress, subject, message, folder," " msgid As id, DATE(received) As actionTime, received as msgtime FROM inbox" " WHERE folder = 'inbox' and toaddress = '{0}'" " ORDER BY actionTime DESC limit {1}, {2}".format( self.account, start_indx, end_indx)) def set_AllmailCnt(self, Count): # pylint: disable=no-self-use """This method is used to set allmails message count""" allmailCnt_obj = state.kivyapp.root.ids.content_drawer.ids.allmail_cnt allmailCnt_obj.children[0].children[0].text = showLimitedCnt(int(Count)) def set_mdlist(self): """This method is used to create mdList for allmaills""" data_exist = len(self.ids.ml.children) for item in self.all_mails: body = item[3].decode() if isinstance(item[3], bytes) else item[3] subject = item[2].decode() if isinstance(item[2], bytes) else item[2] meny = TwoLineAvatarIconListItem( text=item[1], secondary_text=(subject[:50] + '........' if len( subject) >= 50 else ( subject + ',' + body)[0:50] + '........').replace('\t', '').replace(' ', ''), theme_text_color='Custom', text_color=NavigateApp().theme_cls.primary_color) meny.add_widget(AvatarSampleWidget( source='./images/text_images/{}.png'.format( avatarImageFirstLetter(body.strip())))) meny.bind(on_press=partial( self.mail_detail, item[5], item[4])) meny.add_widget(AddTimeWidget(item[7])) meny.add_widget(chipTag(item[4])) carousel = Carousel(direction='right') carousel.height = meny.height carousel.size_hint_y = None carousel.ignore_perpendicular_swipes = True carousel.data_index = 0 carousel.min_move = 0.2 del_btn = Button(text='Delete') del_btn.background_normal = '' del_btn.background_color = (1, 0, 0, 1) del_btn.bind(on_press=partial( self.swipe_delete, item[5], item[4])) carousel.add_widget(del_btn) carousel.add_widget(meny) carousel.index = 1 self.ids.ml.add_widget(carousel) updated_data = len(self.ids.ml.children) self.has_refreshed = True if data_exist != updated_data else False def check_scroll_y(self, instance, somethingelse): """Scroll fixed length""" if self.ids.scroll_y.scroll_y <= -0.00 and self.has_refreshed: self.ids.scroll_y.scroll_y = .06 load_more = len(self.ids.ml.children) self.updating_allmail(load_more) else: pass def updating_allmail(self, load_more): """This method is used to update the all mail listing value on the scroll of screen""" self.allMessageQuery(load_more, 5) self.set_mdlist() def mail_detail(self, unique_id, folder, *args): """Load sent and inbox mail details""" state.detailPageType = folder state.is_allmail = True state.mail_id = unique_id if self.manager: src_mng_obj = self.manager else: src_mng_obj = self.parent.parent src_mng_obj.screens[13].clear_widgets() src_mng_obj.screens[13].add_widget(MailDetail()) src_mng_obj.current = 'mailDetail' def swipe_delete(self, unique_id, folder, instance, *args): """Delete inbox mail from all mail listing""" if folder == 'inbox': sqlExecute( "UPDATE inbox SET folder = 'trash' WHERE msgid = ?;", unique_id) else: sqlExecute( "UPDATE sent SET folder = 'trash' WHERE ackdata = ?;", unique_id) self.ids.ml.remove_widget(instance.parent.parent) try: msg_count_objs = self.parent.parent.ids.content_drawer.ids nav_lay_obj = self.parent.parent.ids except Exception: msg_count_objs = self.parent.parent.parent.ids.content_drawer.ids nav_lay_obj = self.parent.parent.parent.ids if folder == 'inbox': msg_count_objs.inbox_cnt.children[0].children[0].text = showLimitedCnt(int(state.inbox_count) - 1) state.inbox_count = str(int(state.inbox_count) - 1) nav_lay_obj.sc1.ids.ml.clear_widgets() nav_lay_obj.sc1.loadMessagelist(state.association) else: msg_count_objs.send_cnt.children[0].children[0].text = showLimitedCnt(int(state.sent_count) - 1) state.sent_count = str(int(state.sent_count) - 1) nav_lay_obj.sc4.ids.ml.clear_widgets() nav_lay_obj.sc4.loadSent(state.association) msg_count_objs.trash_cnt.children[0].children[0].text = showLimitedCnt(int(state.trash_count) + 1) msg_count_objs.allmail_cnt.children[0].children[0].text = showLimitedCnt(int(state.all_count) - 1) state.trash_count = str(int(state.trash_count) + 1) state.all_count = str(int(state.all_count) - 1) if int(state.all_count) <= 0: self.ids.identi_tag.children[0].text = '' nav_lay_obj.sc5.clear_widgets() nav_lay_obj.sc5.add_widget(Trash()) nav_lay_obj.sc17.remove_widget(instance.parent.parent) def refresh_callback(self, *args): """Method updates the state of application, While the spinner remains on the screen""" def refresh_callback(interval): """Load the allmails screen data""" self.ids.ml.clear_widgets() self.remove_widget(self.children[1]) try: screens_obj = self.parent.screens[16] except Exception: screens_obj = self.parent.parent.screens[16] screens_obj.add_widget(Allmails()) self.ids.refresh_layout.refresh_done() self.tick = 0 Clock.schedule_once(refresh_callback, 1) def avatarImageFirstLetter(letter_string): """This function is used to the first letter for the avatar image""" if letter_string: if letter_string[0].upper() >= 'A' and letter_string[0].upper() <= 'Z': img_latter = letter_string[0].upper() elif int(letter_string[0]) >= 0 and int(letter_string[0]) <= 9: img_latter = letter_string[0] else: img_latter = '!' else: img_latter = '!' return img_latter class Starred(Screen): """Starred Screen show widgets of page""" pass class Archieve(Screen): """Archieve Screen show widgets of page""" pass class Spam(Screen): """Spam Screen show widgets of page""" pass class LoadingPopup(Popup): """Class for loading Popup""" def __init__(self, **kwargs): super(LoadingPopup, self).__init__(**kwargs) # call dismiss_popup in 2 seconds Clock.schedule_once(self.dismiss_popup, 0.5) def dismiss_popup(self, dt): """Dismiss popups""" self.dismiss() class AddressDropdown(OneLineIconListItem): """AddressDropdown showns all the addresses""" pass class BadgeText(IRightBodyTouch, MDLabel): """Class for badgetext""" pass class NavigationItem(OneLineAvatarIconListItem): """NavigationItem class is for button behaviour""" badge_text = StringProperty() icon = StringProperty() active = BooleanProperty(False) def currentlyActive(self): """Currenly active""" for nav_obj in self.parent.children: nav_obj.active = False self.active = True class NavigationDrawerDivider(OneLineListItem): """ A small full-width divider that can be placed in the :class:`MDNavigationDrawer` """ disabled = True divider = None _txt_top_pad = NumericProperty(dp(8)) _txt_bot_pad = NumericProperty(dp(8)) def __init__(self, **kwargs): # pylint: disable=bad-super-call super(OneLineListItem, self).__init__(**kwargs) self.height = dp(16) class NavigationDrawerSubheader(OneLineListItem): """ A subheader for separating content in :class:`MDNavigationDrawer` Works well alongside :class:`NavigationDrawerDivider` """ disabled = True divider = None theme_text_color = 'Secondary' class AppClosingPopup(Popup): """Class for app closing popup""" def __init__(self, **kwargs): super(AppClosingPopup, self).__init__(**kwargs) def closingAction(self, text): """Action on closing window""" if text == 'Yes': print("*******************EXITING FROM APPLICATION*******************") import shutdown shutdown.doCleanShutdown() else: self.dismiss() toast(text) class SenderDetailPopup(Popup): """SenderDetailPopup pop is used for showing my address detail""" to_addr = StringProperty() from_addr = StringProperty() time_tag = StringProperty() def __init__(self, **kwargs): """this metthod initialized the send message detial popup""" super(SenderDetailPopup, self).__init__(**kwargs) def assignDetail(self, to_addr, from_addr, timeinseconds): """Detailes assigned""" self.to_addr = to_addr self.from_addr = from_addr time_obj = datetime.fromtimestamp(int(timeinseconds)) self.time_tag = time_obj.strftime("%d %b %Y, %I:%M %p") pop_height = 1.2 * (self.ids.sd_label.height + self.ids.sd_btn.children[0].height) if len(to_addr) > 3: self.height = 0 self.height = pop_height self.ids.to_addId.size_hint_y = None self.ids.to_addId.height = 50 frmaddbox = ToAddrBoxlayout() frmaddbox.set_toAddress(to_addr) self.ids.to_addId.add_widget(frmaddbox) else: self.height = 0 self.height = pop_height / 1.5 class OneLineListTitle(OneLineListItem): """class for long press behaviour""" __events__ = ('on_long_press', ) long_press_time = NumericProperty(1) def on_state(self, instance, value): """On state""" if value == 'down': lpt = self.long_press_time self._clockev = Clock.schedule_once(self._do_long_press, lpt) else: self._clockev.cancel() def _do_long_press(self, dt): """Do long press""" self.dispatch('on_long_press') def on_long_press(self, *largs): """On long press""" self.copymessageTitle(self.text) def copymessageTitle(self, text): """this method is for displaying dialog box""" width = .8 if platform == 'android' else .55 msg_dialog = MDDialog( text=text, title='', size_hint=(width, .25), text_button_cancel='Cancel', text_button_ok='Copy', events_callback=self.callback_for_copy_title) msg_dialog.open() @staticmethod def callback_for_copy_title(text_item, *arg): """Callback of alert box""" if text_item == 'Copy': Clipboard.copy(str(arg[0].text)) toast(text_item) class ToAddrBoxlayout(BoxLayout): """class for BoxLayout behaviour""" to_addr = StringProperty() def set_toAddress(self, to_addr): """This method is use to set to address""" self.to_addr = to_addr class PaymentMethods(Screen): """PaymentMethods Screen show widgets of page""" def redirect_on_web(self, instance): """Redirect on web""" pass