#:import la kivy.adapters.listadapter #:import factory kivy.factory #:import mpybit bitmessagekivy.mpybit #:import C kivy.utils.get_color_from_hex : id: nav_drawer NavigationDrawerIconButton: Spinner: pos_hint:{"x":0,"y":.3} id: btn background_color: app.theme_cls.primary_dark text: app.showmeaddresses(name='text') values: app.showmeaddresses(name='values') on_text:app.getCurrentAccountData(self.text) NavigationDrawerIconButton: icon: 'email-open' text: "inbox" on_release: app.root.ids.scr_mngr.current = 'inbox' NavigationDrawerIconButton: icon: 'mail-send' text: "sent" on_release: app.root.ids.scr_mngr.current = 'sent' NavigationDrawerIconButton: icon: 'dropbox' text: "trash" on_release: app.root.ids.scr_mngr.current = 'trash' NavigationDrawerIconButton: icon: 'email' text: "drafts" on_release: app.root.ids.scr_mngr.current = 'dialog' NavigationDrawerIconButton: icon: 'markunread-mailbox' text: "test" on_release: app.root.ids.scr_mngr.current = 'test' NavigationDrawerIconButton: text: "new identity" icon:'accounts-add' on_release: app.root.ids.scr_mngr.current = 'newidentity' BoxLayout: orientation: 'vertical' Toolbar: id: toolbar title: app.getCurrentAccount() background_color: app.theme_cls.primary_dark left_action_items: [['menu', lambda x: app.nav_drawer.toggle()]] ActionView: SearchBar: size_hint_x: 1.7 size_hint_y: .5 pos_hint: {'x': 0, 'center_y':.5} on_text_validate: searchbutt.trigger_action() ActionPrevious: with_previous: False app_icon: '' ActionOverflow: ActionButton: text: 'Filters' ActionButton: text: 'Exit' on_press: app.say_exit() ScreenManager: id: scr_mngr Inbox: id:sc1 Sent: id:sc2 Trash: id:sc3 Dialog: id:sc4 Test: id:sc5 Create: id:sc6 NewIdentity: id:sc7 Page: id:sc8 AddressSuccessful: id:sc9 Button: id:create height:100 size_hint_y: 0.13 size_hint_x: 0.1 pos_hint: {'x': 0.85, 'y': 0.5} background_color: (0,0,0,0) on_press: scr_mngr.current = 'create' Image: source: 'images/plus.png' y: self.parent.y - 7.5 x: self.parent.x + self.parent.width - 50 size: 70, 70 : text: '' size_hint_y: None height: 48 ignore_perpendicular_swipes: True data_index: 0 min_move: 20 / self.width on__offset: app.update_index(root.data_index, self.index) canvas.before: Color: rgba: C('FFFFFF33') Rectangle: pos: self.pos size: self.size Line: rectangle: self.pos + self.size Button: text: 'delete ({}:{})'.format(root.text, root.data_index) on_press: app.delete(root.data_index) Button: text: root.text on_press: app.getInboxMessageDetail(self.text) Button: text: 'archive' on_press: app.archive(root.data_index) : name: 'inbox' RecycleView: data: root.data viewclass: 'SwipeButton' do_scroll_x: False scroll_timeout: 100 RecycleBoxLayout: id:rc orientation: 'vertical' size_hint_y: None height: self.minimum_height default_size_hint: 1, None canvas.before: Color: rgba: 0,0,0, 1 Rectangle: pos: self.pos size: self.size : name: 'sent' RecycleView: data: root.data viewclass: 'SwipeButton' do_scroll_x: False scroll_timeout: 100 RecycleBoxLayout: id:rc orientation: 'vertical' size_hint_y: None height: self.minimum_height default_size_hint: 1, None canvas.before: Color: rgba: 0,0,0, 1 Rectangle: pos: self.pos size: self.size : name: 'trash' RecycleView: data: root.data viewclass: 'SwipeButton' do_scroll_x: False scroll_timeout: 100 RecycleBoxLayout: id:rc orientation: 'vertical' size_hint_y: None height: self.minimum_height default_size_hint: 1, None canvas.before: Color: rgba: 0,0,0, 1 Rectangle: pos: self.pos size: self.size : name: 'dialog' Label: text:"I have a good dialox box" color: 0,0,0,1 : name: 'test' Label: text:"I am in test" color: 0,0,0,1 : name: 'create' GridLayout: rows: 5 cols: 1 padding: 60,60,60,60 spacing: 50 BoxLayout: size_hint_y: None height: '32dp' Label: text: 'FROM' color: 0,0,0,1 Spinner: size_hint: 1,1 pos_hint: {"x":0,"top":1.} pos: 10,10 id: spinner_id text: app.showmeaddresses(name='text') values: app.showmeaddresses(name='values') BoxLayout: size_hint_y: None height: '32dp' Label: text: 'TO' color: 0,0,0,1 TextInput: id: recipent hint_text: 'To' BoxLayout: size_hint_y: None height: '32dp' Label: text: 'SUBJECT' color: 0,0,0,1 TextInput: id: subject hint_text: 'SUBJECT' BoxLayout: size_hint_y: None height: '32dp' Label: text: 'BODY' color: 0,0,0,1 TextInput: id: message multiline:True size_hint: 1,2 Button: text: 'send' size_hint_y: 0.1 size_hint_x: 0.2 height: '32dp' pos_hint: {'x': .5, 'y': 0.1} on_press: root.send() Button: text: 'cancel' size_hint_y: 0.1 size_hint_x: 0.2 height: '32dp' pos_hint: {'x': .72, 'y': 0.1} on_press: root.cancel() : name: 'newidentity' GridLayout: padding: '120dp' cols: 1 Label: text:"""Here you may generate as many addresses as you like. Indeed, creating and abandoning addresses is encouraged.""" line_height:1.5 text_size:(700,None) color: 0,0,0,1 BoxLayout: CheckBox: canvas.before: Color: rgb: 1,0,0 Ellipse: pos:self.center_x-8, self.center_y-8 size:[16,16] group: "money" id:chk text:"use a random number generator to make an address" on_active: root.checked = self.text active:root.is_active Label: text: "use a random number generator to make an address" color: 0,0,0,1 BoxLayout: CheckBox: canvas.before: Color: rgb: 1,0,0 Ellipse: pos:self.center_x-8, self.center_y-8 size:[16,16] group: "money" id:chk text:"use a pseudo number generator to make an address" on_active: root.checked = self.text active:not root.is_active Label: text: "use a pseudo number generator to make an address" color: 0,0,0,1 Label: color: 0,0,0,1 size_hint_x: .35 markup: True text: "[b]{}[/b]".format("Randomly generated addresses") BoxLayout: size_hint_y: None height: '32dp' Label: text: "Label (not shown to anyone except you)" color: 0,0,0,1 BoxLayout: size_hint_y: None height: '32dp' TextInput: id: label Button: text: 'Cancel' size_hint_y: 0.1 size_hint_x: 0.3 height: '32dp' pos_hint: {'x': .1, 'y': 0.1} Button: text: 'Ok' size_hint_y: 0.1 size_hint_x: 0.3 height: '32dp' pos_hint: {'x': .5, 'y': 0.1} on_press: root.generateaddress() : name: 'page' ActionBar: background_color:0,0,0,0 pos_hint: {'top':0.98} size_hint_y: 0.05 size_hint_x: 0.07 ActionView: ActionPrevious: with_previous: False app_icon: 'images/back-button.png' markup:True font_size:"16dp" on_release: app.set_previous_screen() Label: text:"Message sent on 5 september 2018 05:44" color: 0,0,0,1 size: self.texture_size size_hint: (None, None) Label: text: 'I am on description of my email yooooo I am on description of my email yooooo description description\nI am on description of my email yooooo am on description of my email yooooo description description \nI am on description of my email yooooo I am on description of my email yooooo description description \nI am on description of my email yooooo am on description of my email yooooo description description \nI am on description of my email yooooo I am on description of my email yooooo description description \nI am on description of my email yooooo am on description of my email yooooo description description \nI am on description of my email yooooo I am on description of my email yooooo description description \nI am on description of my email yooooo am on description of my email yooooo description description \nI am on description of my email yooooo I am on description of my email yooooo description description \nI am on description of my email yooooo am on description of my email yooooo description description \nI am on description of my email yooooo I am on description of my email yooooo description description \nI am on description of my email yooooo am on description of my email yooooo description description \nI am on description of my email yooooo I am on description of my email yooooo description description\nI am on description of my email yooooo I am on description of my email yooooo description description\nI am on description of my email yooooo I am on description of my email yooooo description description\nI am on description of my email yooooo I am on description of my email yooooo description description\nI am on description of my email yooooo I am on description of my email yooooo description description\n' color: 0,0,0,1 : name: 'add_sucess' Label: text: 'Successfully created a new bit address' color: 0,0,0,1