# pylint: disable=import-error, attribute-defined-outside-init, too-many-arguments # pylint: disable=no-member, no-name-in-module, unused-argument, too-few-public-methods """ Sent screen; All sent message managed here. """ from kivy.properties import StringProperty, ListProperty from kivy.uix.screenmanager import Screen from kivy.app import App from pybitmessage.bitmessagekivy.baseclass.common import kivy_state_variables class Sent(Screen): """Sent Screen class for kivy UI""" queryreturn = ListProperty() account = StringProperty() has_refreshed = True no_search_res_found = "No search result found" label_str = "Yet no message for this account!" def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): """Association with the screen""" super(Sent, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs) self.kivy_state = kivy_state_variables() if self.kivy_state.selected_address == '': if App.get_running_app().identity_list: self.kivy_state.selected_address = App.get_running_app().identity_list[0]