# pylint: disable=no-member, too-many-arguments, no-self-use """ Addressbook widgets are here. """ from kivymd.uix.button import MDRaisedButton from kivymd.uix.dialog import MDDialog from kivymd.uix.label import MDLabel import state class HelperAddressBook(object): """Widget used in Addressbook are here""" def __init__(self): pass @staticmethod def default_label_when_empty(): """This function returns default message while no address is there.""" content = MDLabel( font_style='Caption', theme_text_color='Primary', # FIXME: searching_text supposed to be inside kivy_sate.py and need to create a PR for kivy_state.py text="No contact found!" if state.searching_text else "No contact found yet...... ", halign='center', size_hint_y=None, valign='top') return content def address_detail_popup(self, send_message, update_address, close_popup, width, obj): """This function shows the address's details and opens the popup.""" show_dialogue = MDDialog( type="custom", size_hint=(width, .25), content_cls=obj, buttons=[ MDRaisedButton( text="Send message to", on_release=send_message, ), MDRaisedButton( text="Save", on_release=update_address, ), MDRaisedButton( text="Cancel", on_release=close_popup, ), ], ) return show_dialogue