Updated 2 BM tools (markdown)

KM-200 2018-05-19 09:55:19 +02:00
parent b473f78c8d
commit 564c3ae396

@ -9,6 +9,8 @@ https://github.com/majestrate/BitMessageForum web interface, bitboard is better
use ThunderBird to read BM: https://github.com/Arceliar/bmwrapper
runs a localhost:12344 pop3-mailserver for BM so ThunderBird is being used to read & write BM besides the original GUI. The "**claws**" mail-app can be used too, which has nice a python plug-in to have claws scripted and modified.
puts everything in one huge INBOX initially. Use filters in ThuBi to separate the [chan]nels.