6 Tips & Tricks
2 BM tools
3 BM web server: bitboard
4 change log for power users
5 cherry branches
6 Namecoin
6 Tips & Tricks
6 more secure BM
7 traps & gotchas
8 rebase a pull request
9 BMwrapper & claws mail app
9 clone
9 logging.dat
9 packages: ArchLinux PKGBUILD
9 test landing page
Blind signature specification
6 Tips & Tricks
bug Lady edited this page 2019-11-20 10:22:50 +00:00
Table of Contents
use Bitmessage over Tornet settings
wondered why after "HELP / CONTACT SUPPORT" a commit hash sometimes showed, sometimes not?
It is shown only if you run from the full cloned git repo. Running from a copied /src/ subdir will not display the hash by contrast.
- Reduce the "log level" to have smaller "debug.log" files, or none at all. edit a text file "logger.dat" accordingly: how to do it to reduce logging, edit a text file .../src/logger.dat with content:
keys =
keys =
class =
keys = root
switch to HTML view automatically
in regular pyBM you must switch over manually, because of security concerns. forum has more info on how to do that automatically, just 3 lines must be adapted.
Those places in the python code should be marked ###USER_FEATURE there are a couple of them in existence, such as modified number of connections etc.. find more info in the 3 forums out there (UBF and the others).
to the other wiki at sourceforge