| Field Size | Description | Data type | Comments                                   |
| 16         | IV          | uchar[]   | Initialization Vector used for AES-256-CBC |
| 2          | Curve type  | uint16_t  | Elliptic Curve type 0x02CA (714)           |
| 2          | X length    | uint16_t  | Length of X component of public key R      |
| X length   | X           | uchar[]   | X component of public key R                |
| 2          | Y length    | uint16_t  | Length of Y component of public key R      |
| Y length   | Y           | uchar[]   | Y component of public key R                |
| ?          | encrypted   | uchar[]   | Cipher text                                |
| 32         | MAC         | uchar[]   | HMACSHA256 Message Authentication Code     |