Remove stale unused files (closes: #1337)
This commit is contained in:
@ -1,4 +0,0 @@
# Codacy uses Bandit.
# Asserts are accepted throughout the project.
skips: ['B101']
@ -1,101 +0,0 @@
# Fabric
[Fabric]( is a Python library for performing devops tasks. You can think of it a bit like a
makefile on steroids for Python. Its api abstracts away the clunky way you would run shell commands in Python, check
return values and manage stdio. Tasks may be targetted at particular hosts or group of hosts.
# Using Fabric
$ cd PyBitmessage
$ fab <task_name>
For a list of available commands:
$ fab -l
General fabric commandline help
$ fab -h
Arguments can be given:
$ fab task1:arg1=arg1value,arg2=arg2value task2:option1
Tasks target hosts. Hosts can be specified with -H, or roles can be defined and you can target groups of hosts with -R.
Furthermore, you can use -- to run arbitrary shell commands rather than tasks:
$ fab -H localhost task1
$ fab -R webservers -- sudo /etc/httpd restart
# Getting started
* Install [Fabric](,
[fabric-virtualenv]( and
system-wide using your preferred method.
* Create a virtualenv called pybitmessage and install fabfile/requirements.txt
$ mkvirtualenv -r fabfile/requirements.txt --system-site-packages pybitmessage-devops
* Ensure you can ssh localhost with no intervention, which may include:
* ssh [sshd_config server] and [ssh_config client] configuration
* authorized_keys file
* load ssh key
* check(!) and accept the host key
* From the PyBitmessage directory you can now run fab commands!
# Rationale
There are a number of advantages that should benefit us:
* Common tasks can be written in Python and executed consistently
* Common tasks are now under source control
* All developers can run the same commands, if the underlying command sequence for a task changes (after review, obv)
the user does not have to care
* Tasks can be combined either programmatically or on the commandline and run in series or parallel
* Whole environments can be managed very effectively in conjunction with a configuration management system
<a name="sshd_config"></a>
# /etc/ssh/sshd_config
If you're going to be using ssh to connect to localhost you want to avoid weakening your security. The best way of
doing this is blocking port 22 with a firewall. As a belt and braces approach you can also edit the
/etc/ssh/sshd_config file to restrict login further:
PubkeyAuthentication no
Match ::1
PubkeyAuthentication yes
Adapted from [stackexchange](
<a name="ssh_config"></a>
# ~/.ssh/config
Fabric will honour your ~/.ssh/config file for your convenience. Since you will spend more time with this key unlocked
than others you should use a different key:
Host localhost
HostName localhost
IdentityFile ~/.ssh/id_rsa_localhost
Host github
IdentityFile ~/.ssh/id_rsa_github
# Ideas for further development
## Smaller
* Decorators and context managers are useful for accepting common params like verbosity, force or doing command-level help
* if `git status` or `git status --staged` produce results, prefer that to generate the file list
## Larger
* Support documentation translations, aim for current transifex'ed languages
* Fabric 2 is finally out, go @bitprophet! Invoke/Fabric2 is a rewrite of Fabric supporting Python3. Probably makes
sense for us to stick to the battle-hardened 1.x branch, at least until we support Python3.
@ -1,36 +0,0 @@
Fabric is a Python library for performing devops tasks. If you have Fabric installed (systemwide or via pip) you can
run commands like this:
$ fab code_quality
For a list of commands:
$ fab -l
For help on fabric itself:
$ fab -h
For more help on a particular command
from fabric.api import env
from fabfile.tasks import code_quality, build_docs, push_docs, clean, test
# Without this, `fab -l` would display the whole docstring as preamble
__doc__ = ""
# This list defines which tasks are made available to the user
__all__ = [
# Honour the user's ssh client configuration
env.use_ssh_config = True
@ -1,200 +0,0 @@
# pylint: disable=not-context-manager
A library of functions and constants for tasks to make use of.
import os
import sys
import re
from functools import wraps
from fabric.api import run, hide, cd, env
from fabric.context_managers import settings, shell_env
from fabvenv import virtualenv
FABRIC_ROOT = os.path.dirname(__file__)
PROJECT_ROOT = os.path.dirname(FABRIC_ROOT)
VENV_ROOT = os.path.expanduser(os.path.join('~', '.virtualenvs', 'pybitmessage-devops'))
PYTHONPATH = os.path.join(PROJECT_ROOT, 'src',)
def coerce_list(value):
"""Coerce a value into a list"""
if isinstance(value, str):
return value.split(',')
sys.exit("Bad string value {}".format(value))
def coerce_bool(value):
"""Coerce a value into a boolean"""
if isinstance(value, bool):
return value
elif any(
value in [0, '0'],
return False
elif any(
value in [1, '1'],
return True
sys.exit("Bad boolean value {}".format(value))
def flatten(data):
"""Recursively flatten lists"""
result = []
for item in data:
if isinstance(item, list):
return result
def filelist_from_git(rev=None):
"""Return a list of files based on git output"""
cmd = 'git diff --name-only'
if rev:
if rev in ['cached', 'staged']:
cmd += ' --{}'.format(rev)
elif rev == 'working':
cmd += ' -r {}'.format(rev)
with cd(PROJECT_ROOT):
with hide('running', 'stdout'):
results = []
ansi_escape = re.compile(r'\x1B\[[0-?]*[ -/]*[@-~]')
clean = ansi_escape.sub('', run(cmd))
clean = re.sub('\n', '', clean)
for line in clean.split('\r'):
if line.endswith(".py"):
return results
def pycodestyle(path_to_file):
"""Run pycodestyle on a file"""
with virtualenv(VENV_ROOT):
with hide('warnings', 'running', 'stdout', 'stderr'):
with settings(warn_only=True):
return run(
'pycodestyle --config={0} {1}'.format(
def flake8(path_to_file):
"""Run flake8 on a file"""
with virtualenv(VENV_ROOT):
with hide('warnings', 'running', 'stdout'):
with settings(warn_only=True):
return run(
'flake8 --config={0} {1}'.format(
def pylint(path_to_file):
"""Run pylint on a file"""
with virtualenv(VENV_ROOT):
with hide('warnings', 'running', 'stdout', 'stderr'):
with settings(warn_only=True):
return run(
'pylint --rcfile={0} {1}'.format(
def autopep8(path_to_file):
"""Run autopep8 on a file"""
with virtualenv(VENV_ROOT):
with hide('running'):
with settings(warn_only=True):
return run(
"autopep8 --experimental --aggressive --aggressive -i --max-line-length=119 {}".format(
def get_filtered_pycodestyle_output(path_to_file):
"""Clean up the raw results for pycodestyle"""
return [
for i in pycodestyle(path_to_file).split(os.linesep)
if i
def get_filtered_flake8_output(path_to_file):
"""Clean up the raw results for flake8"""
return [
for i in flake8(path_to_file).split(os.linesep)
if i
def get_filtered_pylint_output(path_to_file):
"""Clean up the raw results for pylint"""
return [
for i in pylint(path_to_file).split(os.linesep)
if all([
not i.startswith(' '),
not i.startswith('\r'),
not i.startswith('-'),
not i.startswith('Y'),
not i.startswith('*'),
not i.startswith('Using config file'),
def default_hosts(hosts):
"""Decorator to apply default hosts to a task"""
def real_decorator(func):
"""Manipulate env"""
env.hosts = env.hosts or hosts
def wrapper(*args, **kwargs):
"""Original function called from here"""
return func(*args, **kwargs)
return wrapper
return real_decorator
@ -1,9 +0,0 @@
# These requirements are for the Fabric commands that support devops tasks for PyBitmessage, not for running
# PyBitmessage itself.
# TODO: Consider moving to an extra_requires group in
pycodestyle==2.3.1 #
-e git:// # Needed for fixing E712
pep8 # autopep8 doesn't seem to like pycodestyle
@ -1,318 +0,0 @@
# pylint: disable=not-context-manager
Fabric tasks for PyBitmessage devops operations.
Note that where tasks declare params to be bools, they use coerce_bool() and so will accept any commandline (string)
representation of true or false that coerce_bool() understands.
import os
import sys
from fabric.api import run, task, hide, cd, settings, sudo
from fabric.contrib.project import rsync_project
from fabvenv import virtualenv
from fabfile.lib import (
autopep8, PROJECT_ROOT, VENV_ROOT, coerce_bool, flatten, filelist_from_git, default_hosts,
get_filtered_pycodestyle_output, get_filtered_flake8_output, get_filtered_pylint_output,
sys.path.insert(0, os.path.abspath(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(os.path.dirname(__file__)), 'src'))) # noqa:E402
from version import softwareVersion # pylint: disable=wrong-import-position
def get_tool_results(file_list):
"""Take a list of files and resuln the results of applying the tools"""
results = []
for path_to_file in file_list:
result = {}
result['pycodestyle_violations'] = get_filtered_pycodestyle_output(path_to_file)
result['flake8_violations'] = get_filtered_flake8_output(path_to_file)
result['pylint_violations'] = get_filtered_pylint_output(path_to_file)
result['path_to_file'] = path_to_file
result['total_violations'] = sum([
return results
def print_results(results, top, verbose, details):
"""Print an item with the appropriate verbosity / detail"""
if verbose and results:
print ''.join(
'total pycodestyle flake8 pylint path_to_file',
for item in sort_and_slice(results, top):
if verbose:
line = "{0} {1} {2} {3} {4}".format(
line = item['path_to_file']
print line
if details:
print "pycodestyle:"
for detail in flatten(item['pycodestyle_violations']):
print detail
print "flake8:"
for detail in flatten(item['flake8_violations']):
print detail
print "pylint:"
for detail in flatten(item['pylint_violations']):
print detail
def sort_and_slice(results, top):
"""Sort dictionary items by the `total_violations` key and honour top"""
returnables = []
for item in sorted(
key=lambda x: x['total_violations']
return returnables
def generate_file_list(filename):
"""Return an unfiltered list of absolute paths to the files to act on"""
with hide('warnings', 'running', 'stdout'):
with virtualenv(VENV_ROOT):
if filename:
filename = os.path.abspath(filename)
if not os.path.exists(filename):
print "Bad filename, specify a Python file"
file_list = [filename]
with cd(PROJECT_ROOT):
file_list = [
for i in run('find . -name "*.py"').split(os.linesep)
return file_list
def create_dependency_graphs():
To better understand the relationship between methods, dependency graphs can be drawn between functions and
Since the resulting images are large and could be out of date on the next commit, storing them in the repo is
pointless. Instead, it makes sense to build a dependency graph for a particular, documented version of the code.
.. todo:: Consider saving a hash of the intermediate dotty file so unnecessary image generation can be avoided.
with virtualenv(VENV_ROOT):
with hide('running', 'stdout'):
# .. todo:: consider a better place to put this, use a particular commit
with cd(PROJECT_ROOT):
with settings(warn_only=True):
if run('stat pyan').return_code:
run('git clone')
with cd(os.path.join(PROJECT_ROOT, 'pyan')):
run('git checkout pre-python3')
# .. todo:: Use better settings. This is MVP to make a diagram
with cd(PROJECT_ROOT):
file_list = run("find . -type f -name '*.py' ! -path './src/.eggs/*'").split('\r\n')
for cmd in [
'neato -Goverlap=false -Tpng > deps-neato.png',
'sfdp -Goverlap=false -Tpng > deps-sfdp.png',
'dot -Goverlap=false -Tpng > deps-dot.png',
pyan_cmd = './pyan/ {} --dot'.format(' '.join(file_list))
sed_cmd = r"sed s'/http\-old/http_old/'g" # dot doesn't like dashes
run('|'.join([pyan_cmd, sed_cmd, cmd]))
run('mv *.png docs/_build/html/_static/')
def code_quality(verbose=True, details=False, fix=False, filename=None, top=10, rev=None):
Check code quality.
By default this command will analyse each Python file in the project with a variety of tools and display the count
or details of the violations discovered, sorted by most violations first.
Default usage:
$ fab -H localhost code_quality
:param rev: If not None, act on files changed since this commit. 'cached/staged' and 'working' have special meaning
:type rev: str or None, default None
:param top: Display / fix only the top N violating files, a value of 0 will display / fix all files
:type top: int, default 10
:param verbose: Display a header and the counts, without this you just get the filenames in order
:type verbose: bool, default True
:param details: Display the violations one per line after the count / file summary
:type details: bool, default False
:param fix: Run autopep8 aggressively on the displayed file(s)
:type fix: bool, default False
:param filename: Don't test/fix the top N, just the specified file
:type filename: string, valid path to a file, default all files in the project
:return: None, exit status equals total number of violations
:rtype: None
Intended to be temporary until we have improved code quality and have safeguards to maintain it in place.
# pylint: disable=too-many-arguments
verbose = coerce_bool(verbose)
details = coerce_bool(details)
fix = coerce_bool(fix)
top = int(top) or -1
file_list = generate_file_list(filename) if not rev else filelist_from_git(rev)
results = get_tool_results(file_list)
if fix:
for item in sort_and_slice(results, top):
# Recalculate results after autopep8 to surprise the user the least
results = get_tool_results(file_list)
print_results(results, top, verbose, details)
sys.exit(sum([item['total_violations'] for item in results]))
def test():
"""Run tests on the code"""
with cd(PROJECT_ROOT):
with virtualenv(VENV_ROOT):
run('pip uninstall -y pybitmessage')
run('python install')
run('pybitmessage -t')
run('python test')
def build_docs(dep_graph=False, apidoc=True):
Build the documentation locally.
:param dep_graph: Build the dependency graphs
:type dep_graph: Bool, default False
:param apidoc: Build the automatically generated rst files from the source code
:type apidoc: Bool, default True
Default usage:
$ fab -H localhost build_docs
First, a dependency graph is generated and converted into an image that is referenced in the development page.
Next, the sphinx-apidoc command is (usually) run which searches the code. As part of this it loads the modules and
if this has side-effects then they will be evident. Any documentation strings that make use of Python documentation
conventions (like parameter specification) or the Restructured Text (RsT) syntax will be extracted.
Next, the `make html` command is run to generate HTML output. Other formats (epub, pdf) are available.
.. todo:: support other languages
apidoc = coerce_bool(apidoc)
if coerce_bool(dep_graph):
with virtualenv(VENV_ROOT):
with hide('running'):
apidoc_result = 0
if apidoc:
run('mkdir -p {}'.format(os.path.join(PROJECT_ROOT, 'docs', 'autodoc')))
with cd(os.path.join(PROJECT_ROOT, 'docs', 'autodoc')):
with settings(warn_only=True):
run('rm *.rst')
with cd(os.path.join(PROJECT_ROOT, 'docs')):
apidoc_result = run('sphinx-apidoc -o autodoc ..').return_code
with cd(os.path.join(PROJECT_ROOT, 'docs')):
make_result = run('make html').return_code
return_code = apidoc_result + make_result
def push_docs(path=None):
Upload the generated docs to a public server.
Default usage:
$ fab -H localhost push_docs
.. todo:: support other languages
.. todo:: integrate with configuration management data to get web root and webserver restart command
# Making assumptions
WEB_ROOT = path if path is not None else os.path.join('var', 'www', 'html', 'pybitmessage', 'en', 'latest')
VERSION_ROOT = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(WEB_ROOT), softwareVersion)
local_dir=os.path.join(PROJECT_ROOT, 'docs', '_build', 'html')
result = run('ln -sf {0} {1}'.format(WEB_ROOT, VERSION_ROOT))
if result.return_code:
print 'Linking the new release failed'
# More assumptions
sudo('systemctl restart apache2')
def clean():
"""Clean up files generated by fabric commands."""
with hide('running', 'stdout'):
with cd(PROJECT_ROOT):
run(r"find . -name '*.pyc' -exec rm '{}' \;")
Reference in New Issue
Block a user