Changes based on style and lint checks. Some empty docstrings remain … #1370
@ -1,20 +1,28 @@
# pylint: disable=redefined-outer-name,inconsistent-return-statements
from __future__ import print_function
import hashlib
from struct import pack, unpack
from pyelliptic import arithmetic
from binascii import hexlify, unhexlify
from struct import pack, unpack
from debug import logger
from pyelliptic import arithmetic
# There is another copy of this function in
def convertIntToString(n):
""".. todo:: There is another copy of this function in"""
a = __builtins__.hex(n)
if a[-1:] == 'L':
a = a[:-1]
if (len(a) % 2) == 0:
if len(a) % 2 == 0:
return unhexlify(a[2:])
return unhexlify('0'+a[2:])
return unhexlify('0' + a[2:])
ALPHABET = "123456789ABCDEFGHJKLMNPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijkmnopqrstuvwxyz"
@ -25,7 +33,7 @@ def encodeBase58(num, alphabet=ALPHABET):
`num`: The number to encode
`alphabet`: The alphabet to use for encoding
if (num == 0):
if num == 0:
return alphabet[0]
arr = []
base = len(alphabet)
@ -59,6 +67,7 @@ def decodeBase58(string, alphabet=ALPHABET):
def encodeVarint(integer):
"""Convert integer into varint bytes"""
if integer < 0:
logger.error('varint cannot be < 0')
raise SystemExit
@ -76,6 +85,7 @@ def encodeVarint(integer):
class varintDecodeError(Exception):
"""Exception class for decoding varint data"""
@ -87,7 +97,7 @@ def decodeVarint(data):
Returns a tuple: (theEncodedValue, theSizeOfTheVarintInBytes)
if len(data) == 0:
if not data:
return (0, 0)
firstByte, = unpack('>B', data[0:1])
if firstByte < 253:
@ -135,6 +145,7 @@ def decodeVarint(data):
def calculateInventoryHash(data):
"""Calculate inventory hash from object data"""
sha ='sha512')
sha2 ='sha512')
@ -143,6 +154,7 @@ def calculateInventoryHash(data):
def encodeAddress(version, stream, ripe):
"""Convert ripe to address"""
if version >= 2 and version < 4:
if len(ripe) != 20:
raise Exception(
@ -175,8 +187,11 @@ def encodeAddress(version, stream, ripe):
def decodeAddress(address):
# returns (status, address version number, stream number,
# data (almost certainly a ripe hash))
returns (status, address version number, stream number,
data (almost certainly a ripe hash))
# pylint: disable=too-many-return-statements,too-many-statements,too-many-return-statements,too-many-branches
address = str(address).strip()
@ -194,24 +209,18 @@ def decodeAddress(address):
if len(hexdata) % 2 != 0:
hexdata = '0' + hexdata
# print 'hexdata', hexdata
data = unhexlify(hexdata)
checksum = data[-4:]
sha ='sha512')
currentHash = sha.digest()
# print 'sha after first hashing: ', sha.hexdigest()
sha ='sha512')
# print 'sha after second hashing: ', sha.hexdigest()
if checksum != sha.digest()[0:4]:
status = 'checksumfailed'
return status, 0, 0, ''
# else:
# print 'checksum PASSED'
addressVersionNumber, bytesUsedByVersionNumber = decodeVarint(data[:9])
@ -219,8 +228,6 @@ def decodeAddress(address):
status = 'varintmalformed'
return status, 0, 0, ''
# print 'addressVersionNumber', addressVersionNumber
# print 'bytesUsedByVersionNumber', bytesUsedByVersionNumber
if addressVersionNumber > 4:
logger.error('cannot decode address version numbers this high')
@ -238,7 +245,7 @@ def decodeAddress(address):
status = 'varintmalformed'
return status, 0, 0, ''
# print streamNumber
status = 'success'
if addressVersionNumber == 1:
return status, addressVersionNumber, streamNumber, data[-24:-4]
@ -247,7 +254,7 @@ def decodeAddress(address):
data[bytesUsedByVersionNumber + bytesUsedByStreamNumber:-4]
if len(embeddedRipeData) == 19:
return status, addressVersionNumber, streamNumber, \
'\x00' + embeddedRipeData
elif len(embeddedRipeData) == 20:
return status, addressVersionNumber, streamNumber, \
@ -258,7 +265,6 @@ def decodeAddress(address):
return 'ripetooshort', 0, 0, ''
elif len(embeddedRipeData) > 20:
return 'ripetoolong', 0, 0, ''
return 'otherproblem', 0, 0, ''
elif addressVersionNumber == 4:
embeddedRipeData = \
@ -271,13 +277,13 @@ def decodeAddress(address):
return 'ripetoolong', 0, 0, ''
elif len(embeddedRipeData) < 4:
return 'ripetooshort', 0, 0, ''
x00string = '\x00' * (20 - len(embeddedRipeData))
return status, addressVersionNumber, streamNumber, \
x00string + embeddedRipeData
def addBMIfNotPresent(address):
"""Prepend BM- to an address if it doesn't already have it"""
address = str(address).strip()
return address if address[:3] == 'BM-' else 'BM-' + address
@ -1,29 +1,39 @@
"""Base address validation class for QT UI"""
"""Base address validation class for QT UI"""
"""Address validation callback, performs validation and gives feedback"""
"""Address validation callback, performs validation and gives feedback"""
"""Base address validation class for QT UI"""
"""Address validation callback, performs validation and gives feedback"""
"""Base address validation class for QT UI"""
"""Address validation callback, performs validation and gives feedback"""
"""Base address validation class for QT UI"""
"""Address validation callback, performs validation and gives feedback"""
"""Base address validation class for QT UI"""
"""Address validation callback, performs validation and gives feedback"""
"""Base address validation class for QT UI"""
"""Address validation callback, performs validation and gives feedback"""
# pylint: disable=attribute-defined-outside-init
"""Base address validation class for QT UI"""
"""Address validation callback, performs validation and gives feedback"""
"""Base address validation class for QT UI"""
"""Address validation callback, performs validation and gives feedback"""
import hashlib
"""Base address validation class for QT UI"""
"""Address validation callback, performs validation and gives feedback"""
"""Base address validation class for QT UI"""
"""Address validation callback, performs validation and gives feedback"""
from PyQt4 import QtCore, QtGui
from addresses import decodeAddress, encodeVarint, addBMIfNotPresent
"""Base address validation class for QT UI"""
"""Address validation callback, performs validation and gives feedback"""
from account import (
"""Base address validation class for QT UI"""
"""Address validation callback, performs validation and gives feedback"""
GatewayAccount, MailchuckAccount, AccountMixin, accountClass,
"""Base address validation class for QT UI"""
"""Address validation callback, performs validation and gives feedback"""
"""Base address validation class for QT UI"""
"""Address validation callback, performs validation and gives feedback"""
"""Base address validation class for QT UI"""
"""Address validation callback, performs validation and gives feedback"""
from tr import _translate
"""Base address validation class for QT UI"""
"""Address validation callback, performs validation and gives feedback"""
from retranslateui import RetranslateMixin
"""Base address validation class for QT UI"""
"""Address validation callback, performs validation and gives feedback"""
import widgets
"""Base address validation class for QT UI"""
"""Address validation callback, performs validation and gives feedback"""
import queues
import hashlib
"""Base address validation class for QT UI"""
"""Address validation callback, performs validation and gives feedback"""
import widgets
"""Base address validation class for QT UI"""
"""Address validation callback, performs validation and gives feedback"""
from account import AccountMixin, GatewayAccount, MailchuckAccount, accountClass, getSortedAccounts
"""Base address validation class for QT UI"""
"""Address validation callback, performs validation and gives feedback"""
from addresses import addBMIfNotPresent, decodeAddress, encodeVarint
"""Base address validation class for QT UI"""
"""Address validation callback, performs validation and gives feedback"""
from inventory import Inventory
from retranslateui import RetranslateMixin
"""Base address validation class for QT UI"""
"""Address validation callback, performs validation and gives feedback"""
from tr import _translate
"""Base address validation class for QT UI"""
"""Address validation callback, performs validation and gives feedback"""
class AddressCheckMixin(object):
"""Base address validation class for QT UI"""
"""Base address validation class for QT UI"""
"""Address validation callback, performs validation and gives feedback"""
# pylint: disable=too-few-public-methods
"""Base address validation class for QT UI"""
"""Address validation callback, performs validation and gives feedback"""
def __init__(self):
self.valid = False
QtCore.QObject.connect(self.lineEditAddress, QtCore.SIGNAL(
"""Base address validation class for QT UI"""
"""Address validation callback, performs validation and gives feedback"""
"textChanged(QString)"), self.addressChanged)
"""Base address validation class for QT UI"""
"""Address validation callback, performs validation and gives feedback"""
QtCore.QObject.connect( # pylint: disable=no-member
"""Base address validation class for QT UI"""
"""Address validation callback, performs validation and gives feedback"""
"""Base address validation class for QT UI"""
"""Address validation callback, performs validation and gives feedback"""
"""Base address validation class for QT UI"""
"""Address validation callback, performs validation and gives feedback"""
"""Base address validation class for QT UI"""
"""Address validation callback, performs validation and gives feedback"""
def _onSuccess(self, addressVersion, streamNumber, ripe):
def addressChanged(self, QString):
"""Address validation callback, performs validation and gives feedback"""
"""Base address validation class for QT UI"""
"""Address validation callback, performs validation and gives feedback"""
status, addressVersion, streamNumber, ripe = decodeAddress(
self.valid = status == 'success'
@ -71,11 +81,14 @@ class AddressCheckMixin(object):
"""Base address validation class for QT UI"""
"""Base address validation class for QT UI"""
"""Address validation callback, performs validation and gives feedback"""
"""Address validation callback, performs validation and gives feedback"""
class AddressDataDialog(QtGui.QDialog, AddressCheckMixin):
"""QDialog with Bitmessage address validation"""
"""Base address validation class for QT UI"""
"""Address validation callback, performs validation and gives feedback"""
"""Base address validation class for QT UI"""
"""Address validation callback, performs validation and gives feedback"""
def __init__(self, parent):
super(AddressDataDialog, self).__init__(parent)
self.parent = parent
def accept(self):
"""Callback for QDIalog accepting value"""
"""Base address validation class for QT UI"""
"""Address validation callback, performs validation and gives feedback"""
if self.valid:
|||| = (
@ -90,6 +103,7 @@ class AddressDataDialog(QtGui.QDialog, AddressCheckMixin):
"""Base address validation class for QT UI"""
"""Base address validation class for QT UI"""
"""Address validation callback, performs validation and gives feedback"""
"""Address validation callback, performs validation and gives feedback"""
class AddAddressDialog(AddressDataDialog, RetranslateMixin):
"""QDialog for adding a new address, with validation and translation"""
"""Base address validation class for QT UI"""
"""Address validation callback, performs validation and gives feedback"""
def __init__(self, parent=None, address=None):
super(AddAddressDialog, self).__init__(parent)
@ -100,6 +114,7 @@ class AddAddressDialog(AddressDataDialog, RetranslateMixin):
"""Base address validation class for QT UI"""
"""Base address validation class for QT UI"""
"""Address validation callback, performs validation and gives feedback"""
"""Address validation callback, performs validation and gives feedback"""
class NewAddressDialog(QtGui.QDialog, RetranslateMixin):
"""QDialog for generating a new address, with translation"""
"""Base address validation class for QT UI"""
"""Address validation callback, performs validation and gives feedback"""
def __init__(self, parent=None):
super(NewAddressDialog, self).__init__(parent)
@ -115,6 +130,7 @@ class NewAddressDialog(QtGui.QDialog, RetranslateMixin):
"""Base address validation class for QT UI"""
"""Base address validation class for QT UI"""
"""Address validation callback, performs validation and gives feedback"""
"""Address validation callback, performs validation and gives feedback"""
def accept(self):
"""accept callback"""
"""Base address validation class for QT UI"""
"""Address validation callback, performs validation and gives feedback"""
# self.buttonBox.enabled = False
if self.radioButtonRandomAddress.isChecked():
@ -160,6 +176,7 @@ class NewAddressDialog(QtGui.QDialog, RetranslateMixin):
"""Base address validation class for QT UI"""
"""Base address validation class for QT UI"""
"""Address validation callback, performs validation and gives feedback"""
"""Address validation callback, performs validation and gives feedback"""
class NewSubscriptionDialog(AddressDataDialog, RetranslateMixin):
"""QDialog for subscribing to an address, with validation and translation"""
"""Base address validation class for QT UI"""
"""Address validation callback, performs validation and gives feedback"""
def __init__(self, parent=None):
super(NewSubscriptionDialog, self).__init__(parent)
@ -202,6 +219,7 @@ class NewSubscriptionDialog(AddressDataDialog, RetranslateMixin):
"""Base address validation class for QT UI"""
"""Base address validation class for QT UI"""
"""Address validation callback, performs validation and gives feedback"""
"""Address validation callback, performs validation and gives feedback"""
class RegenerateAddressesDialog(QtGui.QDialog, RetranslateMixin):
"""QDialog for regenerating deterministic addresses, with translation"""
"""Base address validation class for QT UI"""
"""Address validation callback, performs validation and gives feedback"""
def __init__(self, parent=None):
super(RegenerateAddressesDialog, self).__init__(parent)
widgets.load('regenerateaddresses.ui', self)
@ -210,6 +228,7 @@ class RegenerateAddressesDialog(QtGui.QDialog, RetranslateMixin):
"""Base address validation class for QT UI"""
"""Base address validation class for QT UI"""
"""Address validation callback, performs validation and gives feedback"""
"""Address validation callback, performs validation and gives feedback"""
class SpecialAddressBehaviorDialog(QtGui.QDialog, RetranslateMixin):
"""QDialog for special address behaviour (e.g. mailing list functionality), with translation"""
"""Base address validation class for QT UI"""
"""Address validation callback, performs validation and gives feedback"""
def __init__(self, parent=None, config=None):
super(SpecialAddressBehaviorDialog, self).__init__(parent)
@ -250,6 +269,7 @@ class SpecialAddressBehaviorDialog(QtGui.QDialog, RetranslateMixin):
"""Base address validation class for QT UI"""
"""Base address validation class for QT UI"""
"""Address validation callback, performs validation and gives feedback"""
"""Address validation callback, performs validation and gives feedback"""
def accept(self):
"""Accept callback"""
"""Base address validation class for QT UI"""
"""Address validation callback, performs validation and gives feedback"""
if self.address_is_chan:
@ -267,7 +287,7 @@ class SpecialAddressBehaviorDialog(QtGui.QDialog, RetranslateMixin):
"""Base address validation class for QT UI"""
"""Base address validation class for QT UI"""
"""Address validation callback, performs validation and gives feedback"""
"""Address validation callback, performs validation and gives feedback"""
self.config.set(str(self.address), 'mailinglistname', str(
QtGui.QColor(137, 04, 177)) # magenta
"""Base address validation class for QT UI"""
"""Address validation callback, performs validation and gives feedback"""
QtGui.QColor(137, 4, 177)) # magenta
"""Base address validation class for QT UI"""
"""Address validation callback, performs validation and gives feedback"""
@ -275,6 +295,7 @@ class SpecialAddressBehaviorDialog(QtGui.QDialog, RetranslateMixin):
"""Base address validation class for QT UI"""
"""Base address validation class for QT UI"""
"""Address validation callback, performs validation and gives feedback"""
"""Address validation callback, performs validation and gives feedback"""
class EmailGatewayDialog(QtGui.QDialog, RetranslateMixin):
"""QDialog for email gateway control, with translation"""
"""Base address validation class for QT UI"""
"""Address validation callback, performs validation and gives feedback"""
def __init__(self, parent, config=None, account=None):
super(EmailGatewayDialog, self).__init__(parent)
widgets.load('emailgateway.ui', self)
@ -315,6 +336,7 @@ class EmailGatewayDialog(QtGui.QDialog, RetranslateMixin):
"""Base address validation class for QT UI"""
"""Base address validation class for QT UI"""
"""Address validation callback, performs validation and gives feedback"""
"""Address validation callback, performs validation and gives feedback"""
QtGui.QWidget.resize(self, QtGui.QWidget.sizeHint(self))
def accept(self):
"""Accept callback"""
"""Base address validation class for QT UI"""
"""Address validation callback, performs validation and gives feedback"""
# no chans / mailinglists
if self.acct.type != AccountMixin.NORMAL:
"""Base address validation class for QT UI"""
"""Base address validation class for QT UI"""
"""Address validation callback, performs validation and gives feedback"""
"""Address validation callback, performs validation and gives feedback"""
@ -1,52 +1,59 @@
"""SMTP client thread for delivery"""
"""SMTP client thread for delivery"""
"""(probably) Singleton functionality"""
"""(probably) Singleton functionality"""
from email.mime.text import MIMEText
"""SMTP client thread for delivery"""
"""(probably) Singleton functionality"""
from email.header import Header
"""SMTP client thread for delivery"""
"""(probably) Singleton functionality"""
"""SMTP client thread for delivery"""
"""(probably) Singleton functionality"""
"""SMTP client thread for delivery"""
"""(probably) Singleton functionality"""
"""SMTP client thread for delivery"""
"""(probably) Singleton functionality"""
"""SMTP client thread for delivery"""
"""(probably) Singleton functionality"""
# pylint: disable=unused-variable
"""SMTP client thread for delivery"""
"""(probably) Singleton functionality"""
"""SMTP client thread for delivery"""
"""(probably) Singleton functionality"""
import smtplib
import sys
import threading
import urlparse
from email.header import Header
"""SMTP client thread for delivery"""
"""(probably) Singleton functionality"""
from email.mime.text import MIMEText
"""SMTP client thread for delivery"""
"""(probably) Singleton functionality"""
from bmconfigparser import BMConfigParser
"""SMTP client thread for delivery"""
"""(probably) Singleton functionality"""
from debug import logger
"""SMTP client thread for delivery"""
"""(probably) Singleton functionality"""
from helper_threading import *
"""SMTP client thread for delivery"""
"""(probably) Singleton functionality"""
import queues
import state
from bmconfigparser import BMConfigParser
"""SMTP client thread for delivery"""
"""(probably) Singleton functionality"""
from debug import logger
"""SMTP client thread for delivery"""
"""(probably) Singleton functionality"""
from helper_threading import StoppableThread
"""SMTP client thread for delivery"""
"""(probably) Singleton functionality"""
SMTPDOMAIN = "bmaddr.lan"
"""SMTP client thread for delivery"""
"""(probably) Singleton functionality"""
class smtpDeliver(threading.Thread, StoppableThread):
"""SMTP client thread for delivery"""
"""SMTP client thread for delivery"""
"""(probably) Singleton functionality"""
_instance = None
def __init__(self, parent=None):
"""SMTP client thread for delivery"""
"""(probably) Singleton functionality"""
def __init__(self):
"""SMTP client thread for delivery"""
"""(probably) Singleton functionality"""
threading.Thread.__init__(self, name="smtpDeliver")
def stopThread(self):
queues.UISignallerQueue.put(("stopThread", "data"))
"""SMTP client thread for delivery"""
"""(probably) Singleton functionality"""
queues.UISignallerQueue.put(("stopThread", "data")) # pylint: disable=no-member
"""SMTP client thread for delivery"""
"""(probably) Singleton functionality"""
super(smtpDeliver, self).stopThread()
def get(cls):
"""(probably) Singleton functionality"""
"""SMTP client thread for delivery"""
"""(probably) Singleton functionality"""
if not cls._instance:
cls._instance = smtpDeliver()
return cls._instance
def run(self):
# pylint: disable=too-many-branches,too-many-statements,too-many-locals
"""SMTP client thread for delivery"""
"""(probably) Singleton functionality"""
while state.shutdown == 0:
command, data = queues.UISignalQueue.get()
if command == 'writeNewAddressToTable':
label, address, streamNumber = data
"""SMTP client thread for delivery"""
"""(probably) Singleton functionality"""
elif command == 'updateStatusBar':
elif command == 'updateSentItemStatusByToAddress':
toAddress, message = data
"""SMTP client thread for delivery"""
"""(probably) Singleton functionality"""
elif command == 'updateSentItemStatusByAckdata':
ackData, message = data
"""SMTP client thread for delivery"""
"""(probably) Singleton functionality"""
elif command == 'displayNewInboxMessage':
inventoryHash, toAddress, fromAddress, subject, body = data
dest = BMConfigParser().safeGet("bitmessagesettings", "smtpdeliver", '')
@ -59,8 +66,12 @@ class smtpDeliver(threading.Thread, StoppableThread):
"""SMTP client thread for delivery"""
"""SMTP client thread for delivery"""
"""(probably) Singleton functionality"""
"""(probably) Singleton functionality"""
msg = MIMEText(body, 'plain', 'utf-8')
msg['Subject'] = Header(subject, 'utf-8')
msg['From'] = fromAddress + '@' + SMTPDOMAIN
toLabel = map (lambda y: BMConfigParser().safeGet(y, "label"), filter(lambda x: x == toAddress, BMConfigParser().addresses()))
"""SMTP client thread for delivery"""
"""(probably) Singleton functionality"""
if len(toLabel) > 0:
"""SMTP client thread for delivery"""
"""(probably) Singleton functionality"""
toLabel = map( # pylint: disable=deprecated-lambda
"""SMTP client thread for delivery"""
"""(probably) Singleton functionality"""
lambda y: BMConfigParser().safeGet(y, "label"),
"""SMTP client thread for delivery"""
"""(probably) Singleton functionality"""
filter( # pylint: disable=deprecated-lambda
"""SMTP client thread for delivery"""
"""(probably) Singleton functionality"""
lambda x: x == toAddress, BMConfigParser().addresses())
"""SMTP client thread for delivery"""
"""(probably) Singleton functionality"""
"""SMTP client thread for delivery"""
"""(probably) Singleton functionality"""
if toLabel:
"""SMTP client thread for delivery"""
"""(probably) Singleton functionality"""
msg['To'] = "\"%s\" <%s>" % (Header(toLabel[0], 'utf-8'), toAddress + '@' + SMTPDOMAIN)
msg['To'] = toAddress + '@' + SMTPDOMAIN
@ -74,7 +85,6 @@ class smtpDeliver(threading.Thread, StoppableThread):
"""SMTP client thread for delivery"""
"""SMTP client thread for delivery"""
"""(probably) Singleton functionality"""
"""(probably) Singleton functionality"""
logger.error("smtp delivery error", exc_info=True)
elif command == 'displayNewSentMessage':
toAddress, fromLabel, fromAddress, subject, message, ackdata = data
"""SMTP client thread for delivery"""
"""(probably) Singleton functionality"""
elif command == 'updateNetworkStatusTab':
elif command == 'updateNumberOfMessagesProcessed':
@ -103,7 +113,6 @@ class smtpDeliver(threading.Thread, StoppableThread):
"""SMTP client thread for delivery"""
"""SMTP client thread for delivery"""
"""(probably) Singleton functionality"""
"""(probably) Singleton functionality"""
elif command == 'alert':
title, text, exitAfterUserClicksOk = data
"""SMTP client thread for delivery"""
"""(probably) Singleton functionality"""
elif command == 'stopThread':
"""SMTP client thread for delivery"""
"""SMTP client thread for delivery"""
"""(probably) Singleton functionality"""
"""(probably) Singleton functionality"""
@ -31,6 +31,9 @@
u-msgpack-python v2.4.1 - v at
@ -43,10 +46,13 @@ types.
License: MIT
import struct
# pylint: disable=too-many-lines,too-many-branches,too-many-statements,global-statement,too-many-return-statements
# pylint: disable=unused-argument
import collections
import sys
import io
import struct
import sys
__version__ = "2.4.1"
"Module version string"
@ -60,7 +66,7 @@ version = (2, 4, 1)
# Extension type for application-defined types and data
class Ext:
class Ext: # pylint: disable=old-style-class
The Ext class facilitates creating a serializable extension object to store
an application-defined type and data byte array.
@ -87,6 +93,8 @@ class Ext:
Ext Object (Type: 0x05, Data: 01 02 03)
# pylint:disable=redefined-builtin
# Application ext type should be 0 <= type <= 127
if not isinstance(type, int) or not (type >= 0 and type <= 127):
raise TypeError("ext type out of range")
@ -412,7 +420,7 @@ def _pack2(obj, fp, **options):
_pack_ext(ext_handlers[obj.__class__](obj), fp, options)
elif isinstance(obj, bool):
_pack_boolean(obj, fp, options)
elif isinstance(obj, int) or isinstance(obj, long):
elif isinstance(obj, (int, long)):
_pack_integer(obj, fp, options)
elif isinstance(obj, float):
_pack_float(obj, fp, options)
@ -424,7 +432,7 @@ def _pack2(obj, fp, **options):
_pack_string(obj, fp, options)
elif isinstance(obj, str):
_pack_binary(obj, fp, options)
elif isinstance(obj, list) or isinstance(obj, tuple):
elif isinstance(obj, (list, tuple)):
_pack_array(obj, fp, options)
elif isinstance(obj, dict):
_pack_map(obj, fp, options)
@ -494,7 +502,7 @@ def _pack3(obj, fp, **options):
_pack_string(obj, fp, options)
elif isinstance(obj, bytes):
_pack_binary(obj, fp, options)
elif isinstance(obj, list) or isinstance(obj, tuple):
elif isinstance(obj, (list, tuple)):
_pack_array(obj, fp, options)
elif isinstance(obj, dict):
_pack_map(obj, fp, options)
@ -723,7 +731,7 @@ def _unpack_array(code, fp, options):
raise Exception("logic error, not array: 0x%02x" % ord(code))
return [_unpack(fp, options) for i in xrange(length)]
return [_unpack(fp, options) for _ in xrange(length)]
def _deep_list_to_tuple(obj):
@ -957,6 +965,8 @@ def _unpackb3(s, **options):
def __init():
# pylint: disable=global-variable-undefined
global pack
global packb
global unpack
@ -989,7 +999,7 @@ def __init():
unpackb = _unpackb3
load = _unpack3
loads = _unpackb3
xrange = range
xrange = range # pylint: disable=redefined-builtin
pack = _pack2
packb = _packb2
@ -1,17 +1,23 @@
#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# pylint: disable=protected-access
# Copyright (C) 2011 Yann GUIBET <>
# See LICENSE for details.
from hashlib import sha512
from pyelliptic.openssl import OpenSSL
from pyelliptic.cipher import Cipher
from pyelliptic.hash import hmac_sha256, equals
from struct import pack, unpack
from pyelliptic.cipher import Cipher
from pyelliptic.hash import equals, hmac_sha256
from pyelliptic.openssl import OpenSSL
class ECC:
class ECC(object):
Asymmetric encryption with Elliptic Curve Cryptography (ECC)
@ -40,13 +46,21 @@ class ECC:
>>> print bob.get_ecdh_key(alice.get_pubkey()).encode('hex')
def __init__(self, pubkey=None, privkey=None, pubkey_x=None,
pubkey_y=None, raw_privkey=None, curve='sect283r1'):
def __init__(
): # pylint: disable=too-many-arguments
For a normal and High level use, specifie pubkey,
privkey (if you need) and the curve
if type(curve) == str:
if isinstance(curve, str):
self.curve = OpenSSL.get_curve(curve)
self.curve = curve
@ -54,9 +68,9 @@ class ECC:
if pubkey_x is not None and pubkey_y is not None:
self._set_keys(pubkey_x, pubkey_y, raw_privkey)
elif pubkey is not None:
curve, pubkey_x, pubkey_y, i = ECC._decode_pubkey(pubkey)
curve, pubkey_x, pubkey_y, _ = ECC._decode_pubkey(pubkey)
if privkey is not None:
curve2, raw_privkey, i = ECC._decode_privkey(privkey)
curve2, raw_privkey, _ = ECC._decode_privkey(privkey)
if curve != curve2:
raise Exception("Bad ECC keys ...")
self.curve = curve
@ -83,9 +97,11 @@ class ECC:
return OpenSSL.curves.keys()
def get_curve(self):
"""Encryption object from curve name"""
return OpenSSL.get_curve_by_id(self.curve)
def get_curve_id(self):
"""Currently used curve"""
return self.curve
def get_pubkey(self):
@ -93,11 +109,12 @@ class ECC:
High level function which returns :
curve(2) + len_of_pubkeyX(2) + pubkeyX + len_of_pubkeyY + pubkeyY
return b''.join((pack('!H', self.curve),
return b''.join((
pack('!H', self.curve),
pack('!H', len(self.pubkey_x)),
pack('!H', len(self.pubkey_y)),
def get_privkey(self):
@ -105,9 +122,10 @@ class ECC:
High level function which returns
curve(2) + len_of_privkey(2) + privkey
return b''.join((pack('!H', self.curve),
return b''.join((
pack('!H', self.curve),
pack('!H', len(self.privkey)),
@ -153,12 +171,9 @@ class ECC:
group = OpenSSL.EC_KEY_get0_group(key)
pub_key = OpenSSL.EC_KEY_get0_public_key(key)
if (OpenSSL.EC_POINT_get_affine_coordinates_GFp(group, pub_key,
pub_key_y, 0
)) == 0:
raise Exception(
"[OpenSSL] EC_POINT_get_affine_coordinates_GFp FAIL ...")
if OpenSSL.EC_POINT_get_affine_coordinates_GFp(
group, pub_key, pub_key_x, pub_key_y, 0) == 0:
raise Exception("[OpenSSL] EC_POINT_get_affine_coordinates_GFp FAIL ...")
privkey = OpenSSL.malloc(0, OpenSSL.BN_num_bytes(priv_key))
pubkeyx = OpenSSL.malloc(0, OpenSSL.BN_num_bytes(pub_key_x))
@ -183,12 +198,13 @@ class ECC:
High level function. Compute public key with the local private key
and returns a 512bits shared key
curve, pubkey_x, pubkey_y, i = ECC._decode_pubkey(pubkey)
curve, pubkey_x, pubkey_y, _ = ECC._decode_pubkey(pubkey)
if curve != self.curve:
raise Exception("ECC keys must be from the same curve !")
return sha512(self.raw_get_ecdh_key(pubkey_x, pubkey_y)).digest()
def raw_get_ecdh_key(self, pubkey_x, pubkey_y):
"""ECDH key as binary data"""
ecdh_keybuffer = OpenSSL.malloc(0, 32)
@ -248,20 +264,22 @@ class ECC:
Check the public key and the private key.
The private key is optional (replace by None)
curve, pubkey_x, pubkey_y, i = ECC._decode_pubkey(pubkey)
curve, pubkey_x, pubkey_y, _ = ECC._decode_pubkey(pubkey)
if privkey is None:
raw_privkey = None
curve2 = curve
curve2, raw_privkey, i = ECC._decode_privkey(privkey)
curve2, raw_privkey, _ = ECC._decode_privkey(privkey)
if curve != curve2:
raise Exception("Bad public and private key")
return self.raw_check_key(raw_privkey, pubkey_x, pubkey_y, curve)
def raw_check_key(self, privkey, pubkey_x, pubkey_y, curve=None):
"""Check key validity, key is supplied as binary data"""
# pylint: disable=too-many-branches
if curve is None:
curve = self.curve
elif type(curve) == str:
elif isinstance(curve, str):
curve = OpenSSL.get_curve(curve)
curve = curve
@ -306,6 +324,7 @@ class ECC:
Sign the input with ECDSA method and returns the signature
# pylint: disable=too-many-branches,too-many-locals
size = len(inputb)
buff = OpenSSL.malloc(inputb, size)
@ -369,13 +388,13 @@ class ECC:
def verify(self, sig, inputb, digest_alg=OpenSSL.digest_ecdsa_sha1):
Verify the signature with the input and the local public key.
Returns a boolean
# pylint: disable=too-many-branches
bsig = OpenSSL.malloc(sig, len(sig))
binputb = OpenSSL.malloc(inputb, len(inputb))
@ -419,12 +438,9 @@ class ECC:
if ret == -1:
return False # Fail to Check
if ret == 0:
return False # Bad signature !
return True # Good
return False
@ -441,13 +457,21 @@ class ECC:
Encrypt data with ECIES method using the public key of the recipient.
curve, pubkey_x, pubkey_y, i = ECC._decode_pubkey(pubkey)
curve, pubkey_x, pubkey_y, _ = ECC._decode_pubkey(pubkey)
return ECC.raw_encrypt(data, pubkey_x, pubkey_y, curve=curve,
ephemcurve=ephemcurve, ciphername=ciphername)
def raw_encrypt(data, pubkey_x, pubkey_y, curve='sect283r1',
ephemcurve=None, ciphername='aes-256-cbc'):
def raw_encrypt(
): # pylint: disable=too-many-arguments
"""ECHD encryption, keys supplied in binary data format"""
if ephemcurve is None:
ephemcurve = curve
ephem = ECC(curve=ephemcurve)
@ -464,12 +488,13 @@ class ECC:
Decrypt data with ECIES method using the local private key
# pylint: disable=too-many-locals
blocksize = OpenSSL.get_cipher(ciphername).get_blocksize()
iv = data[:blocksize]
i = blocksize
curve, pubkey_x, pubkey_y, i2 = ECC._decode_pubkey(data[i:])
_, pubkey_x, pubkey_y, i2 = ECC._decode_pubkey(data[i:])
i += i2
ciphertext = data[i:len(data)-32]
ciphertext = data[i:len(data) - 32]
i += len(ciphertext)
mac = data[i:]
key = sha512(self.raw_get_ecdh_key(pubkey_x, pubkey_y)).digest()
@ -1,12 +1,29 @@
"""Dict with randomised order and tracking. Keeps a track of how many items have been requested from the dict, and timeouts. Resets after all objects have been retrieved and timed out. The main purpose of this isn't as much putting related code together as performance optimisation and anonymisation of downloading of objects from other peers. If done using a standard dict or array, it takes too much CPU (and looks convoluted). Randomisation helps with anonymity"""
"""Dict with randomised order and tracking. Keeps a track of how many items have been requested from the dict, and timeouts. Resets after all objects have been retrieved and timed out. The main purpose of this isn't as much putting related code together as performance optimisation and anonymisation of downloading of objects from other peers. If done using a standard dict or array, it takes too much CPU (and looks convoluted). Randomisation helps with anonymity"""
"""Dict with randomised order and tracking. Keeps a track of how many items have been requested from the dict, and timeouts. Resets after all objects have been retrieved and timed out. The main purpose of this isn't as much putting related code together as performance optimisation and anonymisation of downloading of objects from other peers. If done using a standard dict or array, it takes too much CPU (and looks convoluted). Randomisation helps with anonymity"""
"""Dict with randomised order and tracking. Keeps a track of how many items have been requested from the dict, and timeouts. Resets after all objects have been retrieved and timed out. The main purpose of this isn't as much putting related code together as performance optimisation and anonymisation of downloading of objects from other peers. If done using a standard dict or array, it takes too much CPU (and looks convoluted). Randomisation helps with anonymity"""
"""Dict with randomised order and tracking. Keeps a track of how many items have been requested from the dict, and timeouts. Resets after all objects have been retrieved and timed out. The main purpose of this isn't as much putting related code together as performance optimisation and anonymisation of downloading of objects from other peers. If done using a standard dict or array, it takes too much CPU (and looks convoluted). Randomisation helps with anonymity"""
"""Dict with randomised order and tracking. Keeps a track of how many items have been requested from the dict, and timeouts. Resets after all objects have been retrieved and timed out. The main purpose of this isn't as much putting related code together as performance optimisation and anonymisation of downloading of objects from other peers. If done using a standard dict or array, it takes too much CPU (and looks convoluted). Randomisation helps with anonymity"""
"""Dict with randomised order and tracking. Keeps a track of how many items have been requested from the dict, and timeouts. Resets after all objects have been retrieved and timed out. The main purpose of this isn't as much putting related code together as performance optimisation and anonymisation of downloading of objects from other peers. If done using a standard dict or array, it takes too much CPU (and looks convoluted). Randomisation helps with anonymity"""
import random
from threading import RLock
from time import time
"""Dict with randomised order and tracking. Keeps a track of how many items have been requested from the dict, and timeouts. Resets after all objects have been retrieved and timed out. The main purpose of this isn't as much putting related code together as performance optimisation and anonymisation of downloading of objects from other peers. If done using a standard dict or array, it takes too much CPU (and looks convoluted). Randomisation helps with anonymity"""
import helper_random
"""Dict with randomised order and tracking. Keeps a track of how many items have been requested from the dict, and timeouts. Resets after all objects have been retrieved and timed out. The main purpose of this isn't as much putting related code together as performance optimisation and anonymisation of downloading of objects from other peers. If done using a standard dict or array, it takes too much CPU (and looks convoluted). Randomisation helps with anonymity"""
class RandomTrackingDict(object):
"""Dict with randomised order and tracking. Keeps a track of how many items have been requested from the dict, and timeouts. Resets after all objects have been retrieved and timed out. The main purpose of this isn't as much putting related code together as performance optimisation and anonymisation of downloading of objects from other peers. If done using a standard dict or array, it takes too much CPU (and looks convoluted). Randomisation helps with anonymity"""
Dict with randomised order and tracking.
"""Dict with randomised order and tracking. Keeps a track of how many items have been requested from the dict, and timeouts. Resets after all objects have been retrieved and timed out. The main purpose of this isn't as much putting related code together as performance optimisation and anonymisation of downloading of objects from other peers. If done using a standard dict or array, it takes too much CPU (and looks convoluted). Randomisation helps with anonymity"""
"""Dict with randomised order and tracking. Keeps a track of how many items have been requested from the dict, and timeouts. Resets after all objects have been retrieved and timed out. The main purpose of this isn't as much putting related code together as performance optimisation and anonymisation of downloading of objects from other peers. If done using a standard dict or array, it takes too much CPU (and looks convoluted). Randomisation helps with anonymity"""
Keeps a track of how many items have been requested from the dict, and timeouts. Resets after all objects have been
"""Dict with randomised order and tracking. Keeps a track of how many items have been requested from the dict, and timeouts. Resets after all objects have been retrieved and timed out. The main purpose of this isn't as much putting related code together as performance optimisation and anonymisation of downloading of objects from other peers. If done using a standard dict or array, it takes too much CPU (and looks convoluted). Randomisation helps with anonymity"""
retrieved and timed out. The main purpose of this isn't as much putting related code together as performance
"""Dict with randomised order and tracking. Keeps a track of how many items have been requested from the dict, and timeouts. Resets after all objects have been retrieved and timed out. The main purpose of this isn't as much putting related code together as performance optimisation and anonymisation of downloading of objects from other peers. If done using a standard dict or array, it takes too much CPU (and looks convoluted). Randomisation helps with anonymity"""
optimisation and anonymisation of downloading of objects from other peers. If done using a standard dict or array,
"""Dict with randomised order and tracking. Keeps a track of how many items have been requested from the dict, and timeouts. Resets after all objects have been retrieved and timed out. The main purpose of this isn't as much putting related code together as performance optimisation and anonymisation of downloading of objects from other peers. If done using a standard dict or array, it takes too much CPU (and looks convoluted). Randomisation helps with anonymity"""
it takes too much CPU (and looks convoluted). Randomisation helps with anonymity.
"""Dict with randomised order and tracking. Keeps a track of how many items have been requested from the dict, and timeouts. Resets after all objects have been retrieved and timed out. The main purpose of this isn't as much putting related code together as performance optimisation and anonymisation of downloading of objects from other peers. If done using a standard dict or array, it takes too much CPU (and looks convoluted). Randomisation helps with anonymity"""
"""Dict with randomised order and tracking. Keeps a track of how many items have been requested from the dict, and timeouts. Resets after all objects have been retrieved and timed out. The main purpose of this isn't as much putting related code together as performance optimisation and anonymisation of downloading of objects from other peers. If done using a standard dict or array, it takes too much CPU (and looks convoluted). Randomisation helps with anonymity"""
# pylint: disable=too-many-instance-attributes
"""Dict with randomised order and tracking. Keeps a track of how many items have been requested from the dict, and timeouts. Resets after all objects have been retrieved and timed out. The main purpose of this isn't as much putting related code together as performance optimisation and anonymisation of downloading of objects from other peers. If done using a standard dict or array, it takes too much CPU (and looks convoluted). Randomisation helps with anonymity"""
maxPending = 10
pendingTimeout = 60
def __init__(self): # O(1)
"""Dict with randomised order and tracking. Keeps a track of how many items have been requested from the dict, and timeouts. Resets after all objects have been retrieved and timed out. The main purpose of this isn't as much putting related code together as performance optimisation and anonymisation of downloading of objects from other peers. If done using a standard dict or array, it takes too much CPU (and looks convoluted). Randomisation helps with anonymity"""
"""Dict with randomised order and tracking. Keeps a track of how many items have been requested from the dict, and timeouts. Resets after all objects have been retrieved and timed out. The main purpose of this isn't as much putting related code together as performance optimisation and anonymisation of downloading of objects from other peers. If done using a standard dict or array, it takes too much CPU (and looks convoluted). Randomisation helps with anonymity"""
def __init__(self):
"""Dict with randomised order and tracking. Keeps a track of how many items have been requested from the dict, and timeouts. Resets after all objects have been retrieved and timed out. The main purpose of this isn't as much putting related code together as performance optimisation and anonymisation of downloading of objects from other peers. If done using a standard dict or array, it takes too much CPU (and looks convoluted). Randomisation helps with anonymity"""
self.dictionary = {}
self.indexDict = []
self.len = 0
@ -46,7 +63,7 @@ class RandomTrackingDict(object):
"""Dict with randomised order and tracking. Keeps a track of how many items have been requested from the dict, and timeouts. Resets after all objects have been retrieved and timed out. The main purpose of this isn't as much putting related code together as performance optimisation and anonymisation of downloading of objects from other peers. If done using a standard dict or array, it takes too much CPU (and looks convoluted). Randomisation helps with anonymity"""
"""Dict with randomised order and tracking. Keeps a track of how many items have been requested from the dict, and timeouts. Resets after all objects have been retrieved and timed out. The main purpose of this isn't as much putting related code together as performance optimisation and anonymisation of downloading of objects from other peers. If done using a standard dict or array, it takes too much CPU (and looks convoluted). Randomisation helps with anonymity"""
self.len += 1
def __delitem__(self, key):
if not key in self.dictionary:
"""Dict with randomised order and tracking. Keeps a track of how many items have been requested from the dict, and timeouts. Resets after all objects have been retrieved and timed out. The main purpose of this isn't as much putting related code together as performance optimisation and anonymisation of downloading of objects from other peers. If done using a standard dict or array, it takes too much CPU (and looks convoluted). Randomisation helps with anonymity"""
if key not in self.dictionary:
"""Dict with randomised order and tracking. Keeps a track of how many items have been requested from the dict, and timeouts. Resets after all objects have been retrieved and timed out. The main purpose of this isn't as much putting related code together as performance optimisation and anonymisation of downloading of objects from other peers. If done using a standard dict or array, it takes too much CPU (and looks convoluted). Randomisation helps with anonymity"""
raise KeyError
with self.lock:
index = self.dictionary[key][0]
@ -67,9 +84,14 @@ class RandomTrackingDict(object):
"""Dict with randomised order and tracking. Keeps a track of how many items have been requested from the dict, and timeouts. Resets after all objects have been retrieved and timed out. The main purpose of this isn't as much putting related code together as performance optimisation and anonymisation of downloading of objects from other peers. If done using a standard dict or array, it takes too much CPU (and looks convoluted). Randomisation helps with anonymity"""
"""Dict with randomised order and tracking. Keeps a track of how many items have been requested from the dict, and timeouts. Resets after all objects have been retrieved and timed out. The main purpose of this isn't as much putting related code together as performance optimisation and anonymisation of downloading of objects from other peers. If done using a standard dict or array, it takes too much CPU (and looks convoluted). Randomisation helps with anonymity"""
self.len -= 1
def setMaxPending(self, maxPending):
"""Dict with randomised order and tracking. Keeps a track of how many items have been requested from the dict, and timeouts. Resets after all objects have been retrieved and timed out. The main purpose of this isn't as much putting related code together as performance optimisation and anonymisation of downloading of objects from other peers. If done using a standard dict or array, it takes too much CPU (and looks convoluted). Randomisation helps with anonymity"""
Sets maximum number of objects that can be retrieved from the class simultaneously as long as there is no
"""Dict with randomised order and tracking. Keeps a track of how many items have been requested from the dict, and timeouts. Resets after all objects have been retrieved and timed out. The main purpose of this isn't as much putting related code together as performance optimisation and anonymisation of downloading of objects from other peers. If done using a standard dict or array, it takes too much CPU (and looks convoluted). Randomisation helps with anonymity"""
"""Dict with randomised order and tracking. Keeps a track of how many items have been requested from the dict, and timeouts. Resets after all objects have been retrieved and timed out. The main purpose of this isn't as much putting related code together as performance optimisation and anonymisation of downloading of objects from other peers. If done using a standard dict or array, it takes too much CPU (and looks convoluted). Randomisation helps with anonymity"""
"""Dict with randomised order and tracking. Keeps a track of how many items have been requested from the dict, and timeouts. Resets after all objects have been retrieved and timed out. The main purpose of this isn't as much putting related code together as performance optimisation and anonymisation of downloading of objects from other peers. If done using a standard dict or array, it takes too much CPU (and looks convoluted). Randomisation helps with anonymity"""
self.maxPending = maxPending
def setPendingTimeout(self, pendingTimeout):
"""Sets how long to wait for a timeout if max pending is reached (or all objects have been retrieved)"""
"""Dict with randomised order and tracking. Keeps a track of how many items have been requested from the dict, and timeouts. Resets after all objects have been retrieved and timed out. The main purpose of this isn't as much putting related code together as performance optimisation and anonymisation of downloading of objects from other peers. If done using a standard dict or array, it takes too much CPU (and looks convoluted). Randomisation helps with anonymity"""
self.pendingTimeout = pendingTimeout
def setLastObject(self):
@ -77,10 +99,13 @@ class RandomTrackingDict(object):
"""Dict with randomised order and tracking. Keeps a track of how many items have been requested from the dict, and timeouts. Resets after all objects have been retrieved and timed out. The main purpose of this isn't as much putting related code together as performance optimisation and anonymisation of downloading of objects from other peers. If done using a standard dict or array, it takes too much CPU (and looks convoluted). Randomisation helps with anonymity"""
"""Dict with randomised order and tracking. Keeps a track of how many items have been requested from the dict, and timeouts. Resets after all objects have been retrieved and timed out. The main purpose of this isn't as much putting related code together as performance optimisation and anonymisation of downloading of objects from other peers. If done using a standard dict or array, it takes too much CPU (and looks convoluted). Randomisation helps with anonymity"""
self.lastObject = time()
def randomKeys(self, count=1):
"""Retrieve count random keys from the dict that haven't already been retrieved"""
"""Dict with randomised order and tracking. Keeps a track of how many items have been requested from the dict, and timeouts. Resets after all objects have been retrieved and timed out. The main purpose of this isn't as much putting related code together as performance optimisation and anonymisation of downloading of objects from other peers. If done using a standard dict or array, it takes too much CPU (and looks convoluted). Randomisation helps with anonymity"""
if self.len == 0 or ((self.pendingLen >= self.maxPending or
self.pendingLen == self.len) and self.lastPoll +
self.pendingTimeout > time()):
raise KeyError
"""Dict with randomised order and tracking. Keeps a track of how many items have been requested from the dict, and timeouts. Resets after all objects have been retrieved and timed out. The main purpose of this isn't as much putting related code together as performance optimisation and anonymisation of downloading of objects from other peers. If done using a standard dict or array, it takes too much CPU (and looks convoluted). Randomisation helps with anonymity"""
# pylint: disable=redefined-outer-name
"""Dict with randomised order and tracking. Keeps a track of how many items have been requested from the dict, and timeouts. Resets after all objects have been retrieved and timed out. The main purpose of this isn't as much putting related code together as performance optimisation and anonymisation of downloading of objects from other peers. If done using a standard dict or array, it takes too much CPU (and looks convoluted). Randomisation helps with anonymity"""
with self.lock:
# reset if we've requested all
# or if last object received too long time ago
@ -99,43 +124,40 @@ class RandomTrackingDict(object):
"""Dict with randomised order and tracking. Keeps a track of how many items have been requested from the dict, and timeouts. Resets after all objects have been retrieved and timed out. The main purpose of this isn't as much putting related code together as performance optimisation and anonymisation of downloading of objects from other peers. If done using a standard dict or array, it takes too much CPU (and looks convoluted). Randomisation helps with anonymity"""
"""Dict with randomised order and tracking. Keeps a track of how many items have been requested from the dict, and timeouts. Resets after all objects have been retrieved and timed out. The main purpose of this isn't as much putting related code together as performance optimisation and anonymisation of downloading of objects from other peers. If done using a standard dict or array, it takes too much CPU (and looks convoluted). Randomisation helps with anonymity"""
self.lastPoll = time()
return retval
"""Dict with randomised order and tracking. Keeps a track of how many items have been requested from the dict, and timeouts. Resets after all objects have been retrieved and timed out. The main purpose of this isn't as much putting related code together as performance optimisation and anonymisation of downloading of objects from other peers. If done using a standard dict or array, it takes too much CPU (and looks convoluted). Randomisation helps with anonymity"""
if __name__ == '__main__':
"""Dict with randomised order and tracking. Keeps a track of how many items have been requested from the dict, and timeouts. Resets after all objects have been retrieved and timed out. The main purpose of this isn't as much putting related code together as performance optimisation and anonymisation of downloading of objects from other peers. If done using a standard dict or array, it takes too much CPU (and looks convoluted). Randomisation helps with anonymity"""
# pylint: disable=redefined-outer-name
"""Dict with randomised order and tracking. Keeps a track of how many items have been requested from the dict, and timeouts. Resets after all objects have been retrieved and timed out. The main purpose of this isn't as much putting related code together as performance optimisation and anonymisation of downloading of objects from other peers. If done using a standard dict or array, it takes too much CPU (and looks convoluted). Randomisation helps with anonymity"""
def randString():
"""helper function for tests, generates a random string"""
"""Dict with randomised order and tracking. Keeps a track of how many items have been requested from the dict, and timeouts. Resets after all objects have been retrieved and timed out. The main purpose of this isn't as much putting related code together as performance optimisation and anonymisation of downloading of objects from other peers. If done using a standard dict or array, it takes too much CPU (and looks convoluted). Randomisation helps with anonymity"""
retval = b''
for _ in range(32):
retval += chr(random.randint(0,255))
"""Dict with randomised order and tracking. Keeps a track of how many items have been requested from the dict, and timeouts. Resets after all objects have been retrieved and timed out. The main purpose of this isn't as much putting related code together as performance optimisation and anonymisation of downloading of objects from other peers. If done using a standard dict or array, it takes too much CPU (and looks convoluted). Randomisation helps with anonymity"""
retval += chr(random.randint(0, 255))
"""Dict with randomised order and tracking. Keeps a track of how many items have been requested from the dict, and timeouts. Resets after all objects have been retrieved and timed out. The main purpose of this isn't as much putting related code together as performance optimisation and anonymisation of downloading of objects from other peers. If done using a standard dict or array, it takes too much CPU (and looks convoluted). Randomisation helps with anonymity"""
return retval
a = []
k = RandomTrackingDict()
d = {}
# print "populating normal dict"
"""Dict with randomised order and tracking. Keeps a track of how many items have been requested from the dict, and timeouts. Resets after all objects have been retrieved and timed out. The main purpose of this isn't as much putting related code together as performance optimisation and anonymisation of downloading of objects from other peers. If done using a standard dict or array, it takes too much CPU (and looks convoluted). Randomisation helps with anonymity"""
# a.append(time())
"""Dict with randomised order and tracking. Keeps a track of how many items have been requested from the dict, and timeouts. Resets after all objects have been retrieved and timed out. The main purpose of this isn't as much putting related code together as performance optimisation and anonymisation of downloading of objects from other peers. If done using a standard dict or array, it takes too much CPU (and looks convoluted). Randomisation helps with anonymity"""
# for i in range(50000):
"""Dict with randomised order and tracking. Keeps a track of how many items have been requested from the dict, and timeouts. Resets after all objects have been retrieved and timed out. The main purpose of this isn't as much putting related code together as performance optimisation and anonymisation of downloading of objects from other peers. If done using a standard dict or array, it takes too much CPU (and looks convoluted). Randomisation helps with anonymity"""
# d[randString()] = True
"""Dict with randomised order and tracking. Keeps a track of how many items have been requested from the dict, and timeouts. Resets after all objects have been retrieved and timed out. The main purpose of this isn't as much putting related code together as performance optimisation and anonymisation of downloading of objects from other peers. If done using a standard dict or array, it takes too much CPU (and looks convoluted). Randomisation helps with anonymity"""
# a.append(time())
"""Dict with randomised order and tracking. Keeps a track of how many items have been requested from the dict, and timeouts. Resets after all objects have been retrieved and timed out. The main purpose of this isn't as much putting related code together as performance optimisation and anonymisation of downloading of objects from other peers. If done using a standard dict or array, it takes too much CPU (and looks convoluted). Randomisation helps with anonymity"""
print "populating random tracking dict"
for i in range(50000):
k[randString()] = True
print "done"
while len(k) > 0:
"""Dict with randomised order and tracking. Keeps a track of how many items have been requested from the dict, and timeouts. Resets after all objects have been retrieved and timed out. The main purpose of this isn't as much putting related code together as performance optimisation and anonymisation of downloading of objects from other peers. If done using a standard dict or array, it takes too much CPU (and looks convoluted). Randomisation helps with anonymity"""
"""Dict with randomised order and tracking. Keeps a track of how many items have been requested from the dict, and timeouts. Resets after all objects have been retrieved and timed out. The main purpose of this isn't as much putting related code together as performance optimisation and anonymisation of downloading of objects from other peers. If done using a standard dict or array, it takes too much CPU (and looks convoluted). Randomisation helps with anonymity"""
while k:
"""Dict with randomised order and tracking. Keeps a track of how many items have been requested from the dict, and timeouts. Resets after all objects have been retrieved and timed out. The main purpose of this isn't as much putting related code together as performance optimisation and anonymisation of downloading of objects from other peers. If done using a standard dict or array, it takes too much CPU (and looks convoluted). Randomisation helps with anonymity"""
retval = k.randomKeys(1000)
if not retval:
print "error getting random keys"
"""Dict with randomised order and tracking. Keeps a track of how many items have been requested from the dict, and timeouts. Resets after all objects have been retrieved and timed out. The main purpose of this isn't as much putting related code together as performance optimisation and anonymisation of downloading of objects from other peers. If done using a standard dict or array, it takes too much CPU (and looks convoluted). Randomisation helps with anonymity"""
print "bad"
except KeyError:
"""Dict with randomised order and tracking. Keeps a track of how many items have been requested from the dict, and timeouts. Resets after all objects have been retrieved and timed out. The main purpose of this isn't as much putting related code together as performance optimisation and anonymisation of downloading of objects from other peers. If done using a standard dict or array, it takes too much CPU (and looks convoluted). Randomisation helps with anonymity"""
for i in retval:
del k[i]
"""Dict with randomised order and tracking. Keeps a track of how many items have been requested from the dict, and timeouts. Resets after all objects have been retrieved and timed out. The main purpose of this isn't as much putting related code together as performance optimisation and anonymisation of downloading of objects from other peers. If done using a standard dict or array, it takes too much CPU (and looks convoluted). Randomisation helps with anonymity"""
for x in range(len(a) - 1):
print "%i: %.3f" % (x, a[x+1] - a[x])
"""Dict with randomised order and tracking. Keeps a track of how many items have been requested from the dict, and timeouts. Resets after all objects have been retrieved and timed out. The main purpose of this isn't as much putting related code together as performance optimisation and anonymisation of downloading of objects from other peers. If done using a standard dict or array, it takes too much CPU (and looks convoluted). Randomisation helps with anonymity"""
print "%i: %.3f" % (x, a[x + 1] - a[x])
"""Dict with randomised order and tracking. Keeps a track of how many items have been requested from the dict, and timeouts. Resets after all objects have been retrieved and timed out. The main purpose of this isn't as much putting related code together as performance optimisation and anonymisation of downloading of objects from other peers. If done using a standard dict or array, it takes too much CPU (and looks convoluted). Randomisation helps with anonymity"""
"""Dict with randomised order and tracking. Keeps a track of how many items have been requested from the dict, and timeouts. Resets after all objects have been retrieved and timed out. The main purpose of this isn't as much putting related code together as performance optimisation and anonymisation of downloading of objects from other peers. If done using a standard dict or array, it takes too much CPU (and looks convoluted). Randomisation helps with anonymity"""
"""Dict with randomised order and tracking. Keeps a track of how many items have been requested from the dict, and timeouts. Resets after all objects have been retrieved and timed out. The main purpose of this isn't as much putting related code together as performance optimisation and anonymisation of downloading of objects from other peers. If done using a standard dict or array, it takes too much CPU (and looks convoluted). Randomisation helps with anonymity"""
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