# pylint: disable=too-many-branches,too-many-statements,protected-access """ Proof of work calculation """ import ctypes import hashlib import os import sys import tempfile import time from struct import pack, unpack from subprocess import call # nosec:B404 import openclpow import paths import queues import state import tr from bmconfigparser import config from debug import logger bitmsglib = 'bitmsghash.so' bmpow = None class LogOutput(object): # pylint: disable=too-few-public-methods """ A context manager that block stdout for its scope and appends it's content to log before exit. Usage:: with LogOutput(): os.system('ls -l') https://stackoverflow.com/questions/5081657 """ def __init__(self, prefix='PoW'): self.prefix = prefix try: sys.stdout.flush() self._stdout = sys.stdout self._stdout_fno = os.dup(sys.stdout.fileno()) except AttributeError: # NullWriter instance has no attribute 'fileno' on Windows self._stdout = None else: self._dst, self._filepath = tempfile.mkstemp() def __enter__(self): if not self._stdout: return stdout = os.dup(1) os.dup2(self._dst, 1) os.close(self._dst) sys.stdout = os.fdopen(stdout, 'w') def __exit__(self, exc_type, exc_val, exc_tb): if not self._stdout: return sys.stdout.close() sys.stdout = self._stdout sys.stdout.flush() os.dup2(self._stdout_fno, 1) with open(self._filepath) as out: for line in out: logger.info('%s: %s', self.prefix, line) os.remove(self._filepath) def _set_idle(): if 'linux' in sys.platform: os.nice(20) else: try: # pylint: disable=no-member,import-error sys.getwindowsversion() import win32api import win32process import win32con pid = win32api.GetCurrentProcessId() handle = win32api.OpenProcess(win32con.PROCESS_ALL_ACCESS, True, pid) win32process.SetPriorityClass(handle, win32process.IDLE_PRIORITY_CLASS) except: # nosec:B110 # noqa:E722 # pylint:disable=bare-except # Windows 64-bit pass def _pool_worker(nonce, initialHash, target, pool_size): _set_idle() trialValue = float('inf') while trialValue > target: nonce += pool_size trialValue, = unpack('>Q', hashlib.sha512(hashlib.sha512( pack('>Q', nonce) + initialHash).digest()).digest()[0:8]) return [trialValue, nonce] def _doSafePoW(target, initialHash): logger.debug("Safe PoW start") nonce = 0 trialValue = float('inf') while trialValue > target and state.shutdown == 0: nonce += 1 trialValue, = unpack('>Q', hashlib.sha512(hashlib.sha512( pack('>Q', nonce) + initialHash).digest()).digest()[0:8]) if state.shutdown != 0: raise StopIteration("Interrupted") # pylint: misplaced-bare-raise logger.debug("Safe PoW done") return [trialValue, nonce] def _doFastPoW(target, initialHash): logger.debug("Fast PoW start") from multiprocessing import Pool, cpu_count try: pool_size = cpu_count() except: # noqa:E722 pool_size = 4 try: maxCores = config.getint('bitmessagesettings', 'maxcores') except: # noqa:E722 maxCores = 99999 if pool_size > maxCores: pool_size = maxCores pool = Pool(processes=pool_size) result = [] for i in range(pool_size): result.append(pool.apply_async(_pool_worker, args=(i, initialHash, target, pool_size))) while True: if state.shutdown > 0: try: pool.terminate() pool.join() except: # nosec:B110 # noqa:E722 # pylint:disable=bare-except pass raise StopIteration("Interrupted") for i in range(pool_size): if result[i].ready(): try: result[i].successful() except AssertionError: pool.terminate() pool.join() raise StopIteration("Interrupted") result = result[i].get() pool.terminate() pool.join() logger.debug("Fast PoW done") return result[0], result[1] time.sleep(0.2) def _doCPoW(target, initialHash): with LogOutput(): h = initialHash m = target out_h = ctypes.pointer(ctypes.create_string_buffer(h, 64)) out_m = ctypes.c_ulonglong(m) logger.debug("C PoW start") nonce = bmpow(out_h, out_m) trialValue, = unpack('>Q', hashlib.sha512(hashlib.sha512(pack('>Q', nonce) + initialHash).digest()).digest()[0:8]) if state.shutdown != 0: raise StopIteration("Interrupted") logger.debug("C PoW done") return [trialValue, nonce] def _doGPUPoW(target, initialHash): logger.debug("GPU PoW start") nonce = openclpow.do_opencl_pow(initialHash.encode("hex"), target) trialValue, = unpack('>Q', hashlib.sha512(hashlib.sha512(pack('>Q', nonce) + initialHash).digest()).digest()[0:8]) if trialValue > target: deviceNames = ", ".join(gpu.name for gpu in openclpow.enabledGpus) queues.UISignalQueue.put(( 'updateStatusBar', ( tr._translate( "MainWindow", 'Your GPU(s) did not calculate correctly, disabling OpenCL. Please report to the developers.' ), 1))) logger.error( "Your GPUs (%s) did not calculate correctly, disabling OpenCL. Please report to the developers.", deviceNames) openclpow.enabledGpus = [] raise Exception("GPU did not calculate correctly.") if state.shutdown != 0: raise StopIteration("Interrupted") logger.debug("GPU PoW done") return [trialValue, nonce] def estimate(difficulty, format=False): # pylint: disable=redefined-builtin """ .. todo: fix unused variable """ ret = difficulty / 10 if ret < 1: ret = 1 if format: # pylint: disable=unused-variable out = str(int(ret)) + " seconds" if ret > 60: ret /= 60 out = str(int(ret)) + " minutes" if ret > 60: ret /= 60 out = str(int(ret)) + " hours" if ret > 24: ret /= 24 out = str(int(ret)) + " days" if ret > 7: out = str(int(ret)) + " weeks" if ret > 31: out = str(int(ret)) + " months" if ret > 366: ret /= 366 out = str(int(ret)) + " years" ret = None # Ensure legacy behaviour return ret def getPowType(): """Get the proof of work implementation""" if openclpow.openclEnabled(): return "OpenCL" if bmpow: return "C" return "python" def notifyBuild(tried=False): """Notify the user of the success or otherwise of building the PoW C module""" if bmpow: queues.UISignalQueue.put(('updateStatusBar', (tr._translate( "proofofwork", "C PoW module built successfully."), 1))) elif tried: queues.UISignalQueue.put( ( 'updateStatusBar', ( tr._translate( "proofofwork", "Failed to build C PoW module. Please build it manually." ), 1 ) ) ) else: queues.UISignalQueue.put(('updateStatusBar', (tr._translate( "proofofwork", "C PoW module unavailable. Please build it."), 1))) def buildCPoW(): """Attempt to build the PoW C module""" if bmpow is not None: return if paths.frozen is not None: notifyBuild(False) return if sys.platform in ["win32", "win64"]: notifyBuild(False) return try: if "bsd" in sys.platform: # BSD make call(["make", "-C", os.path.join(paths.codePath(), "bitmsghash"), '-f', 'Makefile.bsd']) # nosec:B607, B603 else: # GNU make call(["make", "-C", os.path.join(paths.codePath(), "bitmsghash")]) # nosec:B607, B603 if os.path.exists(os.path.join(paths.codePath(), "bitmsghash", "bitmsghash.so")): init() notifyBuild(True) else: notifyBuild(True) except: # noqa:E722 notifyBuild(True) def run(target, initialHash): """Run the proof of work thread""" if state.shutdown != 0: raise # pylint: disable=misplaced-bare-raise target = int(target) if openclpow.openclEnabled(): try: return _doGPUPoW(target, initialHash) except StopIteration: raise except: # nosec:B110 # noqa:E722 # pylint:disable=bare-except pass # fallback if bmpow: try: return _doCPoW(target, initialHash) except StopIteration: raise except: # nosec:B110 # noqa:E722 # pylint:disable=bare-except pass # fallback if paths.frozen == "macosx_app" or not paths.frozen: # on my (Peter Surda) Windows 10, Windows Defender # does not like this and fights with PyBitmessage # over CPU, resulting in very slow PoW # added on 2015-11-29: multiprocesing.freeze_support() doesn't help try: return _doFastPoW(target, initialHash) except StopIteration: logger.error("Fast PoW got StopIteration") raise except: # noqa:E722 # pylint:disable=bare-except logger.error("Fast PoW got exception:", exc_info=True) try: return _doSafePoW(target, initialHash) except StopIteration: raise except: # nosec:B110 # noqa:E722 # pylint:disable=bare-except pass # fallback def resetPoW(): """Initialise the OpenCL PoW""" openclpow.initCL() # init def init(): """Initialise PoW""" # pylint: disable=global-statement global bitmsglib, bmpow openclpow.initCL() if sys.platform == "win32": if ctypes.sizeof(ctypes.c_voidp) == 4: bitmsglib = 'bitmsghash32.dll' else: bitmsglib = 'bitmsghash64.dll' try: # MSVS bso = ctypes.WinDLL(os.path.join(paths.codePath(), "bitmsghash", bitmsglib)) logger.info("Loaded C PoW DLL (stdcall) %s", bitmsglib) bmpow = bso.BitmessagePOW bmpow.restype = ctypes.c_ulonglong _doCPoW(2**63, "") logger.info("Successfully tested C PoW DLL (stdcall) %s", bitmsglib) except ValueError: try: # MinGW bso = ctypes.CDLL(os.path.join(paths.codePath(), "bitmsghash", bitmsglib)) logger.info("Loaded C PoW DLL (cdecl) %s", bitmsglib) bmpow = bso.BitmessagePOW bmpow.restype = ctypes.c_ulonglong _doCPoW(2**63, "") logger.info("Successfully tested C PoW DLL (cdecl) %s", bitmsglib) except Exception as e: logger.error("Error: %s", e, exc_info=True) bso = None except Exception as e: logger.error("Error: %s", e, exc_info=True) bso = None else: try: bso = ctypes.CDLL(os.path.join(paths.codePath(), "bitmsghash", bitmsglib)) except OSError: import glob try: bso = ctypes.CDLL(glob.glob(os.path.join( paths.codePath(), "bitmsghash", "bitmsghash*.so" ))[0]) except (OSError, IndexError): bso = None except: # noqa:E722 bso = None else: logger.info("Loaded C PoW DLL %s", bitmsglib) if bso: try: bmpow = bso.BitmessagePOW bmpow.restype = ctypes.c_ulonglong except: # noqa:E722 bmpow = None else: bmpow = None if bmpow is None: buildCPoW()