Runnable with both Python3 and Python2, with both PyQt5 and PyQt4 by using #2250

kashikoibumi wants to merge 127 commits from kashikoibumi/py3qt into v0.6
Showing only changes of commit 605f205a44 - Show all commits

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@ -2415,7 +2415,7 @@ class MyForm(settingsmixin.SMainWindow):
addressInKeysFile, 'enabled')
isChan = config.safeGetBoolean(addressInKeysFile, 'chan')
if isEnabled and not isChan:
label = unic(ustr(config.get(addressInKeysFile, 'label')).strip()) or addressInKeyFile
label = unic(ustr(config.get(addressInKeysFile, 'label')).strip()) or addressInKeysFile
self.ui.comboBoxSendFromBroadcast.addItem(avatarize(addressInKeysFile), label, addressInKeysFile)
for i in range(self.ui.comboBoxSendFromBroadcast.count()):
address = ustr(self.ui.comboBoxSendFromBroadcast.itemData(