import platform import unittest from pathlib import Path try: from unittest.mock import patch except ImportError: # Python 2 from mock import patch import numpy as np from PIL import Image try: import cv2 except ImportError: cv2 = None try: import imageio except ImportError: imageio = None from pyzbar import wrapper from pyzbar.pyzbar import ( decode, Decoded, Rect, ZBarSymbol, EXTERNAL_DEPENDENCIES, ORIENTATION_AVAILABLE ) from pyzbar.pyzbar_error import PyZbarError TESTDATA = Path(__file__).parent class TestDecode(unittest.TestCase): EXPECTED_CODE128 = [ Decoded( data=b'Foramenifera', type='CODE128', rect=Rect(left=37, top=550, width=324, height=76), polygon=[(37, 551), (37, 625), (361, 626), (361, 550)], orientation='UP' if ORIENTATION_AVAILABLE else None, quality=77, ), Decoded( data=b'Rana temporaria', type='CODE128', rect=Rect(left=4, top=0, width=390, height=76), polygon=[(4, 1), (4, 75), (394, 76), (394, 0)], orientation='UP' if ORIENTATION_AVAILABLE else None, quality=77, ), ] EXPECTED_CODE128_NULL_CHARACTER = [ Decoded( data=b'Hello\0Goodbye', type='CODE128', rect=Rect(left=4, top=0, width=390, height=75), polygon=[(4, 1), (4, 75), (394, 74), (394, 0)], orientation="UP" if ORIENTATION_AVAILABLE else None, quality=76, ), ] EXPECTED_QRCODE = [ Decoded( b'Thalassiodracon', type='QRCODE', rect=Rect(left=27, top=27, width=145, height=145), polygon=[(27, 27), (27, 172), (172, 172), (172, 27)], orientation='UP' if ORIENTATION_AVAILABLE else None, quality=1, ), ] # Two barcodes, both with same content EXPECTED_QRCODE_ROTATED = [ Decoded( data=b'Thalassiodracon', type='QRCODE', rect=Rect(left=173, top=10, width=205, height=205), polygon=[(173, 113), (276, 215), (378, 113), (276, 10)], orientation='UP' if ORIENTATION_AVAILABLE else None, quality=1, ), Decoded( data=b'Thalassiodracon', type='QRCODE', rect=Rect(left=32, top=208, width=158, height=158), polygon=[(32, 352), (177, 366), (190, 222), (46, 208)], orientation='RIGHT' if ORIENTATION_AVAILABLE else None, quality=1, ), ] @classmethod def setUpClass(cls): cls.code128, cls.code128_null_character, cls.qrcode, cls.qrcode_rotated, cls.empty = ( for fname in ('code128.png', 'code128_null_character.png', 'qrcode.png', 'qrcode_rotated.png', 'empty.png') ) cls.maxDiff = None # assertRaisesRegexp was a deprecated alias removed in Python 3.11 if not hasattr(cls, 'assertRaisesRegex'): cls.assertRaisesRegex = cls.assertRaisesRegexp @classmethod def tearDownClass(cls): cls.code128 = cls.code128_null_character = cls.qrcode = cls.qrcode_rotated = cls.empty = None def test_decode_code128(self): "Read both barcodes in `code128.png`" res = decode(self.code128) self.assertEqual(self.EXPECTED_CODE128, res) def test_decode_code128_null_character(self): "Read barcode in `code128_null_character.png` containing a null character" res = decode(self.code128_null_character) self.assertEqual(self.EXPECTED_CODE128_NULL_CHARACTER, res) def test_decode_qrcode(self): "Read barcode in `qrcode.png`" res = decode(self.qrcode) self.assertEqual(self.EXPECTED_QRCODE, res) def test_decode_qrcode_rotated(self): "Read barcode in `qrcode_rotated.png`" # Test computation of the polygon around the barcode res = decode(self.qrcode_rotated) self.assertEqual(self.EXPECTED_QRCODE_ROTATED, res) def test_symbols(self): "Read only qrcodes in `qrcode.png`" res = decode(self.qrcode, symbols=[ZBarSymbol.QRCODE]) self.assertEqual(self.EXPECTED_QRCODE, res) def test_symbols_not_present(self): "Read only code128 in `qrcode.png`" res = decode(self.qrcode, symbols=[ZBarSymbol.CODE128]) self.assertEqual([], res) def test_decode_tuple(self): "Read barcodes in pixels" pixels = self.code128.copy().convert('L').tobytes() width, height = self.code128.size res = decode((pixels, width, height)) self.assertEqual(self.EXPECTED_CODE128, res) def test_unsupported_bpp(self): pixels = self.code128.tobytes() width, height = self.code128.size self.assertRaises(PyZbarError, decode, (pixels, width, height)) def test_empty(self): "Do not show any output for an image that does not contain a barcode" res = decode(self.empty) self.assertEqual([], res) def test_decode_numpy(self): "Read image using Pillow and convert to numpy.ndarray" res = decode(np.asarray(self.code128)) self.assertEqual(self.EXPECTED_CODE128, res) @unittest.skipIf(imageio is None, 'imageio not installed') def test_decode_imageio(self): "Read image using imageio" res = decode(imageio.imread(TESTDATA.joinpath('code128.png'))) self.assertEqual(self.EXPECTED_CODE128, res) @unittest.skipIf(cv2 is None, 'OpenCV not installed') def test_decode_opencv(self): "Read image using OpenCV" res = decode(cv2.imread(str(TESTDATA.joinpath('code128.png')))) self.assertEqual(self.EXPECTED_CODE128, res) @patch('pyzbar.pyzbar.zbar_image_first_symbol', autospec=True) def test_unrecognised_symbol_type(self, zbar_image_first_symbol): "The type of the first symbol is not recognised" def zbar_image_first_symbol_set_symbol_type(image): symbol = wrapper.zbar_image_first_symbol(image) if symbol: symbol.contents.type = -1 return symbol zbar_image_first_symbol.side_effect = zbar_image_first_symbol_set_symbol_type res = decode(np.asarray(self.code128)) expected = [ self.EXPECTED_CODE128[0]._replace(type='Unrecognised type [-1]') ] + self.EXPECTED_CODE128[1:] self.assertEqual(expected, res) def test_external_dependencies(self): "External dependencies" if 'Windows' == platform.system(): self.assertEqual(2, len(EXTERNAL_DEPENDENCIES)) self.assertTrue( any('libiconv' in d._name for d in EXTERNAL_DEPENDENCIES) ) self.assertTrue( any('libzbar' in d._name for d in EXTERNAL_DEPENDENCIES) ) @patch('pyzbar.pyzbar.zbar_image_create', autospec=True) def test_zbar_image_create_fail(self, zbar_image_create): zbar_image_create.return_value = None self.assertRaisesRegex( PyZbarError, 'Could not create zbar image', decode, self.code128 ) zbar_image_create.assert_called_once_with() @patch('pyzbar.pyzbar.zbar_image_scanner_create', autospec=True) def test_zbar_image_scanner_create_fail(self, zbar_image_scanner_create): zbar_image_scanner_create.return_value = None self.assertRaisesRegex( PyZbarError, 'Could not create image scanner', decode, self.code128 ) zbar_image_scanner_create.assert_called_once_with() @patch('pyzbar.pyzbar.zbar_scan_image', autospec=True) def test_zbar_scan_image_fail(self, zbar_scan_image): zbar_scan_image.return_value = -1 self.assertRaisesRegex( PyZbarError, 'Unsupported image format', decode, self.code128 ) self.assertEqual(1, zbar_scan_image.call_count) def test_unsupported_bits_per_pixel(self): # 16 bits-per-pixel data = (list(range(3 * 3 * 2)), 3, 3) self.assertRaisesRegex( PyZbarError, r'Unsupported bits-per-pixel \[16\]. Only \[8\] is supported.', decode, data ) self.assertRaises(PyZbarError, decode, data) def test_inconsistent_dimensions(self): # Ten bytes but width x height indicates nine bytes data = (list(range(10)), 3, 3) self.assertRaisesRegex( PyZbarError, ( r'Inconsistent dimensions: image data of 10 bytes is not ' r'divisible by \(width x height = 9\)' ), decode, data ) if __name__ == '__main__': unittest.main()