# pylint: disable=too-many-branches,too-many-statements,protected-access """ Proof of work calculation """ import ctypes import hashlib import os import sys import tempfile import time from struct import pack, unpack from subprocess import call import openclpow import paths import queues import state import tr from bmconfigparser import config from debug import logger bitmsglib = 'bitmsghash.so' bmpow = None class LogOutput(object): # pylint: disable=too-few-public-methods """ A context manager that block stdout for its scope and appends it's content to log before exit. Usage:: with LogOutput(): os.system('ls -l') https://stackoverflow.com/questions/5081657 """ def __init__(self, prefix='PoW'): self.prefix = prefix try: sys.stdout.flush() self._stdout = sys.stdout self._stdout_fno = os.dup(sys.stdout.fileno()) except AttributeError: # NullWriter instance has no attribute 'fileno' on Windows self._stdout = None else: self._dst, self._filepath = tempfile.mkstemp() def __enter__(self): if not self._stdout: return stdout = os.dup(1) os.dup2(self._dst, 1) os.close(self._dst) sys.stdout = os.fdopen(stdout, 'w') def __exit__(self, exc_type, exc_val, exc_tb): if not self._stdout: return sys.stdout.close() sys.stdout = self._stdout sys.stdout.flush() os.dup2(self._stdout_fno, 1) with open(self._filepath) as out: for line in out: logger.info('%s: %s', self.prefix, line) os.remove(self._filepath) def _set_idle(): if 'linux' in sys.platform: os.nice(20) else: try: # pylint: disable=no-member,import-error sys.getwindowsversion() import win32api import win32process import win32con pid = win32api.GetCurrentProcessId() handle = win32api.OpenProcess(win32con.PROCESS_ALL_ACCESS, True, pid) win32process.SetPriorityClass(handle, win32process.IDLE_PRIORITY_CLASS) except: # nosec:B110 noqa:E722 pylint:disable=bare-except # Windows 64-bit pass def _pool_worker(nonce, initialHash, target, pool_size): _set_idle() trialValue = float('inf') while trialValue > target: nonce += pool_size trialValue, = unpack('>Q', hashlib.sha512(hashlib.sha512( pack('>Q', nonce) + initialHash).digest()).digest()[0:8]) return [trialValue, nonce] def _doSafePoW(target, initialHash): logger.debug("Safe PoW start") nonce = 0 trialValue = float('inf') while trialValue > target and state.shutdown == 0: nonce += 1 trialValue, = unpack('>Q', hashlib.sha512(hashlib.sha512( pack('>Q', nonce) + initialHash).digest()).digest()[0:8]) if state.shutdown != 0: raise StopIteration("Interrupted") # pylint: misplaced-bare-raise logger.debug("Safe PoW done") return [trialValue, nonce] def _doFastPoW(target, initialHash): logger.debug("Fast PoW start") from multiprocessing import Pool, cpu_count try: pool_size = cpu_count() except: # noqa:E722 pool_size = 4 try: maxCores = config.getint('bitmessagesettings', 'maxcores') except: # noqa:E722 maxCores = 99999 if pool_size > maxCores: pool_size = maxCores pool = Pool(processes=pool_size) result = [] for i in range(pool_size): result.append(pool.apply_async(_pool_worker, args=(i, initialHash, target, pool_size))) while True: if state.shutdown > 0: try: pool.terminate() pool.join() except: # noqa:E722 pass raise StopIteration("Interrupted") for i in range(pool_size): if result[i].ready(): try: result[i].successful() except AssertionError: pool.terminate() pool.join() raise StopIteration("Interrupted") result = result[i].get() pool.terminate() pool.join() logger.debug("Fast PoW done") return result[0], result[1] time.sleep(0.2) def _doCPoW(target, initialHash): with LogOutput(): h = initialHash m = target out_h = ctypes.pointer(ctypes.create_string_buffer(h, 64)) out_m = ctypes.c_ulonglong(m) logger.debug("C PoW start") nonce = bmpow(out_h, out_m) trialValue, = unpack('>Q', hashlib.sha512(hashlib.sha512(pack('>Q', nonce) + initialHash).digest()).digest()[0:8]) if state.shutdown != 0: raise StopIteration("Interrupted") logger.debug("C PoW done") return [trialValue, nonce] def _doGPUPoW(target, initialHash): logger.debug("GPU PoW start") nonce = openclpow.do_opencl_pow(initialHash.encode("hex"), target) trialValue, = unpack('>Q', hashlib.sha512(hashlib.sha512(pack('>Q', nonce) + initialHash).digest()).digest()[0:8]) if trialValue > target: deviceNames = ", ".join(gpu.name for gpu in openclpow.enabledGpus) queues.UISignalQueue.put(( 'updateStatusBar', ( tr._translate( "MainWindow", 'Your GPU(s) did not calculate correctly, disabling OpenCL. Please report to the developers.' ), 1))) logger.error( "Your GPUs (%s) did not calculate correctly, disabling OpenCL. Please report to the developers.", deviceNames) openclpow.enabledGpus = [] raise Exception("GPU did not calculate correctly.") if state.shutdown != 0: raise StopIteration("Interrupted") logger.debug("GPU PoW done") return [trialValue, nonce] def estimate(difficulty, format=False): # pylint: disable=redefined-builtin """ .. todo: fix unused variable """ ret = difficulty / 10 if ret < 1: ret = 1 if format: # pylint: disable=unused-variable out = str(int(ret)) + " seconds" if ret > 60: ret /= 60 out = str(int(ret)) + " minutes" if ret > 60: ret /= 60 out = str(int(ret)) + " hours" if ret > 24: ret /= 24 out = str(int(ret)) + " days" if ret > 7: out = str(int(ret)) + " weeks" if ret > 31: out = str(int(ret)) + " months" if ret > 366: ret /= 366 out = str(int(ret)) + " years" ret = None # Ensure legacy behaviour return ret def getPowType(): """Get the proof of work implementation""" if openclpow.openclEnabled(): return "OpenCL" if bmpow: return "C" return "python" def notifyBuild(tried=False): """Notify the user of the success or otherwise of building the PoW C module""" if bmpow: queues.UISignalQueue.put(('updateStatusBar', (tr._translate( "proofofwork", "C PoW module built successfully."), 1))) elif tried: queues.UISignalQueue.put( ( 'updateStatusBar', ( tr._translate( "proofofwork", "Failed to build C PoW module. Please build it manually." ), 1 ) ) ) else: queues.UISignalQueue.put(('updateStatusBar', (tr._translate( "proofofwork", "C PoW module unavailable. Please build it."), 1))) def buildCPoW(): """Attempt to build the PoW C module""" if bmpow is not None: return if paths.frozen is not None: notifyBuild(False) return if sys.platform in ["win32", "win64"]: notifyBuild(False) return try: if "bsd" in sys.platform: # BSD make call(["make", "-C", os.path.join(paths.codePath(), "bitmsghash"), '-f', 'Makefile.bsd']) else: # GNU make call(["make", "-C", os.path.join(paths.codePath(), "bitmsghash")]) if os.path.exists(os.path.join(paths.codePath(), "bitmsghash", "bitmsghash.so")): init() notifyBuild(True) else: notifyBuild(True) except: # noqa:E722 notifyBuild(True) def run(target, initialHash): """Run the proof of work thread""" if state.shutdown != 0: raise # pylint: disable=misplaced-bare-raise target = int(target) if openclpow.openclEnabled(): try: return _doGPUPoW(target, initialHash) except StopIteration: raise except: # nosec:B110 noqa:E722 pylint:disable=bare-except pass # fallback if bmpow: try: return _doCPoW(target, initialHash) except StopIteration: raise except: # nosec:B110 noqa:E722 pylint:disable=bare-except pass # fallback if paths.frozen == "macosx_app" or not paths.frozen: # on my (Peter Surda) Windows 10, Windows Defender # does not like this and fights with PyBitmessage # over CPU, resulting in very slow PoW # added on 2015-11-29: multiprocesing.freeze_support() doesn't help try: return _doFastPoW(target, initialHash) except StopIteration: logger.error("Fast PoW got StopIteration") raise except: # noqa:E722 pylint:disable=bare-except logger.error("Fast PoW got exception:", exc_info=True) try: return _doSafePoW(target, initialHash) except StopIteration: raise except: # nosec:B110 noqa:E722 pylint:disable=bare-except pass # fallback def resetPoW(): """Initialise the OpenCL PoW""" openclpow.initCL() # init def init(): """Initialise PoW""" # pylint: disable=global-statement global bitmsglib, bmpow openclpow.initCL() if sys.platform == "win32": if ctypes.sizeof(ctypes.c_voidp) == 4: bitmsglib = 'bitmsghash32.dll' else: bitmsglib = 'bitmsghash64.dll' try: # MSVS bso = ctypes.WinDLL(os.path.join(paths.codePath(), "bitmsghash", bitmsglib)) logger.info("Loaded C PoW DLL (stdcall) %s", bitmsglib) bmpow = bso.BitmessagePOW bmpow.restype = ctypes.c_ulonglong _doCPoW(2**63, "") logger.info("Successfully tested C PoW DLL (stdcall) %s", bitmsglib) except ValueError: try: # MinGW bso = ctypes.CDLL(os.path.join(paths.codePath(), "bitmsghash", bitmsglib)) logger.info("Loaded C PoW DLL (cdecl) %s", bitmsglib) bmpow = bso.BitmessagePOW bmpow.restype = ctypes.c_ulonglong _doCPoW(2**63, "") logger.info("Successfully tested C PoW DLL (cdecl) %s", bitmsglib) except Exception as e: logger.error("Error: %s", e, exc_info=True) bso = None except Exception as e: logger.error("Error: %s", e, exc_info=True) bso = None else: try: bso = ctypes.CDLL(os.path.join(paths.codePath(), "bitmsghash", bitmsglib)) except OSError: import glob try: bso = ctypes.CDLL(glob.glob(os.path.join( paths.codePath(), "bitmsghash", "bitmsghash*.so" ))[0]) except (OSError, IndexError): bso = None except: # noqa:E722 bso = None else: logger.info("Loaded C PoW DLL %s", bitmsglib) if bso: try: bmpow = bso.BitmessagePOW bmpow.restype = ctypes.c_ulonglong except: # noqa:E722 bmpow = None else: bmpow = None if bmpow is None: buildCPoW()