- treat requested but never arrived objects as expired. This is how it worked before the refactoring. Without this, the list won't go to zero.
138 lines
5.6 KiB
138 lines
5.6 KiB
import collections
from threading import current_thread, RLock
import time
from helper_sql import *
from singleton import Singleton
class Inventory(collections.MutableMapping):
def __init__(self):
super(self.__class__, self).__init__()
self._inventory = {} #of objects (like msg payloads and pubkey payloads) Does not include protocol headers (the first 24 bytes of each packet).
self.numberOfInventoryLookupsPerformed = 0
self._streams = collections.defaultdict(set) # key = streamNumer, value = a set which holds the inventory object hashes that we are aware of. This is used whenever we receive an inv message from a peer to check to see what items are new to us. We don't delete things out of it; instead, the singleCleaner thread clears and refills it every couple hours.
self.lock = RLock() # Guarantees that two receiveDataThreads don't receive and process the same message concurrently (probably sent by a malicious individual)
self.InventoryItem = collections.namedtuple('InventoryItem', 'type stream payload expires tag')
def __contains__(self, hash):
with self.lock:
self.numberOfInventoryLookupsPerformed += 1
if hash in self._inventory:
return True
return bool(sqlQuery('SELECT 1 FROM inventory WHERE hash=?', hash))
def __getitem__(self, hash):
with self.lock:
if hash in self._inventory:
return self._inventory[hash]
rows = sqlQuery('SELECT objecttype, streamnumber, payload, expirestime, tag FROM inventory WHERE hash=?', hash)
if not rows:
raise KeyError(hash)
return self.InventoryItem(*rows[0])
def __setitem__(self, hash, value):
with self.lock:
value = self.InventoryItem(*value)
self._inventory[hash] = value
def __delitem__(self, hash):
raise NotImplementedError
def __iter__(self):
with self.lock:
hashes = self._inventory.keys()[:]
hashes += (hash for hash, in sqlQuery('SELECT hash FROM inventory'))
return hashes.__iter__()
def __len__(self):
with self.lock:
return len(self._inventory) + sqlQuery('SELECT count(*) FROM inventory')[0][0]
def by_type_and_tag(self, type, tag):
with self.lock:
values = [value for value in self._inventory.values() if value.type == type and value.tag == tag]
values += (self.InventoryItem(*value) for value in sqlQuery('SELECT objecttype, streamnumber, payload, expirestime, tag FROM inventory WHERE objecttype=? AND tag=?', type, tag))
return values
def hashes_by_stream(self, stream):
with self.lock:
return self._streams[stream]
def unexpired_hashes_by_stream(self, stream):
with self.lock:
t = int(time.time())
hashes = [hash for hash, value in self._inventory.items() if value.stream == stream and value.expires > t]
hashes += (payload for payload, in sqlQuery('SELECT hash FROM inventory WHERE streamnumber=? AND expirestime>?', stream, t))
return hashes
def flush(self):
with self.lock: # If you use both the inventoryLock and the sqlLock, always use the inventoryLock OUTSIDE of the sqlLock.
with SqlBulkExecute() as sql:
for hash, value in self._inventory.items():
sql.execute('INSERT INTO inventory VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)', hash, *value)
def clean(self):
with self.lock:
sqlExecute('DELETE FROM inventory WHERE expirestime<?',int(time.time()) - (60 * 60 * 3))
for hash, value in self.items():
class Missing(object):
def __init__(self):
super(self.__class__, self).__init__()
self.lock = RLock()
self.hashes = {}
def add(self, objectHash):
with self.lock:
if not objectHash in self.hashes:
self.hashes[objectHash] = {'peers':[], 'requested':0}
def len(self):
with self.lock:
return len(self.hashes)
def removeObjectFromCurrentThread(self, objectHash):
with self.lock:
except ValueError:
if len(self.hashes[objectHash]['peers']) == 0:
self.hashes[objectHash]['requested'] = time.time()
def pull(self, count=1):
if count < 1:
raise ValueError("Must be at least one")
with self.lock:
since = time.time() - 60 # once every minute
objectHashes = []
for objectHash in self.hashes.keys():
if current_thread().peer in self.hashes[objectHash]['peers'] and self.hashes[objectHash]['requested'] < since:
if len(objectHashes) >= count:
return objectHashes
def delete(self, objectHash):
with self.lock:
if objectHash in self.hashes:
del self.hashes[objectHash]
def threadEnd(self):
with self.lock:
for objectHash in self.hashes: