# pylint: disable=too-many-arguments, no-name-in-module, import-error # pylint: disable=too-few-public-methods, no-member, too-many-ancestors """ MyAddress widgets are here. """ from kivymd.uix.button import MDFlatButton from kivymd.uix.dialog import MDDialog from kivymd.uix.label import MDLabel from kivymd.uix.list import IRightBodyTouch from pybitmessage.bitmessagekivy.get_platform import platform from pybitmessage.bitmessagekivy.baseclass.common import ThemeClsColor class BadgeText(IRightBodyTouch, MDLabel): """BadgeText class for kivy UI""" class HelperMyAddress(object): """Widget used in MyAddress are here""" dialog_height = .25 @staticmethod def is_active_badge(): """This function show the 'active' label of active Address.""" active_status = 'Active' is_android_width = 90 width = 50 height = 60 badge_obj = BadgeText( size_hint=(None, None), size=[is_android_width if platform == 'android' else width, height], text=active_status, halign='center', font_style='Body1', theme_text_color='Custom', text_color=ThemeClsColor, font_size='13sp' ) return badge_obj @staticmethod def myaddress_detail_popup(obj, width): """This method show the details of address as popup opens.""" show_myaddress_dialogue = MDDialog( type="custom", size_hint=(width, HelperMyAddress.dialog_height), content_cls=obj, ) return show_myaddress_dialogue @staticmethod def inactive_address_popup(width, callback_for_menu_items): """This method shows the warning popup if the address is inactive""" dialog_text = 'Address is not currently active. Please click on Toggle button to active it.' dialog_box = MDDialog( text=dialog_text, size_hint=(width, HelperMyAddress.dialog_height), buttons=[ MDFlatButton( text="Ok", on_release=lambda x: callback_for_menu_items("Ok") ), ], ) return dialog_box