""" src/bitmessagemain.py ================================= """ # !/usr/bin/python2.7 # Copyright (c) 2012-2016 Jonathan Warren # Copyright (c) 2012-2019 The Bitmessage developers # Distributed under the MIT/X11 software license. See the accompanying # file COPYING or http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php. # Right now, PyBitmessage only support connecting to stream 1. It doesn't # yet contain logic to expand into further streams. # The software version variable is now held in shared.py import os import sys import ctypes import getopt import multiprocessing # Used to capture a Ctrl-C keypress so that Bitmessage can shutdown gracefully. import signal import socket import threading import time import traceback from struct import pack from helper_startup import ( isOurOperatingSystemLimitedToHavingVeryFewHalfOpenConnections ) from singleinstance import singleinstance import defaults import depends import shared import knownnodes import state import shutdown from debug import logger # Classes from class_sqlThread import sqlThread from class_singleCleaner import singleCleaner from class_objectProcessor import objectProcessor from class_singleWorker import singleWorker from class_addressGenerator import addressGenerator from bmconfigparser import BMConfigParser from inventory import Inventory from network.connectionpool import BMConnectionPool from network.dandelion import Dandelion from network.networkthread import BMNetworkThread from network.receivequeuethread import ReceiveQueueThread from network.announcethread import AnnounceThread from network.invthread import InvThread from network.addrthread import AddrThread from network.downloadthread import DownloadThread from network.uploadthread import UploadThread # Helper Functions import helper_threading app_dir = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__)) os.chdir(app_dir) sys.path.insert(0, app_dir) depends.check_dependencies() def connectToStream(streamNumber): """Method helps us to connect with the stream""" state.streamsInWhichIAmParticipating.append(streamNumber) if isOurOperatingSystemLimitedToHavingVeryFewHalfOpenConnections(): # Some XP and Vista systems can only have 10 outgoing connections # at a time. state.maximumNumberOfHalfOpenConnections = 9 else: state.maximumNumberOfHalfOpenConnections = 64 try: # don't overload Tor if BMConfigParser().get( 'bitmessagesettings', 'socksproxytype') != 'none': state.maximumNumberOfHalfOpenConnections = 4 except: pass with knownnodes.knownNodesLock: if streamNumber not in knownnodes.knownNodes: knownnodes.knownNodes[streamNumber] = {} if streamNumber * 2 not in knownnodes.knownNodes: knownnodes.knownNodes[streamNumber * 2] = {} if streamNumber * 2 + 1 not in knownnodes.knownNodes: knownnodes.knownNodes[streamNumber * 2 + 1] = {} BMConnectionPool().connectToStream(streamNumber) def _fixSocket(): if sys.platform.startswith('linux'): socket.SO_BINDTODEVICE = 25 if not sys.platform.startswith('win'): return # Python 2 on Windows doesn't define a wrapper for # socket.inet_ntop but we can make one ourselves using ctypes if not hasattr(socket, 'inet_ntop'): addressToString = ctypes.windll.ws2_32.WSAAddressToStringA def inet_ntop(family, host): """Method converts an IP address in packed binary format to string format""" if family == socket.AF_INET: if len(host) != 4: raise ValueError("invalid IPv4 host") host = pack("hH4s8s", socket.AF_INET, 0, host, "\0" * 8) elif family == socket.AF_INET6: if len(host) != 16: raise ValueError("invalid IPv6 host") host = pack("hHL16sL", socket.AF_INET6, 0, 0, host, 0) else: raise ValueError("invalid address family") buf = "\0" * 64 lengthBuf = pack("I", len(buf)) addressToString(host, len(host), None, buf, lengthBuf) return buf[0:buf.index("\0")] socket.inet_ntop = inet_ntop # Same for inet_pton if not hasattr(socket, 'inet_pton'): stringToAddress = ctypes.windll.ws2_32.WSAStringToAddressA def inet_pton(family, host): """Method converts an IP address in string format to a packed binary format""" buf = "\0" * 28 lengthBuf = pack("I", len(buf)) if stringToAddress(str(host), int(family), None, buf, lengthBuf) != 0: raise socket.error("illegal IP address passed to inet_pton") if family == socket.AF_INET: return buf[4:8] elif family == socket.AF_INET6: return buf[8:24] else: raise ValueError("invalid address family") socket.inet_pton = inet_pton # These sockopts are needed on for IPv6 support if not hasattr(socket, 'IPPROTO_IPV6'): socket.IPPROTO_IPV6 = 41 if not hasattr(socket, 'IPV6_V6ONLY'): socket.IPV6_V6ONLY = 27 def signal_handler(signum, frame): """Single handler for any signal sent to pybitmessage""" process = multiprocessing.current_process() thread = threading.current_thread() logger.error( 'Got signal %i in %s/%s', signum, process.name, thread.name ) if process.name == "RegExParser": # on Windows this isn't triggered, but it's fine, # it has its own process termination thing raise SystemExit if "PoolWorker" in process.name: raise SystemExit if thread.name not in ("PyBitmessage", "MainThread"): return logger.error("Got signal %i", signum) # there are possible non-UI variants to run bitmessage which should shutdown # especially test-mode if shared.thisapp.daemon or not state.enableGUI: shutdown.doCleanShutdown() else: print '# Thread: %s(%d)' % (thread.name, thread.ident) for filename, lineno, name, line in traceback.extract_stack(frame): print 'File: "%s", line %d, in %s' % (filename, lineno, name) if line: print ' %s' % line.strip() print 'Unfortunately you cannot use Ctrl+C when running the UI \ because the UI captures the signal.' class Main: # pylint: disable=no-init, old-style-class """Method starts the proxy config plugin""" @staticmethod def start_proxyconfig(config): """Check socksproxytype and start any proxy configuration plugin""" proxy_type = config.safeGet('bitmessagesettings', 'socksproxytype') if proxy_type not in ('none', 'SOCKS4a', 'SOCKS5'): # pylint: disable=relative-import from plugins.plugin import get_plugin try: proxyconfig_start = time.time() get_plugin('proxyconfig', name=proxy_type)(config) except TypeError: logger.error( 'Failed to run proxy config plugin %s', proxy_type, exc_info=True) shutdown.doCleanShutdown() sys.exit(2) else: logger.info( 'Started proxy config plugin %s in %s sec', proxy_type, time.time() - proxyconfig_start) def start(self): # pylint: disable=too-many-statements, too-many-branches, too-many-locals """This method helps to start the daemon""" _fixSocket() config = BMConfigParser() daemon = config.safeGetBoolean('bitmessagesettings', 'daemon') try: opts, args = getopt.getopt( sys.argv[1:], "hcdt", ["help", "curses", "daemon", "test"]) except getopt.GetoptError: self.usage() sys.exit(2) for opt, arg in opts: if opt in ("-h", "--help"): self.usage() sys.exit() elif opt in ("-d", "--daemon"): daemon = True elif opt in ("-c", "--curses"): state.curses = True elif opt in ("-t", "--test"): state.testmode = True if os.path.isfile(os.path.join( state.appdata, 'unittest.lock')): daemon = True state.enableGUI = False # run without a UI # Fallback: in case when no api command was issued state.last_api_response = time.time() # Apply special settings config.set( 'bitmessagesettings', 'apienabled', 'true') config.set( 'bitmessagesettings', 'apiusername', 'username') config.set( 'bitmessagesettings', 'apipassword', 'password') config.set( 'bitmessagesettings', 'apinotifypath', os.path.join(app_dir, 'tests', 'apinotify_handler.py') ) if daemon: state.enableGUI = False # run without a UI # is the application already running? If yes then exit. if state.enableGUI and not state.curses and not state.kivy and not depends.check_pyqt(): sys.exit( 'PyBitmessage requires PyQt unless you want' ' to run it as a daemon and interact with it' ' using the API. You can download PyQt from ' 'http://www.riverbankcomputing.com/software/pyqt/download' ' or by searching Google for \'PyQt Download\'.' ' If you want to run in daemon mode, see ' 'https://bitmessage.org/wiki/Daemon\n' 'You can also run PyBitmessage with' ' the new curses interface by providing' ' \'-c\' as a commandline argument.' ) # is the application already running? If yes then exit. try: shared.thisapp = singleinstance("", daemon) except Exception: pass if daemon: with shared.printLock: print 'Running as a daemon. Send TERM signal to end.' self.daemonize() self.setSignalHandler() helper_threading.set_thread_name("PyBitmessage") state.dandelion = config.safeGetInt('network', 'dandelion') # dandelion requires outbound connections, without them, # stem objects will get stuck forever if state.dandelion and not config.safeGetBoolean( 'bitmessagesettings', 'sendoutgoingconnections'): state.dandelion = 0 if state.testmode or config.safeGetBoolean( 'bitmessagesettings', 'extralowdifficulty'): defaults.networkDefaultProofOfWorkNonceTrialsPerByte = int( defaults.networkDefaultProofOfWorkNonceTrialsPerByte / 100) defaults.networkDefaultPayloadLengthExtraBytes = int( defaults.networkDefaultPayloadLengthExtraBytes / 100) knownnodes.readKnownNodes() # Not needed if objproc is disabled if state.enableObjProc: # Start the address generation thread addressGeneratorThread = addressGenerator() # close the main program even if there are threads left addressGeneratorThread.daemon = True addressGeneratorThread.start() # Start the thread that calculates POWs singleWorkerThread = singleWorker() # close the main program even if there are threads left singleWorkerThread.daemon = True singleWorkerThread.start() # Start the SQL thread sqlLookup = sqlThread() # DON'T close the main program even if there are threads left. # The closeEvent should command this thread to exit gracefully. sqlLookup.daemon = False sqlLookup.start() Inventory() # init # init, needs to be early because other thread may access it early Dandelion() # Enable object processor and SMTP only if objproc enabled if state.enableObjProc: # SMTP delivery thread if daemon and config.safeGet( 'bitmessagesettings', 'smtpdeliver', '') != '': from class_smtpDeliver import smtpDeliver smtpDeliveryThread = smtpDeliver() smtpDeliveryThread.start() # SMTP daemon thread if daemon and config.safeGetBoolean( 'bitmessagesettings', 'smtpd'): from class_smtpServer import smtpServer smtpServerThread = smtpServer() smtpServerThread.start() # Start the thread that calculates POWs objectProcessorThread = objectProcessor() # DON'T close the main program even the thread remains. # This thread checks the shutdown variable after processing # each object. objectProcessorThread.daemon = False objectProcessorThread.start() # Start the cleanerThread singleCleanerThread = singleCleaner() # close the main program even if there are threads left singleCleanerThread.daemon = True singleCleanerThread.start() # Not needed if objproc disabled if state.enableObjProc: shared.reloadMyAddressHashes() shared.reloadBroadcastSendersForWhichImWatching() # API is also objproc dependent if config.safeGetBoolean('bitmessagesettings', 'apienabled'): import api # pylint: disable=relative-import singleAPIThread = api.singleAPI() # close the main program even if there are threads left singleAPIThread.daemon = True singleAPIThread.start() # start network components if networking is enabled if state.enableNetwork: self.start_proxyconfig(config) BMConnectionPool() asyncoreThread = BMNetworkThread() asyncoreThread.daemon = True asyncoreThread.start() for i in range(config.getint('threads', 'receive')): receiveQueueThread = ReceiveQueueThread(i) receiveQueueThread.daemon = True receiveQueueThread.start() announceThread = AnnounceThread() announceThread.daemon = True announceThread.start() state.invThread = InvThread() state.invThread.daemon = True state.invThread.start() state.addrThread = AddrThread() state.addrThread.daemon = True state.addrThread.start() state.downloadThread = DownloadThread() state.downloadThread.daemon = True state.downloadThread.start() state.uploadThread = UploadThread() state.uploadThread.daemon = True state.uploadThread.start() connectToStream(1) if config.safeGetBoolean('bitmessagesettings', 'upnp'): import upnp upnpThread = upnp.uPnPThread() upnpThread.start() else: # Populate with hardcoded value (same as connectToStream above) state.streamsInWhichIAmParticipating.append(1) if not daemon and state.enableGUI: if state.curses: if not depends.check_curses(): sys.exit() print 'Running with curses' import bitmessagecurses bitmessagecurses.runwrapper() elif state.kivy: config.remove_option('bitmessagesettings', 'dontconnect') from bitmessagekivy.mpybit import NavigateApp state.kivyapp = NavigateApp() state.kivyapp.run() else: import bitmessageqt bitmessageqt.run() else: config.remove_option('bitmessagesettings', 'dontconnect') if daemon: while state.shutdown == 0: time.sleep(1) if (state.testmode and time.time() - state.last_api_response >= 30): self.stop() elif not state.enableGUI: from tests import core as test_core # pylint: disable=relative-import test_core_result = test_core.run() state.enableGUI = True self.stop() test_core.cleanup() sys.exit( 'Core tests failed!' if test_core_result.errors or test_core_result.failures else 0 ) @staticmethod def daemonize(): """Running as a daemon. Send signal in end.""" grandfatherPid = os.getpid() parentPid = None try: if os.fork(): # unlock shared.thisapp.cleanup() # wait until grandchild ready while True: time.sleep(1) os._exit(0) # pylint: disable=protected-access except AttributeError: # fork not implemented pass else: parentPid = os.getpid() shared.thisapp.lock() # relock os.umask(0) try: os.setsid() except AttributeError: # setsid not implemented pass try: if os.fork(): # unlock shared.thisapp.cleanup() # wait until child ready while True: time.sleep(1) os._exit(0) # pylint: disable=protected-access except AttributeError: # fork not implemented pass else: shared.thisapp.lock() # relock shared.thisapp.lockPid = None # indicate we're the final child sys.stdout.flush() sys.stderr.flush() if not sys.platform.startswith('win'): si = file(os.devnull, 'r') so = file(os.devnull, 'a+') se = file(os.devnull, 'a+', 0) os.dup2(si.fileno(), sys.stdin.fileno()) os.dup2(so.fileno(), sys.stdout.fileno()) os.dup2(se.fileno(), sys.stderr.fileno()) if parentPid: # signal ready os.kill(parentPid, signal.SIGTERM) os.kill(grandfatherPid, signal.SIGTERM) def setSignalHandler(self): # pylint: disable=no-self-use """Setting the Signal Handler""" signal.signal(signal.SIGINT, signal_handler) signal.signal(signal.SIGTERM, signal_handler) # signal.signal(signal.SIGINT, signal.SIG_DFL) @staticmethod def usage(): """After passing argument, method displays the usages""" print 'Usage: ' + sys.argv[0] + ' [OPTIONS]' print ''' Options: -h, --help show this help message and exit -c, --curses use curses (text mode) interface -d, --daemon run in daemon (background) mode -t, --test dryrun, make testing All parameters are optional. ''' def stop(self): # pylint: disable=no-self-use """Method helps to stop the Bitmessage Deamon""" with shared.printLock: print 'Stopping Bitmessage Deamon.' shutdown.doCleanShutdown() # ..todo: nice function but no one is using this def getApiAddress(self): # pylint: disable=no-self-use """This method returns the Api Addresses""" if not BMConfigParser().safeGetBoolean( 'bitmessagesettings', 'apienabled'): return None address = BMConfigParser().get('bitmessagesettings', 'apiinterface') port = BMConfigParser().getint('bitmessagesettings', 'apiport') return {'address': address, 'port': port} def main(): """Start of the main thread""" mainprogram = Main() mainprogram.start() if __name__ == "__main__": main() # So far, the creation of and management of the Bitmessage protocol and this # client is a one-man operation. Bitcoin tips are quite appreciated. # 1H5XaDA6fYENLbknwZyjiYXYPQaFjjLX2u