""" src/network/socks5.py ===================== """ # pylint: disable=attribute-defined-outside-init import socket import struct from network.proxy import GeneralProxyError, Proxy, ProxyError from .node import Peer class Socks5AuthError(ProxyError): """Rised when the socks5 protocol encounters an authentication error""" errorCodes = ( "Succeeded", "Authentication is required", "All offered authentication methods were rejected", "Unknown username or invalid password", "Unknown error" ) class Socks5Error(ProxyError): """Rised when socks5 protocol encounters an error""" errorCodes = ( "Succeeded", "General SOCKS server failure", "Connection not allowed by ruleset", "Network unreachable", "Host unreachable", "Connection refused", "TTL expired", "Command not supported", "Address type not supported", "Unknown error" ) class Socks5(Proxy): """A socks5 proxy base class""" def __init__(self, address=None): Proxy.__init__(self, address) self.ipaddr = None self.destport = address[1] def state_init(self): """Protocol initialization (before connection is established)""" if self._auth: self.append_write_buf(struct.pack('BBBB', 0x05, 0x02, 0x00, 0x02)) else: self.append_write_buf(struct.pack('BBB', 0x05, 0x01, 0x00)) self.set_state("auth_1", length=0, expectBytes=2) return True def state_auth_1(self): """Perform authentication if peer is requesting it.""" ret = struct.unpack('BB', self.read_buf[:2]) if ret[0] != 5: # general error raise GeneralProxyError(1) elif ret[1] == 0: # no auth required self.set_state("auth_done", length=2) elif ret[1] == 2: # username/password self.append_write_buf( struct.pack( 'BB', 1, len(self._auth[0])) + self._auth[0] + struct.pack( 'B', len(self._auth[1])) + self._auth[1]) self.set_state("auth_needed", length=2, expectBytes=2) else: if ret[1] == 0xff: # auth error raise Socks5AuthError(2) else: # other error raise GeneralProxyError(1) return True def state_auth_needed(self): """Handle response to authentication attempt""" ret = struct.unpack('BB', self.read_buf[0:2]) if ret[0] != 1: # general error raise GeneralProxyError(1) if ret[1] != 0: # auth error raise Socks5AuthError(3) # all ok self.set_state("auth_done", length=2) return True def state_pre_connect(self): """Handle feedback from socks5 while it is connecting on our behalf.""" # Get the response if self.read_buf[0:1] != chr(0x05).encode(): self.close() raise GeneralProxyError(1) elif self.read_buf[1:2] != chr(0x00).encode(): # Connection failed self.close() if ord(self.read_buf[1:2]) <= 8: raise Socks5Error(ord(self.read_buf[1:2])) else: raise Socks5Error(9) # Get the bound address/port elif self.read_buf[3:4] == chr(0x01).encode(): self.set_state("proxy_addr_1", length=4, expectBytes=4) elif self.read_buf[3:4] == chr(0x03).encode(): self.set_state("proxy_addr_2_1", length=4, expectBytes=1) else: self.close() raise GeneralProxyError(1) return True def state_proxy_addr_1(self): """Handle IPv4 address returned for peer""" self.boundaddr = self.read_buf[0:4] self.set_state("proxy_port", length=4, expectBytes=2) return True def state_proxy_addr_2_1(self): """ Handle other addresses than IPv4 returned for peer (e.g. IPv6, onion, ...). This is part 1 which retrieves the length of the data. """ self.address_length = ord(self.read_buf[0:1]) self.set_state( "proxy_addr_2_2", length=1, expectBytes=self.address_length) return True def state_proxy_addr_2_2(self): """ Handle other addresses than IPv4 returned for peer (e.g. IPv6, onion, ...). This is part 2 which retrieves the data. """ self.boundaddr = self.read_buf[0:self.address_length] self.set_state("proxy_port", length=self.address_length, expectBytes=2) return True def state_proxy_port(self): """Handle peer's port being returned.""" self.boundport = struct.unpack(">H", self.read_buf[0:2])[0] self.__proxysockname = (self.boundaddr, self.boundport) if self.ipaddr is not None: self.__proxypeername = ( socket.inet_ntoa(self.ipaddr), self.destination[1]) else: self.__proxypeername = (self.destination[0], self.destport) self.set_state("proxy_handshake_done", length=2) return True def proxy_sock_name(self): """Handle return value when using SOCKS5 for DNS resolving instead of connecting.""" return socket.inet_ntoa(self.__proxysockname[0]) class Socks5Connection(Socks5): """Child socks5 class used for making outbound connections.""" def state_auth_done(self): """Request connection to be made""" # Now we can request the actual connection self.append_write_buf(struct.pack('BBB', 0x05, 0x01, 0x00)) # If the given destination address is an IP address, we'll # use the IPv4 address request even if remote resolving was specified. try: self.ipaddr = socket.inet_aton(self.destination[0]) self.append_write_buf(chr(0x01).encode() + self.ipaddr) except socket.error: # may be IPv6! # Well it's not an IP number, so it's probably a DNS name. if self._remote_dns: # Resolve remotely self.ipaddr = None self.append_write_buf(chr(0x03).encode() + chr( len(self.destination[0])).encode() + self.destination[0]) else: # Resolve locally self.ipaddr = socket.inet_aton( socket.gethostbyname(self.destination[0])) self.append_write_buf(chr(0x01).encode() + self.ipaddr) self.append_write_buf(struct.pack(">H", self.destination[1])) self.set_state("pre_connect", length=0, expectBytes=4) return True def state_pre_connect(self): """Tell socks5 to initiate a connection""" try: return Socks5.state_pre_connect(self) except Socks5Error as e: self.close_reason = e.message self.set_state("close") class Socks5Resolver(Socks5): """DNS resolver class using socks5""" def __init__(self, host): self.host = host self.port = 8444 Socks5.__init__(self, address=Peer(self.host, self.port)) def state_auth_done(self): """Perform resolving""" # Now we can request the actual connection self.append_write_buf(struct.pack('BBB', 0x05, 0xF0, 0x00)) self.append_write_buf(chr(0x03).encode() + chr( len(self.host)).encode() + str(self.host)) self.append_write_buf(struct.pack(">H", self.port)) self.set_state("pre_connect", length=0, expectBytes=4) return True def resolved(self): """ Resolving is done, process the return value. To use this within PyBitmessage, a callback needs to be implemented which hasn't been done yet. """ print("Resolved {} as {}".format(self.host, self.proxy_sock_name()))