""" src/network/connectionpool.py ================================== """ import errno import re import socket import time import network.asyncore_pollchoose as asyncore import helper_random import knownnodes import protocol import state from bmconfigparser import BMConfigParser from network.connectionchooser import chooseConnection from debug import logger from network.proxy import Proxy from singleton import Singleton from network.tcp import ( TCPServer, Socks5BMConnection, Socks4aBMConnection, TCPConnection) from network.udp import UDPSocket @Singleton # pylint: disable=too-many-instance-attributes class BMConnectionPool(object): """Pool of all existing connections""" def __init__(self): asyncore.set_rates( BMConfigParser().safeGetInt( "bitmessagesettings", "maxdownloadrate"), BMConfigParser().safeGetInt( "bitmessagesettings", "maxuploadrate") ) self.outboundConnections = {} self.inboundConnections = {} self.listeningSockets = {} self.udpSockets = {} self.streams = [] self.lastSpawned = 0 self.spawnWait = 2 self.bootstrapped = False def connectToStream(self, streamNumber): """Connect to a bitmessage stream""" self.streams.append(streamNumber) def getConnectionByAddr(self, addr): """ Return an (existing) connection object based on a `Peer` object (IP and port) """ try: return self.inboundConnections[addr] except KeyError: pass try: return self.inboundConnections[addr.host] except (KeyError, AttributeError): pass try: return self.outboundConnections[addr] except KeyError: pass try: return self.udpSockets[addr.host] except (KeyError, AttributeError): pass raise KeyError def isAlreadyConnected(self, nodeid): """Check if we're already connected to this peer""" for i in ( self.inboundConnections.values() + self.outboundConnections.values() ): try: if nodeid == i.nodeid: return True except AttributeError: pass return False def addConnection(self, connection): """Add a connection object to our internal dict""" if isinstance(connection, UDPSocket): return if connection.isOutbound: self.outboundConnections[connection.destination] = connection else: if connection.destination.host in self.inboundConnections: self.inboundConnections[connection.destination] = connection else: self.inboundConnections[connection.destination.host] = \ connection def removeConnection(self, connection): """Remove a connection from our internal dict""" if isinstance(connection, UDPSocket): del self.udpSockets[connection.listening.host] elif isinstance(connection, TCPServer): del self.listeningSockets[state.Peer( connection.destination.host, connection.destination.port)] elif connection.isOutbound: try: del self.outboundConnections[connection.destination] except KeyError: pass else: try: del self.inboundConnections[connection.destination] except KeyError: try: del self.inboundConnections[connection.destination.host] except KeyError: pass connection.handle_close() @staticmethod def getListeningIP(): """What IP are we supposed to be listening on?""" if BMConfigParser().safeGet( "bitmessagesettings", "onionhostname").endswith(".onion"): host = BMConfigParser().safeGet( "bitmessagesettings", "onionbindip") else: host = '' if (BMConfigParser().safeGetBoolean( "bitmessagesettings", "sockslisten") or BMConfigParser().safeGet( "bitmessagesettings", "socksproxytype") == "none"): # python doesn't like bind + INADDR_ANY? # host = socket.INADDR_ANY host = BMConfigParser().get("network", "bind") return host def startListening(self, bind=None): """Open a listening socket and start accepting connections on it""" if bind is None: bind = self.getListeningIP() port = BMConfigParser().safeGetInt("bitmessagesettings", "port") # correct port even if it changed ls = TCPServer(host=bind, port=port) self.listeningSockets[ls.destination] = ls def startUDPSocket(self, bind=None): """ Open an UDP socket. Depending on settings, it can either only accept incoming UDP packets, or also be able to send them. """ if bind is None: host = self.getListeningIP() udpSocket = UDPSocket(host=host, announcing=True) else: if bind is False: udpSocket = UDPSocket(announcing=False) else: udpSocket = UDPSocket(host=bind, announcing=True) self.udpSockets[udpSocket.listening.host] = udpSocket def startBootstrappers(self): """Run the process of resolving bootstrap hostnames""" proxy_type = BMConfigParser().safeGet( 'bitmessagesettings', 'socksproxytype') # A plugins may be added here hostname = None if not proxy_type or proxy_type == 'none': connection_base = TCPConnection elif proxy_type == 'SOCKS5': connection_base = Socks5BMConnection hostname = helper_random.randomchoice([ 'quzwelsuziwqgpt2.onion', None ]) elif proxy_type == 'SOCKS4a': connection_base = Socks4aBMConnection # FIXME: I cannot test else: # This should never happen because socksproxytype setting # is handled in bitmessagemain before starting the connectionpool return bootstrapper = bootstrap(connection_base) if not hostname: port = helper_random.randomchoice([8080, 8444]) hostname = 'bootstrap%s.bitmessage.org' % port else: port = 8444 self.addConnection(bootstrapper(hostname, port)) def loop(self): # pylint: disable=too-many-branches,too-many-statements """Main Connectionpool's loop""" # defaults to empty loop if outbound connections are maxed spawnConnections = False acceptConnections = True if BMConfigParser().safeGetBoolean( 'bitmessagesettings', 'dontconnect'): acceptConnections = False elif BMConfigParser().safeGetBoolean( 'bitmessagesettings', 'sendoutgoingconnections'): spawnConnections = True socksproxytype = BMConfigParser().safeGet( 'bitmessagesettings', 'socksproxytype', '') onionsocksproxytype = BMConfigParser().safeGet( 'bitmessagesettings', 'onionsocksproxytype', '') if (socksproxytype[:5] == 'SOCKS' and not BMConfigParser().safeGetBoolean( 'bitmessagesettings', 'sockslisten') and '.onion' not in BMConfigParser().safeGet( 'bitmessagesettings', 'onionhostname', '')): acceptConnections = False # pylint: disable=too-many-nested-blocks if spawnConnections: if not knownnodes.knownNodesActual: self.startBootstrappers() knownnodes.knownNodesActual = True if not self.bootstrapped: self.bootstrapped = True Proxy.proxy = ( BMConfigParser().safeGet( 'bitmessagesettings', 'sockshostname'), BMConfigParser().safeGetInt( 'bitmessagesettings', 'socksport') ) # TODO AUTH # TODO reset based on GUI settings changes try: if not onionsocksproxytype.startswith("SOCKS"): raise ValueError Proxy.onion_proxy = ( BMConfigParser().safeGet( 'network', 'onionsockshostname', None), BMConfigParser().safeGet( 'network', 'onionsocksport', None) ) except ValueError: Proxy.onion_proxy = None established = sum( 1 for c in list(self.outboundConnections.values()) if (c.connected and c.fullyEstablished)) pending = len(self.outboundConnections) - established if established < BMConfigParser().safeGetInt( 'bitmessagesettings', 'maxoutboundconnections'): for i in range( state.maximumNumberOfHalfOpenConnections - pending): try: chosen = chooseConnection( helper_random.randomchoice(self.streams)) except ValueError: continue if chosen in self.outboundConnections: continue if chosen.host in self.inboundConnections: continue # don't connect to self if chosen in state.ownAddresses: continue try: if (chosen.host.endswith(".onion") and Proxy.onion_proxy is not None): if onionsocksproxytype == "SOCKS5": self.addConnection(Socks5BMConnection(chosen)) elif onionsocksproxytype == "SOCKS4a": self.addConnection(Socks4aBMConnection(chosen)) elif socksproxytype == "SOCKS5": self.addConnection(Socks5BMConnection(chosen)) elif socksproxytype == "SOCKS4a": self.addConnection(Socks4aBMConnection(chosen)) else: self.addConnection(TCPConnection(chosen)) except socket.error as e: if e.errno == errno.ENETUNREACH: continue self.lastSpawned = time.time() print('++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++') print('self.inboundConnections.values()-{}'.format(self.inboundConnections.values())) print('self.outboundConnections.values() -{}'.format(self.outboundConnections.values())) print('+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++') else: for i in ( list(self.inboundConnections.values()) + list(self.outboundConnections.values()) ): # FIXME: rating will be increased after next connection i.handle_close() if acceptConnections: if not self.listeningSockets: if BMConfigParser().safeGet('network', 'bind') == '': self.startListening() else: for bind in re.sub( '[^\w.]+', ' ', # pylint: disable=anomalous-backslash-in-string BMConfigParser().safeGet('network', 'bind') ).split(): self.startListening(bind) logger.info('Listening for incoming connections.') if not self.udpSockets: if BMConfigParser().safeGet('network', 'bind') == '': self.startUDPSocket() else: for bind in re.sub( '[^\w.]+', ' ', # pylint: disable=anomalous-backslash-in-string BMConfigParser().safeGet('network', 'bind') ).split(): self.startUDPSocket(bind) self.startUDPSocket(False) logger.info('Starting UDP socket(s).') else: if self.listeningSockets: for i in self.listeningSockets.values(): i.close_reason = "Stopping listening" i.accepting = i.connecting = i.connected = False logger.info('Stopped listening for incoming connections.') if self.udpSockets: for i in self.udpSockets.values(): i.close_reason = "Stopping UDP socket" i.accepting = i.connecting = i.connected = False logger.info('Stopped udp sockets.') loopTime = float(self.spawnWait) if self.lastSpawned < time.time() - self.spawnWait: loopTime = 2.0 asyncore.loop(timeout=loopTime, count=1000) reaper = [] for i in ( list(self.inboundConnections.values()) + list(self.outboundConnections.values()) ): minTx = time.time() - 20 if i.fullyEstablished: minTx -= 300 - 20 if i.lastTx < minTx: if i.fullyEstablished: i.append_write_buf(protocol.CreatePacket('ping')) else: i.close_reason = "Timeout (%is)" % ( time.time() - i.lastTx) i.set_state("close") for i in ( list(self.inboundConnections.values()) + list(self.outboundConnections.values()) + list(self.listeningSockets.values()) + list(self.udpSockets.values()) ): if not (i.accepting or i.connecting or i.connected): reaper.append(i) else: try: if i.state == "close": reaper.append(i) except AttributeError: pass for i in reaper: self.removeConnection(i)