This commit is contained in:
mukesh2006 2013-10-11 21:36:33 +04:00
commit 853e15e4d3
28 changed files with 1118 additions and 332 deletions

View File

@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
ARCH_TYPE=`uname -m`

View File

@ -1,9 +1,8 @@
@ -26,12 +25,24 @@ make clean
rm -f archpackage/*.gz
# having the root directory called name-version seems essential
mv ../${GIT_APP} ../${APP}-${VERSION}
mv ../${APP} ../${APP}-${VERSION}
tar -cvzf ${SOURCE} ../${APP}-${VERSION} --exclude-vcs
# rename the root directory without the version number
mv ../${APP}-${VERSION} ../${GIT_APP}
mv ../${APP}-${VERSION} ../${APP}
# calculate the MD5 checksum
CHECKSM=$(md5sum ${SOURCE})
sed -i "s/md5sums[^)]*)/md5sums=(${CHECKSM%% *})/g" archpackage/PKGBUILD
cd archpackage
# Create the package
tar -c -f ${APP}-${VERSION}.pkg.tar .
xz ${APP}-${VERSION}.pkg.tar
# Move back to the original directory

View File

@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
# Maintainer: Bob Mottram (4096 bits) <>
pkgdesc="Bitmessage is a P2P communications protocol used to send encrypted messages to another person or to many subscribers. It is decentralized and trustless, meaning that you need-not inherently trust any entities like root certificate authorities. It uses strong authentication which means that the sender of a message cannot be spoofed, and it aims to hide "non-content" data, like the sender and receiver of messages, from passive eavesdroppers like those running warrantless wiretapping programs."
@ -19,7 +19,7 @@ install=
build() {
cd "$srcdir/$pkgname-$pkgver"
./configure --prefix=/usr

View File

@ -1,8 +1,8 @@

debian/changelog vendored
View File

@ -1,3 +1,58 @@
pybitmessage (0.4.0-1) raring; urgency=low
* Raised default demanded difficulty from 1 to 2 for new addresses
* Added v4 addresses:
pubkeys are now encrypted and tagged in the inventory
* Use locks when accessing dictionary inventory
* Refactored the way inv and addr messages are shared
* Give user feedback when disk is full
* Added chan true/false to listAddresses results
* When replying using chan address, send to whole chan not just sender
* Refactored of the way PyBitmessage looks for interesting new objects
in large inv messages from peers
* Show inventory lookup rate on Network Status tab
* Added SqlBulkExecute class
so we can update inventory with only one commit
* Updated Russian translations
* Move duplicated SQL code into helper
* Allow specification of alternate settings dir
via BITMESSAGE_HOME environment variable
* Removed use of gevent. Removed
* Added Sip and PyQt to includes in
* Show number of each message type processed
in the API command clientStatus
* Use fast PoW
unless we're explicitly a frozen (binary) version of the code
* Enable user-set localization in settings
* Fix Archlinux package creation
* Fallback to language only localization when region doesn't match
* Fixed brew install instructions
* Added German translation
* Made inbox and sent messages table panels read-only
* Allow inbox and sent preview panels to resize
* Count RE: as a reply header, just like Re: so we don't chain Re: RE:
* Fix for traceback on OSX
* Added backend ability to understand shorter addresses
* Convert 'API Error' to raise APIError()
* Added option in settings to allow sending to a mobile device
(app not yet done)
* Added ability to start daemon mode when using Bitmessage as a module
* Improved the way client detects locale
* Added API commands:
getInboxMessageIds, getSentMessageIds, listAddressBookEntries,
trashSentMessageByAckData, addAddressBookEntry,
deleteAddressBookEntry, listAddresses2, listSubscriptions
* Set a maximum frequency for playing sounds
* Show Invalid Method error in same format as other API errors
* Update status of separate broadcasts separately
even if the sent data is identical
* Added Namecoin integration
* Internally distinguish peers by IP and port
* Inbox message retrieval API
functions now also returns read status
-- Bob Mottram (4096 bits) <> Sat, 28 September 2013 09:54:00 +0100
pybitmessage (0.3.5-1) raring; urgency=low
* Inbox message retrieval API functions now also returns read status

debian/control vendored
View File

@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ Vcs-Git:
Package: pybitmessage
Architecture: all
Depends: ${shlibs:Depends}, ${misc:Depends}, python (>= 2.7.0), openssl, python-qt4, libqt4-dev (>= 4.8.0), python-qt4-dev, sqlite3, libsqlite3-dev, gst123
Depends: ${shlibs:Depends}, ${misc:Depends}, ${python:Depends}, python (>= 2.7), openssl, python-qt4, libqt4-dev (>= 4.8.0), python-qt4-dev, sqlite3, libsqlite3-dev, gst123
Suggests: libmessaging-menu-dev
Description: Send encrypted messages
Bitmessage is a P2P communications protocol used to send encrypted

View File

@ -1,8 +1,8 @@
ARCH_TYPE=`uname -m`

View File

@ -4,28 +4,19 @@
rm -f Makefile rpmpackage/*.spec
packagemonkey -n "PyBitmessage" --version "0.4.0" --dir "." -l "mit" \
packagemonkey -n "PyBitmessage" --version "0.4.1" --dir "." -l "mit" \
-e "Bob Mottram (4096 bits) <>" \
--brief "Send encrypted messages" \
--desc "Bitmessage is a P2P communications protocol used to send " \
"encrypted messages to another person or to many subscribers. It is " \
"decentralized and trustless, meaning that you need-not inherently" \
"trust any entities like root certificate authorities. It uses strong " \
"authentication which means that the sender of a message cannot be" \
"spoofed, and it aims to hide \"non-content\" data, like the sender and " \
"receiver of messages, from passive eavesdroppers like those running " \
"warrantless wiretapping programs." \
--desc "Bitmessage is a P2P communications protocol used to send encrypted messages to another person or to many subscribers. It is decentralized and trustless, meaning that you need-not inherently trust any entities like root certificate authorities. It uses strong authentication which means that the sender of a message cannot be spoofed, and it aims to hide \"non-content\" data, like the sender and receiver of messages, from passive eavesdroppers like those running warrantless wiretapping programs." \
--homepage "" --section "mail" \
--categories "Office/Email" \
--dependsdeb "python (>= 2.7.0), openssl, python-qt4, libqt4-dev " \
"(>= 4.8.0), python-qt4-dev, sqlite3, libsqlite3-dev, gst123" \
--dependsdeb "python (>= 2.7), openssl, python-qt4, libqt4-dev (>= 4.8.0), python-qt4-dev, sqlite3, libsqlite3-dev, gst123" \
--dependsrpm "python, PyQt4, openssl-compat-bitcoin-libs, gst123" \
--mainscript "" \
--librarypath "/opt/openssl-compat-bitcoin/lib/" \
--suggestsdeb "libmessaging-menu-dev" \
--dependspuppy "openssl, python-qt4, sqlite3, sqlite3-dev, " \
"python-openssl, python-sip, gst123" \
--dependsarch "python2, qt4, python2-pyqt4, sqlite, openssl, gst123" \
--dependspuppy "openssl, python-qt4, sqlite3, sqlite3-dev, python-openssl, python-sip, gst123" \
--dependsarch "python2, qt4, python2-pyqt4, sqlite, openssl, mpg123" \
--suggestsarch "python2-gevent: Python network library that uses greenlet and libevent for easy and scalable concurrency" --pythonversion 2 \
--dependsebuild "dev-libs/openssl, dev-python/PyQt4[${PYTHON_USEDEP}]" \
--buildebuild "\${PYTHON_DEPS}" --pythonreq "sqlite" \

View File

@ -14,7 +14,7 @@ fi
echo "Creating OS X packages for Bitmessage."
cd src && python py2app
cd src && python2.7 py2app
if [[ $? = "0" ]]; then
hdiutil create -fs HFS+ -volname "Bitmessage" -srcfolder dist/ dist/bitmessage-v$1.dmg

View File

@ -1,8 +1,8 @@

View File

@ -1,8 +1,8 @@
ARCH_TYPE=`uname -m`

View File

@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
Name: pybitmessage
Version: 0.4.0
Version: 0.4.1
Release: 1%{?dist}
Summary: Send encrypted messages
License: MIT
@ -69,6 +69,58 @@ make install -B DESTDIR=%{buildroot} PREFIX=/usr
%attr(644,root,root) /usr/share/icons/hicolor/24x24/apps/%{name}.png
* Sat Sep 28 2013 Bob Mottram (4096 bits) <> - 0.4.0-1
- Raised default demanded difficulty from 1 to 2 for new addresses
- Added v4 addresses:
pubkeys are now encrypted and tagged in the inventory
- Use locks when accessing dictionary inventory
- Refactored the way inv and addr messages are shared
- Give user feedback when disk is full
- Added chan true/false to listAddresses results
- When replying using chan address, send to whole chan not just sender
- Refactored of the way PyBitmessage looks for interesting new objects
in large inv messages from peers
- Show inventory lookup rate on Network Status tab
- Added SqlBulkExecute class
so we can update inventory with only one commit
- Updated Russian translations
- Move duplicated SQL code into helper
- Allow specification of alternate settings dir
via BITMESSAGE_HOME environment variable
- Removed use of gevent. Removed
- Added Sip and PyQt to includes in
- Show number of each message type processed
in the API command clientStatus
- Use fast PoW
unless we're explicitly a frozen (binary) version of the code
- Enable user-set localization in settings
- Fix Archlinux package creation
- Fallback to language only localization when region doesn't match
- Fixed brew install instructions
- Added German translation
- Made inbox and sent messages table panels read-only
- Allow inbox and sent preview panels to resize
- Count RE: as a reply header, just like Re: so we don't chain Re: RE:
- Fix for traceback on OSX
- Added backend ability to understand shorter addresses
- Convert 'API Error' to raise APIError()
- Added option in settings to allow sending to a mobile device
(app not yet done)
- Added ability to start daemon mode when using Bitmessage as a module
- Improved the way client detects locale
- Added API commands:
getInboxMessageIds, getSentMessageIds, listAddressBookEntries,
trashSentMessageByAckData, addAddressBookEntry,
deleteAddressBookEntry, listAddresses2, listSubscriptions
- Set a maximum frequency for playing sounds
- Show Invalid Method error in same format as other API errors
- Update status of separate broadcasts separately
even if the sent data is identical
- Added Namecoin integration
- Internally distinguish peers by IP and port
- Inbox message retrieval API
functions now also returns read status
* Mon Jul 29 2013 Bob Mottram (4096 bits) <> - 0.3.5-1
- Inbox message retrieval API functions now also returns read status
- Added right-click option to mark a message as unread

View File

@ -1,8 +1,8 @@
ARCH_TYPE=`uname -m`

View File

@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
#!/usr/bin/env python2.7
#!/usr/bin/env python
# Copyright (c) 2012 Jonathan Warren
# Copyright (c) 2012 The Bitmessage developers
# Distributed under the MIT/X11 software license. See the accompanying

View File

@ -1577,15 +1577,6 @@ class MyForm(QtGui.QMainWindow):
"MainWindow", "Error: You must specify a From address. If you don\'t have one, go to the \'Your Identities\' tab."))
toAddress = addBMIfNotPresent(toAddress)
shared.config.get(toAddress, 'enabled')
# The toAddress is one owned by me.
if not shared.safeConfigGetBoolean(toAddress, 'chan'):
QMessageBox.about(self, _translate("MainWindow", "Sending to your address"), _translate(
"MainWindow", "Error: One of the addresses to which you are sending a message, %1, is yours. Unfortunately the Bitmessage client cannot process its own messages. Please try running a second client on a different computer or within a VM.").arg(toAddress))
if addressVersionNumber > 4 or addressVersionNumber <= 1:
QMessageBox.about(self, _translate("MainWindow", "Address version number"), _translate(
"MainWindow", "Concerning the address %1, Bitmessage cannot understand address version numbers of %2. Perhaps upgrade Bitmessage to the latest version.").arg(toAddress).arg(str(addressVersionNumber)))
@ -2049,6 +2040,34 @@ class MyForm(QtGui.QMainWindow):
if float(self.settingsDialogInstance.ui.lineEditMaxAcceptableSmallMessageDifficulty.text()) >= 1 or float(self.settingsDialogInstance.ui.lineEditMaxAcceptableSmallMessageDifficulty.text()) == 0:
shared.config.set('bitmessagesettings', 'maxacceptablepayloadlengthextrabytes', str(int(float(
self.settingsDialogInstance.ui.lineEditMaxAcceptableSmallMessageDifficulty.text()) * shared.networkDefaultPayloadLengthExtraBytes)))
#my implementation starts here,it was a line here.AQWA
if ((self.settingsDialogInstance.ui.lineEditHours.text()=='') and (self.settingsDialogInstance.ui.lineEditDays.text()=='') and (self.settingsDialogInstance.ui.lineEditMonths.text()=='')):
if (((shared.config.get('bitmessagesettings', 'hours')) != str(self.settingsDialogInstance.ui.lineEditHours.text())) or #if we update the time period from one time period(f.e 1/0/0) to default -/-/,inform the user that restart is needed in order his changes to take effect.AQWA
((shared.config.get('bitmessagesettings', 'days')) != str(self.settingsDialogInstance.ui.lineEditDays.text())) or
((shared.config.get('bitmessagesettings', 'months')) != str(self.settingsDialogInstance.ui.lineEditMonths.text()))) :
QMessageBox.about(self, _translate("MainWindow", "Restart"), _translate(
"MainWindow", "You must restart Bitmessage for the time period change to take effect."))
shared.config.set('bitmessagesettings', 'hours', '')#give default values to fields..this default situation is special and thats why its needs special treatment ;).AQWA
shared.config.set('bitmessagesettings', 'days', '')#these commands update each field in the keys.dat file.AQWA
shared.config.set('bitmessagesettings', 'months', '')
shared.config.set('bitmessagesettings', 'timeperiod', '-1')
else:#So,if all time period fields(hours,months,days) have valid values(valid values---> 0/0/0, 0/3/2, -/-/-, no valid--> -/0/5, 5/-/-), you can calculate the time period
shared.config.set('bitmessagesettings', 'timeperiod', str(int(str(self.settingsDialogInstance.ui.lineEditHours.text())) * 60 * 60 + int(str(self.settingsDialogInstance.ui.lineEditDays.text())) * 24 * 60 * 60 +
int(str(self.settingsDialogInstance.ui.lineEditMonths.text())) * (60 * 60 * 24 *365)/12))
if (((shared.config.get('bitmessagesettings', 'hours')) != str(self.settingsDialogInstance.ui.lineEditHours.text())) or#inform user tha he needs to restart bitmessage in order his changes to take effect.AQWA
((shared.config.get('bitmessagesettings', 'days')) != str(self.settingsDialogInstance.ui.lineEditDays.text())) or
((shared.config.get('bitmessagesettings', 'months')) != str(self.settingsDialogInstance.ui.lineEditMonths.text()))) :
QMessageBox.about(self, _translate("MainWindow", "Restart"), _translate(
"MainWindow", "You must restart Bitmessage for the time period change to take effect."))
shared.config.set('bitmessagesettings', 'hours', str(#this three commands update the fields of this new setting in keys.dat file.AQWA
shared.config.set('bitmessagesettings', 'days', str(
shared.config.set('bitmessagesettings', 'months', str(
#my implementation stops here, there is a line.AQWA
# if str(self.settingsDialogInstance.ui.comboBoxMaxCores.currentText()) == 'All':
# shared.config.set('bitmessagesettings', 'maxcores', '99999')
@ -2989,6 +3008,15 @@ class settingsDialog(QtGui.QDialog):
QtCore.QObject.connect(self.ui.pushButtonNamecoinTest, QtCore.SIGNAL(
"clicked()"), self.click_pushButtonNamecoinTest)
#Adjusting time period for resending messages tab.AQWA
self.ui.lineEditHours.setText(str(#Giving values to edit boxes in the UI.AQWA
shared.config.get('bitmessagesettings', 'hours')))
shared.config.get('bitmessagesettings', 'days')))
shared.config.get('bitmessagesettings', 'months')))#AQWA.
#'System' tab removed for now.
maxCores = shared.config.getint('bitmessagesettings', 'maxcores')

View File

@ -318,7 +318,49 @@ class Ui_settingsDialog(object):
self.gridLayout_8.addLayout(self.horizontalLayout, 1, 0, 1, 3)
self.tabWidgetSettings.addTab(self.tabNamecoin, _fromUtf8(""))
self.gridLayout.addWidget(self.tabWidgetSettings, 0, 0, 1, 1)
#this line existed before
#my new implementation starts here
self.tabResendingMessagesAdjustment=QtGui.QWidget()#all these lines are for the UI implementation, I dont think that you need special explanation about them.AQWA
self.tabResendingMessagesAdjustment.setObjectName(_fromUtf8("tabResendingMessagesAdjustment"))#Please note that approximately 58 line codes added to setting.ui also responsible for the UI.AQWA
self.gridLayout_9 = QtGui.QGridLayout(self.tabResendingMessagesAdjustment)
self.label_19 = QtGui.QLabel(self.tabResendingMessagesAdjustment)
self.gridLayout_9.addWidget(self.label_19, 0, 0, 1, 0)
spacerItem13 = QtGui.QSpacerItem(102, 20, QtGui.QSizePolicy.Expanding, QtGui.QSizePolicy.Minimum)
self.gridLayout_9.addItem(spacerItem13, 1, 0, 1, 1)
self.horizontalLayout = QtGui.QHBoxLayout()
self.label_20 = QtGui.QLabel(self.tabResendingMessagesAdjustment)
self.label_20.setObjectName(_fromUtf8("label_20"))#This are Qt code..I just add a label to my tab.AQWA
self.gridLayout_9.addWidget(self.label_20, 2, 0, 1, 1)
self.lineEditHours = QtGui.QLineEdit(self.tabResendingMessagesAdjustment)
self.lineEditHours.setMaximumSize(QtCore.QSize(33, 16777))
self.lineEditHours.setObjectName(_fromUtf8("lineEditHours"))##This are Qt code..I just add a edit box to my tab.AQWA
self.gridLayout_9.addWidget(self.lineEditHours, 2, 1, 1, 1)
self.label_22 = QtGui.QLabel(self.tabResendingMessagesAdjustment)
self.gridLayout_9.addWidget(self.label_22, 2, 2, 1, 1)
self.lineEditDays = QtGui.QLineEdit(self.tabResendingMessagesAdjustment)
self.lineEditDays.setMaximumSize(QtCore.QSize(33, 16777))
self.gridLayout_9.addWidget(self.lineEditDays, 2, 3, 1, 1)
self.label_23 = QtGui.QLabel(self.tabResendingMessagesAdjustment)
self.gridLayout_9.addWidget(self.label_23, 2, 4, 1, 1)
self.lineEditMonths = QtGui.QLineEdit(self.tabResendingMessagesAdjustment)
self.lineEditMonths.setMaximumSize(QtCore.QSize(33, 16777))
self.gridLayout_9.addWidget(self.lineEditMonths, 2, 5, 1, 1)
spacerItem15 = QtGui.QSpacerItem(20, 147, QtGui.QSizePolicy.Minimum, QtGui.QSizePolicy.Expanding)
self.gridLayout_9.addItem(spacerItem15, 3, 1, 1, 1)
self.tabWidgetSettings.addTab(self.tabResendingMessagesAdjustment, _fromUtf8(""))
#my new implementation stops here, it wasn't line here
QtCore.QObject.connect(self.buttonBox, QtCore.SIGNAL(_fromUtf8("accepted()")), settingsDialog.accept)
@ -382,6 +424,13 @@ class Ui_settingsDialog(object):
self.tabWidgetSettings.setTabText(self.tabWidgetSettings.indexOf(, _translate("settingsDialog", "Demanded difficulty", None))
self.label_15.setText(_translate("settingsDialog", "Here you may set the maximum amount of work you are willing to do to send a message to another person. Setting these values to 0 means that any value is acceptable.", None))
self.label_13.setText(_translate("settingsDialog", "Maximum acceptable total difficulty:", None))
#my new implementation starts here,it wasn't line here.Too simple to explain :D..AQWA
self.tabWidgetSettings.setTabText(self.tabWidgetSettings.indexOf(self.tabResendingMessagesAdjustment), _translate("settingsDialog", "Adjusting time period for resending messages", None))
self.label_19.setText(_translate("settingsDialog", "<html><head/><body><p>If you send a message to someone and he is offline for more than two days, Bitmessage will send the message again after an additional two days. This will be continued with exponential backoff forever. Messages will continue to be sent after 4, 8,16 days and so on until the receiver get them. </p><p> Here you can adjust Bitmessage to stop trying to send messages after X hours/days/months.</p></body></html>", None))
self.label_20.setText(_translate("settingsDialog", "Time in hours/days/months:", None))
self.label_22.setText(_translate("settingsDialog", "/", None))
self.label_23.setText(_translate("settingsDialog", "/", None))
#my new implementation stops here, it wasn't line here
self.label_14.setText(_translate("settingsDialog", "Maximum acceptable small message difficulty:", None))
self.tabWidgetSettings.setTabText(self.tabWidgetSettings.indexOf(self.tab_2), _translate("settingsDialog", "Max acceptable difficulty", None))
self.label_16.setText(_translate("settingsDialog", "<html><head/><body><p>Bitmessage can utilize a different Bitcoin-based program called Namecoin to make addresses human-friendly. For example, instead of having to tell your friend your long Bitmessage address, you can simply tell him to send a message to <span style=\" font-style:italic;\">test. </span></p><p>(Getting your own Bitmessage address into Namecoin is still rather difficult).</p><p>Bitmessage can use either namecoind directly or a running nmcontrol instance.</p></body></html>", None))

View File

@ -756,6 +756,73 @@
<widget class="QWidget" name="tabResendingMessagesAdjustment">
<attribute name="title">
<string>Adjusting time period for resending messages</string>
<layout class="QGridLayout" name="gridLayout_9">
<item row="0" column="0" colspan="5">
<widget class="QLabel" name="label_19">
<property name="text">
<string> If you send a message to someone and he is offline for more than two days, Bitmessage will send the message again after an additional two days. This will be continued with exponential backoff forever. Μessages will continue to be sent after 4, 8,16 days etc. until the receiver get them. Here you can adjust Bitmessage to stop trying to send messages after X hours/days/months. This time period needs to be longer than 5 days./p&gt;&lt;/body&gt;&lt;/html&gt;</string>
<property name="wordWrap">
<item row="1" column="0">
<widget class="QLabel" name="label_20">
<property name="layoutDirection">
<property name="text">
<string>Time in hours/days/months:</string>
<property name="alignment">
<item row="1" column="1">
<widget class="QLineEdit" name="lineEditHours">
<property name="maximumSize">
<item row="1" column="2">
<widget class="QLabel" name="label_22">
<property name="text">
<item row="1" column="3">
<widget class="QLineEdit" name="lineEditDays"/>
<item row="1" column="4">
<widget class="QLabel" name="label_23">
<property name="text">
<item row="1" column="5">
<widget class="QLineEdit" name="lineEditMonths"/>
<property name="maximumSize">

View File

@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
from setuptools import setup
name = "Bitmessage"
version = "0.4.0"
version = "0.4.1"
mainscript = [""]
@ -11,7 +11,7 @@ setup(
setup_requires = ["py2app"],
options = dict(
py2app = dict(
resources = ["images"],
resources = ["images", "translations"],
includes = ['sip', 'PyQt4._qt'],
iconfile = "images/bitmessage.icns"

View File

@ -514,8 +514,9 @@ class receiveDataThread(threading.Thread):
# the proof of work ourselves, which this program is programmed
# to not do.)
'''INSERT INTO pubkeys VALUES (?,?,?,?)''',
'''INSERT INTO pubkeys VALUES (?,?,?,?,?)''',
'\xFF\xFF\xFF\xFF\xFF\xFF\xFF\xFF' + '\xFF\xFF\xFF\xFF' + data[beginningOfPubkeyPosition:endOfPubkeyPosition],
@ -655,8 +656,9 @@ class receiveDataThread(threading.Thread):
# Let's store the public key in case we want to reply to this
# person.
sqlExecute('''INSERT INTO pubkeys VALUES (?,?,?,?)''',
sqlExecute('''INSERT INTO pubkeys VALUES (?,?,?,?,?)''',
'\xFF\xFF\xFF\xFF\xFF\xFF\xFF\xFF' + '\xFF\xFF\xFF\xFF' + decryptedData[beginningOfPubkeyPosition:endOfPubkeyPosition],
@ -806,8 +808,9 @@ class receiveDataThread(threading.Thread):
# Let's store the public key in case we want to reply to this person.
'''INSERT INTO pubkeys VALUES (?,?,?,?)''',
'''INSERT INTO pubkeys VALUES (?,?,?,?,?)''',
'\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x01' + decryptedData[beginningOfPubkeyPosition:endOfPubkeyPosition],
@ -1070,8 +1073,9 @@ class receiveDataThread(threading.Thread):
# person.
if sendersAddressVersionNumber <= 3:
'''INSERT INTO pubkeys VALUES (?,?,?,?)''',
'''INSERT INTO pubkeys VALUES (?,?,?,?,?)''',
'\xFF\xFF\xFF\xFF\xFF\xFF\xFF\xFF' + '\xFF\xFF\xFF\xFF' + decryptedData[messageVersionLength:endOfThePublicKeyPosition],
@ -1081,8 +1085,9 @@ class receiveDataThread(threading.Thread):
elif sendersAddressVersionNumber >= 4:
'''INSERT INTO pubkeys VALUES (?,?,?,?)''',
'''INSERT INTO pubkeys VALUES (?,?,?,?,?)''',
'\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x01' + decryptedData[messageVersionLength:endOfThePublicKeyPosition],
@ -1409,15 +1414,15 @@ class receiveDataThread(threading.Thread):
queryreturn = sqlQuery(
'''SELECT usedpersonally FROM pubkeys WHERE hash=? AND usedpersonally='yes' ''', ripe)
'''SELECT usedpersonally FROM pubkeys WHERE hash=? AND addressversion=? AND usedpersonally='yes' ''', ripe, addressVersion)
if queryreturn != []: # if this pubkey is already in our database and if we have used it personally:
print 'We HAVE used this pubkey personally. Updating time.'
t = (ripe, data, embeddedTime, 'yes')
t = (ripe, addressVersion, data, embeddedTime, 'yes')
print 'We have NOT used this pubkey personally. Inserting in database.'
t = (ripe, data, embeddedTime, 'no')
t = (ripe, addressVersion, data, embeddedTime, 'no')
# This will also update the embeddedTime.
sqlExecute('''INSERT INTO pubkeys VALUES (?,?,?,?)''', *t)
sqlExecute('''INSERT INTO pubkeys VALUES (?,?,?,?,?)''', *t)
# shared.workerQueue.put(('newpubkey',(addressVersion,streamNumber,ripe)))
self.possibleNewPubkey(ripe = ripe)
if addressVersion == 3:
@ -1466,19 +1471,18 @@ class receiveDataThread(threading.Thread):
print 'publicEncryptionKey in hex:', publicEncryptionKey.encode('hex')
queryreturn = sqlQuery('''SELECT usedpersonally FROM pubkeys WHERE hash=? AND usedpersonally='yes' ''', ripe)
queryreturn = sqlQuery('''SELECT usedpersonally FROM pubkeys WHERE hash=? AND addressversion=? AND usedpersonally='yes' ''', ripe, addressVersion)
if queryreturn != []: # if this pubkey is already in our database and if we have used it personally:
print 'We HAVE used this pubkey personally. Updating time.'
t = (ripe, data, embeddedTime, 'yes')
t = (ripe, addressVersion, data, embeddedTime, 'yes')
print 'We have NOT used this pubkey personally. Inserting in database.'
t = (ripe, data, embeddedTime, 'no')
t = (ripe, addressVersion, data, embeddedTime, 'no')
# This will also update the embeddedTime.
sqlExecute('''INSERT INTO pubkeys VALUES (?,?,?,?)''', *t)
sqlExecute('''INSERT INTO pubkeys VALUES (?,?,?,?,?)''', *t)
self.possibleNewPubkey(ripe = ripe)
if addressVersion == 4:
print 'length of v4 pubkey:', len(data)
if len(data) < 350: # sanity check.
print '(within processpubkey) payloadLength less than 350. Sanity check failed.'
@ -1554,8 +1558,8 @@ class receiveDataThread(threading.Thread):
print 'publicSigningKey in hex:', publicSigningKey.encode('hex')
print 'publicEncryptionKey in hex:', publicEncryptionKey.encode('hex')
t = (ripe, signedData, embeddedTime, 'yes')
sqlExecute('''INSERT INTO pubkeys VALUES (?,?,?,?)''', *t)
t = (ripe, addressVersion, signedData, embeddedTime, 'yes')
sqlExecute('''INSERT INTO pubkeys VALUES (?,?,?,?,?)''', *t)
fromAddress = encodeAddress(addressVersion, streamNumber, ripe)
# That this point we know that we have been waiting on this pubkey.

View File

@ -10,16 +10,16 @@ from debug import logger
'''The singleCleaner class is a timer-driven thread that cleans data structures to free memory, resends messages when a remote node doesn't respond, and sends pong messages to keep connections alive if the network isn't busy.
It cleans these data structures in memory:
inventory (moves data to the on-disk sql database)
inventorySets (clears then reloads data out of sql database)
inventory (moves data to the on-disk sql database)
inventorySets (clears then reloads data out of sql database)
It cleans these tables on the disk:
inventory (clears data more than 2 days and 12 hours old)
pubkeys (clears pubkeys older than 4 weeks old which we have not used personally)
inventory (clears data more than 2 days and 12 hours old)
pubkeys (clears pubkeys older than 4 weeks old which we have not used personally)
It resends messages when there has been no response:
resends getpubkey messages in 4 days (then 8 days, then 16 days, etc...)
resends msg messages in 4 days (then 8 days, then 16 days, etc...)
resends getpubkey messages in 4 days (then 8 days, then 16 days, etc...)
resends msg messages in 4 days (then 8 days, then 16 days, etc...)
@ -52,7 +52,7 @@ class singleCleaner(threading.Thread):
del shared.inventory[hash]
shared.UISignalQueue.put(('updateStatusBar', ''))
0, 'pong', 'no data')) # commands the sendData threads to send out a pong message if they haven't sent anything else in the last five minutes. The socket timeout-time is 10 minutes.
0, 'pong', 'no data')) # commands the sendData threads to send out a pong message if they haven't sent anything else in the last five minutes. The socket timeout-time is 10 minutes.
# If we are running as a daemon then we are going to fill up the UI
# queue which will never be handled by a UI. We should clear it to
# save memory.
@ -65,7 +65,7 @@ class singleCleaner(threading.Thread):
# inventory (clears pubkeys after 28 days and everything else
# after 2 days and 12 hours)
'''DELETE FROM inventory WHERE (receivedtime<? AND objecttype<>'pubkey') OR (receivedtime<? AND objecttype='pubkey') ''',
'''DELETE FROM inventory WHERE (receivedtime<? AND objecttype<>'pubkey') OR (receivedtime<? AND objecttype='pubkey') ''',
int(time.time()) - shared.lengthOfTimeToLeaveObjectsInInventory,
int(time.time()) - shared.lengthOfTimeToHoldOnToAllPubkeys)
@ -75,7 +75,7 @@ class singleCleaner(threading.Thread):
int(time.time()) - shared.lengthOfTimeToHoldOnToAllPubkeys)
queryreturn = sqlQuery(
'''select toaddress, toripe, fromaddress, subject, message, ackdata, lastactiontime, status, pubkeyretrynumber, msgretrynumber FROM sent WHERE ((status='awaitingpubkey' OR status='msgsent') AND folder='sent') ''') # If the message's folder='trash' then we'll ignore it.
'''select toaddress, toripe, fromaddress, subject, message, ackdata, lastactiontime, status, pubkeyretrynumber, msgretrynumber FROM sent WHERE ((status='awaitingpubkey' OR status='msgsent') AND folder='sent') ''') # If the message's folder='trash' then we'll ignore it.
for row in queryreturn:
if len(row) < 5:
with shared.printLock:
@ -86,35 +86,20 @@ class singleCleaner(threading.Thread):
toaddress, toripe, fromaddress, subject, message, ackdata, lastactiontime, status, pubkeyretrynumber, msgretrynumber = row
if status == 'awaitingpubkey':
if int(time.time()) - lastactiontime > (shared.maximumAgeOfAnObjectThatIAmWillingToAccept * (2 ** (pubkeyretrynumber))):
print 'It has been a long time and we haven\'t heard a response to our getpubkey request. Sending again.'
del shared.neededPubkeys[
toripe] # We need to take this entry out of the shared.neededPubkeys structure because the shared.workerQueue checks to see whether the entry is already present and will not do the POW and send the message because it assumes that it has already done it recently.
if int(shared.config.get('bitmessagesettings', 'timeperiod'))> -1:#My implemenentation starts here.This if statement would become very big with my new code,so I created two function(see at the end of this file) to reduce code.I did.The default value of timeperiod is -1.This means that bitmessage resends messages every 5 days(they say 4 but actually is 5)for ever. If user changes the time period, timeperiod variable will have a specific value so the next if will be executed.AQWA
if (int(time.time()) - lastactiontime) > (shared.maximumAgeOfAnObjectThatIAmWillingToAccept * (2 ** (pubkeyretrynumber))) and ((int(time.time()) - lastactiontime) < int(shared.config.get('bitmessagesettings', 'timeperiod'))):#This line does the magic.This if checks if the time that the public key was sent is longer than 5 days. Then it sends the it again. But with this extra AND it will not send it if this time is shorter than timeperiod.AQWA
else:#first it wasn't an else statement here, I put it for this setting. I just copy-paste the code again. If someone has any suggestion how we can do this without this if-else just say it.AQWA
if int(time.time()) - lastactiontime > (shared.maximumAgeOfAnObjectThatIAmWillingToAccept * (2 ** (pubkeyretrynumber))):
else: # status == msgsent
if int(shared.config.get('bitmessagesettings', 'timeperiod'))> -1:#same thing here but for the message.Actually this is the most important thing in the whole feature!.AQWA
if (int(time.time()) - lastactiontime) > (shared.maximumAgeOfAnObjectThatIAmWillingToAccept * (2 ** (msgretrynumber))) and ((int(time.time()) - lastactiontime) < int(shared.config.get('bitmessagesettings', 'timeperiod'))):#same thing here.My implementation in this file stops here.AQWA
if int(time.time()) - lastactiontime > (shared.maximumAgeOfAnObjectThatIAmWillingToAccept * (2 ** (msgretrynumber))):
'updateStatusBar', 'Doing work necessary to again attempt to request a public key...'))
t = ()
'''UPDATE sent SET lastactiontime=?, pubkeyretrynumber=?, status='msgqueued' WHERE toripe=?''',
pubkeyretrynumber + 1,
shared.workerQueue.put(('sendmessage', ''))
else: # status == msgsent
if int(time.time()) - lastactiontime > (shared.maximumAgeOfAnObjectThatIAmWillingToAccept * (2 ** (msgretrynumber))):
print 'It has been a long time and we haven\'t heard an acknowledgement to our msg. Sending again.'
'''UPDATE sent SET lastactiontime=?, msgretrynumber=?, status=? WHERE ackdata=?''',
msgretrynumber + 1,
shared.workerQueue.put(('sendmessage', ''))
'updateStatusBar', 'Doing work necessary to again attempt to deliver a message...'))
# Let's also clear and reload shared.inventorySets to keep it from
# taking up an unnecessary amount of memory.
@ -145,3 +130,36 @@ class singleCleaner(threading.Thread):
shared.needToWriteKnownNodesToDisk = False
def resendPubkey(pubkeyretrynumber,toripe):#I just structured the code with these two functions. The code inside existed.It is not mine.AQWA
print 'It has been a long time and we haven\'t heard a response to our getpubkey request. Sending again.'
del shared.neededPubkeys[
toripe] # We need to take this entry out of the shared.neededPubkeys structure because the shared.workerQueue checks to see whether the entry is already present and will not do the POW and send the message because it assumes that it has already done it recently.
'updateStatusBar', 'Doing work necessary to again attempt to request a public key...'))
t = ()
'''UPDATE sent SET lastactiontime=?, pubkeyretrynumber=?, status='msgqueued' WHERE toripe=?''',
pubkeyretrynumber + 1,
shared.workerQueue.put(('sendmessage', ''))
def resendMsg(msgretrynumber,ackdata):
print 'It has been a long time and we haven\'t heard an acknowledgement to our msg. Sending again.'
'''UPDATE sent SET lastactiontime=?, msgretrynumber=?, status=? WHERE ackdata=?''',
msgretrynumber + 1,
shared.workerQueue.put(('sendmessage', ''))
'updateStatusBar', 'Doing work necessary to again attempt to deliver a message...'))

View File

@ -3,6 +3,7 @@ import shared
import time
from time import strftime, localtime, gmtime
import random
from subprocess import call # used when the API must execute an outside program
from addresses import *
import highlevelcrypto
import proofofwork
@ -11,6 +12,7 @@ from class_addressGenerator import pointMult
import tr
from debug import logger
from helper_sql import *
import helper_inbox
# This thread, of which there is only one, does the heavy lifting:
# calculating POWs.
@ -156,6 +158,10 @@ class singleWorker(threading.Thread):
# send messages to "ourselves".
def sendOutOrStoreMyV3Pubkey(self, hash):
myAddress = shared.myAddressesByHash[hash]
if shared.safeConfigGetBoolean(myAddress, 'chan'):
with shared.printLock:
print 'This is a chan address. Not sending pubkey.'
status, addressVersionNumber, streamNumber, hash = decodeAddress(
embeddedTime = int(time.time() + random.randrange(
@ -197,49 +203,39 @@ class singleWorker(threading.Thread):
payload += encodeVarint(len(signature))
payload += signature
if not shared.safeConfigGetBoolean(myAddress, 'chan'):
# Do the POW for this pubkey message
target = 2 ** 64 / ((len(payload) + shared.networkDefaultPayloadLengthExtraBytes +
8) * shared.networkDefaultProofOfWorkNonceTrialsPerByte)
print '(For pubkey message) Doing proof of work...'
initialHash = hashlib.sha512(payload).digest()
trialValue, nonce =, initialHash)
print '(For pubkey message) Found proof of work', trialValue, 'Nonce:', nonce
# Do the POW for this pubkey message
target = 2 ** 64 / ((len(payload) + shared.networkDefaultPayloadLengthExtraBytes +
8) * shared.networkDefaultProofOfWorkNonceTrialsPerByte)
print '(For pubkey message) Doing proof of work...'
initialHash = hashlib.sha512(payload).digest()
trialValue, nonce =, initialHash)
print '(For pubkey message) Found proof of work', trialValue, 'Nonce:', nonce
payload = pack('>Q', nonce) + payload
inventoryHash = calculateInventoryHash(payload)
objectType = 'pubkey'
shared.inventory[inventoryHash] = (
objectType, streamNumber, payload, embeddedTime,'')
payload = pack('>Q', nonce) + payload
inventoryHash = calculateInventoryHash(payload)
objectType = 'pubkey'
shared.inventory[inventoryHash] = (
objectType, streamNumber, payload, embeddedTime,'')
with shared.printLock:
print 'broadcasting inv with hash:', inventoryHash.encode('hex')
with shared.printLock:
print 'broadcasting inv with hash:', inventoryHash.encode('hex')
streamNumber, 'advertiseobject', inventoryHash))
shared.UISignalQueue.put(('updateStatusBar', ''))
# If this is a chan address then we won't send out the pubkey over the
# network but rather will only store it in our pubkeys table so that
# we can send messages to "ourselves".
if shared.safeConfigGetBoolean(myAddress, 'chan'):
payload = '\x00' * 8 + payload # Attach a fake nonce on the front
# just so that it is in the correct format.
sqlExecute('''INSERT INTO pubkeys VALUES (?,?,?,?)''',
streamNumber, 'advertiseobject', inventoryHash))
shared.UISignalQueue.put(('updateStatusBar', ''))
myAddress, 'lastpubkeysendtime', str(int(time.time())))
with open(shared.appdata + 'keys.dat', 'wb') as configfile:
# If this isn't a chan address, this function assembles the pubkey data,
# does the necessary POW and sends it out. If it *is* a chan then it
# assembles the pubkey and stores is in the pubkey table so that we can
# send messages to "ourselves".
# does the necessary POW and sends it out.
def sendOutOrStoreMyV4Pubkey(self, myAddress):
if shared.safeConfigGetBoolean(myAddress, 'chan'):
with shared.printLock:
print 'This is a chan address. Not sending pubkey.'
status, addressVersionNumber, streamNumber, hash = decodeAddress(
embeddedTime = int(time.time() + random.randrange(
@ -284,52 +280,41 @@ class singleWorker(threading.Thread):
dataToEncrypt += encodeVarint(len(signature))
dataToEncrypt += signature
if not shared.safeConfigGetBoolean(myAddress, 'chan'):
# Let us encrypt the necessary data. We will use a hash of the data
# contained in an address as a decryption key. This way in order to
# read the public keys in a pubkey message, a node must know the address
# first. We'll also tag, unencrypted, the pubkey with part of the hash
# so that nodes know which pubkey object to try to decrypt when they
# want to send a message.
doubleHashOfAddressData = hashlib.sha512(hashlib.sha512(encodeVarint(
addressVersionNumber) + encodeVarint(streamNumber) + hash).digest()).digest()
payload += doubleHashOfAddressData[32:] # the tag
privEncryptionKey = doubleHashOfAddressData[:32]
pubEncryptionKey = pointMult(privEncryptionKey)
payload += highlevelcrypto.encrypt(
dataToEncrypt, pubEncryptionKey.encode('hex'))
# Let us encrypt the necessary data. We will use a hash of the data
# contained in an address as a decryption key. This way in order to
# read the public keys in a pubkey message, a node must know the address
# first. We'll also tag, unencrypted, the pubkey with part of the hash
# so that nodes know which pubkey object to try to decrypt when they
# want to send a message.
doubleHashOfAddressData = hashlib.sha512(hashlib.sha512(encodeVarint(
addressVersionNumber) + encodeVarint(streamNumber) + hash).digest()).digest()
payload += doubleHashOfAddressData[32:] # the tag
privEncryptionKey = doubleHashOfAddressData[:32]
pubEncryptionKey = pointMult(privEncryptionKey)
payload += highlevelcrypto.encrypt(
dataToEncrypt, pubEncryptionKey.encode('hex'))
# Do the POW for this pubkey message
target = 2 ** 64 / ((len(payload) + shared.networkDefaultPayloadLengthExtraBytes +
8) * shared.networkDefaultProofOfWorkNonceTrialsPerByte)
print '(For pubkey message) Doing proof of work...'
initialHash = hashlib.sha512(payload).digest()
trialValue, nonce =, initialHash)
print '(For pubkey message) Found proof of work', trialValue, 'Nonce:', nonce
# Do the POW for this pubkey message
target = 2 ** 64 / ((len(payload) + shared.networkDefaultPayloadLengthExtraBytes +
8) * shared.networkDefaultProofOfWorkNonceTrialsPerByte)
print '(For pubkey message) Doing proof of work...'
initialHash = hashlib.sha512(payload).digest()
trialValue, nonce =, initialHash)
print '(For pubkey message) Found proof of work', trialValue, 'Nonce:', nonce
payload = pack('>Q', nonce) + payload
inventoryHash = calculateInventoryHash(payload)
objectType = 'pubkey'
shared.inventory[inventoryHash] = (
objectType, streamNumber, payload, embeddedTime, doubleHashOfAddressData[32:])
payload = pack('>Q', nonce) + payload
inventoryHash = calculateInventoryHash(payload)
objectType = 'pubkey'
shared.inventory[inventoryHash] = (
objectType, streamNumber, payload, embeddedTime, doubleHashOfAddressData[32:])
with shared.printLock:
print 'broadcasting inv with hash:', inventoryHash.encode('hex')
with shared.printLock:
print 'broadcasting inv with hash:', inventoryHash.encode('hex')
streamNumber, 'advertiseobject', inventoryHash))
shared.UISignalQueue.put(('updateStatusBar', ''))
# If this is a chan address then we won't send out the pubkey over the
# network but rather will only store it in our pubkeys table so that
# we can send messages to "ourselves".
if shared.safeConfigGetBoolean(myAddress, 'chan'):
sqlExecute('''INSERT INTO pubkeys VALUES (?,?,?,?)''',
streamNumber, 'advertiseobject', inventoryHash))
shared.UISignalQueue.put(('updateStatusBar', ''))
myAddress, 'lastpubkeysendtime', str(int(time.time())))
with open(shared.appdata + 'keys.dat', 'wb') as configfile:
@ -369,8 +354,6 @@ class singleWorker(threading.Thread):
pubEncryptionKey = highlevelcrypto.privToPub(
print 'embedding pubEncryptionKey:', pubEncryptionKey.encode('hex')
payload = pack('>Q', (int(time.time()) + random.randrange(
-300, 300))) # the current time plus or minus five minutes
if addressVersionNumber <= 3:
@ -382,8 +365,6 @@ class singleWorker(threading.Thread):
doubleHashOfAddressData = hashlib.sha512(hashlib.sha512(encodeVarint(
addressVersionNumber) + encodeVarint(streamNumber) + ripe).digest()).digest()
payload += doubleHashOfAddressData[32:] # the tag
print 'embeddedTag is', doubleHashOfAddressData[32:].encode('hex')
print 'embeddedTag is', repr(doubleHashOfAddressData[32:])
if addressVersionNumber <= 3:
dataToEncrypt = encodeVarint(2) # broadcast version
@ -458,8 +439,14 @@ class singleWorker(threading.Thread):
for row in queryreturn: # For each address to which we need to send a message, check to see if we have its pubkey already.
toaddress, = row
status, toAddressVersion, toStreamNumber, toRipe = decodeAddress(toaddress)
# If we are sending a message to ourselves or a chan then we won't need an entry in the pubkeys table; we can calculate the needed pubkey using the private keys in our keys.dat file.
if shared.config.has_section(toaddress):
'''UPDATE sent SET status='doingmsgpow' WHERE toaddress=? AND status='msgqueued' ''',
queryreturn = sqlQuery(
'''SELECT hash FROM pubkeys WHERE hash=? ''', toRipe)
'''SELECT hash FROM pubkeys WHERE hash=? AND addressversion=?''', toRipe, toAddressVersion)
if queryreturn != []: # If we have the needed pubkey in the pubkey table already, set the status to doingmsgpow (we'll do it further down)
'''UPDATE sent SET status='doingmsgpow' WHERE toaddress=? AND status='msgqueued' ''',
@ -523,130 +510,154 @@ class singleWorker(threading.Thread):
int(time.time()) - 2419200)
for row in queryreturn: # For each message we need to send..
toaddress, toripe, fromaddress, subject, message, ackdata, status = row
# There is a remote possibility that we may no longer have the
# recipient's pubkey. Let us make sure we still have it or else the
# sendMsg function will appear to freeze. This can happen if the
# user sends a message but doesn't let the POW function finish,
# then leaves their client off for a long time which could cause
# the needed pubkey to expire and be deleted.
queryreturn = sqlQuery(
'''SELECT hash FROM pubkeys WHERE hash=? ''',
if queryreturn == [] and toripe not in shared.neededPubkeys:
# We no longer have the needed pubkey and we haven't requested
# it.
with shared.printLock:
'For some reason, the status of a message in our outbox is \'doingmsgpow\' even though we lack the pubkey. Here is the RIPE hash of the needed pubkey: %s\n' % toripe.encode('hex'))
'''UPDATE sent SET status='msgqueued' WHERE toaddress=? AND status='doingmsgpow' ''', toaddress)
shared.UISignalQueue.put(('updateSentItemStatusByHash', (
toripe, tr.translateText("MainWindow",'Sending a request for the recipient\'s encryption key.'))))
shared.ackdataForWhichImWatching[ackdata] = 0
toStatus, toAddressVersionNumber, toStreamNumber, toHash = decodeAddress(
fromStatus, fromAddressVersionNumber, fromStreamNumber, fromHash = decodeAddress(
shared.UISignalQueue.put(('updateSentItemStatusByAckdata', (
ackdata, tr.translateText("MainWindow", "Looking up the receiver\'s public key"))))
with shared.printLock:
print 'Found a message in our database that needs to be sent with this pubkey.'
print 'First 150 characters of message:', repr(message[:150])
# mark the pubkey as 'usedpersonally' so that we don't ever delete
# it.
'''UPDATE pubkeys SET usedpersonally='yes' WHERE hash=?''',
# Let us fetch the recipient's public key out of our database. If
# the required proof of work difficulty is too hard then we'll
# abort.
queryreturn = sqlQuery(
'SELECT transmitdata FROM pubkeys WHERE hash=?',
if queryreturn == []:
with shared.printLock:
'(within sendMsg) The needed pubkey was not found. This should never happen. Aborting send.\n')
for row in queryreturn:
pubkeyPayload, = row
# The pubkey message is stored the way we originally received it
# which means that we need to read beyond things like the nonce and
# time to get to the actual public keys.
if toAddressVersionNumber <= 3:
readPosition = 8 # to bypass the nonce
elif toAddressVersionNumber >= 4:
readPosition = 0 # the nonce is not included here so we don't need to skip over it.
pubkeyEmbeddedTime, = unpack(
'>I', pubkeyPayload[readPosition:readPosition + 4])
# This section is used for the transition from 32 bit time to 64
# bit time in the protocol.
if pubkeyEmbeddedTime == 0:
pubkeyEmbeddedTime, = unpack(
'>Q', pubkeyPayload[readPosition:readPosition + 8])
readPosition += 8
readPosition += 4
readPosition += 1 # to bypass the address version whose length is definitely 1
streamNumber, streamNumberLength = decodeVarint(
pubkeyPayload[readPosition:readPosition + 10])
readPosition += streamNumberLength
behaviorBitfield = pubkeyPayload[readPosition:readPosition + 4]
# Mobile users may ask us to include their address's RIPE hash on a message
# unencrypted. Before we actually do it the sending human must check a box
# in the settings menu to allow it.
if shared.isBitSetWithinBitfield(behaviorBitfield,30): # if receiver is a mobile device who expects that their address RIPE is included unencrypted on the front of the message..
if not shared.safeConfigGetBoolean('bitmessagesettings','willinglysendtomobile'): # if we are Not willing to include the receiver's RIPE hash on the message..'The receiver is a mobile user but the sender (you) has not selected that you are willing to send to mobiles. Aborting send.')
shared.UISignalQueue.put(('updateSentItemStatusByAckdata',(ackdata,tr.translateText("MainWindow",'Problem: Destination is a mobile device who requests that the destination be included in the message but this is disallowed in your settings. %1').arg(unicode(strftime(shared.config.get('bitmessagesettings', 'timeformat'),localtime(int(time.time()))),'utf-8')))))
# if the human changes their setting and then sends another message or restarts their client, this one will send at that time.
if not shared.config.has_section(toaddress):
# There is a remote possibility that we may no longer have the
# recipient's pubkey. Let us make sure we still have it or else the
# sendMsg function will appear to freeze. This can happen if the
# user sends a message but doesn't let the POW function finish,
# then leaves their client off for a long time which could cause
# the needed pubkey to expire and be deleted.
queryreturn = sqlQuery(
'''SELECT hash FROM pubkeys WHERE hash=? AND addressversion=?''',
if queryreturn == [] and toripe not in shared.neededPubkeys:
# We no longer have the needed pubkey and we haven't requested
# it.
with shared.printLock:
'For some reason, the status of a message in our outbox is \'doingmsgpow\' even though we lack the pubkey. Here is the RIPE hash of the needed pubkey: %s\n' % toripe.encode('hex'))
'''UPDATE sent SET status='doingpubkeypow' WHERE toaddress=? AND status='doingmsgpow' ''', toaddress)
shared.UISignalQueue.put(('updateSentItemStatusByHash', (
toripe, tr.translateText("MainWindow",'Sending a request for the recipient\'s encryption key.'))))
readPosition += 4 # to bypass the bitfield of behaviors
# pubSigningKeyBase256 =
# pubkeyPayload[readPosition:readPosition+64] #We don't use this
# key for anything here.
readPosition += 64
pubEncryptionKeyBase256 = pubkeyPayload[
readPosition:readPosition + 64]
readPosition += 64
shared.ackdataForWhichImWatching[ackdata] = 0
shared.UISignalQueue.put(('updateSentItemStatusByAckdata', (
ackdata, tr.translateText("MainWindow", "Looking up the receiver\'s public key"))))
with shared.printLock:
print 'Sending a message. First 150 characters of message:', repr(message[:150])
# Let us fetch the amount of work required by the recipient.
if toAddressVersionNumber == 2:
# mark the pubkey as 'usedpersonally' so that we don't ever delete
# it.
'''UPDATE pubkeys SET usedpersonally='yes' WHERE hash=? and addressversion=?''',
# Let us fetch the recipient's public key out of our database. If
# the required proof of work difficulty is too hard then we'll
# abort.
queryreturn = sqlQuery(
'SELECT transmitdata FROM pubkeys WHERE hash=? and addressversion=?',
if queryreturn == []:
with shared.printLock:
'(within sendMsg) The needed pubkey was not found. This should never happen. Aborting send.\n')
for row in queryreturn:
pubkeyPayload, = row
# The pubkey message is stored the way we originally received it
# which means that we need to read beyond things like the nonce and
# time to get to the actual public keys.
if toAddressVersionNumber <= 3:
readPosition = 8 # to bypass the nonce
elif toAddressVersionNumber >= 4:
readPosition = 0 # the nonce is not included here so we don't need to skip over it.
pubkeyEmbeddedTime, = unpack(
'>I', pubkeyPayload[readPosition:readPosition + 4])
# This section is used for the transition from 32 bit time to 64
# bit time in the protocol.
if pubkeyEmbeddedTime == 0:
pubkeyEmbeddedTime, = unpack(
'>Q', pubkeyPayload[readPosition:readPosition + 8])
readPosition += 8
readPosition += 4
readPosition += 1 # to bypass the address version whose length is definitely 1
streamNumber, streamNumberLength = decodeVarint(
pubkeyPayload[readPosition:readPosition + 10])
readPosition += streamNumberLength
behaviorBitfield = pubkeyPayload[readPosition:readPosition + 4]
# Mobile users may ask us to include their address's RIPE hash on a message
# unencrypted. Before we actually do it the sending human must check a box
# in the settings menu to allow it.
if shared.isBitSetWithinBitfield(behaviorBitfield,30): # if receiver is a mobile device who expects that their address RIPE is included unencrypted on the front of the message..
if not shared.safeConfigGetBoolean('bitmessagesettings','willinglysendtomobile'): # if we are Not willing to include the receiver's RIPE hash on the message..'The receiver is a mobile user but the sender (you) has not selected that you are willing to send to mobiles. Aborting send.')
shared.UISignalQueue.put(('updateSentItemStatusByAckdata',(ackdata,tr.translateText("MainWindow",'Problem: Destination is a mobile device who requests that the destination be included in the message but this is disallowed in your settings. %1').arg(unicode(strftime(shared.config.get('bitmessagesettings', 'timeformat'),localtime(int(time.time()))),'utf-8')))))
# if the human changes their setting and then sends another message or restarts their client, this one will send at that time.
readPosition += 4 # to bypass the bitfield of behaviors
# pubSigningKeyBase256 =
# pubkeyPayload[readPosition:readPosition+64] #We don't use this
# key for anything here.
readPosition += 64
pubEncryptionKeyBase256 = pubkeyPayload[
readPosition:readPosition + 64]
readPosition += 64
# Let us fetch the amount of work required by the recipient.
if toAddressVersionNumber == 2:
requiredAverageProofOfWorkNonceTrialsPerByte = shared.networkDefaultProofOfWorkNonceTrialsPerByte
requiredPayloadLengthExtraBytes = shared.networkDefaultPayloadLengthExtraBytes
shared.UISignalQueue.put(('updateSentItemStatusByAckdata', (
ackdata, tr.translateText("MainWindow", "Doing work necessary to send message.\nThere is no required difficulty for version 2 addresses like this."))))
elif toAddressVersionNumber >= 3:
requiredAverageProofOfWorkNonceTrialsPerByte, varintLength = decodeVarint(
pubkeyPayload[readPosition:readPosition + 10])
readPosition += varintLength
requiredPayloadLengthExtraBytes, varintLength = decodeVarint(
pubkeyPayload[readPosition:readPosition + 10])
readPosition += varintLength
if requiredAverageProofOfWorkNonceTrialsPerByte < shared.networkDefaultProofOfWorkNonceTrialsPerByte: # We still have to meet a minimum POW difficulty regardless of what they say is allowed in order to get our message to propagate through the network.
requiredAverageProofOfWorkNonceTrialsPerByte = shared.networkDefaultProofOfWorkNonceTrialsPerByte
if requiredPayloadLengthExtraBytes < shared.networkDefaultPayloadLengthExtraBytes:
requiredPayloadLengthExtraBytes = shared.networkDefaultPayloadLengthExtraBytes
shared.UISignalQueue.put(('updateSentItemStatusByAckdata', (ackdata, tr.translateText("MainWindow", "Doing work necessary to send message.\nReceiver\'s required difficulty: %1 and %2").arg(str(float(
requiredAverageProofOfWorkNonceTrialsPerByte) / shared.networkDefaultProofOfWorkNonceTrialsPerByte)).arg(str(float(requiredPayloadLengthExtraBytes) / shared.networkDefaultPayloadLengthExtraBytes)))))
if status != 'forcepow':
if (requiredAverageProofOfWorkNonceTrialsPerByte > shared.config.getint('bitmessagesettings', 'maxacceptablenoncetrialsperbyte') and shared.config.getint('bitmessagesettings', 'maxacceptablenoncetrialsperbyte') != 0) or (requiredPayloadLengthExtraBytes > shared.config.getint('bitmessagesettings', 'maxacceptablepayloadlengthextrabytes') and shared.config.getint('bitmessagesettings', 'maxacceptablepayloadlengthextrabytes') != 0):
# The demanded difficulty is more than we are willing
# to do.
'''UPDATE sent SET status='toodifficult' WHERE ackdata=? ''',
shared.UISignalQueue.put(('updateSentItemStatusByAckdata', (ackdata, tr.translateText("MainWindow", "Problem: The work demanded by the recipient (%1 and %2) is more difficult than you are willing to do.").arg(str(float(requiredAverageProofOfWorkNonceTrialsPerByte) / shared.networkDefaultProofOfWorkNonceTrialsPerByte)).arg(str(float(
requiredPayloadLengthExtraBytes) / shared.networkDefaultPayloadLengthExtraBytes)).arg(unicode(strftime(shared.config.get('bitmessagesettings', 'timeformat'), localtime(int(time.time()))), 'utf-8')))))
else: # if we are sending a message to ourselves or a chan..
with shared.printLock:
print 'Sending a message. First 150 characters of message:', repr(message[:150])
behaviorBitfield = '\x00\x00\x00\x01'
privEncryptionKeyBase58 = shared.config.get(
toaddress, 'privencryptionkey')
except Exception as err:
shared.UISignalQueue.put(('updateSentItemStatusByAckdata',(ackdata,tr.translateText("MainWindow",'Problem: You are trying to send a message to yourself or a chan but your encryption key could not be found in the keys.dat file. Could not encrypt message. %1').arg(unicode(strftime(shared.config.get('bitmessagesettings', 'timeformat'),localtime(int(time.time()))),'utf-8')))))
with shared.printLock:
'Error within sendMsg. Could not read the keys from the keys.dat file for our own address. %s\n' % err)
privEncryptionKeyHex = shared.decodeWalletImportFormat(
pubEncryptionKeyBase256 = highlevelcrypto.privToPub(
requiredAverageProofOfWorkNonceTrialsPerByte = shared.networkDefaultProofOfWorkNonceTrialsPerByte
requiredPayloadLengthExtraBytes = shared.networkDefaultPayloadLengthExtraBytes
shared.UISignalQueue.put(('updateSentItemStatusByAckdata', (
ackdata, tr.translateText("MainWindow", "Doing work necessary to send message.\nThere is no required difficulty for version 2 addresses like this."))))
elif toAddressVersionNumber >= 3:
requiredAverageProofOfWorkNonceTrialsPerByte, varintLength = decodeVarint(
pubkeyPayload[readPosition:readPosition + 10])
readPosition += varintLength
requiredPayloadLengthExtraBytes, varintLength = decodeVarint(
pubkeyPayload[readPosition:readPosition + 10])
readPosition += varintLength
if requiredAverageProofOfWorkNonceTrialsPerByte < shared.networkDefaultProofOfWorkNonceTrialsPerByte: # We still have to meet a minimum POW difficulty regardless of what they say is allowed in order to get our message to propagate through the network.
requiredAverageProofOfWorkNonceTrialsPerByte = shared.networkDefaultProofOfWorkNonceTrialsPerByte
if requiredPayloadLengthExtraBytes < shared.networkDefaultPayloadLengthExtraBytes:
requiredPayloadLengthExtraBytes = shared.networkDefaultPayloadLengthExtraBytes
shared.UISignalQueue.put(('updateSentItemStatusByAckdata', (ackdata, tr.translateText("MainWindow", "Doing work necessary to send message.\nReceiver\'s required difficulty: %1 and %2").arg(str(float(
requiredAverageProofOfWorkNonceTrialsPerByte) / shared.networkDefaultProofOfWorkNonceTrialsPerByte)).arg(str(float(requiredPayloadLengthExtraBytes) / shared.networkDefaultPayloadLengthExtraBytes)))))
if status != 'forcepow':
if (requiredAverageProofOfWorkNonceTrialsPerByte > shared.config.getint('bitmessagesettings', 'maxacceptablenoncetrialsperbyte') and shared.config.getint('bitmessagesettings', 'maxacceptablenoncetrialsperbyte') != 0) or (requiredPayloadLengthExtraBytes > shared.config.getint('bitmessagesettings', 'maxacceptablepayloadlengthextrabytes') and shared.config.getint('bitmessagesettings', 'maxacceptablepayloadlengthextrabytes') != 0):
# The demanded difficulty is more than we are willing
# to do.
'''UPDATE sent SET status='toodifficult' WHERE ackdata=? ''',
shared.UISignalQueue.put(('updateSentItemStatusByAckdata', (ackdata, tr.translateText("MainWindow", "Problem: The work demanded by the recipient (%1 and %2) is more difficult than you are willing to do.").arg(str(float(requiredAverageProofOfWorkNonceTrialsPerByte) / shared.networkDefaultProofOfWorkNonceTrialsPerByte)).arg(str(float(
requiredPayloadLengthExtraBytes) / shared.networkDefaultPayloadLengthExtraBytes)).arg(unicode(strftime(shared.config.get('bitmessagesettings', 'timeformat'), localtime(int(time.time()))), 'utf-8')))))
ackdata, tr.translateText("MainWindow", "Doing work necessary to send message."))))
embeddedTime = pack('>Q', (int(time.time()) + random.randrange(
-300, 300))) # the current time plus or minus five minutes. We will use this time both for our message and for the ackdata packed within our message.
@ -748,13 +759,13 @@ class singleWorker(threading.Thread):
subject + '\n' + 'Body:' + message
payload += encodeVarint(len(messageToTransmit))
payload += messageToTransmit
if shared.safeConfigGetBoolean(toaddress, 'chan'):
if shared.config.has_section(toaddress):
with shared.printLock:
print 'Not bothering to generate ackdata because we are sending to a chan.'
print 'Not bothering to include ackdata because we are sending to ourselves or a chan.'
fullAckPayload = ''
elif not shared.isBitSetWithinBitfield(behaviorBitfield,31):
with shared.printLock:
print 'Not bothering to generate ackdata because the receiver said that they won\'t relay it anyway.'
print 'Not bothering to include ackdata because the receiver said that they won\'t relay it anyway.'
fullAckPayload = ''
fullAckPayload = self.generateFullAckMessage(
@ -795,26 +806,48 @@ class singleWorker(threading.Thread):
shared.inventory[inventoryHash] = (
objectType, toStreamNumber, encryptedPayload, int(time.time()),'')
if shared.safeConfigGetBoolean(toaddress, 'chan'):
if shared.config.has_section(toaddress):
shared.UISignalQueue.put(('updateSentItemStatusByAckdata', (ackdata, tr.translateText("MainWindow", "Message sent. Sent on %1").arg(unicode(
strftime(shared.config.get('bitmessagesettings', 'timeformat'), localtime(int(time.time()))), 'utf-8')))))
# not sending to a chan
# not sending to a chan or one of my addresses
shared.UISignalQueue.put(('updateSentItemStatusByAckdata', (ackdata, tr.translateText("MainWindow", "Message sent. Waiting on acknowledgement. Sent on %1").arg(unicode(
strftime(shared.config.get('bitmessagesettings', 'timeformat'), localtime(int(time.time()))), 'utf-8')))))
print 'Broadcasting inv for my msg(within sendmsg function):', inventoryHash.encode('hex')
streamNumber, 'advertiseobject', inventoryHash))
toStreamNumber, 'advertiseobject', inventoryHash))
# Update the status of the message in the 'sent' table to have a
# 'msgsent' status or 'msgsentnoackexpected' status.
if shared.safeConfigGetBoolean(toaddress, 'chan'):
if shared.config.has_section(toaddress):
newStatus = 'msgsentnoackexpected'
newStatus = 'msgsent'
sqlExecute('''UPDATE sent SET msgid=?, status=? WHERE ackdata=?''',
# If we are sending to ourselves or a chan, let's put the message in
# our own inbox.
if shared.config.has_section(toaddress):
t = (inventoryHash, toaddress, fromaddress, subject, int(
time.time()), message, 'inbox', 2, 0)
shared.UISignalQueue.put(('displayNewInboxMessage', (
inventoryHash, toaddress, fromaddress, subject, message)))
# If we are behaving as an API then we might need to run an
# outside command to let some program know that a new message
# has arrived.
if shared.safeConfigGetBoolean('bitmessagesettings', 'apienabled'):
apiNotifyPath = shared.config.get(
'bitmessagesettings', 'apinotifypath')
apiNotifyPath = ''
if apiNotifyPath != '':
call([apiNotifyPath, "newMessage"])
def requestPubKey(self, toAddress):
toStatus, addressVersionNumber, streamNumber, ripe = decodeAddress(

View File

@ -46,7 +46,7 @@ class sqlThread(threading.Thread):
# because we may need more flexability in the future and it doesn't
# take up much more space anyway.
'''CREATE TABLE pubkeys (hash blob, transmitdata blob, time int, usedpersonally text, UNIQUE(hash) ON CONFLICT REPLACE)''' )
'''CREATE TABLE pubkeys (hash blob, addressversion int, transmitdata blob, time int, usedpersonally text, UNIQUE(hash, addressversion) ON CONFLICT REPLACE)''' )
'''CREATE TABLE inventory (hash blob, objecttype text, streamnumber int, payload blob, receivedtime integer, tag blob, UNIQUE(hash) ON CONFLICT REPLACE)''' )
@ -57,7 +57,7 @@ class sqlThread(threading.Thread):
'''INSERT INTO subscriptions VALUES('Bitmessage new releases/announcements','BM-GtovgYdgs7qXPkoYaRgrLFuFKz1SFpsw',1)''')
'''CREATE TABLE settings (key blob, value blob, UNIQUE(key) ON CONFLICT REPLACE)''' )
self.cur.execute( '''INSERT INTO settings VALUES('version','4')''')
self.cur.execute( '''INSERT INTO settings VALUES('version','5')''')
self.cur.execute( '''INSERT INTO settings VALUES('lastvacuumtime',?)''', (
@ -253,13 +253,44 @@ class sqlThread(threading.Thread):
with open(shared.appdata + 'keys.dat', 'wb') as configfile:
# Add a new column to the pubkeys table to store the address version.
# We're going to trash all of our pubkeys and let them be redownloaded.
item = '''SELECT value FROM settings WHERE key='version';'''
parameters = ''
self.cur.execute(item, parameters)
currentVersion = int(self.cur.fetchall()[0][0])
if currentVersion == 4:
self.cur.execute( '''DROP TABLE pubkeys''')
'''CREATE TABLE pubkeys (hash blob, addressversion int, transmitdata blob, time int, usedpersonally text, UNIQUE(hash, addressversion) ON CONFLICT REPLACE)''' )
'''delete from inventory where objecttype = 'pubkey';''')
item = '''update settings set value=? WHERE key='version';'''
parameters = (5,)
self.cur.execute(item, parameters)
# Are you hoping to add a new option to the keys.dat file of existing
# Bitmessage users? Add it right above this line!
#my new implementation starts here, the most of these comment will be deleted, they are just for documentation
if shared.config.getint('bitmessagesettings', 'settingsversion') == 7:#this is the version that all we have,if you see your keys.dat file this is your version.AQWA
shared.config.set(#in order to not have to change your keys.dat file I update it with the new lines. I add to your keys.dat three new default fields.AQWA
'bitmessagesettings', 'hours', '')# hours, days, months have no value.This means that bitmessage works as before. It re-sends mails every 4,8,16 days..forever.AQWA
'bitmessagesettings', 'days', '')
'bitmessagesettings', 'months', '')
'bitmessagesettings', 'timeperiod', '-1')#time period has default value -1. This is used for checking in class_singleCleaner. If you leave default the time period or after you change it(f.i 1/0/0), again you set it with its default value(-/-/-) this variable will be -1.AQWA
shared.config.set('bitmessagesettings', 'settingsversion', '8') #We update the version.If I leave it 7 every time that Bitmessage starts your setting will be lost.The default values(-/-/-) will be loaded all the time ;).That was juicy.AQWA
with open(shared.appdata + 'keys.dat', 'wb') as configfile:
#my new implementation in this file stops here
testpayload = '\x00\x00'
t = ('1234', testpayload, '12345678', 'no')
self.cur.execute( '''INSERT INTO pubkeys VALUES(?,?,?,?)''', t)
t = ('1234', 1, testpayload, '12345678', 'no')
self.cur.execute( '''INSERT INTO pubkeys VALUES(?,?,?,?,?)''', t)
'''SELECT transmitdata FROM pubkeys WHERE hash='1234' ''')

src/ Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,436 @@
import threading
import shared
import sqlite3
import time
import shutil # used for moving the messages.dat file
import sys
import os
from debug import logger
from namecoin import ensureNamecoinOptions
import tr#anslate
# This thread exists because SQLITE3 is so un-threadsafe that we must
# submit queries to it and it puts results back in a different queue. They
# won't let us just use locks.
class sqlThread(threading.Thread):
def __init__(self):
def run(self):
self.conn = sqlite3.connect(shared.appdata + 'messages.dat')
self.conn.text_factory = str
self.cur = self.conn.cursor()
'''CREATE TABLE inbox (msgid blob, toaddress text, fromaddress text, subject text, received text, message text, folder text, encodingtype int, read bool, UNIQUE(msgid) ON CONFLICT REPLACE)''' )
'''CREATE TABLE sent (msgid blob, toaddress text, toripe blob, fromaddress text, subject text, message text, ackdata blob, lastactiontime integer, status text, pubkeyretrynumber integer, msgretrynumber integer, folder text, encodingtype int)''' )
'''CREATE TABLE subscriptions (label text, address text, enabled bool)''' )
'''CREATE TABLE addressbook (label text, address text)''' )
'''CREATE TABLE blacklist (label text, address text, enabled bool)''' )
'''CREATE TABLE whitelist (label text, address text, enabled bool)''' )
# Explanation of what is in the pubkeys table:
# The hash is the RIPEMD160 hash that is encoded in the Bitmessage address.
# transmitdata is literally the data that was included in the Bitmessage pubkey message when it arrived, except for the 24 byte protocol header- ie, it starts with the POW nonce.
# time is the time that the pubkey was broadcast on the network same as with every other type of Bitmessage object.
# usedpersonally is set to "yes" if we have used the key
# personally. This keeps us from deleting it because we may want to
# reply to a message in the future. This field is not a bool
# because we may need more flexability in the future and it doesn't
# take up much more space anyway.
'''CREATE TABLE pubkeys (hash blob, addressversion int, transmitdata blob, time int, usedpersonally text, UNIQUE(hash, addressversion) ON CONFLICT REPLACE)''' )
'''CREATE TABLE inventory (hash blob, objecttype text, streamnumber int, payload blob, receivedtime integer, tag blob, UNIQUE(hash) ON CONFLICT REPLACE)''' )
'''CREATE TABLE knownnodes (timelastseen int, stream int, services blob, host blob, port blob, UNIQUE(host, stream, port) ON CONFLICT REPLACE)''' )
# This table isn't used in the program yet but I
# have a feeling that we'll need it.
'''INSERT INTO subscriptions VALUES('Bitmessage new releases/announcements','BM-GtovgYdgs7qXPkoYaRgrLFuFKz1SFpsw',1)''')
'''CREATE TABLE settings (key blob, value blob, UNIQUE(key) ON CONFLICT REPLACE)''' )
self.cur.execute( '''INSERT INTO settings VALUES('version','5')''')
self.cur.execute( '''INSERT INTO settings VALUES('lastvacuumtime',?)''', (
self.conn.commit()'Created messages database file')
except Exception as err:
if str(err) == 'table inbox already exists':
logger.debug('Database file already exists.')
'ERROR trying to create database file (message.dat). Error message: %s\n' % str(err))
if shared.config.getint('bitmessagesettings', 'settingsversion') == 1:
shared.config.set('bitmessagesettings', 'settingsversion', '2')
# If the settings version is equal to 2 or 3 then the
# sqlThread will modify the pubkeys table and change
# the settings version to 4.
shared.config.set('bitmessagesettings', 'socksproxytype', 'none')
shared.config.set('bitmessagesettings', 'sockshostname', 'localhost')
shared.config.set('bitmessagesettings', 'socksport', '9050')
shared.config.set('bitmessagesettings', 'socksauthentication', 'false')
shared.config.set('bitmessagesettings', 'socksusername', '')
shared.config.set('bitmessagesettings', 'sockspassword', '')
shared.config.set('bitmessagesettings', 'sockslisten', 'false')
shared.config.set('bitmessagesettings', 'keysencrypted', 'false')
shared.config.set('bitmessagesettings', 'messagesencrypted', 'false')
with open(shared.appdata + 'keys.dat', 'wb') as configfile:
# People running earlier versions of PyBitmessage do not have the
# usedpersonally field in their pubkeys table. Let's add it.
if shared.config.getint('bitmessagesettings', 'settingsversion') == 2:
item = '''ALTER TABLE pubkeys ADD usedpersonally text DEFAULT 'no' '''
parameters = ''
self.cur.execute(item, parameters)
shared.config.set('bitmessagesettings', 'settingsversion', '3')
with open(shared.appdata + 'keys.dat', 'wb') as configfile:
# People running earlier versions of PyBitmessage do not have the
# encodingtype field in their inbox and sent tables or the read field
# in the inbox table. Let's add them.
if shared.config.getint('bitmessagesettings', 'settingsversion') == 3:
item = '''ALTER TABLE inbox ADD encodingtype int DEFAULT '2' '''
parameters = ''
self.cur.execute(item, parameters)
item = '''ALTER TABLE inbox ADD read bool DEFAULT '1' '''
parameters = ''
self.cur.execute(item, parameters)
item = '''ALTER TABLE sent ADD encodingtype int DEFAULT '2' '''
parameters = ''
self.cur.execute(item, parameters)
shared.config.set('bitmessagesettings', 'settingsversion', '4')
with open(shared.appdata + 'keys.dat', 'wb') as configfile:
if shared.config.getint('bitmessagesettings', 'settingsversion') == 4:
shared.config.set('bitmessagesettings', 'defaultnoncetrialsperbyte', str(
shared.config.set('bitmessagesettings', 'defaultpayloadlengthextrabytes', str(
shared.config.set('bitmessagesettings', 'settingsversion', '5')
if shared.config.getint('bitmessagesettings', 'settingsversion') == 5:
'bitmessagesettings', 'maxacceptablenoncetrialsperbyte', '0')
'bitmessagesettings', 'maxacceptablepayloadlengthextrabytes', '0')
shared.config.set('bitmessagesettings', 'settingsversion', '6')
with open(shared.appdata + 'keys.dat', 'wb') as configfile:
# From now on, let us keep a 'version' embedded in the messages.dat
# file so that when we make changes to the database, the database
# version we are on can stay embedded in the messages.dat file. Let us
# check to see if the settings table exists yet.
item = '''SELECT name FROM sqlite_master WHERE type='table' AND name='settings';'''
parameters = ''
self.cur.execute(item, parameters)
if self.cur.fetchall() == []:
# The settings table doesn't exist. We need to make it.
logger.debug('In messages.dat database, creating new \'settings\' table.')
'''CREATE TABLE settings (key text, value blob, UNIQUE(key) ON CONFLICT REPLACE)''' )
self.cur.execute( '''INSERT INTO settings VALUES('version','1')''')
self.cur.execute( '''INSERT INTO settings VALUES('lastvacuumtime',?)''', (
logger.debug('In messages.dat database, removing an obsolete field from the pubkeys table.')
'''CREATE TEMPORARY TABLE pubkeys_backup(hash blob, transmitdata blob, time int, usedpersonally text, UNIQUE(hash) ON CONFLICT REPLACE);''')
'''INSERT INTO pubkeys_backup SELECT hash, transmitdata, time, usedpersonally FROM pubkeys;''')
self.cur.execute( '''DROP TABLE pubkeys''')
'''CREATE TABLE pubkeys (hash blob, transmitdata blob, time int, usedpersonally text, UNIQUE(hash) ON CONFLICT REPLACE)''' )
'''INSERT INTO pubkeys SELECT hash, transmitdata, time, usedpersonally FROM pubkeys_backup;''')
self.cur.execute( '''DROP TABLE pubkeys_backup;''')
logger.debug('Deleting all pubkeys from inventory. They will be redownloaded and then saved with the correct times.')
'''delete from inventory where objecttype = 'pubkey';''')
logger.debug('replacing Bitmessage announcements mailing list with a new one.')
'''delete from subscriptions where address='BM-BbkPSZbzPwpVcYZpU4yHwf9ZPEapN5Zx' ''')
'''INSERT INTO subscriptions VALUES('Bitmessage new releases/announcements','BM-GtovgYdgs7qXPkoYaRgrLFuFKz1SFpsw',1)''')
logger.debug('Vacuuming message.dat. You might notice that the file size gets much smaller.')
self.cur.execute( ''' VACUUM ''')
# After code refactoring, the possible status values for sent messages
# have changed.
'''update sent set status='doingmsgpow' where status='doingpow' ''')
'''update sent set status='msgsent' where status='sentmessage' ''')
'''update sent set status='doingpubkeypow' where status='findingpubkey' ''')
'''update sent set status='broadcastqueued' where status='broadcastpending' ''')
if not shared.config.has_option('bitmessagesettings', 'sockslisten'):
shared.config.set('bitmessagesettings', 'sockslisten', 'false')
"""# Add a new column to the inventory table to store the first 20 bytes of encrypted messages to support Android app
item = '''SELECT value FROM settings WHERE key='version';'''
parameters = ''
self.cur.execute(item, parameters)
if int(self.cur.fetchall()[0][0]) == 1:
print 'upgrading database'
item = '''ALTER TABLE inventory ADD first20bytesofencryptedmessage blob DEFAULT '' '''
parameters = ''
self.cur.execute(item, parameters)
item = '''update settings set value=? WHERE key='version';'''
parameters = (2,)
self.cur.execute(item, parameters)"""
# Let's get rid of the first20bytesofencryptedmessage field in the inventory table.
item = '''SELECT value FROM settings WHERE key='version';'''
parameters = ''
self.cur.execute(item, parameters)
if int(self.cur.fetchall()[0][0]) == 2:
logger.debug('In messages.dat database, removing an obsolete field from the inventory table.')
'''CREATE TEMPORARY TABLE inventory_backup(hash blob, objecttype text, streamnumber int, payload blob, receivedtime integer, UNIQUE(hash) ON CONFLICT REPLACE);''')
'''INSERT INTO inventory_backup SELECT hash, objecttype, streamnumber, payload, receivedtime FROM inventory;''')
self.cur.execute( '''DROP TABLE inventory''')
'''CREATE TABLE inventory (hash blob, objecttype text, streamnumber int, payload blob, receivedtime integer, UNIQUE(hash) ON CONFLICT REPLACE)''' )
'''INSERT INTO inventory SELECT hash, objecttype, streamnumber, payload, receivedtime FROM inventory_backup;''')
self.cur.execute( '''DROP TABLE inventory_backup;''')
item = '''update settings set value=? WHERE key='version';'''
parameters = (3,)
self.cur.execute(item, parameters)
# Add a new column to the inventory table to store tags.
item = '''SELECT value FROM settings WHERE key='version';'''
parameters = ''
self.cur.execute(item, parameters)
currentVersion = int(self.cur.fetchall()[0][0])
if currentVersion == 1 or currentVersion == 3:
logger.debug('In messages.dat database, adding tag field to the inventory table.')
item = '''ALTER TABLE inventory ADD tag blob DEFAULT '' '''
parameters = ''
self.cur.execute(item, parameters)
item = '''update settings set value=? WHERE key='version';'''
parameters = (4,)
self.cur.execute(item, parameters)
if not shared.config.has_option('bitmessagesettings', 'userlocale'):
shared.config.set('bitmessagesettings', 'userlocale', 'system')
if not shared.config.has_option('bitmessagesettings', 'sendoutgoingconnections'):
shared.config.set('bitmessagesettings', 'sendoutgoingconnections', 'True')
# Raise the default required difficulty from 1 to 2
if shared.config.getint('bitmessagesettings', 'settingsversion') == 6:
if int(shared.config.get('bitmessagesettings','defaultnoncetrialsperbyte')) == shared.networkDefaultProofOfWorkNonceTrialsPerByte:
shared.config.set('bitmessagesettings','defaultnoncetrialsperbyte', str(shared.networkDefaultProofOfWorkNonceTrialsPerByte * 2))
shared.config.set('bitmessagesettings', 'settingsversion', '7')
with open(shared.appdata + 'keys.dat', 'wb') as configfile:
<<<<<<< HEAD
# Add a new column to the pubkeys table to store the address version.
# We're going to trash all of our pubkeys and let them be redownloaded.
item = '''SELECT value FROM settings WHERE key='version';'''
parameters = ''
self.cur.execute(item, parameters)
currentVersion = int(self.cur.fetchall()[0][0])
if currentVersion == 4:
self.cur.execute( '''DROP TABLE pubkeys''')
'''CREATE TABLE pubkeys (hash blob, addressversion int, transmitdata blob, time int, usedpersonally text, UNIQUE(hash, addressversion) ON CONFLICT REPLACE)''' )
'''delete from inventory where objecttype = 'pubkey';''')
item = '''update settings set value=? WHERE key='version';'''
parameters = (5,)
self.cur.execute(item, parameters)
>>>>>>> c16d9787d289b1f6ae05358e55ad46cd4b8d2a30
# Are you hoping to add a new option to the keys.dat file of existing
# Bitmessage users? Add it right above this line!
#my new implementation starts here, the most of these comment will be deleted, they are just for documentation
if shared.config.getint('bitmessagesettings', 'settingsversion') == 7:#this is the version that all we have,if you see your keys.dat file this is your version.AQWA
shared.config.set(#in order to not have to change your keys.dat file I update it with the new lines. I add to your keys.dat three new default fields.AQWA
'bitmessagesettings', 'hours', '')# hours, days, months have no value.This means that bitmessage works as before. It re-sends mails every 4,8,16 days..forever.AQWA
'bitmessagesettings', 'days', '')
'bitmessagesettings', 'months', '')
'bitmessagesettings', 'timeperiod', '-1')#time period has default value -1. This is used for checking in class_singleCleaner. If you leave default the time period or after you change it(f.i 1/0/0), again you set it with its default value(-/-/-) this variable will be -1.AQWA
shared.config.set('bitmessagesettings', 'settingsversion', '8') #We update the version.If I leave it 7 every time that Bitmessage starts your setting will be lost.The default values(-/-/-) will be loaded all the time ;).That was juicy.AQWA
with open(shared.appdata + 'keys.dat', 'wb') as configfile:
#my new implementation in this file stops here
testpayload = '\x00\x00'
t = ('1234', 1, testpayload, '12345678', 'no')
self.cur.execute( '''INSERT INTO pubkeys VALUES(?,?,?,?,?)''', t)
'''SELECT transmitdata FROM pubkeys WHERE hash='1234' ''')
queryreturn = self.cur.fetchall()
for row in queryreturn:
transmitdata, = row
self.cur.execute('''DELETE FROM pubkeys WHERE hash='1234' ''')
if transmitdata == '':
logger.fatal('Problem: The version of SQLite you have cannot store Null values. Please download and install the latest revision of your version of Python (for example, the latest Python 2.7 revision) and try again.\n')
logger.fatal('PyBitmessage will now exit very abruptly. You may now see threading errors related to this abrupt exit but the problem you need to solve is related to SQLite.\n\n')
except Exception as err:
if str(err) == 'database or disk is full':
logger.fatal('(While null value test) Alert: Your disk or data storage volume is full. sqlThread will now exit.')
shared.UISignalQueue.put(('alert', (tr.translateText("MainWindow", "Disk full"), tr.translateText("MainWindow", 'Alert: Your disk or data storage volume is full. Bitmessage will now exit.'), True)))
if shared.daemon:
# Let us check to see the last time we vaccumed the messages.dat file.
# If it has been more than a month let's do it now.
item = '''SELECT value FROM settings WHERE key='lastvacuumtime';'''
parameters = ''
self.cur.execute(item, parameters)
queryreturn = self.cur.fetchall()
for row in queryreturn:
value, = row
if int(value) < int(time.time()) - 2592000:'It has been a long time since the messages.dat file has been vacuumed. Vacuuming now...')
self.cur.execute( ''' VACUUM ''')
except Exception as err:
if str(err) == 'database or disk is full':
logger.fatal('(While VACUUM) Alert: Your disk or data storage volume is full. sqlThread will now exit.')
shared.UISignalQueue.put(('alert', (tr.translateText("MainWindow", "Disk full"), tr.translateText("MainWindow", 'Alert: Your disk or data storage volume is full. Bitmessage will now exit.'), True)))
if shared.daemon:
item = '''update settings set value=? WHERE key='lastvacuumtime';'''
parameters = (int(time.time()),)
self.cur.execute(item, parameters)
while True:
item = shared.sqlSubmitQueue.get()
if item == 'commit':
except Exception as err:
if str(err) == 'database or disk is full':
logger.fatal('(While committing) Alert: Your disk or data storage volume is full. sqlThread will now exit.')
shared.UISignalQueue.put(('alert', (tr.translateText("MainWindow", "Disk full"), tr.translateText("MainWindow", 'Alert: Your disk or data storage volume is full. Bitmessage will now exit.'), True)))
if shared.daemon:
elif item == 'exit':
self.conn.close()'sqlThread exiting gracefully.')
elif item == 'movemessagstoprog':
logger.debug('the sqlThread is moving the messages.dat file to the local program directory.')
except Exception as err:
if str(err) == 'database or disk is full':
logger.fatal('(while movemessagstoprog) Alert: Your disk or data storage volume is full. sqlThread will now exit.')
shared.UISignalQueue.put(('alert', (tr.translateText("MainWindow", "Disk full"), tr.translateText("MainWindow", 'Alert: Your disk or data storage volume is full. Bitmessage will now exit.'), True)))
if shared.daemon:
shared.lookupAppdataFolder() + 'messages.dat', 'messages.dat')
self.conn = sqlite3.connect('messages.dat')
self.conn.text_factory = str
self.cur = self.conn.cursor()
elif item == 'movemessagstoappdata':
logger.debug('the sqlThread is moving the messages.dat file to the Appdata folder.')
except Exception as err:
if str(err) == 'database or disk is full':
logger.fatal('(while movemessagstoappdata) Alert: Your disk or data storage volume is full. sqlThread will now exit.')
shared.UISignalQueue.put(('alert', (tr.translateText("MainWindow", "Disk full"), tr.translateText("MainWindow", 'Alert: Your disk or data storage volume is full. Bitmessage will now exit.'), True)))
if shared.daemon:
'messages.dat', shared.lookupAppdataFolder() + 'messages.dat')
self.conn = sqlite3.connect(shared.appdata + 'messages.dat')
self.conn.text_factory = str
self.cur = self.conn.cursor()
elif item == 'deleteandvacuume':
self.cur.execute('''delete from inbox where folder='trash' ''')
self.cur.execute('''delete from sent where folder='trash' ''')
self.cur.execute( ''' VACUUM ''')
except Exception as err:
if str(err) == 'database or disk is full':
logger.fatal('(while deleteandvacuume) Alert: Your disk or data storage volume is full. sqlThread will now exit.')
shared.UISignalQueue.put(('alert', (tr.translateText("MainWindow", "Disk full"), tr.translateText("MainWindow", 'Alert: Your disk or data storage volume is full. Bitmessage will now exit.'), True)))
if shared.daemon:
parameters = shared.sqlSubmitQueue.get()
# print 'item', item
# print 'parameters', parameters
self.cur.execute(item, parameters)
except Exception as err:
if str(err) == 'database or disk is full':
logger.fatal('(while cur.execute) Alert: Your disk or data storage volume is full. sqlThread will now exit.')
shared.UISignalQueue.put(('alert', (tr.translateText("MainWindow", "Disk full"), tr.translateText("MainWindow", 'Alert: Your disk or data storage volume is full. Bitmessage will now exit.'), True)))
if shared.daemon:
logger.fatal('Major error occurred when trying to execute a SQL statement within the sqlThread. Please tell Atheros about this error message or post it in the forum! Error occurred while trying to execute statement: "%s" Here are the parameters; you might want to censor this data with asterisks (***) as it can contain private information: %s. Here is the actual error message thrown by the sqlThread: %s', str(item), str(repr(parameters)), str(err))
logger.fatal('This program shall now abruptly exit!')
# shared.sqlSubmitQueue.task_done()

View File

@ -25,7 +25,7 @@ def knownNodes():
shared.knownNodes[stream][peer] = time
shared.knownNodes = defaultKnownNodes.createDefaultKnownNodes(shared.appdata)
if shared.config.getint('bitmessagesettings', 'settingsversion') > 7:
if shared.config.getint('bitmessagesettings', 'settingsversion') > 8:
print 'Bitmessage cannot read future versions of the keys file (keys.dat). Run the newer version of Bitmessage.'
raise SystemExit

View File

@ -91,6 +91,17 @@ def loadConfig():
# existing users. To do that, search the file for the
# text: "right above this line!"
#my implementation starts here. AQWA
'bitmessagesettings', 'hours', '')#here I am adding the new default settings. The first time that the program is going to run these values will be loaded(UI and keys.dat also :) ).AQWA
'bitmessagesettings', 'days', '')
'bitmessagesettings', 'months', '')
'bitmessagesettings', 'timeperiod', '-1')
#my implementation in this file stops here.AQWA
if storeConfigFilesInSameDirectoryAsProgramByDefault:

View File

@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
softwareVersion = '0.4.0'
softwareVersion = '0.4.1'
verbose = 1
maximumAgeOfAnObjectThatIAmWillingToAccept = 216000 # Equals two days and 12 hours.
lengthOfTimeToLeaveObjectsInInventory = 237600 # Equals two days and 18 hours. This should be longer than maximumAgeOfAnObjectThatIAmWillingToAccept so that we don't process messages twice.
lengthOfTimeToLeaveObjectsInInventory = 237600 # Equals two days and 18 hours. This should be longer than maximumAgeOfAnObjectThatIAmWillingToAccept so that we don't process messages twice.
lengthOfTimeToHoldOnToAllPubkeys = 2419200 # Equals 4 weeks. You could make this longer if you want but making it shorter would not be advisable because there is a very small possibility that it could keep you from obtaining a needed pubkey for a period of time.
maximumAgeOfObjectsThatIAdvertiseToOthers = 216000 # Equals two days and 12 hours
maximumAgeOfNodesThatIAdvertiseToOthers = 10800 # Equals three hours
@ -469,8 +469,8 @@ def decryptAndCheckPubkeyPayload(payload, address):
print 'Pubkey decryption was UNsuccessful due to RIPE mismatch. This shouldn\'t have happened.'
return 'failed'
t = (ripe, signedData, int(time.time()), 'yes')
sqlExecute('''INSERT INTO pubkeys VALUES (?,?,?,?)''', *t)
t = (ripe, addressVersion, signedData, int(time.time()), 'yes')
sqlExecute('''INSERT INTO pubkeys VALUES (?,?,?,?,?)''', *t)
return 'successful'
Peer = collections.namedtuple('Peer', ['host', 'port'])

Binary file not shown.

View File

@ -1417,7 +1417,7 @@ Die Zufallszahlen-Option ist standard, jedoch haben deterministische Adressen ei
<location filename="../bitmessageqt/" line="365"/>
<source>Here you may set the maximum amount of work you are willing to do to send a message to another person. Setting these values to 0 means that any value is acceptable.</source>
<translation>hier setzen Sie die maximale Arbeit die Sie bereit sind zu verrichten um eine Nachricht an eine andere Person zu verwenden. Ein Wert von 0 bedeutet, dass Sie jede Arbeit akzeptieren.</translation>
<translation>Hier setzen Sie die maximale Arbeit, die Sie bereit sind zu verrichten, um eine Nachricht an eine andere Person zu versenden. Ein Wert von 0 bedeutet, dass Sie jede Arbeit akzeptieren.</translation>
<location filename="../bitmessageqt/" line="366"/>