Opportunistic encryption with TLS (1 of 2)

Fixes Bitmessage#264
Fixes Bitmessage#648
This commit is contained in:
mailchuck 2015-11-13 12:32:10 +01:00
parent cdaedaac0b
commit 8685449556
Signed by: PeterSurda
GPG Key ID: 0C5F50C0B5F37D87
3 changed files with 37 additions and 4 deletions

View File

@ -1,11 +1,15 @@
doTimingAttackMitigation = True
import errno
import time
import threading
import shared
import hashlib
import os
import select
import socket
import random
import ssl
from struct import unpack, pack
import sys
import traceback
@ -49,6 +53,7 @@ class receiveDataThread(threading.Thread):
self.peer.host] = 0 # The very fact that this receiveData thread exists shows that we are connected to the remote host. Let's add it to this list so that an outgoingSynSender thread doesn't try to connect to it.
self.connectionIsOrWasFullyEstablished = False # set to true after the remote node and I accept each other's version messages. This is needed to allow the user interface to accurately reflect the current number of connections.
self.services = 0
if self.streamNumber == -1: # This was an incoming connection. Send out a version message if we accept the other node's version message.
self.initiatedConnection = False
@ -76,7 +81,10 @@ class receiveDataThread(threading.Thread):
shared.numberOfBytesReceivedLastSecond = 0
dataLen = len(self.data)
dataRecv = self.sock.recv(1024)
if (self.services & 2 == 2) and self.connectionIsOrWasFullyEstablished:
dataRecv = self.sslSock.recv(1024)
dataRecv = self.sock.recv(1024)
self.data += dataRecv
shared.numberOfBytesReceived += len(dataRecv) # for the 'network status' UI tab. The UI clears this value whenever it updates.
shared.numberOfBytesReceivedLastSecond += len(dataRecv) # for the download rate limit
@ -85,6 +93,9 @@ class receiveDataThread(threading.Thread):
print 'Timeout occurred waiting for data from', self.peer, '. Closing receiveData thread. (ID:', str(id(self)) + ')'
except Exception as err:
if (sys.platform == 'win32' and err.errno == 10035) or (sys.platform != 'win32' and err.errno == errno.EWOULDBLOCK):
select.select([self.sslSock], [], [])
with shared.printLock:
print 'sock.recv error. Closing receiveData thread (' + str(self.peer) + ', Thread ID:', str(id(self)) + ').', err
@ -252,8 +263,24 @@ class receiveDataThread(threading.Thread):
# there is no reason to run this function a second time
self.connectionIsOrWasFullyEstablished = True
self.sslSock = self.sock
if (self.services & 2 == 2):
self.sslSock = ssl.wrap_socket(self.sock, keyfile = os.path.join(shared.codePath(), 'sslkeys', 'key.pem'), certfile = os.path.join(shared.codePath(), 'sslkeys', 'cert.pem'), server_side = not self.initiatedConnection, ssl_version=ssl.PROTOCOL_SSLv23, do_handshake_on_connect=False, ciphers='AECDH-AES256-SHA')
while True:
except ssl.SSLError as e:
if e.errno == 2:
select.select([self.sslSock], [self.sslSock], [])
# Command the corresponding sendDataThread to set its own connectionIsOrWasFullyEstablished variable to True also
self.sendDataThreadQueue.put((0, 'connectionIsOrWasFullyEstablished', 'no data'))
self.sendDataThreadQueue.put((0, 'connectionIsOrWasFullyEstablished', (self.services, self.sslSock)))
if not self.initiatedConnection:
shared.clientHasReceivedIncomingConnections = True
shared.UISignalQueue.put(('setStatusIcon', 'green'))
@ -674,6 +701,7 @@ class receiveDataThread(threading.Thread):
self.remoteProtocolVersion, = unpack('>L', data[:4])
self.services, = unpack('>q', data[4:12])
if self.remoteProtocolVersion < 3:
self.sendDataThreadQueue.put((0, 'shutdown','no data'))
with shared.printLock:

View File

@ -36,6 +36,7 @@ class sendDataThread(threading.Thread):
self.sock = sock
self.peer = shared.Peer(HOST, PORT)
self.streamNumber = streamNumber
self.services = 0
self.remoteProtocolVersion = - \
1 # This must be set using setRemoteProtocolVersion command which is sent through the self.sendDataThreadQueue queue.
self.lastTimeISentData = int(
@ -82,7 +83,10 @@ class sendDataThread(threading.Thread):
uploadRateLimitBytes = 999999999 # float("inf") doesn't work
uploadRateLimitBytes = shared.config.getint('bitmessagesettings', 'maxuploadrate') * 1000
amountSent = self.sock.send(data[:1000])
if self.services & 2 == 2 and self.connectionIsOrWasFullyEstablished:
amountSent = self.sslSock.send(data[:1000])
amountSent = self.sock.send(data[:1000])
shared.numberOfBytesSent += amountSent # used for the 'network status' tab in the UI
shared.numberOfBytesSentLastSecond += amountSent
self.lastTimeISentData = int(time.time())
@ -178,6 +182,7 @@ class sendDataThread(threading.Thread):
elif command == 'connectionIsOrWasFullyEstablished':
self.connectionIsOrWasFullyEstablished = True
self.services, self.sslSock = data
with shared.printLock:
print 'sendDataThread ID:', id(self), 'ignoring command', command, 'because the thread is not in stream', deststream

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@ -144,7 +144,7 @@ def encodeHost(host):
def assembleVersionMessage(remoteHost, remotePort, myStreamNumber):
payload = ''
payload += pack('>L', 3) # protocol version.
payload += pack('>q', 1) # bitflags of the services I offer.
payload += pack('>q', 3) # bitflags of the services I offer.
payload += pack('>q', int(time.time()))
payload += pack(