diff --git a/src/bitmessagemain.py b/src/bitmessagemain.py
index 79f5f835..38e08a0f 100644
--- a/src/bitmessagemain.py
+++ b/src/bitmessagemain.py
@@ -738,6 +738,115 @@ class MySimpleXMLRPCRequestHandler(SimpleXMLRPCRequestHandler):
data += json.dumps({'label':label.encode('base64'), 'address': address, 'enabled': enabled == 1}, indent=4, separators=(',',': '))
data += ']}'
return data
+ elif method == 'disseminatePreEncryptedMsg':
+ # The device issuing this command to PyBitmessage supplies a msg object that has
+ # already been encrypted and had the necessary proof of work done for it to be
+ # disseminated to the rest of the Bitmessage network. PyBitmessage accepts this msg
+ # object and sends it out to the rest of the Bitmessage network as if it had generated the
+ # message itself. Please do not yet add this to the api doc.
+ if len(params) != 1:
+ return 'API Error 0000: I need 1 parameter!'
+ encryptedPayload, = params
+ encryptedPayload = encryptedPayload.decode('hex')
+ toStreamNumber = decodeVarint(encryptedPayload[16:26])[0]
+ inventoryHash = calculateInventoryHash(encryptedPayload)
+ objectType = 'msg'
+ shared.inventory[inventoryHash] = (
+ objectType, toStreamNumber, encryptedPayload, int(time.time()))
+ with shared.printLock:
+ print 'Broadcasting inv for msg(API disseminatePreEncryptedMsg command):', inventoryHash.encode('hex')
+ shared.broadcastToSendDataQueues((
+ toStreamNumber, 'sendinv', inventoryHash))
+ elif method == 'disseminatePubkey':
+ # The device issuing this command to PyBitmessage supplies a pubkey object that has
+ # already had the necessary proof of work done for it to be disseminated to the rest of the
+ # Bitmessage network. PyBitmessage accepts this pubkey object and sends it out to the
+ # rest of the Bitmessage network as if it had generated the pubkey object itself. Please
+ # do not yet add this to the api doc.
+ if len(params) != 1:
+ return 'API Error 0000: I need 1 parameter!'
+ payload, = params
+ payload = payload.decode('hex')
+ pubkeyReadPosition = 8 # bypass the nonce
+ if payload[pubkeyReadPosition:pubkeyReadPosition+4] == '\x00\x00\x00\x00': # if this pubkey uses 8 byte time
+ pubkeyReadPosition += 8
+ else:
+ pubkeyReadPosition += 4
+ addressVersion, addressVersionLength = decodeVarint(payload[pubkeyReadPosition:pubkeyReadPosition+10])
+ pubkeyReadPosition += addressVersionLength
+ pubkeyStreamNumber = decodeVarint(payload[pubkeyReadPosition:pubkeyReadPosition+10])[0]
+ inventoryHash = calculateInventoryHash(payload)
+ objectType = 'pubkey'
+ shared.inventory[inventoryHash] = (
+ objectType, pubkeyStreamNumber, payload, int(time.time()))
+ with shared.printLock:
+ print 'broadcasting inv within API command disseminatePubkey with hash:', inventoryHash.encode('hex')
+ shared.broadcastToSendDataQueues((
+ streamNumber, 'sendinv', inventoryHash))
+ elif method == 'getMessageDataByDestinationHash':
+ # Method will eventually be used by a particular Android app to
+ # select relevant messages. Do not yet add this to the api
+ # doc.
+ if len(params) != 1:
+ return 'API Error 0000: I need 1 parameter!'
+ requestedHash, = params
+ if len(requestedHash) != 40:
+ return 'API Error 0019: The length of hash should be 20 bytes (encoded in hex thus 40 characters).'
+ requestedHash = requestedHash.decode('hex')
+ # This is not a particularly commonly used API function. Before we
+ # use it we'll need to fill out a field in our inventory database
+ # which is blank by default (first20bytesofencryptedmessage).
+ parameters = ''
+ with shared.sqlLock:
+ shared.sqlSubmitQueue.put('''SELECT hash, payload FROM inventory WHERE first20bytesofencryptedmessage = '' and objecttype = 'msg' ; ''')
+ shared.sqlSubmitQueue.put(parameters)
+ queryreturn = shared.sqlReturnQueue.get()
+ for row in queryreturn:
+ hash, payload = row
+ readPosition = 16 # Nonce length + time length
+ readPosition += decodeVarint(payload[readPosition:readPosition+10])[1] # Stream Number length
+ t = (payload[readPosition:readPosition+20],hash)
+ shared.sqlSubmitQueue.put('''UPDATE inventory SET first20bytesofencryptedmessage=? WHERE hash=?; ''')
+ shared.sqlSubmitQueue.put(t)
+ shared.sqlReturnQueue.get()
+ parameters = (requestedHash,)
+ with shared.sqlLock:
+ shared.sqlSubmitQueue.put('commit')
+ shared.sqlSubmitQueue.put('''SELECT payload FROM inventory WHERE first20bytesofencryptedmessage = ?''')
+ shared.sqlSubmitQueue.put(parameters)
+ queryreturn = shared.sqlReturnQueue.get()
+ data = '{"receivedMessageDatas":['
+ for row in queryreturn:
+ payload, = row
+ if len(data) > 25:
+ data += ','
+ data += json.dumps({'data':payload.encode('hex')}, indent=4, separators=(',', ': '))
+ data += ']}'
+ return data
+ elif method == 'getPubkeyByHash':
+ # Method will eventually be used by a particular Android app to
+ # retrieve pubkeys. Please do not yet add this to the api docs.
+ if len(params) != 1:
+ return 'API Error 0000: I need 1 parameter!'
+ requestedHash, = params
+ if len(requestedHash) != 40:
+ return 'API Error 0019: The length of hash should be 20 bytes (encoded in hex thus 40 characters).'
+ requestedHash = requestedHash.decode('hex')
+ parameters = (requestedHash,)
+ with shared.sqlLock:
+ shared.sqlSubmitQueue.put('''SELECT transmitdata FROM pubkeys WHERE hash = ? ; ''')
+ shared.sqlSubmitQueue.put(parameters)
+ queryreturn = shared.sqlReturnQueue.get()
+ data = '{"pubkey":['
+ for row in queryreturn:
+ transmitdata, = row
+ data += json.dumps({'data':transmitdata.encode('hex')}, indent=4, separators=(',', ': '))
+ data += ']}'
+ return data
elif method == 'clientStatus':
return '{ "networkConnections" : "%s" }' % str(len(shared.connectedHostsList))
elif method == 'networkTabInfo':
@@ -770,11 +879,8 @@ class singleAPI(threading.Thread):
+# This is a list of current connections (the thread pointers at least)
selfInitiatedConnections = {}
- # This is a list of current connections (the thread pointers at least)
if shared.useVeryEasyProofOfWorkForTesting:
diff --git a/src/bitmessageqt/__init__.py b/src/bitmessageqt/__init__.py
index 5dd4c0b5..396d0b6e 100644
--- a/src/bitmessageqt/__init__.py
+++ b/src/bitmessageqt/__init__.py
@@ -2000,6 +2000,8 @@ class MyForm(QtGui.QMainWindow):
shared.config.set('bitmessagesettings', 'startintray', str(
+ shared.config.set('bitmessagesettings', 'willinglysendtomobile', str(
+ self.settingsDialogInstance.ui.checkBoxWillinglySendToMobile.isChecked()))
if int(shared.config.get('bitmessagesettings', 'port')) != int(self.settingsDialogInstance.ui.lineEditTCPPort.text()):
if not shared.safeConfigGetBoolean('bitmessagesettings', 'dontconnect'):
QMessageBox.about(self, _translate("MainWindow", "Restart"), _translate(
@@ -2996,6 +2998,8 @@ class settingsDialog(QtGui.QDialog):
shared.config.getboolean('bitmessagesettings', 'showtraynotifications'))
shared.config.getboolean('bitmessagesettings', 'startintray'))
+ self.ui.checkBoxWillinglySendToMobile.setChecked(
+ shared.safeConfigGetBoolean('bitmessagesettings', 'willinglysendtomobile'))
if shared.appdata == '':
if 'darwin' in sys.platform:
@@ -3290,6 +3294,7 @@ def run():
translator.load("translations/bitmessage_" + str(locale.getdefaultlocale()[0]))
+ #translator.load("translations/bitmessage_fr_BE") # test French
# The above is not compatible with all versions of OSX.
translator.load("translations/bitmessage_en_US") # Default to english.
diff --git a/src/bitmessageqt/bitmessageui.py b/src/bitmessageqt/bitmessageui.py
index d5388182..54a3ee6f 100644
--- a/src/bitmessageqt/bitmessageui.py
+++ b/src/bitmessageqt/bitmessageui.py
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
# Form implementation generated from reading ui file 'bitmessageui.ui'
-# Created: Thu Aug 1 00:22:41 2013
+# Created: Fri Aug 9 14:17:50 2013
# by: PyQt4 UI code generator 4.10
# WARNING! All changes made in this file will be lost!
@@ -26,7 +26,7 @@ except AttributeError:
class Ui_MainWindow(object):
def setupUi(self, MainWindow):
- MainWindow.resize(775, 598)
+ MainWindow.resize(795, 580)
icon = QtGui.QIcon()
icon.addPixmap(QtGui.QPixmap(_fromUtf8(":/newPrefix/images/can-icon-24px.png")), QtGui.QIcon.Normal, QtGui.QIcon.Off)
@@ -422,7 +422,7 @@ class Ui_MainWindow(object):
self.gridLayout.addWidget(self.tabWidget, 0, 0, 1, 1)
self.menubar = QtGui.QMenuBar(MainWindow)
- self.menubar.setGeometry(QtCore.QRect(0, 0, 775, 21))
+ self.menubar.setGeometry(QtCore.QRect(0, 0, 795, 27))
self.menuFile = QtGui.QMenu(self.menubar)
@@ -539,7 +539,7 @@ class Ui_MainWindow(object):
self.textEditMessage.setHtml(_translate("MainWindow", "\n"
", None))
self.label.setText(_translate("MainWindow", "To:", None))
self.label_2.setText(_translate("MainWindow", "From:", None))
diff --git a/src/bitmessageqt/bitmessageui.ui b/src/bitmessageqt/bitmessageui.ui
index 5d616be7..c2caebe0 100644
--- a/src/bitmessageqt/bitmessageui.ui
+++ b/src/bitmessageqt/bitmessageui.ui
@@ -6,8 +6,8 @@
- 775
- 598
+ 795
+ 580
@@ -257,7 +257,7 @@
<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.0//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/REC-html40/strict.dtd">
<html><head><meta name="qrichtext" content="1" /><style type="text/css">
p, li { white-space: pre-wrap; }
-</style></head><body style=" font-family:'Ubuntu'; font-size:9pt; font-weight:400; font-style:normal;">
+</style></head><body style=" font-family:'Droid Sans'; font-size:9pt; font-weight:400; font-style:normal;">
<p style="-qt-paragraph-type:empty; margin-top:0px; margin-bottom:0px; margin-left:0px; margin-right:0px; -qt-block-indent:0; text-indent:0px; font-family:'MS Shell Dlg 2';"><br /></p></body></html>
@@ -1010,8 +1010,8 @@ p, li { white-space: pre-wrap; }
- 775
- 21
+ 795
+ 27
Enter a name for your chan. If you choose a sufficiently complex chan name (like a strong and unique passphrase) and none of your friends share it publicly then the chan will be secure and private. If you and someone else both create a chan with the same chan name then it is currently very likely that they will be the same chan.
", None))
self.label_5.setText(_translate("newChanDialog", "Chan name:", None))
self.groupBoxJoinChan.setTitle(_translate("newChanDialog", "Join a chan", None))
self.label.setText(_translate("newChanDialog", "A chan exists when a group of people share the same decryption keys. The keys and bitmessage address used by a chan are generated from a human-friendly word or phrase (the chan name). To send a message to everyone in the chan, send a normal person-to-person message to the chan address.
Chans are experimental and completely unmoderatable.
", None))
diff --git a/src/bitmessageqt/newchandialog.ui b/src/bitmessageqt/newchandialog.ui
index 3713c6a3..2d42b3db 100644
--- a/src/bitmessageqt/newchandialog.ui
+++ b/src/bitmessageqt/newchandialog.ui
@@ -6,7 +6,7 @@
- 530
+ 553
@@ -46,7 +46,7 @@
- Enter a name for your chan. If you choose a sufficiently complex chan name (like a strong and unique passphrase) and none of your friends share it publicly then the chan will be secure and private.
+ <html><head/><body><p>Enter a name for your chan. If you choose a sufficiently complex chan name (like a strong and unique passphrase) and none of your friends share it publicly then the chan will be secure and private. If you and someone else both create a chan with the same chan name then it is currently very likely that they will be the same chan.</p></body></html>
@@ -130,6 +130,14 @@
+ radioButtonJoinChan
+ radioButtonCreateChan
+ lineEditChanNameCreate
+ lineEditChanNameJoin
+ lineEditChanBitmessageAddress
+ buttonBox
diff --git a/src/bitmessageqt/settings.py b/src/bitmessageqt/settings.py
index d7672e9d..40a57f5b 100644
--- a/src/bitmessageqt/settings.py
+++ b/src/bitmessageqt/settings.py
@@ -2,8 +2,8 @@
# Form implementation generated from reading ui file 'settings.ui'
-# Created: Fri Jul 12 12:37:53 2013
-# by: PyQt4 UI code generator 4.10.1
+# Created: Wed Aug 7 16:58:45 2013
+# by: PyQt4 UI code generator 4.10
# WARNING! All changes made in this file will be lost!
@@ -26,7 +26,7 @@ except AttributeError:
class Ui_settingsDialog(object):
def setupUi(self, settingsDialog):
- settingsDialog.resize(445, 343)
+ settingsDialog.resize(462, 343)
self.gridLayout = QtGui.QGridLayout(settingsDialog)
self.buttonBox = QtGui.QDialogButtonBox(settingsDialog)
@@ -41,33 +41,36 @@ class Ui_settingsDialog(object):
self.gridLayout_5 = QtGui.QGridLayout(self.tabUserInterface)
- self.checkBoxStartOnLogon = QtGui.QCheckBox(self.tabUserInterface)
- self.checkBoxStartOnLogon.setObjectName(_fromUtf8("checkBoxStartOnLogon"))
- self.gridLayout_5.addWidget(self.checkBoxStartOnLogon, 0, 0, 1, 1)
- self.checkBoxStartInTray = QtGui.QCheckBox(self.tabUserInterface)
- self.checkBoxStartInTray.setObjectName(_fromUtf8("checkBoxStartInTray"))
- self.gridLayout_5.addWidget(self.checkBoxStartInTray, 1, 0, 1, 1)
- self.checkBoxMinimizeToTray = QtGui.QCheckBox(self.tabUserInterface)
- self.checkBoxMinimizeToTray.setChecked(True)
- self.checkBoxMinimizeToTray.setObjectName(_fromUtf8("checkBoxMinimizeToTray"))
- self.gridLayout_5.addWidget(self.checkBoxMinimizeToTray, 2, 0, 1, 1)
- self.checkBoxShowTrayNotifications = QtGui.QCheckBox(self.tabUserInterface)
- self.checkBoxShowTrayNotifications.setObjectName(_fromUtf8("checkBoxShowTrayNotifications"))
- self.gridLayout_5.addWidget(self.checkBoxShowTrayNotifications, 3, 0, 1, 1)
- self.checkBoxPortableMode = QtGui.QCheckBox(self.tabUserInterface)
- self.checkBoxPortableMode.setObjectName(_fromUtf8("checkBoxPortableMode"))
- self.gridLayout_5.addWidget(self.checkBoxPortableMode, 4, 0, 1, 1)
- self.label_7 = QtGui.QLabel(self.tabUserInterface)
- self.label_7.setWordWrap(True)
- self.label_7.setObjectName(_fromUtf8("label_7"))
- self.gridLayout_5.addWidget(self.label_7, 5, 0, 1, 1)
self.labelSettingsNote = QtGui.QLabel(self.tabUserInterface)
- self.gridLayout_5.addWidget(self.labelSettingsNote, 6, 0, 1, 1)
+ self.gridLayout_5.addWidget(self.labelSettingsNote, 7, 0, 1, 1)
spacerItem = QtGui.QSpacerItem(20, 40, QtGui.QSizePolicy.Minimum, QtGui.QSizePolicy.Expanding)
- self.gridLayout_5.addItem(spacerItem, 7, 0, 1, 1)
+ self.gridLayout_5.addItem(spacerItem, 8, 0, 1, 1)
+ self.checkBoxStartInTray = QtGui.QCheckBox(self.tabUserInterface)
+ self.checkBoxStartInTray.setObjectName(_fromUtf8("checkBoxStartInTray"))
+ self.gridLayout_5.addWidget(self.checkBoxStartInTray, 1, 0, 1, 1)
+ self.checkBoxShowTrayNotifications = QtGui.QCheckBox(self.tabUserInterface)
+ self.checkBoxShowTrayNotifications.setObjectName(_fromUtf8("checkBoxShowTrayNotifications"))
+ self.gridLayout_5.addWidget(self.checkBoxShowTrayNotifications, 3, 0, 1, 1)
+ self.checkBoxMinimizeToTray = QtGui.QCheckBox(self.tabUserInterface)
+ self.checkBoxMinimizeToTray.setChecked(True)
+ self.checkBoxMinimizeToTray.setObjectName(_fromUtf8("checkBoxMinimizeToTray"))
+ self.gridLayout_5.addWidget(self.checkBoxMinimizeToTray, 2, 0, 1, 1)
+ self.label_7 = QtGui.QLabel(self.tabUserInterface)
+ self.label_7.setWordWrap(True)
+ self.label_7.setObjectName(_fromUtf8("label_7"))
+ self.gridLayout_5.addWidget(self.label_7, 5, 0, 1, 1)
+ self.checkBoxStartOnLogon = QtGui.QCheckBox(self.tabUserInterface)
+ self.checkBoxStartOnLogon.setObjectName(_fromUtf8("checkBoxStartOnLogon"))
+ self.gridLayout_5.addWidget(self.checkBoxStartOnLogon, 0, 0, 1, 1)
+ self.checkBoxPortableMode = QtGui.QCheckBox(self.tabUserInterface)
+ self.checkBoxPortableMode.setObjectName(_fromUtf8("checkBoxPortableMode"))
+ self.gridLayout_5.addWidget(self.checkBoxPortableMode, 4, 0, 1, 1)
+ self.checkBoxWillinglySendToMobile = QtGui.QCheckBox(self.tabUserInterface)
+ self.checkBoxWillinglySendToMobile.setObjectName(_fromUtf8("checkBoxWillinglySendToMobile"))
+ self.gridLayout_5.addWidget(self.checkBoxWillinglySendToMobile, 6, 0, 1, 1)
self.tabWidgetSettings.addTab(self.tabUserInterface, _fromUtf8(""))
self.tabNetworkSettings = QtGui.QWidget()
@@ -252,12 +255,13 @@ class Ui_settingsDialog(object):
def retranslateUi(self, settingsDialog):
settingsDialog.setWindowTitle(_translate("settingsDialog", "Settings", None))
- self.checkBoxStartOnLogon.setText(_translate("settingsDialog", "Start Bitmessage on user login", None))
self.checkBoxStartInTray.setText(_translate("settingsDialog", "Start Bitmessage in the tray (don\'t show main window)", None))
- self.checkBoxMinimizeToTray.setText(_translate("settingsDialog", "Minimize to tray", None))
self.checkBoxShowTrayNotifications.setText(_translate("settingsDialog", "Show notification when message received", None))
- self.checkBoxPortableMode.setText(_translate("settingsDialog", "Run in Portable Mode", None))
+ self.checkBoxMinimizeToTray.setText(_translate("settingsDialog", "Minimize to tray", None))
self.label_7.setText(_translate("settingsDialog", "In Portable Mode, messages and config files are stored in the same directory as the program rather than the normal application-data folder. This makes it convenient to run Bitmessage from a USB thumb drive.", None))
+ self.checkBoxStartOnLogon.setText(_translate("settingsDialog", "Start Bitmessage on user login", None))
+ self.checkBoxPortableMode.setText(_translate("settingsDialog", "Run in Portable Mode", None))
+ self.checkBoxWillinglySendToMobile.setText(_translate("settingsDialog", "Willingly include unencrypted destination address when sending to a mobile device", None))
self.tabWidgetSettings.setTabText(self.tabWidgetSettings.indexOf(self.tabUserInterface), _translate("settingsDialog", "User Interface", None))
self.groupBox.setTitle(_translate("settingsDialog", "Listening port", None))
self.label.setText(_translate("settingsDialog", "Listen for connections on port:", None))
diff --git a/src/bitmessageqt/settings.ui b/src/bitmessageqt/settings.ui
index 9414e1a4..44c4f973 100644
--- a/src/bitmessageqt/settings.ui
+++ b/src/bitmessageqt/settings.ui
@@ -6,7 +6,7 @@
- 445
+ 462
@@ -37,13 +37,29 @@
User Interface
- -
- Start Bitmessage on user login
+ true
+ -
+ Qt::Vertical
+ 20
+ 40
@@ -51,6 +67,13 @@
+ -
+ Show notification when message received
@@ -61,20 +84,6 @@
- -
- Show notification when message received
- -
- Run in Portable Mode
@@ -85,28 +94,26 @@
- -
- true
+ Start Bitmessage on user login
- -
- Qt::Vertical
+ Run in Portable Mode
- 20
- 40
+ -
+ Willingly include unencrypted destination address when sending to a mobile device
diff --git a/src/class_singleCleaner.py b/src/class_singleCleaner.py
index 6fed68a5..d92a37ec 100644
--- a/src/class_singleCleaner.py
+++ b/src/class_singleCleaner.py
@@ -33,9 +33,9 @@ class singleCleaner(threading.Thread):
for hash, storedValue in shared.inventory.items():
objectType, streamNumber, payload, receivedTime = storedValue
if int(time.time()) - 3600 > receivedTime:
- t = (hash, objectType, streamNumber, payload, receivedTime)
+ t = (hash, objectType, streamNumber, payload, receivedTime,'')
- '''INSERT INTO inventory VALUES (?,?,?,?,?)''')
+ '''INSERT INTO inventory VALUES (?,?,?,?,?,?)''')
del shared.inventory[hash]
diff --git a/src/class_singleWorker.py b/src/class_singleWorker.py
index 56f23859..b29b7f8d 100644
--- a/src/class_singleWorker.py
+++ b/src/class_singleWorker.py
@@ -9,6 +9,7 @@ import proofofwork
import sys
from class_addressGenerator import pointMult
import tr
+from debug import logger
# This thread, of which there is only one, does the heavy lifting:
# calculating POWs.
@@ -517,6 +518,15 @@ class singleWorker(threading.Thread):
pubkeyPayload[readPosition:readPosition + 10])
readPosition += streamNumberLength
behaviorBitfield = pubkeyPayload[readPosition:readPosition + 4]
+ # Mobile users may ask us to include their address's RIPE hash on a message
+ # unencrypted. Before we actually do it the sending human must check a box
+ # in the settings menu to allow it.
+ if shared.isBitSetWithinBitfield(behaviorBitfield,30): # if receiver is a mobile device who expects that their address RIPE is included unencrypted on the front of the message..
+ if not shared.safeConfigGetBoolean('bitmessagesettings','willinglysendtomobile'): # if we are Not willing to include the receiver's RIPE hash on the message..
+ logger.info('The receiver is a mobile user but the sender (you) has not selected that you are willing to send to mobiles. Aborting send.')
+ shared.UISignalQueue.put(('updateSentItemStatusByAckdata',(ackdata,tr.translateText("MainWindow",'Problem: Destination is a mobile device who requests that the destination be included in the message but this is disallowed in your settings. %1').arg(unicode(strftime(shared.config.get('bitmessagesettings', 'timeformat'),localtime(int(time.time()))),'utf-8')))))
+ # if the human changes their setting and then sends another message or restarts their client, this one will send at that time.
+ continue
readPosition += 4 # to bypass the bitfield of behaviors
# pubSigningKeyBase256 =
# pubkeyPayload[readPosition:readPosition+64] #We don't use this
@@ -663,6 +673,10 @@ class singleWorker(threading.Thread):
with shared.printLock:
print 'Not bothering to generate ackdata because we are sending to a chan.'
fullAckPayload = ''
+ elif not shared.isBitSetWithinBitfield(behaviorBitfield,31):
+ with shared.printLock:
+ print 'Not bothering to generate ackdata because the receiver said that they won\'t relay it anyway.'
+ fullAckPayload = ''
fullAckPayload = self.generateFullAckMessage(
ackdata, toStreamNumber, embeddedTime) # The fullAckPayload is a normal msg protocol message with the proof of work already completed that the receiver of this message can easily send out.
diff --git a/src/class_sqlThread.py b/src/class_sqlThread.py
index e07850e4..625b2b2f 100644
--- a/src/class_sqlThread.py
+++ b/src/class_sqlThread.py
@@ -46,7 +46,7 @@ class sqlThread(threading.Thread):
'''CREATE TABLE pubkeys (hash blob, transmitdata blob, time int, usedpersonally text, UNIQUE(hash) ON CONFLICT REPLACE)''' )
- '''CREATE TABLE inventory (hash blob, objecttype text, streamnumber int, payload blob, receivedtime integer, UNIQUE(hash) ON CONFLICT REPLACE)''' )
+ '''CREATE TABLE inventory (hash blob, objecttype text, streamnumber int, payload blob, receivedtime integer, first20bytesofencryptedmessage blob, UNIQUE(hash) ON CONFLICT REPLACE)''' )
'''CREATE TABLE knownnodes (timelastseen int, stream int, services blob, host blob, port blob, UNIQUE(host, stream, port) ON CONFLICT REPLACE)''' )
# This table isn't used in the program yet but I
@@ -55,7 +55,7 @@ class sqlThread(threading.Thread):
'''INSERT INTO subscriptions VALUES('Bitmessage new releases/announcements','BM-GtovgYdgs7qXPkoYaRgrLFuFKz1SFpsw',1)''')
'''CREATE TABLE settings (key blob, value blob, UNIQUE(key) ON CONFLICT REPLACE)''' )
- self.cur.execute( '''INSERT INTO settings VALUES('version','1')''')
+ self.cur.execute( '''INSERT INTO settings VALUES('version','2')''')
self.cur.execute( '''INSERT INTO settings VALUES('lastvacuumtime',?)''', (
@@ -189,7 +189,20 @@ class sqlThread(threading.Thread):
if not shared.config.has_option('bitmessagesettings', 'sockslisten'):
shared.config.set('bitmessagesettings', 'sockslisten', 'false')
+ # Add a new column to the inventory table to store the first 20 bytes of encrypted messages to support Android app
+ item = '''SELECT value FROM settings WHERE key='version';'''
+ parameters = ''
+ self.cur.execute(item, parameters)
+ if int(self.cur.fetchall()[0][0]) == 1:
+ print 'upgrading database'
+ item = '''ALTER TABLE inventory ADD first20bytesofencryptedmessage blob DEFAULT '' '''
+ parameters = ''
+ self.cur.execute(item, parameters)
+ item = '''update settings set value=? WHERE key='version';'''
+ parameters = (2,)
+ self.cur.execute(item, parameters)
testpayload = '\x00\x00'
t = ('1234', testpayload, '12345678', 'no')
diff --git a/src/defaultKnownNodes.py b/src/defaultKnownNodes.py
index 52e31fff..f481581c 100644
--- a/src/defaultKnownNodes.py
+++ b/src/defaultKnownNodes.py
@@ -37,12 +37,10 @@ def createDefaultKnownNodes(appdata):
#print stream1
#print allKnownNodes
- output = open(appdata + 'knownnodes.dat', 'wb')
+ with open(appdata + 'knownnodes.dat', 'wb') as output:
+ # Pickle dictionary using protocol 0.
+ pickle.dump(allKnownNodes, output)
- # Pickle dictionary using protocol 0.
- pickle.dump(allKnownNodes, output)
- output.close()
return allKnownNodes
def readDefaultKnownNodes(appdata):
diff --git a/src/message_data_reader.py b/src/message_data_reader.py
index c600935d..084ef553 100644
--- a/src/message_data_reader.py
+++ b/src/message_data_reader.py
@@ -5,19 +5,10 @@
import sqlite3
from time import strftime, localtime
import sys
+import shared
+import string
-APPNAME = "PyBitmessage"
-from os import path, environ
-if sys.platform == 'darwin':
- if "HOME" in environ:
- appdata = path.join(environ["HOME"], "Library/Application support/", APPNAME) + '/'
- else:
- print 'Could not find home folder, please report this message and your OS X version to the BitMessage Github.'
- sys.exit()
-elif 'win' in sys.platform:
- appdata = path.join(environ['APPDATA'], APPNAME) + '\\'
- appdata = path.expanduser(path.join("~", "." + APPNAME + "/"))
+appdata = shared.lookupAppdataFolder()
conn = sqlite3.connect( appdata + 'messages.dat' )
conn.text_factory = str
diff --git a/src/shared.py b/src/shared.py
index 536867b8..c1ab5ff1 100644
--- a/src/shared.py
+++ b/src/shared.py
@@ -107,10 +107,8 @@ def assembleVersionMessage(remoteHost, remotePort, myStreamNumber):
payload += eightBytesOfRandomDataUsedToDetectConnectionsToSelf
- userAgent = '/PyBitmessage:' + shared.softwareVersion + \
- '/' # Length of userAgent must be less than 253.
- payload += pack('>B', len(
- userAgent)) # user agent string length. If the user agent is more than 252 bytes long, this code isn't going to work.
+ userAgent = '/PyBitmessage:' + shared.softwareVersion + '/'
+ payload += encodeVarint(len(userAgent))
payload += userAgent
payload += encodeVarint(
1) # The number of streams about which I care. PyBitmessage currently only supports 1 per connection.
@@ -209,17 +207,17 @@ def decodeWalletImportFormat(WIFstring):
fullString = arithmetic.changebase(WIFstring,58,256)
privkey = fullString[:-4]
if fullString[-4:] != hashlib.sha256(hashlib.sha256(privkey).digest()).digest()[:4]:
- logger.error('Major problem! When trying to decode one of your private keys, the checksum '
- 'failed. Here is the PRIVATE key: %s\n' % str(WIFstring))
+ logger.critical('Major problem! When trying to decode one of your private keys, the checksum '
+ 'failed. Here is the PRIVATE key: %s' % str(WIFstring))
return ""
#checksum passed
if privkey[0] == '\x80':
return privkey[1:]
- logger.error('Major problem! When trying to decode one of your private keys, the '
+ logger.critical('Major problem! When trying to decode one of your private keys, the '
'checksum passed but the key doesn\'t begin with hex 80. Here is the '
- 'PRIVATE key: %s\n' % str(WIFstring))
+ 'PRIVATE key: %s' % str(WIFstring))
return ""
@@ -249,8 +247,7 @@ def reloadMyAddressHashes():
myAddressesByHash[hash] = addressInKeysFile
- logger.error('Error in reloadMyAddressHashes: Can\'t handle address '
- 'versions other than 2 or 3.\n')
+ logger.error('Error in reloadMyAddressHashes: Can\'t handle address versions other than 2 or 3.\n')
if not keyfileSecure:
fixSensitiveFilePermissions(appdata + 'keys.dat', hasEnabledKeys)
@@ -326,8 +323,8 @@ def flushInventory():
for hash, storedValue in inventory.items():
objectType, streamNumber, payload, receivedTime = storedValue
- t = (hash,objectType,streamNumber,payload,receivedTime)
- sqlSubmitQueue.put('''INSERT INTO inventory VALUES (?,?,?,?,?)''')
+ t = (hash,objectType,streamNumber,payload,receivedTime,'')
+ sqlSubmitQueue.put('''INSERT INTO inventory VALUES (?,?,?,?,?,?)''')
del inventory[hash]
@@ -389,6 +386,12 @@ def fixSensitiveFilePermissions(filename, hasEnabledKeys):
except Exception, e:
logger.exception('Keyfile permissions could not be fixed.')
+def isBitSetWithinBitfield(fourByteString, n):
+ # Uses MSB 0 bit numbering across 4 bytes of data
+ n = 31 - n
+ x, = unpack('>L', fourByteString)
+ return x & 2**n != 0
Peer = collections.namedtuple('Peer', ['host', 'port'])