from collections import namedtuple from contextlib import contextmanager from ctypes import cast, c_void_p, string_at from .locations import bounding_box, convex_hull, Point, Rect from .pyzbar_error import PyZbarError from .wrapper import ( zbar_image_scanner_set_config, zbar_image_scanner_create, zbar_image_scanner_destroy, zbar_image_create, zbar_image_destroy, zbar_image_set_format, zbar_image_set_size, zbar_image_set_data, zbar_scan_image, zbar_image_first_symbol, zbar_symbol_get_data_length, zbar_symbol_get_data, zbar_symbol_get_orientation, zbar_symbol_get_loc_size, zbar_symbol_get_loc_x, zbar_symbol_get_loc_y, zbar_symbol_get_quality, zbar_symbol_next, ZBarConfig, ZBarOrientation, ZBarSymbol, EXTERNAL_DEPENDENCIES, ) __all__ = [ 'decode', 'Point', 'Rect', 'Decoded', 'ZBarSymbol', 'EXTERNAL_DEPENDENCIES', 'ORIENTATION_AVAILABLE' ] ORIENTATION_AVAILABLE = zbar_symbol_get_orientation is not None Decoded = namedtuple('Decoded', 'data type rect polygon quality orientation') # ZBar's magic 'fourcc' numbers that represent image formats _FOURCC = { 'L800': 808466521, 'GRAY': 1497715271 } _RANGEFN = getattr(globals(), 'xrange', range) @contextmanager def _image(): """A context manager for `zbar_image`, created and destoyed by `zbar_image_create` and `zbar_image_destroy`. Yields: POINTER(zbar_image): The created image Raises: PyZbarError: If the image could not be created. """ image = zbar_image_create() if not image: raise PyZbarError('Could not create zbar image') else: try: yield image finally: zbar_image_destroy(image) @contextmanager def _image_scanner(): """A context manager for `zbar_image_scanner`, created and destroyed by `zbar_image_scanner_create` and `zbar_image_scanner_destroy`. Yields: POINTER(zbar_image_scanner): The created scanner Raises: PyZbarError: If the decoder could not be created. """ scanner = zbar_image_scanner_create() if not scanner: raise PyZbarError('Could not create image scanner') else: try: yield scanner finally: zbar_image_scanner_destroy(scanner) def _symbols_for_image(image): """Generator of symbols. Args: image: `zbar_image` Yields: POINTER(zbar_symbol): Symbol """ symbol = zbar_image_first_symbol(image) while symbol: yield symbol symbol = zbar_symbol_next(symbol) def _decode_symbols(symbols): """Generator of decoded symbol information. Args: symbols: iterable of instances of `POINTER(zbar_symbol)` Yields: Decoded: decoded symbol """ for symbol in symbols: data = string_at( zbar_symbol_get_data(symbol), zbar_symbol_get_data_length(symbol) ) # The 'type' int should be a value in the ZBarSymbol enumeration try: symbol_type = ZBarSymbol(symbol.contents.type) except ValueError: # This release of zbar supports a type that pyzbar does not know about symbol_type = "Unrecognised type [{0}]".format(symbol.contents.type) else: symbol_type = quality = zbar_symbol_get_quality(symbol) polygon = convex_hull( ( zbar_symbol_get_loc_x(symbol, index), zbar_symbol_get_loc_y(symbol, index) ) for index in _RANGEFN(zbar_symbol_get_loc_size(symbol)) ) if zbar_symbol_get_orientation: orientation = ZBarOrientation(zbar_symbol_get_orientation(symbol)).name else: orientation = None yield Decoded( data=data, type=symbol_type, rect=bounding_box(polygon), polygon=polygon, orientation=orientation, quality=quality, ) def _pixel_data(image): """Returns (pixels, width, height) Returns: :obj: `tuple` (pixels, width, height) """ # Test for PIL.Image, numpy.ndarray, and imageio.core.util without # requiring that cv2, PIL, or imageio are installed. image_type = str(type(image)) if 'PIL.' in image_type: if 'L' != image.mode: image = image.convert('L') pixels = image.tobytes() width, height = image.size elif 'numpy.ndarray' in image_type or 'imageio.core.util' in image_type: # Different versions of imageio use a subclass of numpy.ndarray # called either imageio.core.util.Image or imageio.core.util.Array. if 3 == len(image.shape): # Take just the first channel image = image[:, :, 0] if 'uint8' != str(image.dtype): image = image.astype('uint8') try: pixels = image.tobytes() except AttributeError: # `numpy.ndarray.tobytes()` introduced in `numpy` 1.9.0 - use the # older `tostring` method. pixels = image.tostring() height, width = image.shape[:2] else: # image should be a tuple (pixels, width, height) pixels, width, height = image # Check dimensions if 0 != len(pixels) % (width * height): raise PyZbarError( ( 'Inconsistent dimensions: image data of {0} bytes is not ' 'divisible by (width x height = {1})' ).format(len(pixels), (width * height)) ) # Compute bits-per-pixel bpp = 8 * len(pixels) // (width * height) if 8 != bpp: raise PyZbarError( 'Unsupported bits-per-pixel [{0}]. Only [8] is supported.'.format( bpp ) ) return pixels, width, height def decode(image, symbols=None): """Decodes datamatrix barcodes in `image`. Args: image: `numpy.ndarray`, `PIL.Image` or tuple (pixels, width, height) symbols: iter(ZBarSymbol) the symbol types to decode; if `None`, uses `zbar`'s default behaviour, which is to decode all symbol types. Returns: :obj:`list` of :obj:`Decoded`: The values decoded from barcodes. """ pixels, width, height = _pixel_data(image) results = [] with _image_scanner() as scanner: if symbols: # Disable all but the symbols of interest disable = set(ZBarSymbol).difference(symbols) for symbol in disable: zbar_image_scanner_set_config( scanner, symbol, ZBarConfig.CFG_ENABLE, 0 ) # I think it likely that zbar will detect all symbol types by # default, in which case enabling the types of interest is # redundant but it seems sensible to be over-cautious and enable # them. for symbol in symbols: zbar_image_scanner_set_config( scanner, symbol, ZBarConfig.CFG_ENABLE, 1 ) with _image() as img: zbar_image_set_format(img, _FOURCC['L800']) zbar_image_set_size(img, width, height) zbar_image_set_data(img, cast(pixels, c_void_p), len(pixels), None) decoded = zbar_scan_image(scanner, img) if decoded < 0: raise PyZbarError('Unsupported image format') else: results.extend(_decode_symbols(_symbols_for_image(img))) return results