diff --git a/bandit.yml b/bandit.yml
deleted file mode 100644
index 4d24be14..00000000
--- a/bandit.yml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,4 +0,0 @@
-# Codacy uses Bandit.
-# Asserts are accepted throughout the project.
-skips: ['B101']
diff --git a/configure b/configure
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--- a/configure
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\ No newline at end of file
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-# Fabric
-[Fabric](https://www.fabfile.org) is a Python library for performing devops tasks. You can think of it a bit like a
-makefile on steroids for Python. Its api abstracts away the clunky way you would run shell commands in Python, check
-return values and manage stdio. Tasks may be targetted at particular hosts or group of hosts.
-# Using Fabric
-    $ cd PyBitmessage
-    $ fab <task_name>
-For a list of available commands:
-    $ fab -l
-General fabric commandline help
-    $ fab -h
-Arguments can be given:
-    $ fab task1:arg1=arg1value,arg2=arg2value task2:option1
-Tasks target hosts. Hosts can be specified with -H, or roles can be defined and you can target groups of hosts with -R.
-Furthermore, you can use -- to run arbitrary shell commands rather than tasks:
-    $ fab -H localhost task1
-    $ fab -R webservers -- sudo /etc/httpd restart
-# Getting started
- * Install [Fabric](http://docs.fabfile.org/en/1.14/usage/fab.html), 
-   [fabric-virtualenv](https://pypi.org/project/fabric-virtualenv/) and
-   [virtualenvwrapper](https://virtualenvwrapper.readthedocs.io/en/latest/) 
-   system-wide using your preferred method.
- * Create a virtualenv called pybitmessage and install fabfile/requirements.txt
-    $ mkvirtualenv -r fabfile/requirements.txt --system-site-packages pybitmessage-devops
- * Ensure you can ssh localhost with no intervention, which may include:
-   * ssh [sshd_config server] and [ssh_config client] configuration
-   * authorized_keys file
-   * load ssh key
-   * check(!) and accept the host key
- * From the PyBitmessage directory you can now run fab commands!
-# Rationale
-There are a number of advantages that should benefit us:
- * Common tasks can be written in Python and executed consistently
- * Common tasks are now under source control
- * All developers can run the same commands, if the underlying command sequence for a task changes (after review, obv)
-   the user does not have to care
- * Tasks can be combined either programmatically or on the commandline and run in series or parallel
- * Whole environments can be managed very effectively in conjunction with a configuration management system
-<a name="sshd_config"></a>
-# /etc/ssh/sshd_config
-If you're going to be using ssh to connect to localhost you want to avoid weakening your security. The best way of
-doing this is blocking port 22 with a firewall. As a belt and braces approach you can also edit the
-/etc/ssh/sshd_config file to restrict login further:
-PubkeyAuthentication no
-Match ::1
-    PubkeyAuthentication yes
-Adapted from [stackexchange](https://unix.stackexchange.com/questions/406245/limit-ssh-access-to-specific-clients-by-ip-address)
-<a name="ssh_config"></a>
-# ~/.ssh/config
-Fabric will honour your ~/.ssh/config file for your convenience. Since you will spend more time with this key unlocked
-than others you should use a different key:
-Host localhost
-    HostName localhost
-    IdentityFile ~/.ssh/id_rsa_localhost
-Host github
-    HostName github.com
-    IdentityFile ~/.ssh/id_rsa_github
-# Ideas for further development
-## Smaller 
- * Decorators and context managers are useful for accepting common params like verbosity, force or doing command-level help
- * if `git status` or `git status --staged` produce results, prefer that to generate the file list
-## Larger
- * Support documentation translations, aim for current transifex'ed languages
- * Fabric 2 is finally out, go @bitprophet! Invoke/Fabric2 is a rewrite of Fabric supporting Python3. Probably makes
- sense for us to stick to the battle-hardened 1.x branch, at least until we support Python3.
diff --git a/fabfile/__init__.py b/fabfile/__init__.py
deleted file mode 100644
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--- a/fabfile/__init__.py
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-Fabric is a Python library for performing devops tasks. If you have Fabric installed (systemwide or via pip) you can
-run commands like this:
-    $ fab code_quality
-For a list of commands:
-    $ fab -l
-For help on fabric itself:
-    $ fab -h
-For more help on a particular command
-from fabric.api import env
-from fabfile.tasks import code_quality, build_docs, push_docs, clean, test
-# Without this, `fab -l` would display the whole docstring as preamble
-__doc__ = ""
-# This list defines which tasks are made available to the user
-__all__ = [
-    "code_quality",
-    "test",
-    "build_docs",
-    "push_docs",
-    "clean",
-# Honour the user's ssh client configuration
-env.use_ssh_config = True
diff --git a/fabfile/lib.py b/fabfile/lib.py
deleted file mode 100644
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--- a/fabfile/lib.py
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-# pylint: disable=not-context-manager
-A library of functions and constants for tasks to make use of.
-import os
-import sys
-import re
-from functools import wraps
-from fabric.api import run, hide, cd, env
-from fabric.context_managers import settings, shell_env
-from fabvenv import virtualenv
-FABRIC_ROOT = os.path.dirname(__file__)
-PROJECT_ROOT = os.path.dirname(FABRIC_ROOT)
-VENV_ROOT = os.path.expanduser(os.path.join('~', '.virtualenvs', 'pybitmessage-devops'))
-PYTHONPATH = os.path.join(PROJECT_ROOT, 'src',)
-def coerce_list(value):
-    """Coerce a value into a list"""
-    if isinstance(value, str):
-        return value.split(',')
-    else:
-        sys.exit("Bad string value {}".format(value))
-def coerce_bool(value):
-    """Coerce a value into a boolean"""
-    if isinstance(value, bool):
-        return value
-    elif any(
-            [
-                value in [0, '0'],
-                value.lower().startswith('n'),
-            ]
-    ):
-        return False
-    elif any(
-            [
-                value in [1, '1'],
-                value.lower().startswith('y'),
-            ]
-    ):
-        return True
-    else:
-        sys.exit("Bad boolean value {}".format(value))
-def flatten(data):
-    """Recursively flatten lists"""
-    result = []
-    for item in data:
-        if isinstance(item, list):
-            result.append(flatten(item))
-        else:
-            result.append(item)
-    return result
-def filelist_from_git(rev=None):
-    """Return a list of files based on git output"""
-    cmd = 'git diff --name-only'
-    if rev:
-        if rev in ['cached', 'staged']:
-            cmd += ' --{}'.format(rev)
-        elif rev == 'working':
-            pass
-        else:
-            cmd += ' -r {}'.format(rev)
-    with cd(PROJECT_ROOT):
-        with hide('running', 'stdout'):
-            results = []
-            ansi_escape = re.compile(r'\x1B\[[0-?]*[ -/]*[@-~]')
-            clean = ansi_escape.sub('', run(cmd))
-            clean = re.sub('\n', '', clean)
-            for line in clean.split('\r'):
-                if line.endswith(".py"):
-                    results.append(os.path.abspath(line))
-            return results
-def pycodestyle(path_to_file):
-    """Run pycodestyle on a file"""
-    with virtualenv(VENV_ROOT):
-        with hide('warnings', 'running', 'stdout', 'stderr'):
-            with settings(warn_only=True):
-                return run(
-                    'pycodestyle --config={0} {1}'.format(
-                        os.path.join(
-                            PROJECT_ROOT,
-                            'setup.cfg',
-                        ),
-                        path_to_file,
-                    ),
-                )
-def flake8(path_to_file):
-    """Run flake8 on a file"""
-    with virtualenv(VENV_ROOT):
-        with hide('warnings', 'running', 'stdout'):
-            with settings(warn_only=True):
-                return run(
-                    'flake8 --config={0} {1}'.format(
-                        os.path.join(
-                            PROJECT_ROOT,
-                            'setup.cfg',
-                        ),
-                        path_to_file,
-                    ),
-                )
-def pylint(path_to_file):
-    """Run pylint on a file"""
-    with virtualenv(VENV_ROOT):
-        with hide('warnings', 'running', 'stdout', 'stderr'):
-            with settings(warn_only=True):
-                with shell_env(PYTHONPATH=PYTHONPATH):
-                    return run(
-                        'pylint --rcfile={0} {1}'.format(
-                            os.path.join(
-                                PROJECT_ROOT,
-                                'setup.cfg',
-                            ),
-                            path_to_file,
-                        ),
-                    )
-def autopep8(path_to_file):
-    """Run autopep8 on a file"""
-    with virtualenv(VENV_ROOT):
-        with hide('running'):
-            with settings(warn_only=True):
-                return run(
-                    "autopep8 --experimental --aggressive --aggressive -i --max-line-length=119 {}".format(
-                        path_to_file
-                    ),
-                )
-def get_filtered_pycodestyle_output(path_to_file):
-    """Clean up the raw results for pycodestyle"""
-    return [
-        i
-        for i in pycodestyle(path_to_file).split(os.linesep)
-        if i
-    ]
-def get_filtered_flake8_output(path_to_file):
-    """Clean up the raw results for flake8"""
-    return [
-        i
-        for i in flake8(path_to_file).split(os.linesep)
-        if i
-    ]
-def get_filtered_pylint_output(path_to_file):
-    """Clean up the raw results for pylint"""
-    return [
-        i
-        for i in pylint(path_to_file).split(os.linesep)
-        if all([
-            i,
-            not i.startswith(' '),
-            not i.startswith('\r'),
-            not i.startswith('-'),
-            not i.startswith('Y'),
-            not i.startswith('*'),
-            not i.startswith('Using config file'),
-        ])
-    ]
-def default_hosts(hosts):
-    """Decorator to apply default hosts to a task"""
-    def real_decorator(func):
-        """Manipulate env"""
-        env.hosts = env.hosts or hosts
-        @wraps(func)
-        def wrapper(*args, **kwargs):
-            """Original function called from here"""
-            return func(*args, **kwargs)
-        return wrapper
-    return real_decorator
diff --git a/fabfile/requirements.txt b/fabfile/requirements.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index 0d0a3962..00000000
--- a/fabfile/requirements.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,9 +0,0 @@
-# These requirements are for the Fabric commands that support devops tasks for PyBitmessage, not for running
-# PyBitmessage itself.
-# TODO: Consider moving to an extra_requires group in setup.py
-pycodestyle==2.3.1  # https://github.com/PyCQA/pycodestyle/issues/741
--e git://github.com/hhatto/autopep8.git@ver1.2.2#egg=autopep8  # Needed for fixing E712
-pep8  # autopep8 doesn't seem to like pycodestyle
diff --git a/fabfile/tasks.py b/fabfile/tasks.py
deleted file mode 100644
index fb05937d..00000000
--- a/fabfile/tasks.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,318 +0,0 @@
-# pylint: disable=not-context-manager
-Fabric tasks for PyBitmessage devops operations.
-Note that where tasks declare params to be bools, they use coerce_bool() and so will accept any commandline (string)
-representation of true or false that coerce_bool() understands.
-import os
-import sys
-from fabric.api import run, task, hide, cd, settings, sudo
-from fabric.contrib.project import rsync_project
-from fabvenv import virtualenv
-from fabfile.lib import (
-    autopep8, PROJECT_ROOT, VENV_ROOT, coerce_bool, flatten, filelist_from_git, default_hosts,
-    get_filtered_pycodestyle_output, get_filtered_flake8_output, get_filtered_pylint_output,
-sys.path.insert(0, os.path.abspath(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(os.path.dirname(__file__)), 'src')))  # noqa:E402
-from version import softwareVersion  # pylint: disable=wrong-import-position
-def get_tool_results(file_list):
-    """Take a list of files and resuln the results of applying the tools"""
-    results = []
-    for path_to_file in file_list:
-        result = {}
-        result['pycodestyle_violations'] = get_filtered_pycodestyle_output(path_to_file)
-        result['flake8_violations'] = get_filtered_flake8_output(path_to_file)
-        result['pylint_violations'] = get_filtered_pylint_output(path_to_file)
-        result['path_to_file'] = path_to_file
-        result['total_violations'] = sum([
-            len(result['pycodestyle_violations']),
-            len(result['flake8_violations']),
-            len(result['pylint_violations']),
-        ])
-        results.append(result)
-    return results
-def print_results(results, top, verbose, details):
-    """Print an item with the appropriate verbosity / detail"""
-    if verbose and results:
-        print ''.join(
-            [
-                os.linesep,
-                'total pycodestyle flake8 pylint path_to_file',
-                os.linesep,
-            ]
-        )
-    for item in sort_and_slice(results, top):
-        if verbose:
-            line = "{0} {1} {2} {3} {4}".format(
-                item['total_violations'],
-                len(item['pycodestyle_violations']),
-                len(item['flake8_violations']),
-                len(item['pylint_violations']),
-                item['path_to_file'],
-            )
-        else:
-            line = item['path_to_file']
-        print line
-        if details:
-            print "pycodestyle:"
-            for detail in flatten(item['pycodestyle_violations']):
-                print detail
-            print
-            print "flake8:"
-            for detail in flatten(item['flake8_violations']):
-                print detail
-            print
-            print "pylint:"
-            for detail in flatten(item['pylint_violations']):
-                print detail
-            print
-def sort_and_slice(results, top):
-    """Sort dictionary items by the `total_violations` key and honour top"""
-    returnables = []
-    for item in sorted(
-            results,
-            reverse=True,
-            key=lambda x: x['total_violations']
-    )[:top]:
-        returnables.append(item)
-    return returnables
-def generate_file_list(filename):
-    """Return an unfiltered list of absolute paths to the files to act on"""
-    with hide('warnings', 'running', 'stdout'):
-        with virtualenv(VENV_ROOT):
-            if filename:
-                filename = os.path.abspath(filename)
-                if not os.path.exists(filename):
-                    print "Bad filename, specify a Python file"
-                    sys.exit(1)
-                else:
-                    file_list = [filename]
-            else:
-                with cd(PROJECT_ROOT):
-                    file_list = [
-                        os.path.abspath(i.rstrip('\r'))
-                        for i in run('find . -name "*.py"').split(os.linesep)
-                    ]
-    return file_list
-def create_dependency_graphs():
-    """
-    To better understand the relationship between methods, dependency graphs can be drawn between functions and
-    methods.
-    Since the resulting images are large and could be out of date on the next commit, storing them in the repo is
-    pointless. Instead, it makes sense to build a dependency graph for a particular, documented version of the code.
-    .. todo:: Consider saving a hash of the intermediate dotty file so unnecessary image generation can be avoided.
-    """
-    with virtualenv(VENV_ROOT):
-        with hide('running', 'stdout'):
-            # .. todo:: consider a better place to put this, use a particular commit
-            with cd(PROJECT_ROOT):
-                with settings(warn_only=True):
-                    if run('stat pyan').return_code:
-                        run('git clone https://github.com/davidfraser/pyan.git')
-            with cd(os.path.join(PROJECT_ROOT, 'pyan')):
-                run('git checkout pre-python3')
-            # .. todo:: Use better settings. This is MVP to make a diagram
-            with cd(PROJECT_ROOT):
-                file_list = run("find . -type f -name '*.py' ! -path './src/.eggs/*'").split('\r\n')
-                for cmd in [
-                        'neato -Goverlap=false -Tpng > deps-neato.png',
-                        'sfdp -Goverlap=false -Tpng > deps-sfdp.png',
-                        'dot -Goverlap=false -Tpng > deps-dot.png',
-                ]:
-                    pyan_cmd = './pyan/pyan.py {} --dot'.format(' '.join(file_list))
-                    sed_cmd = r"sed s'/http\-old/http_old/'g"  # dot doesn't like dashes
-                    run('|'.join([pyan_cmd, sed_cmd, cmd]))
-                run('mv *.png docs/_build/html/_static/')
-def code_quality(verbose=True, details=False, fix=False, filename=None, top=10, rev=None):
-    """
-    Check code quality.
-    By default this command will analyse each Python file in the project with a variety of tools and display the count
-    or details of the violations discovered, sorted by most violations first.
-    Default usage:
-    $ fab -H localhost code_quality
-    :param rev: If not None, act on files changed since this commit. 'cached/staged' and 'working' have special meaning
-    :type rev: str or None, default None
-    :param top: Display / fix only the top N violating files, a value of 0 will display / fix all files
-    :type top: int, default 10
-    :param verbose: Display a header and the counts, without this you just get the filenames in order
-    :type verbose: bool, default True
-    :param details: Display the violations one per line after the count / file summary
-    :type details: bool, default False
-    :param fix: Run autopep8 aggressively on the displayed file(s)
-    :type fix: bool, default False
-    :param filename: Don't test/fix the top N, just the specified file
-    :type filename: string, valid path to a file, default all files in the project
-    :return: None, exit status equals total number of violations
-    :rtype: None
-    Intended to be temporary until we have improved code quality and have safeguards to maintain it in place.
-    """
-    # pylint: disable=too-many-arguments
-    verbose = coerce_bool(verbose)
-    details = coerce_bool(details)
-    fix = coerce_bool(fix)
-    top = int(top) or -1
-    file_list = generate_file_list(filename) if not rev else filelist_from_git(rev)
-    results = get_tool_results(file_list)
-    if fix:
-        for item in sort_and_slice(results, top):
-            autopep8(item['path_to_file'])
-        # Recalculate results after autopep8 to surprise the user the least
-        results = get_tool_results(file_list)
-    print_results(results, top, verbose, details)
-    sys.exit(sum([item['total_violations'] for item in results]))
-def test():
-    """Run tests on the code"""
-    with cd(PROJECT_ROOT):
-        with virtualenv(VENV_ROOT):
-            run('pip uninstall -y pybitmessage')
-            run('python setup.py install')
-            run('pybitmessage -t')
-            run('python setup.py test')
-def build_docs(dep_graph=False, apidoc=True):
-    """
-    Build the documentation locally.
-    :param dep_graph: Build the dependency graphs
-    :type dep_graph: Bool, default False
-    :param apidoc: Build the automatically generated rst files from the source code
-    :type apidoc: Bool, default True
-    Default usage:
-        $ fab -H localhost build_docs
-    Implementation:
-    First, a dependency graph is generated and converted into an image that is referenced in the development page.
-    Next, the sphinx-apidoc command is (usually) run which searches the code. As part of this it loads the modules and
-    if this has side-effects then they will be evident. Any documentation strings that make use of Python documentation
-    conventions (like parameter specification) or the Restructured Text (RsT) syntax will be extracted.
-    Next, the `make html` command is run to generate HTML output. Other formats (epub, pdf) are available.
-    .. todo:: support other languages
-    """
-    apidoc = coerce_bool(apidoc)
-    if coerce_bool(dep_graph):
-        create_dependency_graphs()
-    with virtualenv(VENV_ROOT):
-        with hide('running'):
-            apidoc_result = 0
-            if apidoc:
-                run('mkdir -p {}'.format(os.path.join(PROJECT_ROOT, 'docs', 'autodoc')))
-                with cd(os.path.join(PROJECT_ROOT, 'docs', 'autodoc')):
-                    with settings(warn_only=True):
-                        run('rm *.rst')
-                with cd(os.path.join(PROJECT_ROOT, 'docs')):
-                    apidoc_result = run('sphinx-apidoc -o autodoc ..').return_code
-            with cd(os.path.join(PROJECT_ROOT, 'docs')):
-                make_result = run('make html').return_code
-                return_code = apidoc_result + make_result
-    sys.exit(return_code)
-def push_docs(path=None):
-    """
-    Upload the generated docs to a public server.
-    Default usage:
-        $ fab -H localhost push_docs
-    .. todo:: support other languages
-    .. todo:: integrate with configuration management data to get web root and webserver restart command
-    """
-    # Making assumptions
-    WEB_ROOT = path if path is not None else os.path.join('var', 'www', 'html', 'pybitmessage', 'en', 'latest')
-    VERSION_ROOT = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(WEB_ROOT), softwareVersion)
-    rsync_project(
-        remote_dir=VERSION_ROOT,
-        local_dir=os.path.join(PROJECT_ROOT, 'docs', '_build', 'html')
-    )
-    result = run('ln -sf {0} {1}'.format(WEB_ROOT, VERSION_ROOT))
-    if result.return_code:
-        print 'Linking the new release failed'
-    # More assumptions
-    sudo('systemctl restart apache2')
-def clean():
-    """Clean up files generated by fabric commands."""
-    with hide('running', 'stdout'):
-        with cd(PROJECT_ROOT):
-            run(r"find . -name '*.pyc' -exec rm '{}' \;")