""" Improved version of asyncore dispatcher """ import socket import threading import time import network.asyncore_pollchoose as asyncore import state from .threads import BusyError, nonBlocking class ProcessingError(Exception): """General class for protocol parser exception, use as a base for others.""" pass class UnknownStateError(ProcessingError): """Parser points to an unknown (unimplemented) state.""" pass class AdvancedDispatcher(asyncore.dispatcher): """Improved version of asyncore dispatcher, with buffers and protocol state.""" # pylint: disable=too-many-instance-attributes _buf_len = 131072 # 128kB def __init__(self, sock=None): if not hasattr(self, '_map'): asyncore.dispatcher.__init__(self, sock) self.connectedAt = 0 self.close_reason = None self.read_buf = bytearray() self.write_buf = bytearray() self.state = "init" self.lastTx = time.time() self.sentBytes = 0 self.receivedBytes = 0 self.expectBytes = 0 self.readLock = threading.RLock() self.writeLock = threading.RLock() self.processingLock = threading.RLock() self.uploadChunk = self.downloadChunk = 0 def append_write_buf(self, data): """Append binary data to the end of stream write buffer.""" if data: if isinstance(data, list): with self.writeLock: for chunk in data: self.write_buf.extend(chunk) else: with self.writeLock: self.write_buf.extend(data) def slice_write_buf(self, length=0): """Cut the beginning of the stream write buffer.""" if length > 0: with self.writeLock: if length >= len(self.write_buf): del self.write_buf[:] else: del self.write_buf[0:length] def slice_read_buf(self, length=0): """Cut the beginning of the stream read buffer.""" if length > 0: with self.readLock: if length >= len(self.read_buf): del self.read_buf[:] else: del self.read_buf[0:length] def process(self): """Process (parse) data that's in the buffer, as long as there is enough data and the connection is open.""" while self.connected and not state.shutdown: try: with nonBlocking(self.processingLock): if not self.connected or state.shutdown: break if len(self.read_buf) < self.expectBytes: return False try: cmd = getattr(self, "state_" + str(self.state)) except AttributeError: self.logger.error( 'Unknown state %s', self.state, exc_info=True) raise UnknownStateError(self.state) if not cmd(): break except BusyError: return False return False def set_state(self, state_str, length=0, expectBytes=0): """Set the next processing state.""" self.expectBytes = expectBytes self.slice_read_buf(length) self.state = state_str def writable(self): """Is data from the write buffer ready to be sent to the network?""" self.uploadChunk = AdvancedDispatcher._buf_len if asyncore.maxUploadRate > 0: self.uploadChunk = int(asyncore.uploadBucket) self.uploadChunk = min(self.uploadChunk, len(self.write_buf)) return asyncore.dispatcher.writable(self) and ( self.connecting or ( self.connected and self.uploadChunk > 0)) def readable(self): """Is the read buffer ready to accept data from the network?""" self.downloadChunk = AdvancedDispatcher._buf_len if asyncore.maxDownloadRate > 0: self.downloadChunk = int(asyncore.downloadBucket) try: if self.expectBytes > 0 and not self.fullyEstablished: self.downloadChunk = min( self.downloadChunk, self.expectBytes - len(self.read_buf)) if self.downloadChunk < 0: self.downloadChunk = 0 except AttributeError: pass return asyncore.dispatcher.readable(self) and ( self.connecting or self.accepting or ( self.connected and self.downloadChunk > 0)) def handle_read(self): """Append incoming data to the read buffer.""" self.lastTx = time.time() newData = self.recv(self.downloadChunk) self.receivedBytes += len(newData) asyncore.update_received(len(newData)) with self.readLock: self.read_buf.extend(newData) def handle_write(self): """Send outgoing data from write buffer.""" self.lastTx = time.time() written = self.send(self.write_buf[0:self.uploadChunk]) asyncore.update_sent(written) self.sentBytes += written self.slice_write_buf(written) def handle_connect_event(self): """Callback for connection established event.""" try: asyncore.dispatcher.handle_connect_event(self) except socket.error as e: # pylint: disable=protected-access if e.args[0] not in asyncore._DISCONNECTED: raise def handle_connect(self): """Method for handling connection established implementations.""" self.lastTx = time.time() def state_close(self): # pylint: disable=no-self-use """Signal to the processing loop to end.""" return False def handle_close(self): """Callback for connection being closed, but can also be called directly when you want connection to close.""" with self.readLock: self.read_buf = bytearray() with self.writeLock: self.write_buf = bytearray() self.set_state("close") self.close()