# PyBitmessage Installation Instructions - Binary (64bit, no separate installation of dependencies required) - Windows: https://artifacts.bitmessage.at/winebuild/ - Linux AppImages: https://artifacts.bitmessage.at/appimage/ - Linux snaps: https://artifacts.bitmessage.at/snap/ - Mac (not up to date): https://github.com/Bitmessage/PyBitmessage/releases/tag/v0.6.1 - Source `git clone git://github.com/Bitmessage/PyBitmessage.git` ## Notes on the AppImages The [AppImage](https://docs.appimage.org/introduction/index.html) is a bundle, built by the [appimage-builder](https://github.com/AppImageCrafters/appimage-builder) from the Ubuntu Bionic deb files, the sources and `bitmsghash.so`, precompiled for 3 architectures, using the `packages/AppImage/AppImageBuilder.yml` recipe. When you run the appimage the bundle is loop mounted to a location like `/tmp/.mount_PyBitm97wj4K` with `squashfs-tools`. The appimage name has several informational filds: ``` PyBitmessage-<VERSION>-g<COMMITHASH>[-alpha]-<ARCH>.AppImage ``` E.g. `PyBitmessage-` is an appimage, built from the `v0.6` for x86_64 and `PyBitmessage-` is one, built from some development branch for arm64. You can also build the appimage with local code. For that you need installed docker: ``` $ docker build -t bm-appimage -f .buildbot/appimage/Dockerfile . $ docker run -t --rm -v "$(pwd)"/dist:/out bm-appimage .buildbot/appimage/build.sh ``` The appimages should be in the dist dir. ## Helper Script for building from source Go to the directory with PyBitmessage source code and run: ``` python checkdeps.py ``` If there are missing dependencies, it will explain you what is missing and for many Unix-like systems also what you have to do to resolve it. You need to repeat calling the script until you get nothing mandatory missing. How you then run setuptools depends on whether you want to install it to user's directory or system. ### If checkdeps fails, then verify manually which dependencies are missing from below Before running PyBitmessage, make sure you have all the necessary dependencies installed on your system. These dependencies may not be available on a recent OS and PyBitmessage may not build on such systems. Here's a list of dependencies needed for PyBitmessage based on operating system For Debian-based (Ubuntu, Raspbian, PiBang, others) ``` python2.7 openssl libssl-dev python-msgpack python-qt4 python-six ``` For Arch Linux ``` python2 openssl python2-pyqt4 python-six ``` For Fedora ``` python python-qt4 openssl-compat-bitcoin-libs python-six ``` For Red Hat Enterprise Linux (RHEL) ``` python python-qt4 openssl-compat-bitcoin-libs python-six ``` For GNU Guix ``` python2-msgpack python2-pyqt@4.11.4 python2-sip openssl python-six ``` ## setuptools This is now the recommended and in most cases the easiest way for installing PyBitmessage. There are 2 options for installing with setuptools: root and user. ### as root: ``` python setup.py install pybitmessage ``` ### as user: ``` python setup.py install --user ~/.local/bin/pybitmessage ``` ## pip venv (daemon): Create virtualenv with Python 2.x version ``` virtualenv -p python2 env ``` Activate env ``` source env/bin/activate ``` Build & run pybitmessage ``` pip install . pybitmessage -d ``` ## Alternative way to run PyBitmessage, without setuptools (this isn't recommended) run `./start.sh`.