: separator_color: 1, 1, 1, 1 background: "White.png" Button: id: btn disabled: True background_disabled_normal: "White.png" Image: source: app.image_path + '/loader.gif' anim_delay: 0 #mipmap: True size: root.size : id: popup_box orientation: 'vertical' # spacing:dp(20) # spacing: "12dp" size_hint_y: None # height: "120dp" height: label.height+address.height BoxLayout: orientation: 'vertical' MDTextField: id: label multiline: False hint_text: app.tr._("Label") required: True icon_right: 'label' helper_text_mode: "on_error" on_text: root.checkLabel_valid(self) canvas.before: Color: rgba: (0,0,0,1) MDTextField: id: address hint_text: app.tr._("Address") required: True icon_right: 'book-plus' helper_text_mode: "on_error" multiline: False on_text: root.checkAddress_valid(self) canvas.before: Color: rgba: (0,0,0,1) : id: addbook_popup_box size_hint_y: None height: 2.5*(add_label.height) orientation: 'vertical' spacing:dp(5) MDLabel font_style: 'Subtitle2' theme_text_color: 'Primary' text: app.tr._("Label") font_size: '17sp' halign: 'left' MDTextField: id: add_label font_style: 'Body1' font_size: '15sp' halign: 'left' text: app.tr._(root.address_label) theme_text_color: 'Primary' required: True helper_text_mode: "on_error" on_text: root.checkLabel_valid(self) canvas.before: Color: rgba: (0,0,0,1) MDLabel: font_style: 'Subtitle2' theme_text_color: 'Primary' text: app.tr._("Address") font_size: '17sp' halign: 'left' Widget: size_hint_y: None height: dp(1) BoxLayout: orientation: 'horizontal' MDLabel: id: address font_style: 'Body1' theme_text_color: 'Primary' text: app.tr._(root.address) font_size: '15sp' halign: 'left' IconRightSampleWidget: pos_hint: {'center_x': 0, 'center_y': 1} icon: 'content-copy' on_press: app.copy_composer_text(root.address) : id: myadd_popup size_hint_y: None height: "130dp" spacing:dp(25) #height: dp(1.5*(myaddr_label.height)) orientation: 'vertical' MDLabel: id: myaddr_label font_style: 'Subtitle2' theme_text_color: 'Primary' text: app.tr._("Label") font_size: '17sp' halign: 'left' MDLabel: font_style: 'Body1' theme_text_color: 'Primary' text: root.address_label font_size: '15sp' halign: 'left' MDLabel: font_style: 'Subtitle2' theme_text_color: 'Primary' text: app.tr._("Address") font_size: '17sp' halign: 'left' BoxLayout: orientation: 'horizontal' MDLabel: id: label_address font_style: 'Body1' theme_text_color: 'Primary' text: app.tr._(root.address) font_size: '15sp' halign: 'left' IconRightSampleWidget: pos_hint: {'center_x': 0, 'center_y': 1} icon: 'content-copy' on_press: app.copy_composer_text(root.address) BoxLayout: id: my_add_btn spacing:5 orientation: 'horizontal' size_hint_y: None height: self.minimum_height MDRaisedButton: size_hint: 2, None height: dp(40) on_press: root.send_message_from() MDLabel: font_style: 'H6' text: app.tr._('Send message from') font_size: '13sp' color: (1,1,1,1) halign: 'center' MDRaisedButton: size_hint: 1.5, None height: dp(40) on_press: app.set_screen('showqrcode') on_press: app.root.ids.id_showqrcode.qrdisplay(root, root.address) MDLabel: font_style: 'H6' text: app.tr._('Show QR code') font_size: '13sp' color: (1,1,1,1) halign: 'center' MDRaisedButton: size_hint: 1.5, None height: dp(40) on_press: root.close_pop() MDLabel: font_style: 'H6' text: app.tr._('Cancel') font_size: '13sp' color: (1,1,1,1) halign: 'center' : id: closing_popup size_hint : (None,None) height: 1.4*(popup_label.height+ my_add_btn.children[0].height) width :app.window_size[0] - (app.window_size[0]/10 if app.app_platform == 'android' else app.window_size[0]/4) background: app.image_path + '/popup.jpeg' auto_dismiss: False separator_height: 0 BoxLayout: id: myadd_popup_box size_hint_y: None spacing:dp(70) orientation: 'vertical' BoxLayout: size_hint_y: None orientation: 'vertical' spacing:dp(25) MDLabel: id: popup_label font_style: 'Subtitle2' theme_text_color: 'Primary' text: app.tr._("Bitmessage isn't connected to the network.\n If you quit now, it may cause delivery delays.\n Wait until connected and the synchronisation finishes?") font_size: '17sp' halign: 'center' BoxLayout: id: my_add_btn spacing:5 orientation: 'horizontal' MDRaisedButton: size_hint: 1.5, None height: dp(40) on_press: root.closingAction(self.children[0].text) on_press: app.stop() MDLabel: font_style: 'H6' text: app.tr._('Yes') font_size: '13sp' color: (1,1,1,1) halign: 'center' MDRaisedButton: size_hint: 1.5, None height: dp(40) on_press: root.closingAction(self.children[0].text) MDLabel: font_style: 'H6' text: app.tr._('No') font_size: '13sp' color: (1,1,1,1) halign: 'center' MDRaisedButton: size_hint: 1.5, None height: dp(40) #on_press: root.dismiss() on_press: root.closingAction(self.children[0].text) MDLabel: font_style: 'H6' text: app.tr._('Cancel') font_size: '13sp' color: (1,1,1,1) halign: 'center' : id: myadd_popup size_hint : (None,None) # height: 2*(sd_label.height+ sd_btn.children[0].height) width :app.window_size[0] - (app.window_size[0]/10 if app.app_platform == 'android' else app.window_size[0]/4) background: app.image_path + '/popup.jpeg' auto_dismiss: False separator_height: 0 BoxLayout: id: myadd_popup_box size_hint_y: None orientation: 'vertical' spacing:dp(8 if app.app_platform == 'android' else 3) BoxLayout: orientation: 'vertical' MDLabel: id: from_add_label font_style: 'Subtitle2' theme_text_color: 'Primary' text: app.tr._("From :") font_size: '15sp' halign: 'left' Widget: size_hint_y: None height: dp(1 if app.app_platform == 'android' else 0) BoxLayout: size_hint_y: None height: 50 orientation: 'horizontal' MDLabel: id: sd_label font_style: 'Body2' theme_text_color: 'Primary' text: app.tr._("[b]" + root.from_addr + "[/b]") font_size: '15sp' halign: 'left' markup: True IconRightSampleWidget: icon: 'content-copy' on_press: app.copy_composer_text(root.from_addr) Widget: id: space_1 size_hint_y: None height: dp(2 if app.app_platform == 'android' else 0) BoxLayout: id: to_addtitle Widget: id:space_2 size_hint_y: None height: dp(1 if app.app_platform == 'android' else 0) BoxLayout: id: to_addId BoxLayout: size_hint_y: None orientation: 'vertical' height: 50 MDLabel: font_style: 'Body2' theme_text_color: 'Primary' text: app.tr._("Date : " + root.time_tag) font_size: '15sp' halign: 'left' BoxLayout: id: sd_btn orientation: 'vertical' MDRaisedButton: id: dismiss_btn on_press: root.dismiss() size_hint: .2, 0 pos_hint: {'x': 0.8, 'y': 0} MDLabel: font_style: 'H6' text: app.tr._('Cancel') font_size: '13sp' color: (1,1,1,1) halign: 'center' : orientation: 'horizontal' MDLabel: font_style: 'Body2' theme_text_color: 'Primary' text: app.tr._(root.to_addr) font_size: '15sp' halign: 'left' IconRightSampleWidget: icon: 'content-copy' on_press: app.copy_composer_text(root.to_addr) : orientation: 'vertical' MDLabel: id: to_add_label font_style: 'Subtitle2' theme_text_color: 'Primary' text: "To :" font_size: '15sp' halign: 'left'