diff --git a/src/class_objectProcessor.py b/src/class_objectProcessor.py
index 62713b7b..9a7188b7 100644
--- a/src/class_objectProcessor.py
+++ b/src/class_objectProcessor.py
@@ -6,6 +6,7 @@ import time
 from binascii import hexlify
 from subprocess import call  # nosec
+import knownnodes
 import highlevelcrypto
 from addresses import (
     calculateInventoryHash, decodeAddress, decodeVarint, encodeAddress,
@@ -67,6 +68,8 @@ class objectProcessor(threading.Thread):
                 elif objectType == protocol.OBJECT_BROADCAST:
+                elif objectType == protocol.OBJECT_ONIONPEER:
+                    self.processonion(data)
                 # is more of a command, not an object type. Is used to get
                 # this thread past the queue.get() so that it will check
                 # the shutdown variable.
@@ -140,6 +143,23 @@ class objectProcessor(threading.Thread):
             logger.debug('This object is not an acknowledgement bound for me.')
+    def processonion(self, data):
+        readPosition = 20  # bypass the nonce, time, and object type
+        length = decodeVarint(data[readPosition:readPosition + 10])[1]
+        readPosition += length
+        stream, length = decodeVarint(data[readPosition:readPosition + 10])
+        readPosition += length
+        # it seems that stream is checked in network.bmproto
+        port, length = decodeVarint(data[readPosition:readPosition + 10])
+        host = protocol.checkIPAddress(data[readPosition + length:])
+        if not host:
+            return
+        peer = state.Peer(host, port)
+        with knownnodes.knownNodesLock:
+            knownnodes.addKnownNode(
+                stream, peer, is_self=state.ownAddresses.get(peer))
     def processgetpubkey(self, data):
         if len(data) > 200:
diff --git a/src/class_singleWorker.py b/src/class_singleWorker.py
index 4e3be929..d8f70ada 100644
--- a/src/class_singleWorker.py
+++ b/src/class_singleWorker.py
@@ -119,13 +119,21 @@ class singleWorker(threading.Thread, StoppableThread):
         # before we start on existing POW tasks.
-        if state.shutdown == 0:
-            # just in case there are any pending tasks for msg
-            # messages that have yet to be sent.
-            queues.workerQueue.put(('sendmessage', ''))
-            # just in case there are any tasks for Broadcasts
-            # that have yet to be sent.
-            queues.workerQueue.put(('sendbroadcast', ''))
+        if state.shutdown > 0:
+            return
+        # just in case there are any pending tasks for msg
+        # messages that have yet to be sent.
+        queues.workerQueue.put(('sendmessage', ''))
+        # just in case there are any tasks for Broadcasts
+        # that have yet to be sent.
+        queues.workerQueue.put(('sendbroadcast', ''))
+        # send onionpeer object
+        for peer in state.ownAddresses.keys():
+            if peer.host.endswith('.onion'):
+                queues.workerQueue.put(('sendOnionPeerObj', peer))
+                break
         while state.shutdown == 0:
             self.busy = 0
@@ -156,6 +164,11 @@ class singleWorker(threading.Thread, StoppableThread):
+            elif command == 'sendOnionPeerObj':
+                try:
+                    self.sendOnionPeerObj(data)
+                except:
+                    pass
             elif command == 'resetPoW':
@@ -456,6 +469,37 @@ class singleWorker(threading.Thread, StoppableThread):
                 ' to the keys.dat file. Error message: %s', err
+    def sendOnionPeerObj(self, peer):
+        TTL = int(7 * 24 * 60 * 60 + helper_random.randomrandrange(-300, 300))
+        embeddedTime = int(time.time() + TTL)
+        streamNumber = 1  # Don't know yet what should be here
+        objectType = protocol.OBJECT_ONIONPEER
+        # FIXME: ideally the objectPayload should be signed
+        objectPayload = encodeVarint(peer.port) + protocol.encodeHost(peer.host)
+        tag = calculateInventoryHash(objectPayload)
+        if Inventory().by_type_and_tag(objectType, tag):
+            return  # not expired
+        payload = pack('>Q', (embeddedTime))
+        payload += str(bytearray([0, 0, 0, objectType]))
+        payload += encodeVarint(2 if len(peer.host) == 22 else 3)
+        payload += encodeVarint(streamNumber)
+        payload += objectPayload
+        payload = self._doPOWDefaults(
+            payload, TTL, log_prefix='(For onionpeer object)')
+        inventoryHash = calculateInventoryHash(payload)
+        Inventory()[inventoryHash] = (
+            objectType, streamNumber, buffer(payload),
+            embeddedTime, buffer(tag)
+        )
+        logger.info(
+            'sending inv (within sendOnionPeerObj function) for object: %s',
+            hexlify(inventoryHash))
+        queues.invQueue.put((streamNumber, inventoryHash))
     def sendBroadcast(self):
         """Send a broadcast-type object (assemble the object, perform PoW and put it to the inv announcement queue)"""
         # Reset just in case
diff --git a/src/network/tcp.py b/src/network/tcp.py
index 0463d322..1790d59b 100644
--- a/src/network/tcp.py
+++ b/src/network/tcp.py
@@ -147,7 +147,7 @@ class TCPConnection(BMProto, TLSDispatcher):  # pylint: disable=too-many-instanc
                         (k, v) for k, v in nodes.iteritems()
                         if v["lastseen"] > int(time.time()) -
                         shared.maximumAgeOfNodesThatIAdvertiseToOthers and
-                        v["rating"] >= 0
+                        v["rating"] >= 0 and len(k.host) <= 22
                     # sent 250 only if the remote isn't interested in it
                     elemCount = min(
diff --git a/src/protocol.py b/src/protocol.py
index 6f89c186..9a0c6a11 100644
--- a/src/protocol.py
+++ b/src/protocol.py
@@ -48,6 +48,7 @@ OBJECT_GETPUBKEY = 0
 OBJECT_I2P = 0x493250
 OBJECT_ADDR = 0x61646472