import sys import importlib import cherrypy from cherrypy.test import helper class TutorialTest(helper.CPWebCase): @classmethod def setup_server(cls): """ Mount something so the engine starts. """ class Dummy: pass cherrypy.tree.mount(Dummy()) @staticmethod def load_module(name): """ Import or reload tutorial module as needed. """ target = 'cherrypy.tutorial.' + name if target in sys.modules: module = importlib.reload(sys.modules[target]) else: module = importlib.import_module(target) return module @classmethod def setup_tutorial(cls, name, root_name, config={}): cherrypy.config.reset() module = cls.load_module(name) root = getattr(module, root_name) conf = getattr(module, 'tutconf') class_types = type, if isinstance(root, class_types): root = root() cherrypy.tree.mount(root, config=conf) cherrypy.config.update(config) def test01HelloWorld(self): self.setup_tutorial('tut01_helloworld', 'HelloWorld') self.getPage('/') self.assertBody('Hello world!') def test02ExposeMethods(self): self.setup_tutorial('tut02_expose_methods', 'HelloWorld') self.getPage('/show_msg') self.assertBody('Hello world!') def test03GetAndPost(self): self.setup_tutorial('tut03_get_and_post', 'WelcomePage') # Try different GET queries self.getPage('/greetUser?name=Bob') self.assertBody("Hey Bob, what's up?") self.getPage('/greetUser') self.assertBody('Please enter your name here.') self.getPage('/greetUser?name=') self.assertBody('No, really, enter your name here.') # Try the same with POST self.getPage('/greetUser', method='POST', body='name=Bob') self.assertBody("Hey Bob, what's up?") self.getPage('/greetUser', method='POST', body='name=') self.assertBody('No, really, enter your name here.') def test04ComplexSite(self): self.setup_tutorial('tut04_complex_site', 'root') msg = '''

Here are some extra useful links:

[Return to links page]

''' self.getPage('/links/extra/') self.assertBody(msg) def test05DerivedObjects(self): self.setup_tutorial('tut05_derived_objects', 'HomePage') msg = ''' Another Page

Another Page

And this is the amazing second page!

''' # the tutorial has some annoying spaces in otherwise blank lines msg = msg.replace('\n\n', '\n \n') msg = msg.replace('

\n\n', '

\n \n') self.getPage('/another/') self.assertBody(msg) def test06DefaultMethod(self): self.setup_tutorial('tut06_default_method', 'UsersPage') self.getPage('/hendrik') self.assertBody('Hendrik Mans, CherryPy co-developer & crazy German ' '(back)') def test07Sessions(self): self.setup_tutorial('tut07_sessions', 'HitCounter') self.getPage('/') self.assertBody( "\n During your current session, you've viewed this" '\n page 1 times! Your life is a patio of fun!' '\n ') self.getPage('/', self.cookies) self.assertBody( "\n During your current session, you've viewed this" '\n page 2 times! Your life is a patio of fun!' '\n ') def test08GeneratorsAndYield(self): self.setup_tutorial('tut08_generators_and_yield', 'GeneratorDemo') self.getPage('/') self.assertBody('

Generators rule!

' '

List of users:

' 'Remi
Lorenzo Lamas
' '') def test09Files(self): self.setup_tutorial('tut09_files', 'FileDemo') # Test upload filesize = 5 h = [('Content-type', 'multipart/form-data; boundary=x'), ('Content-Length', str(105 + filesize))] b = ('--x\n' 'Content-Disposition: form-data; name="myFile"; ' 'filename="hello.txt"\r\n' 'Content-Type: text/plain\r\n' '\r\n') b += 'a' * filesize + '\n' + '--x--\n' self.getPage('/upload', h, 'POST', b) self.assertBody(''' myFile length: %d
myFile filename: hello.txt
myFile mime-type: text/plain ''' % filesize) # Test download self.getPage('/download') self.assertStatus('200 OK') self.assertHeader('Content-Type', 'application/x-download') self.assertHeader('Content-Disposition', # Make sure the filename is quoted. 'attachment; filename="pdf_file.pdf"') self.assertEqual(len(self.body), 11961) def test10HTTPErrors(self): self.setup_tutorial('tut10_http_errors', 'HTTPErrorDemo') @cherrypy.expose def traceback_setting(): return repr(cherrypy.request.show_tracebacks) cherrypy.tree.mount(traceback_setting, '/traceback_setting') self.getPage('/') self.assertInBody("""""") self.assertInBody("""""") self.assertInBody("""""") self.assertInBody("""""") self.assertInBody("""""") self.getPage('/traceback_setting') setting = self.body self.getPage('/toggleTracebacks') self.assertStatus((302, 303)) self.getPage('/traceback_setting') self.assertBody(str(not eval(setting))) self.getPage('/error?code=500') self.assertStatus(500) self.assertInBody('The server encountered an unexpected condition ' 'which prevented it from fulfilling the request.') self.getPage('/error?code=403') self.assertStatus(403) self.assertInBody("

You can't do that!

") self.getPage('/messageArg') self.assertStatus(500) self.assertInBody("If you construct an HTTPError with a 'message'")