There was a report that by quickly asking a large number of nodes if they have an ACK object (which the attacker knows but it is injected into the network by the recipient of the message), it can estimate how an object propagates through the network, and eventually pinpoint an originating IP address of the injection, i.e. the IP address of the message recipient. This patch mitigates against it by stalling when asked for a nonexisting object (so that the attacker can't spam requests), and also upon connection before sending its own inventory list (so that reconnecting won't help the attacker). It estimates how long a short message takes to propagate through the network based on how many nodes are in a stream and bases the stalling time on that. Currently that is about 15 seconds. Initial connection delay takes into account the time that already passed since the connection was established. This basically gives the attacker one shot per a combination of his own nodes and the nodes he can connect to, and thus makes the attack much more difficult to succeed.
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47 lines
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# objectHashHolder is a timer-driven thread. One objectHashHolder thread is used
# by each sendDataThread. The sendDataThread uses it whenever it needs to
# advertise an object to peers in an inv message, or advertise a peer to other
# peers in an addr message. Instead of sending them out immediately, it must
# wait a random number of seconds for each connection so that different peers
# get different objects at different times. Thus an attacker who is
# connecting to many network nodes who receives a message first from Alice
# cannot be sure if Alice is the node who originated the message.
import random
import time
import threading
class objectHashHolder(threading.Thread):
size = 10
def __init__(self, sendDataThreadMailbox):
self.shutdown = False
self.sendDataThreadMailbox = sendDataThreadMailbox # This queue is used to submit data back to our associated sendDataThread.
self.collectionOfHashLists = {}
self.collectionOfPeerLists = {}
for i in range(self.size):
self.collectionOfHashLists[i] = []
self.collectionOfPeerLists[i] = []
def run(self):
iterator = 0
while not self.shutdown:
if len(self.collectionOfHashLists[iterator]) > 0:
self.sendDataThreadMailbox.put((0, 'sendinv', self.collectionOfHashLists[iterator]))
self.collectionOfHashLists[iterator] = []
if len(self.collectionOfPeerLists[iterator]) > 0:
self.sendDataThreadMailbox.put((0, 'sendaddr', self.collectionOfPeerLists[iterator]))
self.collectionOfPeerLists[iterator] = []
iterator += 1
iterator %= self.size
def holdHash(self,hash):
self.collectionOfHashLists[random.randrange(0, self.size)].append(hash)
def holdPeer(self,peerDetails):
self.collectionOfPeerLists[random.randrange(0, self.size)].append(peerDetails)
def close(self):
self.shutdown = True