New POW calculation module #1284
@ -918,7 +918,7 @@ def loadSent():
# Set status string
if status == "awaitingpubkey":
statstr = "Waiting for their public key. Will request it again soon"
elif status == "doingpowforpubkey":
elif status == "doingpubkeypow":
statstr = "Encryption key request queued"
elif status == "msgqueued":
statstr = "Message queued"
@ -201,7 +201,6 @@ class Main:
smtpServerThread = smtpServer()
# Start the thread that calculates POWs
objectProcessorThread = objectProcessor()
# DON'T close the main program even the thread remains.
# This thread checks the shutdown variable after processing
@ -430,7 +429,7 @@ if __name__ == "__main__":
from class_sqlThread import sqlThread
from class_singleCleaner import singleCleaner
from class_objectProcessor import objectProcessor
from class_singleWorker import singleWorker
from singleworker import singleWorker
from class_addressGenerator import addressGenerator
from bmconfigparser import BMConfigParser
@ -44,7 +44,6 @@ from account import (
getSortedAccounts, getSortedSubscriptions, accountClass, BMAccount,
GatewayAccount, MailchuckAccount, AccountColor)
import dialogs
from helper_generic import powQueueSize
from network.stats import pendingDownload, pendingUpload
from uisignaler import UISignaler
import knownnodes
@ -760,6 +759,8 @@ class MyForm(settingsmixin.SMainWindow):
"newVersionAvailable(PyQt_PyObject)"), self.newVersionAvailable)
QtCore.QObject.connect(self.UISignalThread, QtCore.SIGNAL(
"displayAlert(PyQt_PyObject,PyQt_PyObject,PyQt_PyObject)"), self.displayAlert)
QtCore.QObject.connect(self.UISignalThread, QtCore.SIGNAL(
"updateWorkProverStatus(PyQt_PyObject)"), self.updateWorkProverStatus)
# Key press in tree view
@ -809,6 +810,8 @@ class MyForm(settingsmixin.SMainWindow):
' Fetch Namecoin ID button')
self.POWTasksCount = 0
def updateTTL(self, sliderPosition):
TTL = int(sliderPosition ** 3.199 + 3600)
@ -1036,7 +1039,7 @@ class MyForm(settingsmixin.SMainWindow):
if status == 'awaitingpubkey':
statusText = _translate(
"MainWindow", "Waiting for their encryption key. Will request it again soon.")
elif status == 'doingpowforpubkey':
elif status == 'doingpubkeypow':
statusText = _translate(
"MainWindow", "Doing work necessary to request encryption key.")
elif status == 'msgqueued':
@ -1790,6 +1793,9 @@ class MyForm(settingsmixin.SMainWindow):
if exitAfterUserClicksOk:
def updateWorkProverStatus(self, status):
self.POWTasksCount = status[3]
def rerenderMessagelistFromLabels(self):
for messagelist in (self.ui.tableWidgetInbox, self.ui.tableWidgetInboxChans, self.ui.tableWidgetInboxSubscriptions):
for i in range(messagelist.rowCount()):
@ -2712,9 +2718,9 @@ class MyForm(settingsmixin.SMainWindow):
waitForSync = False
# C PoW currently doesn't support interrupting and OpenCL is untested
if getPowType() == "python" and (powQueueSize() > 0 or pendingUpload() > 0):
if getPowType() == "python" and (self.POWTasksCount > 0 or pendingUpload() > 0):
reply = QtGui.QMessageBox.question(self, _translate("MainWindow", "Proof of work pending"),
_translate("MainWindow", "%n object(s) pending proof of work", None, QtCore.QCoreApplication.CodecForTr, powQueueSize()) + ", " +
_translate("MainWindow", "%n object(s) pending proof of work", None, QtCore.QCoreApplication.CodecForTr, self.POWTasksCount) + ", " +
_translate("MainWindow", "%n object(s) waiting to be distributed", None, QtCore.QCoreApplication.CodecForTr, pendingUpload()) + "\n\n" +
_translate("MainWindow", "Wait until these tasks finish?"),
QtGui.QMessageBox.Yes|QtGui.QMessageBox.No|QtGui.QMessageBox.Cancel, QtGui.QMessageBox.Cancel)
@ -2770,10 +2776,10 @@ class MyForm(settingsmixin.SMainWindow):
if waitForPow:
# check if PoW queue empty
maxWorkerQueue = 0
curWorkerQueue = powQueueSize()
curWorkerQueue = self.POWTasksCount
while curWorkerQueue > 0:
# worker queue size
curWorkerQueue = powQueueSize()
curWorkerQueue = self.POWTasksCount
if curWorkerQueue > maxWorkerQueue:
maxWorkerQueue = curWorkerQueue
if curWorkerQueue > 0:
@ -74,6 +74,8 @@ class UISignaler(QThread):
elif command == 'alert':
title, text, exitAfterUserClicksOk = data
self.emit(SIGNAL("displayAlert(PyQt_PyObject, PyQt_PyObject, PyQt_PyObject)"), title, text, exitAfterUserClicksOk)
elif command == "updateWorkProverStatus":
self.emit(SIGNAL("updateWorkProverStatus(PyQt_PyObject)"), data)
'Command sent to UISignaler not recognized: %s\n' % command)
@ -201,12 +201,10 @@ class addressGenerator(threading.Thread, StoppableThread):
queues.UISignalQueue.put(('writeNewAddressToTable', (
label, address, streamNumber)))
if addressVersionNumber == 3:
'sendOutOrStoreMyV3Pubkey', ripe.digest()))
elif addressVersionNumber == 4:
'sendOutOrStoreMyV4Pubkey', address))
# If this is a chan address, the worker thread won't send out the pubkey over the network
queues.workerQueue.put(("sendMyPubkey", address))
elif command == 'createDeterministicAddresses' \
or command == 'getDeterministicAddress' \
@ -366,15 +364,11 @@ class addressGenerator(threading.Thread, StoppableThread):
encodeVarint(streamNumber) + ripe.digest()
shared.myAddressesByTag[tag] = address
if addressVersionNumber == 3:
# If this is a chan address,
# the worker thread won't send out
# the pubkey over the network.
'sendOutOrStoreMyV3Pubkey', ripe.digest()))
elif addressVersionNumber == 4:
'sendOutOrStoreMyV4Pubkey', address))
# If this is a chan address, the worker thread won't send out the pubkey over the network
queues.workerQueue.put(("sendMyPubkey", address))
@ -114,30 +114,29 @@ class objectProcessor(threading.Thread):
def checkackdata(self, data):
# Let's check whether this is a message acknowledgement bound for us.
if len(data) < 32:
ackData = data[16: ]
if len(ackData) < 16 or ackData not in state.watchedAckData:
logger.debug("This object is not an acknowledgement bound for us")
# bypass nonce and time, retain object type/version/stream + body
readPosition = 16
||||"This object is an acknowledgement bound for us")
if data[readPosition:] in shared.ackdataForWhichImWatching:
||||'This object is an acknowledgement bound for me.')
del shared.ackdataForWhichImWatching[data[readPosition:]]
'UPDATE sent SET status=?, lastactiontime=?'
' WHERE ackdata=?',
'ackreceived', int(time.time()), data[readPosition:])
"Acknowledgement of the message received %1"
logger.debug('This object is not an acknowledgement bound for me.')
state.watchedAckData -= {ackData}
UPDATE "sent" SET "status" = 'ackreceived', "lastactiontime" = ?
WHERE "status" IN ('doingmsgpow', 'msgsent') AND "ackdata" == ?;
""", int(time.time()), ackData)
queues.UISignalQueue.put(("updateSentItemStatusByAckdata", (
"Acknowledgement of the message received %1"
def processgetpubkey(self, data):
if len(data) > 200:
@ -237,12 +236,8 @@ class objectProcessor(threading.Thread):
'Found getpubkey-requested-hash in my list of EC hashes.'
' Telling Worker thread to do the POW for a pubkey message'
' and send it out.')
if requestedAddressVersionNumber == 2:
queues.workerQueue.put(('doPOWForMyV2Pubkey', requestedHash))
elif requestedAddressVersionNumber == 3:
queues.workerQueue.put(('sendOutOrStoreMyV3Pubkey', requestedHash))
elif requestedAddressVersionNumber == 4:
queues.workerQueue.put(('sendOutOrStoreMyV4Pubkey', myAddress))
queues.workerQueue.put(("sendMyPubkey", myAddress))
def processpubkey(self, data):
pubkeyProcessingStartTime = time.time()
@ -396,20 +391,23 @@ class objectProcessor(threading.Thread):
' Sanity check failed.')
tag = data[readPosition:readPosition + 32]
if tag not in state.neededPubkeys:
'We don\'t need this v4 pubkey. We didn\'t ask for it.')
tag = data[readPosition: readPosition + 32]
attributes = state.neededPubkeys.get(tag, None)
# Let us try to decrypt the pubkey
toAddress, _ = state.neededPubkeys[tag]
if shared.decryptAndCheckPubkeyPayload(data, toAddress) == \
# At this point we know that we have been waiting on this
# pubkey. This function will command the workerThread
# to start work on the messages that require it.
if attributes is None:
||||"We don't need this v4 pubkey. We didn't ask for it")
address, cryptor = attributes
storedData = protocol.decryptAndCheckV4Pubkey(data, address, cryptor)
if storedData is not None:
INSERT INTO "pubkeys" ("address", "addressversion", "transmitdata", "time", "usedpersonally")
VALUES (?, 4, ?, ?, 'yes');
""", address, storedData, int(time.time()))
# Display timing data
timeRequiredToProcessPubkey = time.time(
@ -608,7 +606,7 @@ class objectProcessor(threading.Thread):
# If the toAddress version number is 3 or higher and not one of
# my chan addresses:
if decodeAddress(toAddress)[1] >= 3 \
and not BMConfigParser().safeGetBoolean(toAddress, 'chan'):
and not BMConfigParser().has_section(toAddress):
# If I'm not friendly with this person:
if not shared.isAddressInMyAddressBookSubscriptionsListOrWhitelist(fromAddress):
requiredNonceTrialsPerByte = BMConfigParser().getint(
@ -1015,42 +1013,42 @@ class objectProcessor(threading.Thread):
have been waiting for. Let's check.
# For address versions <= 3, we wait on a key with the correct
# address version, stream number and RIPE hash.
_, addressVersion, streamNumber, ripe = decodeAddress(address)
if addressVersion <= 3:
if address in state.neededPubkeys:
del state.neededPubkeys[address]
'We don\'t need this pub key. We didn\'t ask for it.'
' For address: %s', address)
# For address versions >= 4, we wait on a pubkey with the correct tag.
# Let us create the tag from the address and see if we were waiting
# for it.
elif addressVersion >= 4:
tag = hashlib.sha512(hashlib.sha512(
encodeVarint(addressVersion) + encodeVarint(streamNumber)
+ ripe).digest()
if tag in state.neededPubkeys:
del state.neededPubkeys[tag]
status, version, stream, ripe = decodeAddress(address)
def sendMessages(self, address):
This function is called by the possibleNewPubkey function when
that function sees that we now have the necessary pubkey
to send one or more messages.
||||'We have been awaiting the arrival of this pubkey.')
"UPDATE sent SET status='doingmsgpow', retrynumber=0"
" WHERE toaddress=?"
" AND (status='awaitingpubkey' OR status='doingpubkeypow')"
" AND folder='sent'", address)
queues.workerQueue.put(('sendmessage', ''))
if version <= 3:
needed = address in state.neededPubkeys
state.neededPubkeys.pop(address, None)
elif version == 4:
secretEncryptionKey, tag = protocol.calculateAddressTag(version, stream, ripe)
needed = tag in state.neededPubkeys
state.neededPubkeys.pop(tag, None)
if needed:
||||"We have been awaiting the arrival of this pubkey")
UPDATE "sent" SET "status" = 'msgqueued'
WHERE "status" IN ('doingpubkeypow', 'awaitingpubkey') AND "toaddress" == ? AND "folder" == 'sent';
""", address)
queues.workerQueue.put(("sendmessage", ))
queued = sqlQuery("""
SELECT "ackdata" FROM "sent"
WHERE "status" == 'msgqueued' AND "toaddress" == ? AND "folder" == 'sent';
""", address)
for i, in queued:
queues.UISignalQueue.put(("updateSentItemStatusByAckdata", (
logger.debug("We don't need this pubkey, we didn't ask for it: %s", address)
def ackDataHasAValidHeader(self, ackData):
if len(ackData) < protocol.Header.size:
@ -35,6 +35,44 @@ import knownnodes
import queues
import state
def resendStaleMessages():
staleMessages = sqlQuery("""
SELECT "toaddress", "ackdata", "status" FROM "sent"
WHERE "status" IN ('awaitingpubkey', 'msgsent') AND "sleeptill" < ? AND "senttime" > ? AND "folder" == 'sent';
""", int(time.time()), int(time.time()) - shared.maximumLengthOfTimeToBotherResendingMessages)
resendMessages = False
for destination, ackData, status in staleMessages:
if status == "awaitingpubkey":
||||"Retrying getpubkey request for %s", destination)
UPDATE "sent" SET "status" = 'msgqueued'
WHERE "status" == 'awaitingpubkey' AND "ackdata" == ?;
""", ackData)
elif status == "msgsent":
state.watchedAckData -= {ackData}
UPDATE "sent" SET "status" = 'msgqueued'
WHERE "status" == 'msgsent' AND "ackdata" == ?;
""", ackData)
queues.UISignalQueue.put(("updateSentItemStatusByAckdata", (
resendMessages = True
if resendMessages:
||||"Resending old messages with undelivered acks or unknown pubkeys")
queues.workerQueue.put(("sendmessage", ))
class singleCleaner(threading.Thread, StoppableThread):
cycleLength = 300
@ -92,28 +130,8 @@ class singleCleaner(threading.Thread, StoppableThread):
# Let us resend getpubkey objects if we have not yet heard
# a pubkey, and also msg objects if we have not yet heard
# an acknowledgement
queryreturn = sqlQuery(
"SELECT toaddress, ackdata, status FROM sent"
" WHERE ((status='awaitingpubkey' OR status='msgsent')"
" AND folder='sent' AND sleeptill<? AND senttime>?)",
- shared.maximumLengthOfTimeToBotherResendingMessages
for row in queryreturn:
if len(row) < 2:
'Something went wrong in the singleCleaner thread:'
' a query did not return the requested fields. %r',
toAddress, ackData, status = row
if status == 'awaitingpubkey':
elif status == 'msgsent':
# cleanup old nodes
now = int(time.time())
@ -189,41 +207,3 @@ class singleCleaner(threading.Thread, StoppableThread):
if state.shutdown == 0:
def resendPubkeyRequest(address):
'It has been a long time and we haven\'t heard a response to our'
' getpubkey request. Sending again.'
# We need to take this entry out of the neededPubkeys structure
# because the queues.workerQueue checks to see whether the entry
# is already present and will not do the POW and send the message
# because it assumes that it has already done it recently.
del state.neededPubkeys[address]
'Doing work necessary to again attempt to request a public key...'))
'''UPDATE sent SET status='msgqueued' WHERE toaddress=?''',
queues.workerQueue.put(('sendmessage', ''))
def resendMsg(ackdata):
'It has been a long time and we haven\'t heard an acknowledgement'
' to our msg. Sending again.'
'''UPDATE sent SET status='msgqueued' WHERE ackdata=?''',
queues.workerQueue.put(('sendmessage', ''))
'Doing work necessary to again attempt to deliver a message...'
@ -1,1418 +0,0 @@
from __future__ import division
import time
import threading
import hashlib
from struct import pack
# used when the API must execute an outside program
from subprocess import call # nosec
from binascii import hexlify, unhexlify
import tr
import l10n
import protocol
import queues
import state
import shared
import defaults
import highlevelcrypto
import proofofwork
import helper_inbox
import helper_random
import helper_msgcoding
from bmconfigparser import BMConfigParser
from debug import logger
from inventory import Inventory
from addresses import (
decodeAddress, encodeVarint, decodeVarint, calculateInventoryHash
# from helper_generic import addDataPadding
from helper_threading import StoppableThread
from helper_sql import sqlQuery, sqlExecute
# This thread, of which there is only one, does the heavy lifting:
# calculating POWs.
def sizeof_fmt(num, suffix='h/s'):
for unit in ['', 'k', 'M', 'G', 'T', 'P', 'E', 'Z']:
if abs(num) < 1000.0:
return "%3.1f%s%s" % (num, unit, suffix)
num /= 1024.0
return "%.1f%s%s" % (num, 'Yi', suffix)
class singleWorker(threading.Thread, StoppableThread):
def __init__(self):
# QThread.__init__(self, parent)
threading.Thread.__init__(self, name="singleWorker")
def stopThread(self):
queues.workerQueue.put(("stopThread", "data"))
super(singleWorker, self).stopThread()
def run(self):
while not state.sqlReady and state.shutdown == 0:
if state.shutdown > 0:
# Initialize the neededPubkeys dictionary.
queryreturn = sqlQuery(
'''SELECT DISTINCT toaddress FROM sent'''
''' WHERE (status='awaitingpubkey' AND folder='sent')''')
for row in queryreturn:
toAddress, = row
# toStatus
_, toAddressVersionNumber, toStreamNumber, toRipe = \
if toAddressVersionNumber <= 3:
state.neededPubkeys[toAddress] = 0
elif toAddressVersionNumber >= 4:
doubleHashOfAddressData = hashlib.sha512(hashlib.sha512(
encodeVarint(toAddressVersionNumber) +
encodeVarint(toStreamNumber) + toRipe
# Note that this is the first half of the sha512 hash.
privEncryptionKey = doubleHashOfAddressData[:32]
tag = doubleHashOfAddressData[32:]
# We'll need this for when we receive a pubkey reply:
# it will be encrypted and we'll need to decrypt it.
state.neededPubkeys[tag] = (
# Initialize the shared.ackdataForWhichImWatching data structure
queryreturn = sqlQuery(
'''SELECT ackdata FROM sent WHERE status = 'msgsent' ''')
for row in queryreturn:
ackdata, = row
||||'Watching for ackdata ' + hexlify(ackdata))
shared.ackdataForWhichImWatching[ackdata] = 0
# Fix legacy (headerless) watched ackdata to include header
for oldack in shared.ackdataForWhichImWatching.keys():
if (len(oldack) == 32):
# attach legacy header, always constant (msg/1/1)
newack = '\x00\x00\x00\x02\x01\x01' + oldack
shared.ackdataForWhichImWatching[newack] = 0
'UPDATE sent SET ackdata=? WHERE ackdata=?',
newack, oldack
del shared.ackdataForWhichImWatching[oldack]
# give some time for the GUI to start
# before we start on existing POW tasks.
if state.shutdown == 0:
# just in case there are any pending tasks for msg
# messages that have yet to be sent.
queues.workerQueue.put(('sendmessage', ''))
# just in case there are any tasks for Broadcasts
# that have yet to be sent.
queues.workerQueue.put(('sendbroadcast', ''))
while state.shutdown == 0:
self.busy = 0
command, data = queues.workerQueue.get()
self.busy = 1
if command == 'sendmessage':
elif command == 'sendbroadcast':
elif command == 'doPOWForMyV2Pubkey':
elif command == 'sendOutOrStoreMyV3Pubkey':
elif command == 'sendOutOrStoreMyV4Pubkey':
elif command == 'resetPoW':
elif command == 'stopThread':
self.busy = 0
'Probable programming error: The command sent'
' to the workerThread is weird. It is: %s\n',
def _getKeysForAddress(self, address):
privSigningKeyBase58 = BMConfigParser().get(
address, 'privsigningkey')
privEncryptionKeyBase58 = BMConfigParser().get(
address, 'privencryptionkey')
privSigningKeyHex = hexlify(shared.decodeWalletImportFormat(
privEncryptionKeyHex = hexlify(shared.decodeWalletImportFormat(
# The \x04 on the beginning of the public keys are not sent.
# This way there is only one acceptable way to encode
# and send a public key.
pubSigningKey = unhexlify(highlevelcrypto.privToPub(
pubEncryptionKey = unhexlify(highlevelcrypto.privToPub(
return privSigningKeyHex, privEncryptionKeyHex, \
pubSigningKey, pubEncryptionKey
def _doPOWDefaults(self, payload, TTL,
target = 2 ** 64 / (
defaults.networkDefaultProofOfWorkNonceTrialsPerByte * (
len(payload) + 8 +
defaults.networkDefaultPayloadLengthExtraBytes + ((
TTL * (
len(payload) + 8 +
)) / (2 ** 16))
initialHash = hashlib.sha512(payload).digest()
'%s Doing proof of work... TTL set to %s', log_prefix, TTL)
if log_time:
start_time = time.time()
trialValue, nonce =, initialHash)
'%s Found proof of work %s Nonce: %s',
log_prefix, trialValue, nonce
delta = time.time() - start_time
'PoW took %.1f seconds, speed %s.',
delta, sizeof_fmt(nonce / delta)
except: # NameError
payload = pack('>Q', nonce) + payload
# inventoryHash = calculateInventoryHash(payload)
return payload
# This function also broadcasts out the pubkey message
# once it is done with the POW
def doPOWForMyV2Pubkey(self, adressHash):
# Look up my stream number based on my address hash
"""configSections = shared.config.addresses()
for addressInKeysFile in configSections:
if addressInKeysFile != 'bitmessagesettings':
status, addressVersionNumber, streamNumber, \
hashFromThisParticularAddress = \
if hash == hashFromThisParticularAddress:
myAddress = addressInKeysFile
myAddress = shared.myAddressesByHash[adressHash]
# status
_, addressVersionNumber, streamNumber, adressHash = decodeAddress(myAddress)
# 28 days from now plus or minus five minutes
TTL = int(28 * 24 * 60 * 60 + helper_random.randomrandrange(-300, 300))
embeddedTime = int(time.time() + TTL)
payload = pack('>Q', (embeddedTime))
payload += '\x00\x00\x00\x01' # object type: pubkey
payload += encodeVarint(addressVersionNumber) # Address version number
payload += encodeVarint(streamNumber)
# bitfield of features supported by me (see the wiki).
payload += protocol.getBitfield(myAddress)
# privSigningKeyHex, privEncryptionKeyHex
_, _, pubSigningKey, pubEncryptionKey = \
except Exception as err:
'Error within doPOWForMyV2Pubkey. Could not read'
' the keys from the keys.dat file for a requested'
' address. %s\n', err
payload += pubSigningKey + pubEncryptionKey
# Do the POW for this pubkey message
payload = self._doPOWDefaults(
payload, TTL, log_prefix='(For pubkey message)')
inventoryHash = calculateInventoryHash(payload)
objectType = 1
Inventory()[inventoryHash] = (
objectType, streamNumber, payload, embeddedTime, '')
||||'broadcasting inv with hash: %s', hexlify(inventoryHash))
queues.invQueue.put((streamNumber, inventoryHash))
queues.UISignalQueue.put(('updateStatusBar', ''))
myAddress, 'lastpubkeysendtime', str(int(time.time())))
# The user deleted the address out of the keys.dat file
# before this finished.
# If this isn't a chan address, this function assembles the pubkey data,
# does the necessary POW and sends it out. If it *is* a chan then it
# assembles the pubkey and stores is in the pubkey table so that we can
# send messages to "ourselves".
def sendOutOrStoreMyV3Pubkey(self, adressHash):
myAddress = shared.myAddressesByHash[adressHash]
# The address has been deleted.
if BMConfigParser().safeGetBoolean(myAddress, 'chan'):
||||'This is a chan address. Not sending pubkey.')
_, addressVersionNumber, streamNumber, adressHash = decodeAddress(
# 28 days from now plus or minus five minutes
TTL = int(28 * 24 * 60 * 60 + helper_random.randomrandrange(-300, 300))
embeddedTime = int(time.time() + TTL)
# signedTimeForProtocolV2 = embeddedTime - TTL
# According to the protocol specification, the expiresTime
# along with the pubkey information is signed. But to be
# backwards compatible during the upgrade period, we shall sign
# not the expiresTime but rather the current time. There must be
# precisely a 28 day difference between the two. After the upgrade
# period we'll switch to signing the whole payload with the
# expiresTime time.
payload = pack('>Q', (embeddedTime))
payload += '\x00\x00\x00\x01' # object type: pubkey
payload += encodeVarint(addressVersionNumber) # Address version number
payload += encodeVarint(streamNumber)
# bitfield of features supported by me (see the wiki).
payload += protocol.getBitfield(myAddress)
# , privEncryptionKeyHex
privSigningKeyHex, _, pubSigningKey, pubEncryptionKey = \
except Exception as err:
'Error within sendOutOrStoreMyV3Pubkey. Could not read'
' the keys from the keys.dat file for a requested'
' address. %s\n', err
payload += pubSigningKey + pubEncryptionKey
payload += encodeVarint(BMConfigParser().getint(
myAddress, 'noncetrialsperbyte'))
payload += encodeVarint(BMConfigParser().getint(
myAddress, 'payloadlengthextrabytes'))
signature = highlevelcrypto.sign(payload, privSigningKeyHex)
payload += encodeVarint(len(signature))
payload += signature
# Do the POW for this pubkey message
payload = self._doPOWDefaults(
payload, TTL, log_prefix='(For pubkey message)')
inventoryHash = calculateInventoryHash(payload)
objectType = 1
Inventory()[inventoryHash] = (
objectType, streamNumber, payload, embeddedTime, '')
||||'broadcasting inv with hash: ' + hexlify(inventoryHash))
queues.invQueue.put((streamNumber, inventoryHash))
queues.UISignalQueue.put(('updateStatusBar', ''))
myAddress, 'lastpubkeysendtime', str(int(time.time())))
# The user deleted the address out of the keys.dat file
# before this finished.
# If this isn't a chan address, this function assembles
# the pubkey data, does the necessary POW and sends it out.
def sendOutOrStoreMyV4Pubkey(self, myAddress):
if not BMConfigParser().has_section(myAddress):
# The address has been deleted.
if shared.BMConfigParser().safeGetBoolean(myAddress, 'chan'):
||||'This is a chan address. Not sending pubkey.')
_, addressVersionNumber, streamNumber, addressHash = decodeAddress(
# 28 days from now plus or minus five minutes
TTL = int(28 * 24 * 60 * 60 + helper_random.randomrandrange(-300, 300))
embeddedTime = int(time.time() + TTL)
payload = pack('>Q', (embeddedTime))
payload += '\x00\x00\x00\x01' # object type: pubkey
payload += encodeVarint(addressVersionNumber) # Address version number
payload += encodeVarint(streamNumber)
dataToEncrypt = protocol.getBitfield(myAddress)
# , privEncryptionKeyHex
privSigningKeyHex, _, pubSigningKey, pubEncryptionKey = \
except Exception as err:
'Error within sendOutOrStoreMyV4Pubkey. Could not read'
' the keys from the keys.dat file for a requested'
' address. %s\n', err
dataToEncrypt += pubSigningKey + pubEncryptionKey
dataToEncrypt += encodeVarint(BMConfigParser().getint(
myAddress, 'noncetrialsperbyte'))
dataToEncrypt += encodeVarint(BMConfigParser().getint(
myAddress, 'payloadlengthextrabytes'))
# When we encrypt, we'll use a hash of the data
# contained in an address as a decryption key. This way
# in order to read the public keys in a pubkey message,
# a node must know the address first. We'll also tag,
# unencrypted, the pubkey with part of the hash so that nodes
# know which pubkey object to try to decrypt
# when they want to send a message.
doubleHashOfAddressData = hashlib.sha512(hashlib.sha512(
encodeVarint(addressVersionNumber) +
encodeVarint(streamNumber) + addressHash
payload += doubleHashOfAddressData[32:] # the tag
signature = highlevelcrypto.sign(
payload + dataToEncrypt, privSigningKeyHex
dataToEncrypt += encodeVarint(len(signature))
dataToEncrypt += signature
privEncryptionKey = doubleHashOfAddressData[:32]
pubEncryptionKey = highlevelcrypto.pointMult(privEncryptionKey)
payload += highlevelcrypto.encrypt(
dataToEncrypt, hexlify(pubEncryptionKey))
# Do the POW for this pubkey message
payload = self._doPOWDefaults(
payload, TTL, log_prefix='(For pubkey message)')
inventoryHash = calculateInventoryHash(payload)
objectType = 1
Inventory()[inventoryHash] = (
objectType, streamNumber, payload, embeddedTime,
||||'broadcasting inv with hash: ' + hexlify(inventoryHash))
queues.invQueue.put((streamNumber, inventoryHash))
queues.UISignalQueue.put(('updateStatusBar', ''))
myAddress, 'lastpubkeysendtime', str(int(time.time())))
except Exception as err:
'Error: Couldn\'t add the lastpubkeysendtime'
' to the keys.dat file. Error message: %s', err
def sendBroadcast(self):
# Reset just in case
'''UPDATE sent SET status='broadcastqueued' '''
'''WHERE status = 'doingbroadcastpow' ''')
queryreturn = sqlQuery(
'''SELECT fromaddress, subject, message, '''
''' ackdata, ttl, encodingtype FROM sent '''
''' WHERE status=? and folder='sent' ''', 'broadcastqueued')
for row in queryreturn:
fromaddress, subject, body, ackdata, TTL, encoding = row
# status
_, addressVersionNumber, streamNumber, ripe = \
if addressVersionNumber <= 1:
'Error: In the singleWorker thread, the '
' sendBroadcast function doesn\'t understand'
' the address version.\n')
# We need to convert our private keys to public keys in order
# to include them.
# , privEncryptionKeyHex
privSigningKeyHex, _, pubSigningKey, pubEncryptionKey = \
'updateSentItemStatusByAckdata', (
"Error! Could not find sender address"
" (your address) in the keys.dat file."))
'''UPDATE sent SET status='doingbroadcastpow' '''
''' WHERE ackdata=? AND status='broadcastqueued' ''',
# At this time these pubkeys are 65 bytes long
# because they include the encoding byte which we won't
# be sending in the broadcast message.
# pubSigningKey = \
# highlevelcrypto.privToPub(privSigningKeyHex).decode('hex')
if TTL > 28 * 24 * 60 * 60:
TTL = 28 * 24 * 60 * 60
if TTL < 60 * 60:
TTL = 60 * 60
# add some randomness to the TTL
TTL = int(TTL + helper_random.randomrandrange(-300, 300))
embeddedTime = int(time.time() + TTL)
payload = pack('>Q', embeddedTime)
payload += '\x00\x00\x00\x03' # object type: broadcast
if addressVersionNumber <= 3:
payload += encodeVarint(4) # broadcast version
payload += encodeVarint(5) # broadcast version
payload += encodeVarint(streamNumber)
if addressVersionNumber >= 4:
doubleHashOfAddressData = hashlib.sha512(hashlib.sha512(
encodeVarint(addressVersionNumber) +
encodeVarint(streamNumber) + ripe
tag = doubleHashOfAddressData[32:]
payload += tag
tag = ''
dataToEncrypt = encodeVarint(addressVersionNumber)
dataToEncrypt += encodeVarint(streamNumber)
# behavior bitfield
dataToEncrypt += protocol.getBitfield(fromaddress)
dataToEncrypt += pubSigningKey + pubEncryptionKey
if addressVersionNumber >= 3:
dataToEncrypt += encodeVarint(BMConfigParser().getint(
fromaddress, 'noncetrialsperbyte'))
dataToEncrypt += encodeVarint(BMConfigParser().getint(
fromaddress, 'payloadlengthextrabytes'))
# message encoding type
dataToEncrypt += encodeVarint(encoding)
encodedMessage = helper_msgcoding.MsgEncode(
{"subject": subject, "body": body}, encoding)
dataToEncrypt += encodeVarint(encodedMessage.length)
dataToEncrypt +=
dataToSign = payload + dataToEncrypt
signature = highlevelcrypto.sign(
dataToSign, privSigningKeyHex)
dataToEncrypt += encodeVarint(len(signature))
dataToEncrypt += signature
# Encrypt the broadcast with the information
# contained in the broadcaster's address.
# Anyone who knows the address can generate
# the private encryption key to decrypt the broadcast.
# This provides virtually no privacy; its purpose is to keep
# questionable and illegal content from flowing through the
# Internet connections and being stored on the disk of 3rd parties.
if addressVersionNumber <= 3:
privEncryptionKey = hashlib.sha512(
encodeVarint(addressVersionNumber) +
encodeVarint(streamNumber) + ripe
privEncryptionKey = doubleHashOfAddressData[:32]
pubEncryptionKey = highlevelcrypto.pointMult(privEncryptionKey)
payload += highlevelcrypto.encrypt(
dataToEncrypt, hexlify(pubEncryptionKey))
'updateSentItemStatusByAckdata', (
"Doing work necessary to send broadcast..."))
payload = self._doPOWDefaults(
payload, TTL, log_prefix='(For broadcast message)')
# Sanity check. The payload size should never be larger
# than 256 KiB. There should be checks elsewhere in the code
# to not let the user try to send a message this large
# until we implement message continuation.
if len(payload) > 2 ** 18: # 256 KiB
'This broadcast object is too large to send.'
' This should never happen. Object size: %s',
inventoryHash = calculateInventoryHash(payload)
objectType = 3
Inventory()[inventoryHash] = (
objectType, streamNumber, payload, embeddedTime, tag)
'sending inv (within sendBroadcast function)'
' for object: %s',
queues.invQueue.put((streamNumber, inventoryHash))
'updateSentItemStatusByAckdata', (
"Broadcast sent on %1"
# Update the status of the message in the 'sent' table to have
# a 'broadcastsent' status
'UPDATE sent SET msgid=?, status=?, lastactiontime=?'
' WHERE ackdata=?',
inventoryHash, 'broadcastsent', int(time.time()), ackdata
def sendMsg(self):
# Reset just in case
'''UPDATE sent SET status='msgqueued' '''
''' WHERE status IN ('doingpubkeypow', 'doingmsgpow')''')
queryreturn = sqlQuery(
'''SELECT toaddress, fromaddress, subject, message, '''
''' ackdata, status, ttl, retrynumber, encodingtype FROM '''
''' sent WHERE (status='msgqueued' or status='forcepow') '''
''' and folder='sent' ''')
# while we have a msg that needs some work
for row in queryreturn:
toaddress, fromaddress, subject, message, \
ackdata, status, TTL, retryNumber, encoding = row
# toStatus
_, toAddressVersionNumber, toStreamNumber, toRipe = \
# fromStatus, , ,fromRipe
_, fromAddressVersionNumber, fromStreamNumber, _ = \
# We may or may not already have the pubkey
# for this toAddress. Let's check.
if status == 'forcepow':
# if the status of this msg is 'forcepow'
# then clearly we have the pubkey already
# because the user could not have overridden the message
# about the POW being too difficult without knowing
# the required difficulty.
elif status == 'doingmsgpow':
# We wouldn't have set the status to doingmsgpow
# if we didn't already have the pubkey so let's assume
# that we have it.
# If we are sending a message to ourselves or a chan
# then we won't need an entry in the pubkeys table;
# we can calculate the needed pubkey using the private keys
# in our keys.dat file.
elif BMConfigParser().has_section(toaddress):
'''UPDATE sent SET status='doingmsgpow' '''
''' WHERE toaddress=? AND status='msgqueued' ''',
status = 'doingmsgpow'
elif status == 'msgqueued':
# Let's see if we already have the pubkey in our pubkeys table
queryreturn = sqlQuery(
'''SELECT address FROM pubkeys WHERE address=?''',
# If we have the needed pubkey in the pubkey table already,
if queryreturn != []:
# set the status of this msg to doingmsgpow
'''UPDATE sent SET status='doingmsgpow' '''
''' WHERE toaddress=? AND status='msgqueued' ''',
status = 'doingmsgpow'
# mark the pubkey as 'usedpersonally' so that
# we don't delete it later. If the pubkey version
# is >= 4 then usedpersonally will already be set
# to yes because we'll only ever have
# usedpersonally v4 pubkeys in the pubkeys table.
'''UPDATE pubkeys SET usedpersonally='yes' '''
''' WHERE address=?''',
# We don't have the needed pubkey in the pubkeys table already.
if toAddressVersionNumber <= 3:
toTag = ''
toTag = hashlib.sha512(hashlib.sha512(
encodeVarint(toAddressVersionNumber) +
encodeVarint(toStreamNumber) + toRipe
if toaddress in state.neededPubkeys or \
toTag in state.neededPubkeys:
# We already sent a request for the pubkey
'''UPDATE sent SET status='awaitingpubkey', '''
''' sleeptill=? WHERE toaddress=? '''
''' AND status='msgqueued' ''',
int(time.time()) + 2.5 * 24 * 60 * 60,
'updateSentItemStatusByToAddress', (
"Encryption key was requested earlier."))
# on with the next msg on which we can do some work
# We have not yet sent a request for the pubkey
needToRequestPubkey = True
# If we are trying to send to address
# version >= 4 then the needed pubkey might be
# encrypted in the inventory.
# If we have it we'll need to decrypt it
# and put it in the pubkeys table.
# The decryptAndCheckPubkeyPayload function
# expects that the shared.neededPubkeys dictionary
# already contains the toAddress and cryptor
# object associated with the tag for this toAddress.
if toAddressVersionNumber >= 4:
doubleHashOfToAddressData = hashlib.sha512(
toAddressVersionNumber) +
encodeVarint(toStreamNumber) +
# The first half of the sha512 hash.
privEncryptionKey = doubleHashOfToAddressData[:32]
# The second half of the sha512 hash.
tag = doubleHashOfToAddressData[32:]
state.neededPubkeys[tag] = (
for value in Inventory().by_type_and_tag(1, toTag):
# if valid, this function also puts it
# in the pubkeys table.
if shared.decryptAndCheckPubkeyPayload(
value.payload, toaddress
) == 'successful':
needToRequestPubkey = False
'''UPDATE sent SET '''
''' status='doingmsgpow', '''
''' retrynumber=0 WHERE '''
''' toaddress=? AND '''
''' (status='msgqueued' or '''
''' status='awaitingpubkey' or '''
''' status='doingpubkeypow')''',
del state.neededPubkeys[tag]
# else:
# There was something wrong with this
# pubkey object even though it had
# the correct tag- almost certainly
# because of malicious behavior or
# a badly programmed client. If there are
# any other pubkeys in our inventory
# with the correct tag then we'll try
# to decrypt those.
if needToRequestPubkey:
'''UPDATE sent SET '''
''' status='doingpubkeypow' WHERE '''
''' toaddress=? AND status='msgqueued' ''',
'updateSentItemStatusByToAddress', (
"Sending a request for the"
" recipient\'s encryption key."))
# on with the next msg on which we can do some work
# At this point we know that we have the necessary pubkey
# in the pubkeys table.
TTL *= 2**retryNumber
if TTL > 28 * 24 * 60 * 60:
TTL = 28 * 24 * 60 * 60
# add some randomness to the TTL
TTL = int(TTL + helper_random.randomrandrange(-300, 300))
embeddedTime = int(time.time() + TTL)
# if we aren't sending this to ourselves or a chan
if not BMConfigParser().has_section(toaddress):
shared.ackdataForWhichImWatching[ackdata] = 0
'updateSentItemStatusByAckdata', (
"Looking up the receiver\'s public key"))
||||'Sending a message.')
'First 150 characters of message: %s',
# Let us fetch the recipient's public key out of
# our database. If the required proof of work difficulty
# is too hard then we'll abort.
queryreturn = sqlQuery(
'SELECT transmitdata FROM pubkeys WHERE address=?',
for row in queryreturn:
pubkeyPayload, = row
# The pubkey message is stored with the following items
# all appended:
# -address version
# -stream number
# -behavior bitfield
# -pub signing key
# -pub encryption key
# -nonce trials per byte (if address version is >= 3)
# -length extra bytes (if address version is >= 3)
# to bypass the address version whose length is definitely 1
readPosition = 1
_, streamNumberLength = decodeVarint(
pubkeyPayload[readPosition:readPosition + 10])
readPosition += streamNumberLength
behaviorBitfield = pubkeyPayload[readPosition:readPosition + 4]
# Mobile users may ask us to include their address's
# RIPE hash on a message unencrypted. Before we actually
# do it the sending human must check a box
# in the settings menu to allow it.
# if receiver is a mobile device who expects that their
# address RIPE is included unencrypted on the front of
# the message..
if shared.isBitSetWithinBitfield(behaviorBitfield, 30):
# if we are Not willing to include the receiver's
# RIPE hash on the message..
if not shared.BMConfigParser().safeGetBoolean(
'bitmessagesettings', 'willinglysendtomobile'
'The receiver is a mobile user but the'
' sender (you) has not selected that you'
' are willing to send to mobiles. Aborting'
' send.'
'updateSentItemStatusByAckdata', (
"Problem: Destination is a mobile"
" device who requests that the"
" destination be included in the"
" message but this is disallowed in"
" your settings. %1"
# if the human changes their setting and then
# sends another message or restarts their client,
# this one will send at that time.
readPosition += 4 # to bypass the bitfield of behaviors
# We don't use this key for anything here.
# pubSigningKeyBase256 =
# pubkeyPayload[readPosition:readPosition+64]
readPosition += 64
pubEncryptionKeyBase256 = pubkeyPayload[
readPosition:readPosition + 64]
readPosition += 64
# Let us fetch the amount of work required by the recipient.
if toAddressVersionNumber == 2:
requiredAverageProofOfWorkNonceTrialsPerByte = \
requiredPayloadLengthExtraBytes = \
'updateSentItemStatusByAckdata', (
"Doing work necessary to send message.\n"
"There is no required difficulty for"
" version 2 addresses like this."))
elif toAddressVersionNumber >= 3:
requiredAverageProofOfWorkNonceTrialsPerByte, \
varintLength = decodeVarint(
pubkeyPayload[readPosition:readPosition + 10])
readPosition += varintLength
requiredPayloadLengthExtraBytes, varintLength = \
pubkeyPayload[readPosition:readPosition + 10])
readPosition += varintLength
# We still have to meet a minimum POW difficulty
# regardless of what they say is allowed in order
# to get our message to propagate through the network.
if requiredAverageProofOfWorkNonceTrialsPerByte < \
requiredAverageProofOfWorkNonceTrialsPerByte = \
if requiredPayloadLengthExtraBytes < \
requiredPayloadLengthExtraBytes = \
'Using averageProofOfWorkNonceTrialsPerByte: %s'
' and payloadLengthExtraBytes: %s.',
'updateSentItemStatusByAckdata', (
"Doing work necessary to send message.\n"
"Receiver\'s required difficulty: %1"
" and %2"
requiredAverageProofOfWorkNonceTrialsPerByte) /
requiredPayloadLengthExtraBytes) /
if status != 'forcepow':
if (requiredAverageProofOfWorkNonceTrialsPerByte
> BMConfigParser().getint(
) and
) != 0) or (
> BMConfigParser().getint(
) and
) != 0):
# The demanded difficulty is more than
# we are willing to do.
'''UPDATE sent SET status='toodifficult' '''
''' WHERE ackdata=? ''',
'updateSentItemStatusByAckdata', (
"Problem: The work demanded by"
" the recipient (%1 and %2) is"
" more difficult than you are"
" willing to do. %3"
/ defaults.networkDefaultProofOfWorkNonceTrialsPerByte
/ defaults.networkDefaultPayloadLengthExtraBytes
else: # if we are sending a message to ourselves or a chan..
||||'Sending a message.')
'First 150 characters of message: %r', message[:150])
behaviorBitfield = protocol.getBitfield(fromaddress)
privEncryptionKeyBase58 = BMConfigParser().get(
toaddress, 'privencryptionkey')
except Exception as err:
'updateSentItemStatusByAckdata', (
"Problem: You are trying to send a"
" message to yourself or a chan but your"
" encryption key could not be found in"
" the keys.dat file. Could not encrypt"
" message. %1"
'Error within sendMsg. Could not read the keys'
' from the keys.dat file for our own address. %s\n',
privEncryptionKeyHex = hexlify(shared.decodeWalletImportFormat(
pubEncryptionKeyBase256 = unhexlify(highlevelcrypto.privToPub(
requiredAverageProofOfWorkNonceTrialsPerByte = \
requiredPayloadLengthExtraBytes = \
'updateSentItemStatusByAckdata', (
"Doing work necessary to send message."))
# Now we can start to assemble our message.
payload = encodeVarint(fromAddressVersionNumber)
payload += encodeVarint(fromStreamNumber)
# Bitfield of features and behaviors
# that can be expected from me. (See
payload += protocol.getBitfield(fromaddress)
# We need to convert our private keys to public keys in order
# to include them.
privSigningKeyHex, privEncryptionKeyHex, \
pubSigningKey, pubEncryptionKey = self._getKeysForAddress(
'updateSentItemStatusByAckdata', (
"Error! Could not find sender address"
" (your address) in the keys.dat file."))
payload += pubSigningKey + pubEncryptionKey
if fromAddressVersionNumber >= 3:
# If the receiver of our message is in our address book,
# subscriptions list, or whitelist then we will allow them to
# do the network-minimum proof of work. Let us check to see if
# the receiver is in any of those lists.
if shared.isAddressInMyAddressBookSubscriptionsListOrWhitelist(
payload += encodeVarint(
payload += encodeVarint(
payload += encodeVarint(BMConfigParser().getint(
fromaddress, 'noncetrialsperbyte'))
payload += encodeVarint(BMConfigParser().getint(
fromaddress, 'payloadlengthextrabytes'))
# This hash will be checked by the receiver of the message
# to verify that toRipe belongs to them. This prevents
# a Surreptitious Forwarding Attack.
payload += toRipe
payload += encodeVarint(encoding) # message encoding type
encodedMessage = helper_msgcoding.MsgEncode(
{"subject": subject, "body": message}, encoding
payload += encodeVarint(encodedMessage.length)
payload +=
if BMConfigParser().has_section(toaddress):
'Not bothering to include ackdata because we are'
' sending to ourselves or a chan.'
fullAckPayload = ''
elif not protocol.checkBitfield(
behaviorBitfield, protocol.BITFIELD_DOESACK):
'Not bothering to include ackdata because'
' the receiver said that they won\'t relay it anyway.'
fullAckPayload = ''
# The fullAckPayload is a normal msg protocol message
# with the proof of work already completed that the
# receiver of this message can easily send out.
fullAckPayload = self.generateFullAckMessage(
ackdata, toStreamNumber, TTL)
payload += encodeVarint(len(fullAckPayload))
payload += fullAckPayload
dataToSign = pack('>Q', embeddedTime) + '\x00\x00\x00\x02' + \
encodeVarint(1) + encodeVarint(toStreamNumber) + payload
signature = highlevelcrypto.sign(dataToSign, privSigningKeyHex)
payload += encodeVarint(len(signature))
payload += signature
# We have assembled the data that will be encrypted.
encrypted = highlevelcrypto.encrypt(
payload, "04" + hexlify(pubEncryptionKeyBase256)
'''UPDATE sent SET status='badkey' WHERE ackdata=?''',
'updateSentItemStatusByAckdata', (
"Problem: The recipient\'s encryption key is"
" no good. Could not encrypt message. %1"
encryptedPayload = pack('>Q', embeddedTime)
encryptedPayload += '\x00\x00\x00\x02' # object type: msg
encryptedPayload += encodeVarint(1) # msg version
encryptedPayload += encodeVarint(toStreamNumber) + encrypted
target = 2 ** 64 / (
requiredAverageProofOfWorkNonceTrialsPerByte * (
len(encryptedPayload) + 8 +
requiredPayloadLengthExtraBytes + ((
TTL * (
len(encryptedPayload) + 8 +
)) / (2 ** 16))
'(For msg message) Doing proof of work. Total required'
' difficulty: %f. Required small message difficulty: %f.',
float(requiredAverageProofOfWorkNonceTrialsPerByte) /
float(requiredPayloadLengthExtraBytes) /
powStartTime = time.time()
initialHash = hashlib.sha512(encryptedPayload).digest()
trialValue, nonce =, initialHash)
'(For msg message) Found proof of work %s Nonce: %s',
trialValue, nonce
'PoW took %.1f seconds, speed %s.',
time.time() - powStartTime,
sizeof_fmt(nonce / (time.time() - powStartTime))
encryptedPayload = pack('>Q', nonce) + encryptedPayload
# Sanity check. The encryptedPayload size should never be
# larger than 256 KiB. There should be checks elsewhere
# in the code to not let the user try to send a message
# this large until we implement message continuation.
if len(encryptedPayload) > 2 ** 18: # 256 KiB
'This msg object is too large to send. This should'
' never happen. Object size: %i',
inventoryHash = calculateInventoryHash(encryptedPayload)
objectType = 2
Inventory()[inventoryHash] = (
objectType, toStreamNumber, encryptedPayload, embeddedTime, '')
if BMConfigParser().has_section(toaddress) or \
not protocol.checkBitfield(
behaviorBitfield, protocol.BITFIELD_DOESACK):
'updateSentItemStatusByAckdata', (
"Message sent. Sent at %1"
# not sending to a chan or one of my addresses
'updateSentItemStatusByAckdata', (
"Message sent. Waiting for acknowledgement."
" Sent on %1"
'Broadcasting inv for my msg(within sendmsg function): %s',
queues.invQueue.put((toStreamNumber, inventoryHash))
# Update the sent message in the sent table with the
# necessary information.
if BMConfigParser().has_section(toaddress) or \
not protocol.checkBitfield(
behaviorBitfield, protocol.BITFIELD_DOESACK):
newStatus = 'msgsentnoackexpected'
newStatus = 'msgsent'
# wait 10% past expiration
sleepTill = int(time.time() + TTL * 1.1)
'''UPDATE sent SET msgid=?, status=?, retrynumber=?, '''
''' sleeptill=?, lastactiontime=? WHERE ackdata=?''',
inventoryHash, newStatus, retryNumber + 1,
sleepTill, int(time.time()), ackdata
# If we are sending to ourselves or a chan, let's put
# the message in our own inbox.
if BMConfigParser().has_section(toaddress):
# Used to detect and ignore duplicate messages in our inbox
sigHash = hashlib.sha512(hashlib.sha512(
t = (inventoryHash, toaddress, fromaddress, subject, int(
time.time()), message, 'inbox', encoding, 0, sigHash)
queues.UISignalQueue.put(('displayNewInboxMessage', (
inventoryHash, toaddress, fromaddress, subject, message)))
# If we are behaving as an API then we might need to run an
# outside command to let some program know that a new message
# has arrived.
if BMConfigParser().safeGetBoolean(
'bitmessagesettings', 'apienabled'):
apiNotifyPath = BMConfigParser().get(
'bitmessagesettings', 'apinotifypath')
apiNotifyPath = ''
if apiNotifyPath != '':
call([apiNotifyPath, "newMessage"])
def requestPubKey(self, toAddress):
toStatus, addressVersionNumber, streamNumber, ripe = decodeAddress(
if toStatus != 'success':
'Very abnormal error occurred in requestPubKey.'
' toAddress is: %r. Please report this error to Atheros.',
queryReturn = sqlQuery(
'''SELECT retrynumber FROM sent WHERE toaddress=? '''
''' AND (status='doingpubkeypow' OR status='awaitingpubkey') '''
''' LIMIT 1''',
if len(queryReturn) == 0:
'BUG: Why are we requesting the pubkey for %s'
' if there are no messages in the sent folder'
' to that address?', toAddress
retryNumber = queryReturn[0][0]
if addressVersionNumber <= 3:
state.neededPubkeys[toAddress] = 0
elif addressVersionNumber >= 4:
# If the user just clicked 'send' then the tag
# (and other information) will already be in the
# neededPubkeys dictionary. But if we are recovering
# from a restart of the client then we have to put it in now.
# Note that this is the first half of the sha512 hash.
privEncryptionKey = hashlib.sha512(hashlib.sha512(
encodeVarint(addressVersionNumber) +
encodeVarint(streamNumber) + ripe
# Note that this is the second half of the sha512 hash.
tag = hashlib.sha512(hashlib.sha512(
encodeVarint(addressVersionNumber) +
encodeVarint(streamNumber) + ripe
if tag not in state.neededPubkeys:
# We'll need this for when we receive a pubkey reply:
# it will be encrypted and we'll need to decrypt it.
state.neededPubkeys[tag] = (
# 2.5 days. This was chosen fairly arbitrarily.
TTL = 2.5 * 24 * 60 * 60
TTL *= 2 ** retryNumber
if TTL > 28 * 24 * 60 * 60:
TTL = 28 * 24 * 60 * 60
# add some randomness to the TTL
TTL = TTL + helper_random.randomrandrange(-300, 300)
embeddedTime = int(time.time() + TTL)
payload = pack('>Q', embeddedTime)
payload += '\x00\x00\x00\x00' # object type: getpubkey
payload += encodeVarint(addressVersionNumber)
payload += encodeVarint(streamNumber)
if addressVersionNumber <= 3:
payload += ripe
'making request for pubkey with ripe: %s', hexlify(ripe))
payload += tag
'making request for v4 pubkey with tag: %s', hexlify(tag))
# print 'trial value', trialValue
statusbar = 'Doing the computations necessary to request' +\
' the recipient\'s public key.'
queues.UISignalQueue.put(('updateStatusBar', statusbar))
'updateSentItemStatusByToAddress', (
"Doing work necessary to request encryption key."))
payload = self._doPOWDefaults(payload, TTL)
inventoryHash = calculateInventoryHash(payload)
objectType = 1
Inventory()[inventoryHash] = (
objectType, streamNumber, payload, embeddedTime, '')
||||'sending inv (for the getpubkey message)')
queues.invQueue.put((streamNumber, inventoryHash))
# wait 10% past expiration
sleeptill = int(time.time() + TTL * 1.1)
'''UPDATE sent SET lastactiontime=?, '''
''' status='awaitingpubkey', retrynumber=?, sleeptill=? '''
''' WHERE toaddress=? AND (status='doingpubkeypow' OR '''
''' status='awaitingpubkey') ''',
int(time.time()), retryNumber + 1, sleeptill, toAddress)
"Broadcasting the public key request. This program will"
" auto-retry if they are offline.")
'updateSentItemStatusByToAddress', (
"Sending public key request. Waiting for reply."
" Requested at %1"
def generateFullAckMessage(self, ackdata, toStreamNumber, TTL):
# It might be perfectly fine to just use the same TTL for
# the ackdata that we use for the message. But I would rather
# it be more difficult for attackers to associate ackData with
# the associated msg object. However, users would want the TTL
# of the acknowledgement to be about the same as they set
# for the message itself. So let's set the TTL of the
# acknowledgement to be in one of three 'buckets': 1 hour, 7
# days, or 28 days, whichever is relatively close to what the
# user specified.
if TTL < 24 * 60 * 60: # 1 day
TTL = 24 * 60 * 60 # 1 day
elif TTL < 7 * 24 * 60 * 60: # 1 week
TTL = 7 * 24 * 60 * 60 # 1 week
TTL = 28 * 24 * 60 * 60 # 4 weeks
# Add some randomness to the TTL
TTL = int(TTL + helper_random.randomrandrange(-300, 300))
embeddedTime = int(time.time() + TTL)
# type/version/stream already included
payload = pack('>Q', (embeddedTime)) + ackdata
payload = self._doPOWDefaults(
payload, TTL, log_prefix='(For ack message)', log_time=True)
return protocol.CreatePacket('object', payload)
@ -14,6 +14,8 @@ import queues
import state
import tr#anslate
import helper_random
import addresses
import binascii
# This thread exists because SQLITE3 is so un-threadsafe that we must
# submit queries to it and it puts results back in a different queue. They
# won't let us just use locks.
@ -165,16 +167,55 @@ class sqlThread(threading.Thread):
logger.debug('Vacuuming message.dat. You might notice that the file size gets much smaller.')
self.cur.execute( ''' VACUUM ''')
# After code refactoring, the possible status values for sent messages
# have changed.
'''update sent set status='doingmsgpow' where status='doingpow' ''')
'''update sent set status='msgsent' where status='sentmessage' ''')
'''update sent set status='doingpubkeypow' where status='findingpubkey' ''')
'''update sent set status='broadcastqueued' where status='broadcastpending' ''')
# Retry number now has no meaning for getpubkey messages
UPDATE "sent" SET "retrynumber" = 0
WHERE "status" IN (
'doingpubkeypow', 'awaitingpubkey',
'findingpubkey' -- Old name
# Reset temporary message status values
# TODO: stop writing them to the database, they should exist only in memory
UPDATE "sent" SET "status" = 'broadcastqueued'
WHERE "status" == 'doingbroadcastpow';
UPDATE "sent" SET "status" = 'msgqueued'
WHERE "status" IN (
'doingmsgpow', 'doingpubkeypow', 'awaitingpubkey',
'doingpow', 'findingpubkey' -- Old names
# Update status values inherited from old versions
self.cur.execute("""UPDATE "sent" SET "status" = 'msgsent' WHERE "status" == 'sentmessage';""")
![]() pep8 validation here. pep8 validation here.
self.cur.execute("""UPDATE "sent" SET "status" = 'broadcastqueued' WHERE "status" == 'broadcastpending';""")
# Add tags to all objects
self.cur.execute("""SELECT "hash", "payload" FROM "inventory" WHERE "tag" == '';""")
updatingCursor = self.conn.cursor()
for ID, payload in self.cur:
readPosition = 20
version, readLength = addresses.decodeVarint(payload[readPosition: readPosition + 9])
readPosition += readLength
stream, readLength = addresses.decodeVarint(payload[readPosition: readPosition + 9])
readPosition += readLength
tag = buffer(payload[readPosition: readPosition + 32]) # May be shorter than 32 bytes for getpubkeys
updatingCursor.execute("""UPDATE "inventory" SET "tag" = ? WHERE "hash" == ?;""", (tag, ID))
if not BMConfigParser().has_option('bitmessagesettings', 'sockslisten'):
@ -476,6 +517,24 @@ class sqlThread(threading.Thread):
parameters = (int(time.time()),)
self.cur.execute(item, parameters)
self.cur.execute("""SELECT "ackdata" FROM "sent" WHERE "status" == 'msgsent';""")
legacyAckData = []
for ackData, in self.cur:
||||"Watching for ack data: %s", binascii.hexlify(ackData))
if len(ackData) == 32:
for i in legacyAckData:
ackData = "\x00\x00\x00\x02\x01\x01" + i
self.cur.execute("""UPDATE "sent" SET "ackdata" = ? WHERE "ackdata" == ?;""", (ackData, i))
state.sqlReady = True
while True:
@ -18,18 +18,6 @@ import queues
import shutdown
from debug import logger
def powQueueSize():
curWorkerQueue = queues.workerQueue.qsize()
for thread in threading.enumerate():
if == "singleWorker":
curWorkerQueue += thread.busy
except Exception as err:
||||'Thread error %s', err)
return curWorkerQueue
def convertIntToString(n):
a = __builtins__.hex(n)
if a[-1:] == 'L':
@ -47,6 +47,7 @@ class BMObject(object):
self.inventoryHash = calculateInventoryHash(data)
# copy to avoid memory issues
|||| = bytearray(data)
# Doesn't matter if the payload is shorter, old version "getpubkey" objects must have 20-byte tags
self.tag =[payloadOffset:payloadOffset+32]
def checkProofOfWorkSufficient(self):
@ -353,7 +353,6 @@ class BMProto(AdvancedDispatcher, ObjectTracker):
objectProcessorQueue.put((self.object.objectType, buffer(
except BMObjectInvalidError as e:
BMProto.stopDownloadingObject(self.object.inventoryHash, True)
@ -369,6 +368,7 @@ class BMProto(AdvancedDispatcher, ObjectTracker):
self.object.objectType, self.object.streamNumber, buffer(self.payload[objectOffset:]), self.object.expiresTime, buffer(self.object.tag))
self.handleReceivedObject(self.object.streamNumber, self.object.inventoryHash)
invQueue.put((self.object.streamNumber, self.object.inventoryHash, self.destination))
objectProcessorQueue.put((self.object.objectType, buffer(
return True
def _decode_addr(self):
@ -62,32 +62,20 @@ Header = Struct('!L12sL4s')
VersionPacket = Struct('>LqQ20s4s36sH')
# Bitfield
def calculateDoubleHash(data):
return hashlib.sha512(hashlib.sha512(data).digest()).digest()
def calculateRipeHash(data):
return"ripemd160", hashlib.sha512(data).digest()).digest()
def getBitfield(address):
"""Get a bitfield from an address"""
# bitfield of features supported by me (see the wiki).
bitfield = 0
# send ack
if not BMConfigParser().safeGetBoolean(address, 'dontsendack'):
return pack('>I', bitfield)
def checkBitfield(bitfieldBinary, flags):
"""Check if a bitfield matches the given flags"""
bitfield, = unpack('>I', bitfieldBinary)
return (bitfield & flags) == flags
def isBitSetWithinBitfield(fourByteString, n):
"""Check if a particular bit is set in a bitfeld"""
# Uses MSB 0 bit numbering across 4 bytes of data
n = 31 - n
x, = unpack('>L', fourByteString)
return x & 2**n != 0
def calculateAddressTag(version, stream, ripe):
doubleHash = calculateDoubleHash(
encodeVarint(version) +
encodeVarint(stream) +
return doubleHash[: 32], doubleHash[32: ]
# ip addresses
@ -199,7 +187,6 @@ def checkSocksIP(host):
state.socksIP = BMConfigParser().get("bitmessagesettings", "sockshostname")
return state.socksIP == host
def isProofOfWorkSufficient(data,
@ -320,122 +307,98 @@ def assembleErrorMessage(fatal=0, banTime=0, inventoryVector='', errorText=''):
# Packet decoding
def decryptAndCheckV4Pubkey(payload, address, cryptor):
status, version, stream, ripe = decodeAddress(address)
readPosition = 20
def decryptAndCheckPubkeyPayload(data, address):
Version 4 pubkeys are encrypted. This function is run when we already have the
address to which we want to try to send a message. The 'data' may come either
off of the wire or we might have had it already in our inventory when we tried
to send a msg to this particular address.
# pylint: disable=unused-variable
status, addressVersion, streamNumber, ripe = decodeAddress(address)
embeddedVersion, readLength = decodeVarint(payload[readPosition: readPosition + 9])
readPosition += readLength
readPosition = 20 # bypass the nonce, time, and object type
embeddedAddressVersion, varintLength = decodeVarint(data[readPosition:readPosition + 10])
readPosition += varintLength
embeddedStreamNumber, varintLength = decodeVarint(data[readPosition:readPosition + 10])
readPosition += varintLength
# We'll store the address version and stream number (and some more) in the pubkeys table.
storedData = data[20:readPosition]
embeddedStream, readLength = decodeVarint(payload[readPosition: readPosition + 9])
readPosition += readLength
return None
if addressVersion != embeddedAddressVersion:
||||'Pubkey decryption was UNsuccessful due to address version mismatch.')
return 'failed'
if streamNumber != embeddedStreamNumber:
||||'Pubkey decryption was UNsuccessful due to stream number mismatch.')
return 'failed'
if embeddedVersion != 4:
||||"Pubkey decryption failed due to address version mismatch")
tag = data[readPosition:readPosition + 32]
readPosition += 32
# the time through the tag. More data is appended onto signedData below after the decryption.
signedData = data[8:readPosition]
encryptedData = data[readPosition:]
return None
# Let us try to decrypt the pubkey
toAddress, cryptorObject = state.neededPubkeys[tag]
if toAddress != address:
'decryptAndCheckPubkeyPayload failed due to toAddress mismatch.'
' This is very peculiar. toAddress: %s, address %s',
# the only way I can think that this could happen is if someone encodes their address data two different
# ways. That sort of address-malleability should have been caught by the UI or API and an error given to
# the user.
return 'failed'
decryptedData = cryptorObject.decrypt(encryptedData)
# Someone must have encrypted some data with a different key
# but tagged it with a tag for which we are watching.
||||'Pubkey decryption was unsuccessful.')
return 'failed'
if embeddedStream != stream:
||||"Pubkey decryption failed due to stream number mismatch")
readPosition = 0
bitfieldBehaviors = decryptedData[readPosition:readPosition + 4]
return None
result = payload[20: readPosition]
tag = payload[readPosition: readPosition + 32]
readPosition += 32
if len(tag) < 32:
return None
signedData = payload[8: readPosition]
ciphertext = payload[readPosition: ]
plaintext = cryptor.decrypt(ciphertext)
||||"Pubkey decryption failed")
return None
readPosition = 0
bitfield = unpack(">I", plaintext[readPosition: readPosition + 4])
readPosition += 4
publicSigningKey = '\x04' + decryptedData[readPosition:readPosition + 64]
readPosition += 64
publicEncryptionKey = '\x04' + decryptedData[readPosition:readPosition + 64]
readPosition += 64
specifiedNonceTrialsPerByte, specifiedNonceTrialsPerByteLength = decodeVarint(
decryptedData[readPosition:readPosition + 10])
readPosition += specifiedNonceTrialsPerByteLength
specifiedPayloadLengthExtraBytes, specifiedPayloadLengthExtraBytesLength = decodeVarint(
decryptedData[readPosition:readPosition + 10])
readPosition += specifiedPayloadLengthExtraBytesLength
storedData += decryptedData[:readPosition]
signedData += decryptedData[:readPosition]
signatureLength, signatureLengthLength = decodeVarint(
decryptedData[readPosition:readPosition + 10])
readPosition += signatureLengthLength
signature = decryptedData[readPosition:readPosition + signatureLength]
return None
if highlevelcrypto.verify(signedData, signature, hexlify(publicSigningKey)):
||||'ECDSA verify passed (within decryptAndCheckPubkeyPayload)')
||||'ECDSA verify failed (within decryptAndCheckPubkeyPayload)')
return 'failed'
publicSigningKey = "\x04" + plaintext[readPosition: readPosition + 64]
readPosition += 64
sha ='sha512')
sha.update(publicSigningKey + publicEncryptionKey)
ripeHasher ='ripemd160')
embeddedRipe = ripeHasher.digest()
publicEncryptionKey = "\x04" + plaintext[readPosition: readPosition + 64]
readPosition += 64
if embeddedRipe != ripe:
# Although this pubkey object had the tag were were looking for and was
# encrypted with the correct encryption key, it doesn't contain the
# correct pubkeys. Someone is either being malicious or using buggy software.
||||'Pubkey decryption was UNsuccessful due to RIPE mismatch.')
return 'failed'
if len(publicSigningKey) != 65 or len(publicEncryptionKey) != 65:
return None
# Everything checked out. Insert it into the pubkeys table.
embeddedRipe = calculateRipeHash(publicSigningKey + publicEncryptionKey)
'within decryptAndCheckPubkeyPayload,'
' addressVersion: %s, streamNumber: %s' % addressVersion, streamNumber,
'ripe %s' % hexlify(ripe),
'publicSigningKey in hex: %s' % hexlify(publicSigningKey),
'publicEncryptionKey in hex: %s' % hexlify(publicEncryptionKey),
if embeddedRipe != ripe:
||||"Pubkey decryption failed due to RIPE mismatch")
t = (address, addressVersion, storedData, int(time.time()), 'yes')
sqlExecute('''INSERT INTO pubkeys VALUES (?,?,?,?,?)''', *t)
return 'successful'
except varintDecodeError:
||||'Pubkey decryption was UNsuccessful due to a malformed varint.')
return 'failed'
except Exception:
'Pubkey decryption was UNsuccessful because of an unhandled exception! This is definitely a bug! \n%s',
return 'failed'
return None
byteDifficulty, readLength = decodeVarint(plaintext[readPosition: readPosition + 9])
readPosition += readLength
lengthExtension, readLength = decodeVarint(plaintext[readPosition: readPosition + 9])
readPosition += readLength
return None
result += plaintext[: readPosition]
signedData += plaintext[: readPosition]
signatureLength, readLength = decodeVarint(plaintext[readPosition: readPosition + 9])
readPosition += readLength
signature = plaintext[readPosition: readPosition + signatureLength]
if len(signature) != signatureLength:
return None
if not highlevelcrypto.verify(signedData, signature, hexlify(publicSigningKey)):
||||"Invalid signature on a pubkey")
return None
return result
def checkAndShareObjectWithPeers(data):
@ -68,7 +68,6 @@ alreadyAttemptedConnectionsListLock = threading.Lock()
alreadyAttemptedConnectionsListResetTime = int(time.time())
# A list of the amounts of time it took to successfully decrypt msg messages
successfullyDecryptMessageTimings = []
ackdataForWhichImWatching = {}
# used by API command clientStatus
clientHasReceivedIncomingConnections = False
numberOfMessagesProcessed = 0
@ -287,150 +286,6 @@ def fixSensitiveFilePermissions(filename, hasEnabledKeys):
logger.exception('Keyfile permissions could not be fixed.')
def isBitSetWithinBitfield(fourByteString, n):
# Uses MSB 0 bit numbering across 4 bytes of data
n = 31 - n
x, = unpack('>L', fourByteString)
return x & 2**n != 0
def decryptAndCheckPubkeyPayload(data, address):
Version 4 pubkeys are encrypted. This function is run when we
already have the address to which we want to try to send a message.
The 'data' may come either off of the wire or we might have had it
already in our inventory when we tried to send a msg to this
particular address.
# status
_, addressVersion, streamNumber, ripe = decodeAddress(address)
readPosition = 20 # bypass the nonce, time, and object type
embeddedAddressVersion, varintLength = \
decodeVarint(data[readPosition:readPosition + 10])
readPosition += varintLength
embeddedStreamNumber, varintLength = \
decodeVarint(data[readPosition:readPosition + 10])
readPosition += varintLength
# We'll store the address version and stream number
# (and some more) in the pubkeys table.
storedData = data[20:readPosition]
if addressVersion != embeddedAddressVersion:
'Pubkey decryption was UNsuccessful'
' due to address version mismatch.')
return 'failed'
if streamNumber != embeddedStreamNumber:
'Pubkey decryption was UNsuccessful'
' due to stream number mismatch.')
return 'failed'
tag = data[readPosition:readPosition + 32]
readPosition += 32
# the time through the tag. More data is appended onto
# signedData below after the decryption.
signedData = data[8:readPosition]
encryptedData = data[readPosition:]
# Let us try to decrypt the pubkey
toAddress, cryptorObject = state.neededPubkeys[tag]
if toAddress != address:
'decryptAndCheckPubkeyPayload failed due to toAddress'
' mismatch. This is very peculiar.'
' toAddress: %s, address %s',
toAddress, address
# the only way I can think that this could happen
# is if someone encodes their address data two different ways.
# That sort of address-malleability should have been caught
# by the UI or API and an error given to the user.
return 'failed'
decryptedData = cryptorObject.decrypt(encryptedData)
# Someone must have encrypted some data with a different key
# but tagged it with a tag for which we are watching.
||||'Pubkey decryption was unsuccessful.')
return 'failed'
readPosition = 0
# bitfieldBehaviors = decryptedData[readPosition:readPosition + 4]
readPosition += 4
publicSigningKey = \
'\x04' + decryptedData[readPosition:readPosition + 64]
readPosition += 64
publicEncryptionKey = \
'\x04' + decryptedData[readPosition:readPosition + 64]
readPosition += 64
specifiedNonceTrialsPerByte, specifiedNonceTrialsPerByteLength = \
decodeVarint(decryptedData[readPosition:readPosition + 10])
readPosition += specifiedNonceTrialsPerByteLength
specifiedPayloadLengthExtraBytes, \
specifiedPayloadLengthExtraBytesLength = \
decodeVarint(decryptedData[readPosition:readPosition + 10])
readPosition += specifiedPayloadLengthExtraBytesLength
storedData += decryptedData[:readPosition]
signedData += decryptedData[:readPosition]
signatureLength, signatureLengthLength = \
decodeVarint(decryptedData[readPosition:readPosition + 10])
readPosition += signatureLengthLength
signature = decryptedData[readPosition:readPosition + signatureLength]
if not highlevelcrypto.verify(
signedData, signature, hexlify(publicSigningKey)):
'ECDSA verify failed (within decryptAndCheckPubkeyPayload)')
return 'failed'
'ECDSA verify passed (within decryptAndCheckPubkeyPayload)')
sha ='sha512')
sha.update(publicSigningKey + publicEncryptionKey)
ripeHasher ='ripemd160')
embeddedRipe = ripeHasher.digest()
if embeddedRipe != ripe:
# Although this pubkey object had the tag were were looking for
# and was encrypted with the correct encryption key,
# it doesn't contain the correct pubkeys. Someone is
# either being malicious or using buggy software.
'Pubkey decryption was UNsuccessful due to RIPE mismatch.')
return 'failed'
# Everything checked out. Insert it into the pubkeys table.
'within decryptAndCheckPubkeyPayload, '
'addressVersion: %s, streamNumber: %s\nripe %s\n'
'publicSigningKey in hex: %s\npublicEncryptionKey in hex: %s',
addressVersion, streamNumber, hexlify(ripe),
hexlify(publicSigningKey), hexlify(publicEncryptionKey)
t = (address, addressVersion, storedData, int(time.time()), 'yes')
sqlExecute('''INSERT INTO pubkeys VALUES (?,?,?,?,?)''', *t)
return 'successful'
except varintDecodeError:
'Pubkey decryption was UNsuccessful due to a malformed varint.')
return 'failed'
except Exception:
'Pubkey decryption was UNsuccessful because of'
' an unhandled exception! This is definitely a bug! \n%s' %
return 'failed'
def checkAndShareObjectWithPeers(data):
This function is called after either receiving an object
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,942 @@
import binascii
import collections
import hashlib
import os.path
import struct
import threading
import time
import addresses
import bmconfigparser
import debug
import defaults
import helper_msgcoding
import helper_sql
import helper_random
import helper_threading
import highlevelcrypto
import inventory
import l10n
import paths
import protocol
import shared
import state
import tr
import queues
import workprover
# Message status flow:
# +----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+
# v |
# +-> msgqueued -+---------------------------------------->+-+-> doingmsgpow -+-> msgsent -+-> ackreceived
# ^ | ^ | |
# | +-> awaitingpubkey -+-> doingpubkeypow -+ | | +-> msgsentnoackexpected
# | ^ v | | | |
# +--------------+-------------------+-------------------+ | | +-> badkey
# | |
# | +-> toodifficult --> forcepow -+
# | |
# +--------------------------------+
# Broadcast status flow:
# broadcastqueued --> doingbroadcastpow --> broadcastsent
# TODO: queued pubkey messages are not saved to the database, they disappear when the client is closed
AddressProperties = collections.namedtuple("AddressProperties", [
"version", "stream", "ripe",
"own", "chan", "bitfield", "byteDifficulty", "lengthExtension",
"secretSigningKey", "secretEncryptionKey", "publicSigningKey", "publicEncryptionKey"
def getMyAddressProperties(address, defaultDifficulty = False):
status, version, stream, ripe = addresses.decodeAddress(address)
if defaultDifficulty:
byteDifficulty = defaults.networkDefaultProofOfWorkNonceTrialsPerByte
lengthExtension = defaults.networkDefaultPayloadLengthExtraBytes
byteDifficulty = bmconfigparser.BMConfigParser().safeGetInt(address, "noncetrialsperbyte", None)
lengthExtension = bmconfigparser.BMConfigParser().safeGetInt(address, "payloadlengthextrabytes", None)
chan = bmconfigparser.BMConfigParser().safeGetBoolean(address, "chan")
bitfield = 0
if not bmconfigparser.BMConfigParser().safeGetBoolean(address, "dontsendack"):
bitfield |= protocol.BITFIELD_DOESACK
secretSigningKeyBase58 = bmconfigparser.BMConfigParser().get(address, "privsigningkey")
secretEncryptionKeyBase58 = bmconfigparser.BMConfigParser().get(address, "privencryptionkey")
secretSigningKey = shared.decodeWalletImportFormat(secretSigningKeyBase58)
secretEncryptionKey = shared.decodeWalletImportFormat(secretEncryptionKeyBase58)
publicSigningKey = binascii.unhexlify(highlevelcrypto.privToPub(binascii.hexlify(secretSigningKey)))
publicEncryptionKey = binascii.unhexlify(highlevelcrypto.privToPub(binascii.hexlify(secretEncryptionKey)))
return AddressProperties(
version, stream, ripe,
True, chan, bitfield, byteDifficulty, lengthExtension,
secretSigningKey, secretEncryptionKey, publicSigningKey, publicEncryptionKey
def parsePubkeyMessage(encoded):
readPosition = 0
version, readLength = addresses.decodeVarint(encoded[readPosition: readPosition + 9])
readPosition += readLength
stream, readLength = addresses.decodeVarint(encoded[readPosition: readPosition + 9])
readPosition += readLength
bitfield, = struct.unpack(">I", encoded[readPosition: readPosition + 4])
readPosition += 4
publicSigningKey = "\x04" + encoded[readPosition: readPosition + 64]
readPosition += 64
publicEncryptionKey = "\x04" + encoded[readPosition: readPosition + 64]
readPosition += 64
ripe = protocol.calculateRipeHash(publicSigningKey + publicEncryptionKey)
if version < 3:
byteDifficulty = defaults.networkDefaultProofOfWorkNonceTrialsPerByte
lengthExtension = defaults.networkDefaultPayloadLengthExtraBytes
byteDifficulty, readLength = addresses.decodeVarint(encoded[readPosition: readPosition + 9])
readPosition += readLength
lengthExtension, readLength = addresses.decodeVarint(encoded[readPosition: readPosition + 9])
readPosition += readLength
byteDifficulty = max(defaults.networkDefaultProofOfWorkNonceTrialsPerByte, byteDifficulty)
lengthExtension = max(defaults.networkDefaultPayloadLengthExtraBytes, lengthExtension)
return AddressProperties(
version, stream, ripe,
False, False, bitfield, byteDifficulty, lengthExtension,
None, None, publicSigningKey, publicEncryptionKey
def getDestinationAddressProperties(address):
# Search own and chan addresses
return getMyAddressProperties(address, True)
# Search the "pubkeys" table in the database
status, version, stream, ripe = addresses.decodeAddress(address)
if version == 4:
secretEncryptionKey, tag = protocol.calculateAddressTag(version, stream, ripe)
cryptor = highlevelcrypto.makeCryptor(binascii.hexlify(secretEncryptionKey))
alreadyNeeded = tag in state.neededPubkeys
state.neededPubkeys[tag] = address, cryptor
alreadyNeeded = address in state.neededPubkeys
state.neededPubkeys[address] = None
helper_sql.sqlExecute("""UPDATE "pubkeys" SET "usedpersonally" = 'yes' WHERE "address" == ?;""", address)
encodedPubkeys = helper_sql.sqlQuery("""SELECT "transmitdata" FROM "pubkeys" WHERE "address" == ?;""", address)
result = None
if len(encodedPubkeys) != 0:
result = parsePubkeyMessage(encodedPubkeys[-1][0])
# Search the inventory for encrypted keys
if result is None and version == 4:
for i in inventory.Inventory().by_type_and_tag(1, tag):
encodedPubkey = protocol.decryptAndCheckV4Pubkey(i.payload, address, cryptor)
if encodedPubkey is None:
INSERT INTO "pubkeys" ("address", "addressversion", "transmitdata", "time", "usedpersonally")
VALUES (?, 4, ?, ?, 'yes');
""", address, encodedPubkey, int(time.time()))
result = parsePubkeyMessage(encodedPubkey)
if result is not None:
if version == 4:
state.neededPubkeys.pop(tag, None)
state.neededPubkeys.pop(address, None)
UPDATE "sent" SET "status" = 'msgqueued'
WHERE "status" IN ('doingpubkeypow', 'awaitingpubkey') AND "toaddress" == ? AND "folder" == 'sent';
""", address)
if alreadyNeeded:
queues.workerQueue.put(("sendmessage", ))
queued = helper_sql.sqlQuery("""
SELECT "ackdata" FROM "sent"
WHERE "status" == 'msgqueued' AND "toaddress" == ? AND "folder" == 'sent';
""", address)
for i, in queued:
queues.UISignalQueue.put(("updateSentItemStatusByAckdata", (
return result
return None
def randomizeTTL(TTL):
return TTL + helper_random.randomrandrange(-300, 300)
def disseminateObject(nonce, expiryTime, headlessPayload, objectType, stream, tag):
payload = nonce + struct.pack(">Q", expiryTime) + headlessPayload
inventoryHash = protocol.calculateDoubleHash(payload)[: 32]
inventory.Inventory()[inventoryHash] = objectType, stream, payload, expiryTime, buffer(tag)
queues.invQueue.put((stream, inventoryHash))
||||"Broadcasting inventory object with hash: %s", binascii.hexlify(inventoryHash))
return inventoryHash, payload
class singleWorker(threading.Thread, helper_threading.StoppableThread):
name = "singleWorker"
def __init__(self):
super(self.__class__, self).__init__()
def stopThread(self):
queues.workerQueue.put(("stopThread", "data"))
super(self.__class__, self).stopThread()
def run(self):
GPUVendor = bmconfigparser.BMConfigParser().safeGet("bitmessagesettings", "opencl")
self.workProver = workprover.WorkProver(
os.path.join(paths.codePath(), "workprover"),
lambda status: queues.UISignalQueue.put(("updateWorkProverStatus", status)),
parallelism = bmconfigparser.BMConfigParser().safeGetInt("bitmessagesettings", "maxcores")
if parallelism is None:
parallelism = self.workProver.defaultParallelism
if "gpu" in self.workProver.availableSolvers and GPUVendor is not None:
self.workProver.commandsQueue.put(("setSolver", "gpu", None))
elif "fast" in self.workProver.availableSolvers:
self.workProver.commandsQueue.put(("setSolver", "fast", parallelism))
elif "forking" in self.workProver.availableSolvers:
self.workProver.commandsQueue.put(("setSolver", "forking", parallelism))
self.workProver.commandsQueue.put(("setSolver", "dumb", None))
if "fast" not in self.workProver.availableSolvers:
queues.UISignalQueue.put(("updateStatusBar", (
"C PoW module unavailable. Please build it."
), 1
self.startedWorks = {}
# Give some time for the GUI to start
# TODO: use a condition variable
queues.workerQueue.put(("sendmessage", ))
queues.workerQueue.put(("sendbroadcast", ))
while state.shutdown == 0:
queueItem = queues.workerQueue.get()
command, arguments = queueItem[0], queueItem[1: ]
if command == "sendmessage":
elif command == "sendbroadcast":
elif command == "sendMyPubkey":
elif command == "requestPubkey":
elif command == "resetPoW":
elif command == "taskDone":
elif command == "stopThread":
self.workProver.commandsQueue.put(("shutdown", ))
def startWork(self, ID, headlessPayload, TTL, expiryTime, byteDifficulty, lengthExtension, logPrefix, callback):
"%s Starting work %s, payload length = %s, TTL = %s",
logPrefix, ID, 8 + 8 + len(headlessPayload), TTL
self.startedWorks[ID] = callback
"addTask", ID, headlessPayload, TTL, expiryTime,
byteDifficulty, lengthExtension
def workDone(self, ID, nonce, expiryTime):
||||"Found proof of work %s", ID)
self.startedWorks[ID](nonce, expiryTime)
del self.startedWorks[ID]
def sendMyPubkey(self, address):
ID = "pubkey", address
if ID in self.startedWorks:
addressProperties = getMyAddressProperties(address)
except Exception as exception:
debug.logger.error("Could not get the properties of a requested address %s\n", exception)
if addressProperties.chan:
||||"This is a chan address. Not sending pubkey")
if addressProperties.version == 4:
secretEncryptionKey, tag = protocol.calculateAddressTag(
publicEncryptionKey = highlevelcrypto.pointMult(secretEncryptionKey)
tag = ""
||||"Sending pubkey of %s", address)
TTL = randomizeTTL(28 * 24 * 60 * 60)
if addressProperties.version > 2:
expiryTime = int(time.time() + TTL)
expiryTime = None
headlessPayload = struct.pack(">I", 1)
headlessPayload += addresses.encodeVarint(addressProperties.version)
headlessPayload += addresses.encodeVarint(
inventoryTagPosition = len(headlessPayload)
headlessPayload += tag
if addressProperties.version == 4:
plaintext = struct.pack(">I", addressProperties.bitfield)
plaintext += addressProperties.publicSigningKey[1: ]
plaintext += addressProperties.publicEncryptionKey[1: ]
plaintext += addresses.encodeVarint(addressProperties.byteDifficulty)
plaintext += addresses.encodeVarint(addressProperties.lengthExtension)
signature = highlevelcrypto.sign(
struct.pack(">Q", expiryTime) + headlessPayload + plaintext,
plaintext += addresses.encodeVarint(len(signature))
plaintext += signature
headlessPayload += highlevelcrypto.encrypt(plaintext, binascii.hexlify(publicEncryptionKey))
headlessPayload += struct.pack(">I", addressProperties.bitfield)
headlessPayload += addressProperties.publicSigningKey[1: ]
headlessPayload += addressProperties.publicEncryptionKey[1: ]
if addressProperties.version == 3:
headlessPayload += addresses.encodeVarint(addressProperties.byteDifficulty)
headlessPayload += addresses.encodeVarint(addressProperties.lengthExtension)
signature = highlevelcrypto.sign(
struct.pack(">Q", expiryTime) + headlessPayload,
headlessPayload += addresses.encodeVarint(len(signature))
headlessPayload += signature
def workDone(nonce, expiryTime):
inventoryTag = headlessPayload[inventoryTagPosition: inventoryTagPosition + 32]
disseminateObject(nonce, expiryTime, headlessPayload, 1,, inventoryTag)
# TODO: not atomic with the addition to the inventory, the "lastpubkeysendtime" property should be removed
# Instead check if the pubkey is present in the inventory
bmconfigparser.BMConfigParser().set(address, "lastpubkeysendtime", str(int(time.time())))
queues.UISignalQueue.put(("updateStatusBar", ""))
ID, headlessPayload, TTL, expiryTime,
"(For pubkey version {} message)".format(addressProperties.version),
def processBroadcast(self, address, subject, body, ackData, TTL, encoding):
ID = "broadcast", ackData
addressProperties = getMyAddressProperties(address)
queues.UISignalQueue.put(("updateSentItemStatusByAckdata", (
"Error! Could not find sender address (your address) in the keys.dat file."
if addressProperties.version < 2:
debug.logger.error("Address version unsupported for broadcasts")
||||"Sending broadcast from %s", address)
if addressProperties.version == 4:
secretEncryptionKey, tag = protocol.calculateAddressTag(
secretEncryptionKey = hashlib.sha512(
addresses.encodeVarint(addressProperties.version) +
addresses.encodeVarint( +
).digest()[: 32]
tag = ""
publicEncryptionKey = highlevelcrypto.pointMult(secretEncryptionKey)
TTL = min(28 * 24 * 60 * 60, TTL)
TTL = max(60 * 60, TTL)
TTL = randomizeTTL(TTL)
expiryTime = int(time.time() + TTL)
headlessPayload = struct.pack(">I", 3)
if addressProperties.version == 4:
headlessPayload += addresses.encodeVarint(5)
headlessPayload += addresses.encodeVarint(4)
headlessPayload += addresses.encodeVarint(
inventoryTagPosition = len(headlessPayload)
headlessPayload += tag
plaintext = addresses.encodeVarint(addressProperties.version)
plaintext += addresses.encodeVarint(
plaintext += struct.pack(">I", addressProperties.bitfield)
plaintext += addressProperties.publicSigningKey[1: ]
plaintext += addressProperties.publicEncryptionKey[1: ]
if addressProperties.version >= 3:
plaintext += addresses.encodeVarint(addressProperties.byteDifficulty)
plaintext += addresses.encodeVarint(addressProperties.lengthExtension)
encodedMessage = helper_msgcoding.MsgEncode({"subject": subject, "body": body}, encoding)
plaintext += addresses.encodeVarint(encoding)
plaintext += addresses.encodeVarint(encodedMessage.length)
plaintext +=
signature = highlevelcrypto.sign(
struct.pack(">Q", expiryTime) + headlessPayload + plaintext,
plaintext += addresses.encodeVarint(len(signature))
plaintext += signature
headlessPayload += highlevelcrypto.encrypt(plaintext, binascii.hexlify(publicEncryptionKey))
if len(headlessPayload) > 2 ** 18 - (8 + 8): # 256 kiB
"This broadcast object is too large to send. This should never happen. Object size: %s",
def workDone(nonce, expiryTime):
inventoryTag = headlessPayload[inventoryTagPosition: inventoryTagPosition + 32]
# TODO: adding to the inventory, adding to inbox and setting the sent status should be within a single SQL transaction
inventoryHash, payload = disseminateObject(
nonce, expiryTime, headlessPayload,
3,, inventoryTag
UPDATE "sent" SET "msgid" = ?, "status" = 'broadcastsent', "lastactiontime" = ?
WHERE "ackdata" == ?;
""", inventoryHash, int(time.time()), ackData)
queues.UISignalQueue.put(("updateSentItemStatusByAckdata", (
tr._translate("MainWindow", "Broadcast sent on %1").arg(l10n.formatTimestamp())
# Add to own inbox
if addressProperties.version == 4:
if tag in shared.MyECSubscriptionCryptorObjects:
queues.objectProcessorQueue.put((3, payload))
if addressProperties.ripe in shared.MyECSubscriptionCryptorObjects:
queues.objectProcessorQueue.put((3, payload))
helper_sql.sqlExecute("""UPDATE "sent" SET "status" = 'doingbroadcastpow' WHERE "ackdata" == ?;""", ackData)
queues.UISignalQueue.put(("updateSentItemStatusByAckdata", (
"Doing work necessary to send broadcast."
ID, headlessPayload, TTL, expiryTime,
"(For broadcast message)",
def sendBroadcasts(self):
queued = helper_sql.sqlQuery("""
SELECT "fromaddress", "subject", "message", "ackdata", "ttl", "encodingtype" FROM "sent"
WHERE "status" == 'broadcastqueued' AND "folder" == 'sent';
for i in queued:
# Must be in a separate function because of the nested callback
def generateAckMessage(self, ackData, stream, TTL, callback):
ID = "ack", ackData
# It might be perfectly fine to just use the same TTL for
# the ackdata that we use for the message. But I would rather
# it be more difficult for attackers to associate ackData with
# the associated msg object. However, users would want the TTL
# of the acknowledgement to be about the same as they set
# for the message itself. So let's set the TTL of the
# acknowledgement to be in one of three 'buckets': 1 hour, 7
# days, or 28 days, whichever is relatively close to what the
# user specified.
if TTL < 24 * 60 * 60:
TTL = 24 * 60 * 60
elif TTL < 7 * 24 * 60 * 60:
TTL = 7 * 24 * 60 * 60
TTL = 28 * 24 * 60 * 60
TTL = randomizeTTL(TTL)
expiryTime = int(time.time() + TTL)
def workDone(nonce, expiryTime):
payload = nonce + struct.pack(">Q", expiryTime) + ackData
callback(protocol.CreatePacket("object", payload))
ID, ackData, TTL, expiryTime,
"(For ack message)",
def processMessage(self, status, destination, source, subject, body, ackData, TTL, retryNumber, encoding):
ID = "message", ackData
helper_sql.sqlExecute("""UPDATE "sent" SET "status" = 'awaitingpubkey' WHERE "ackdata" == ?;""", ackData)
destinationProperties = getDestinationAddressProperties(destination)
if destinationProperties is None:
queues.workerQueue.put(("requestPubkey", destination))
queues.UISignalQueue.put(("updateSentItemStatusByAckdata", (
"Waiting for their encryption key. Will request it again soon."
defaultDifficulty = shared.isAddressInMyAddressBookSubscriptionsListOrWhitelist(destination)
if destinationProperties.own:
defaultDifficulty = True
sourceProperties = getMyAddressProperties(source, defaultDifficulty)
queues.UISignalQueue.put(("updateSentItemStatusByAckdata", (
"Error! Could not find sender address (your address) in the keys.dat file."
relativeByteDifficulty = (
float(destinationProperties.byteDifficulty) /
relativeLengthExtension = (
float(destinationProperties.lengthExtension) /
if status != "forcepow":
maximumByteDifficulty = bmconfigparser.BMConfigParser().getint(
"bitmessagesettings", "maxacceptablenoncetrialsperbyte"
maximumLengthExtension = bmconfigparser.BMConfigParser().getint(
"bitmessagesettings", "maxacceptablepayloadlengthextrabytes"
if (
maximumByteDifficulty != 0 and destinationProperties.byteDifficulty > maximumLengthExtension or
maximumLengthExtension != 0 and destinationProperties.lengthExtension > maximumLengthExtension
helper_sql.sqlExecute("""UPDATE "sent" SET "status" = 'toodifficult' WHERE "ackdata" == ?;""", ackData)
queues.UISignalQueue.put(("updateSentItemStatusByAckdata", (
"Problem: The work demanded by the recipient (%1 and %2) is "
"more difficult than you are willing to do. %3"
||||"Sending message from %s to %s", source, destination)
TTL *= 2 ** retryNumber
TTL = min(28 * 24 * 60 * 60, TTL)
TTL = max(60 * 60, TTL)
TTL = randomizeTTL(TTL)
expiryTime = int(time.time() + TTL)
def ackMessageGenerated(ackMessage):
headlessPayload = struct.pack(">I", 2)
headlessPayload += addresses.encodeVarint(1)
headlessPayload += addresses.encodeVarint(
plaintext = addresses.encodeVarint(sourceProperties.version)
plaintext += addresses.encodeVarint(
plaintext += struct.pack(">I", sourceProperties.bitfield)
plaintext += sourceProperties.publicSigningKey[1: ]
plaintext += sourceProperties.publicEncryptionKey[1: ]
if sourceProperties.version >= 3:
plaintext += addresses.encodeVarint(sourceProperties.byteDifficulty)
plaintext += addresses.encodeVarint(sourceProperties.lengthExtension)
plaintext += destinationProperties.ripe # To prevent resending a signed message to a different reciever
encodedMessage = helper_msgcoding.MsgEncode({"subject": subject, "body": body}, encoding)
plaintext += addresses.encodeVarint(encoding)
plaintext += addresses.encodeVarint(encodedMessage.length)
plaintext +=
if ackMessage is None:
plaintext += addresses.encodeVarint(0)
plaintext += addresses.encodeVarint(len(ackMessage))
plaintext += ackMessage
signature = highlevelcrypto.sign(
struct.pack(">Q", expiryTime) + headlessPayload + plaintext,
plaintext += addresses.encodeVarint(len(signature))
plaintext += signature
ciphertext = highlevelcrypto.encrypt(
helper_sql.sqlExecute("""UPDATE "sent" SET "status" = 'badkey' WHERE "ackdata" == ?;""", ackData)
queues.UISignalQueue.put(("updateSentItemStatusByAckdata", (
"Problem: The recipient's encryption key is no good. Could not encrypt message. %1"
headlessPayload += ciphertext
inventoryTag = ciphertext[: 32]
if len(headlessPayload) > 2 ** 18 - (8 + 8): # 256 kiB
"This message object is too large to send. This should never happen. Object size: %s",
def workDone(nonce, expiryTime):
if ackMessage is not None:
#TODO: adding to the inventory, adding to inbox and setting the sent status should be within a single SQL transaction
inventoryHash, payload = disseminateObject(
nonce, expiryTime, headlessPayload,
2,, inventoryTag
if ackMessage is None:
newStatus = "msgsentnoackexpected"
newStatus = "msgsent"
sleepTill = int(time.time() + TTL * 1.1)
UPDATE "sent" SET "msgid" = ?, "status" = ?, "retrynumber" = ?,
"sleeptill" = ?, "lastactiontime" = ?
WHERE "status" == 'doingmsgpow' AND "ackdata" == ?;
""", inventoryHash, newStatus, retryNumber + 1, sleepTill, int(time.time()), ackData)
# Add to own inbox
if destinationProperties.own:
queues.objectProcessorQueue.put((2, payload))
if ackMessage is None:
queues.UISignalQueue.put(("updateSentItemStatusByAckdata", (
"Message sent. Sent at %1"
queues.UISignalQueue.put(("updateSentItemStatusByAckdata", (
"Message sent. Waiting for acknowledgement. Sent on %1"
ID, headlessPayload, TTL, expiryTime,
"(For message)",
helper_sql.sqlExecute("""UPDATE "sent" SET "status" = 'doingmsgpow' WHERE "ackdata" == ?;""", ackData)
if relativeByteDifficulty != 1 or relativeLengthExtension != 1:
queues.UISignalQueue.put(("updateSentItemStatusByAckdata", (
"Doing work necessary to send message.\nReceiver's required difficulty: %1 and %2"
queues.UISignalQueue.put(("updateSentItemStatusByAckdata", (
"Doing work necessary to send message."
if destinationProperties.own:
||||"Not bothering to include ack data because we are sending to ourselves or a chan")
elif destinationProperties.bitfield & protocol.BITFIELD_DOESACK == 0:
||||"Not bothering to include ack data because the receiver said that they won't relay it anyway")
self.generateAckMessage(ackData,, TTL, ackMessageGenerated)
def sendMessages(self):
queued = helper_sql.sqlQuery("""
SELECT "status", "toaddress", "fromaddress", "subject", "message",
"ackdata", "ttl", "retrynumber", "encodingtype" FROM "sent"
WHERE "status" IN ('msgqueued', 'forcepow') AND "folder" == 'sent';
for i in queued:
# Must be in a separate function because of the nested callback
def requestPubkey(self, address):
ID = "getpubkey", address
if ID in self.startedWorks:
status, version, stream, ripe = addresses.decodeAddress(address)
# Check if a request is already in the inventory
if version == 4:
secretEncryptionKey, tag = protocol.calculateAddressTag(version, stream, ripe)
tag = ripe
currentExpiryTime = None
for i in inventory.Inventory().by_type_and_tag(0, tag):
if currentExpiryTime is None:
currentExpiryTime = i.expires
currentExpiryTime = max(currentExpiryTime, i.expires)
if currentExpiryTime is not None:
UPDATE "sent" SET "status" = 'awaitingpubkey', "sleeptill" = ?
WHERE "status" IN ('doingpubkeypow', 'awaitingpubkey') AND "toaddress" == ? AND "folder" == 'sent';
""", currentExpiryTime, address)
queues.UISignalQueue.put(("updateSentItemStatusByToAddress", (
"Waiting for their encryption key. Will request it again soon."
||||"Making request for version %s pubkey with tag: %s", version, binascii.hexlify(tag))
TTL = randomizeTTL(28 * 24 * 60 * 60)
headlessPayload = struct.pack(">I", 0)
headlessPayload += addresses.encodeVarint(version)
headlessPayload += addresses.encodeVarint(stream)
headlessPayload += tag
def workDone(nonce, expiryTime):
# TODO: adding to the inventory and setting the sent status should be within a single SQL transaction
disseminateObject(nonce, expiryTime, headlessPayload, 0, stream, tag)
sleepTill = int(time.time() + TTL * 1.1)
UPDATE "sent" SET "status" = 'awaitingpubkey', "sleeptill" = ?, "lastactiontime" = ?
WHERE "status" IN ('doingpubkeypow', 'awaitingpubkey') AND "toaddress" == ? AND "folder" == 'sent';
""", sleepTill, int(time.time()), address)
queues.UISignalQueue.put(("updateSentItemStatusByToAddress", (
"Sending public key request. Waiting for reply. Requested at %1"
UPDATE "sent" SET "status" = 'doingpubkeypow'
WHERE "status" == 'awaitingpubkey' AND "toaddress" == ? AND "folder" == 'sent';
""", address)
queues.UISignalQueue.put(("updateSentItemStatusByToAddress", (
"Doing work necessary to request encryption key."
ID, headlessPayload, TTL, None,
"(For getpubkey message)".format(version),
@ -1,6 +1,11 @@
import collections
# Single worker assumes, that object processor checks this dict only after a pubkey is added to the inventory or the "pubkeys" table
# TODO: add locking?
neededPubkeys = {}
watchedAckData = set()
streamsInWhichIAmParticipating = []
sendDataQueues = [] # each sendData thread puts its queue in this list.
@ -28,7 +28,9 @@ class Task(object):
![]() pass is the dangerous statement, please log it or please write a print statement atleast... pass is the dangerous statement, please log it or please write a print statement atleast...
![]() pass is the dangerous statement, please log it or please write a print statement atleast... pass is the dangerous statement, please log it or please write a print statement atleast...
![]() parallelism = self.solver.parallelism if self.solver else 0 parallelism = self.solver.parallelism if self.solver else 0
![]() parallelism = self.solver.parallelism if self.solver else 0 parallelism = self.solver.parallelism if self.solver else 0
![]() if not name and not self.solverName if not name and not self.solverName
![]() if not name and not self.solverName if not name and not self.solverName
![]() logging is required for this functionality. logging is required for this functionality.
![]() logging is required for this functionality. logging is required for this functionality.
![]() if not self.solver if not self.solver
![]() if not self.solver if not self.solver
![]() if not name if not name
![]() if not name if not name
![]() doc string required here doc string required here
![]() doc string required here doc string required here
![]() docstring here docstring here
![]() docstring here docstring here
![]() pep8 validation pep8 validation
![]() pep8 validation pep8 validation
![]() docstring here please docstring here please
![]() docstring here please docstring here please
![]() if not self.tasks if not self.tasks
![]() if not self.tasks if not self.tasks
![]() pep8 validation pep8 validation
![]() pep8 validation pep8 validation
![]() @PeterSurda , I think we need optimization here. @PeterSurda , I think we need optimization here.
![]() @PeterSurda , I think we need optimization here. @PeterSurda , I think we need optimization here.
`self.availableSolvers` is visible to the outside code, so it can log or print if `fast` is missing. It should show a message in GUI status bar like the current code does.
`self.availableSolvers` is visible to the outside code, so it can log or print if `fast` is missing. It should show a message in GUI status bar like the current code does.
![]() It's less readable. It's less readable.
![]() It's less readable. It's less readable.
![]() It calls the It calls the `self.statusUpdated` callback and the outside code should log this and display in the GUI.
![]() It calls the It calls the `self.statusUpdated` callback and the outside code should log this and display in the GUI.
![]() if not name and not self.solverName: if not name and not self.solverName:
![]() if not name and not self.solverName: if not name and not self.solverName:
![]() if self.solver: if self.solver:
![]() if self.solver: if self.solver:
![]() if name: if name:
![]() if name: if name:
![]() undefined name 'GPUSolverError' undefined name 'GPUSolverError'
![]() undefined name 'GPUSolverError' undefined name 'GPUSolverError'
|||| = target
class WorkProver(threading.Thread):
def __init__(self, codePath, GPUVendor, seed, statusUpdated):
![]() pass is the dangerous statement, please log it or please write a print statement atleast... pass is the dangerous statement, please log it or please write a print statement atleast...
![]() parallelism = self.solver.parallelism if self.solver else 0 parallelism = self.solver.parallelism if self.solver else 0
![]() if not name and not self.solverName if not name and not self.solverName
![]() logging is required for this functionality. logging is required for this functionality.
![]() if not self.solver if not self.solver
![]() if not name if not name
![]() doc string required here doc string required here
![]() docstring here docstring here
![]() pep8 validation pep8 validation
![]() docstring here please docstring here please
![]() if not self.tasks if not self.tasks
![]() pep8 validation pep8 validation
![]() @PeterSurda , I think we need optimization here. @PeterSurda , I think we need optimization here.
`self.availableSolvers` is visible to the outside code, so it can log or print if `fast` is missing. It should show a message in GUI status bar like the current code does.
![]() It's less readable. It's less readable.
![]() It calls the It calls the `self.statusUpdated` callback and the outside code should log this and display in the GUI.
![]() if not name and not self.solverName: if not name and not self.solverName:
![]() if self.solver: if self.solver:
![]() if name: if name:
![]() undefined name 'GPUSolverError' undefined name 'GPUSolverError'
# Seed must be 32 bytes
![]() pass is the dangerous statement, please log it or please write a print statement atleast... pass is the dangerous statement, please log it or please write a print statement atleast...
![]() parallelism = self.solver.parallelism if self.solver else 0 parallelism = self.solver.parallelism if self.solver else 0
![]() if not name and not self.solverName if not name and not self.solverName
![]() logging is required for this functionality. logging is required for this functionality.
![]() if not self.solver if not self.solver
![]() if not name if not name
![]() doc string required here doc string required here
![]() docstring here docstring here
![]() pep8 validation pep8 validation
![]() docstring here please docstring here please
![]() if not self.tasks if not self.tasks
![]() pep8 validation pep8 validation
![]() @PeterSurda , I think we need optimization here. @PeterSurda , I think we need optimization here.
`self.availableSolvers` is visible to the outside code, so it can log or print if `fast` is missing. It should show a message in GUI status bar like the current code does.
![]() It's less readable. It's less readable.
![]() It calls the It calls the `self.statusUpdated` callback and the outside code should log this and display in the GUI.
![]() if not name and not self.solverName: if not name and not self.solverName:
![]() if self.solver: if self.solver:
![]() if name: if name:
![]() undefined name 'GPUSolverError' undefined name 'GPUSolverError'
![]() pass is the dangerous statement, please log it or please write a print statement atleast... pass is the dangerous statement, please log it or please write a print statement atleast...
![]() parallelism = self.solver.parallelism if self.solver else 0 parallelism = self.solver.parallelism if self.solver else 0
![]() if not name and not self.solverName if not name and not self.solverName
![]() logging is required for this functionality. logging is required for this functionality.
![]() if not self.solver if not self.solver
![]() if not name if not name
![]() doc string required here doc string required here
![]() docstring here docstring here
![]() pep8 validation pep8 validation
![]() docstring here please docstring here please
![]() if not self.tasks if not self.tasks
![]() pep8 validation pep8 validation
![]() @PeterSurda , I think we need optimization here. @PeterSurda , I think we need optimization here.
`self.availableSolvers` is visible to the outside code, so it can log or print if `fast` is missing. It should show a message in GUI status bar like the current code does.
![]() It's less readable. It's less readable.
![]() It calls the It calls the `self.statusUpdated` callback and the outside code should log this and display in the GUI.
![]() if not name and not self.solverName: if not name and not self.solverName:
![]() if self.solver: if self.solver:
![]() if name: if name:
![]() undefined name 'GPUSolverError' undefined name 'GPUSolverError'
def __init__(self, codePath, GPUVendor, seed, statusUpdated, resultsQueue):
![]() pass is the dangerous statement, please log it or please write a print statement atleast... pass is the dangerous statement, please log it or please write a print statement atleast...
![]() parallelism = self.solver.parallelism if self.solver else 0 parallelism = self.solver.parallelism if self.solver else 0
![]() if not name and not self.solverName if not name and not self.solverName
![]() logging is required for this functionality. logging is required for this functionality.
![]() if not self.solver if not self.solver
![]() if not name if not name
![]() doc string required here doc string required here
![]() docstring here docstring here
![]() pep8 validation pep8 validation
![]() docstring here please docstring here please
![]() if not self.tasks if not self.tasks
![]() pep8 validation pep8 validation
![]() @PeterSurda , I think we need optimization here. @PeterSurda , I think we need optimization here.
`self.availableSolvers` is visible to the outside code, so it can log or print if `fast` is missing. It should show a message in GUI status bar like the current code does.
![]() It's less readable. It's less readable.
![]() It calls the It calls the `self.statusUpdated` callback and the outside code should log this and display in the GUI.
![]() if not name and not self.solverName: if not name and not self.solverName:
![]() if self.solver: if self.solver:
![]() if name: if name:
![]() undefined name 'GPUSolverError' undefined name 'GPUSolverError'
super(self.__class__, self).__init__()
self.availableSolvers = {
@ -65,7 +67,11 @@ class WorkProver(threading.Thread):
![]() pass is the dangerous statement, please log it or please write a print statement atleast... pass is the dangerous statement, please log it or please write a print statement atleast...
![]() pass is the dangerous statement, please log it or please write a print statement atleast... pass is the dangerous statement, please log it or please write a print statement atleast...
![]() parallelism = self.solver.parallelism if self.solver else 0 parallelism = self.solver.parallelism if self.solver else 0
![]() parallelism = self.solver.parallelism if self.solver else 0 parallelism = self.solver.parallelism if self.solver else 0
![]() if not name and not self.solverName if not name and not self.solverName
![]() if not name and not self.solverName if not name and not self.solverName
![]() logging is required for this functionality. logging is required for this functionality.
![]() logging is required for this functionality. logging is required for this functionality.
![]() if not self.solver if not self.solver
![]() if not self.solver if not self.solver
![]() if not name if not name
![]() if not name if not name
![]() doc string required here doc string required here
![]() doc string required here doc string required here
![]() docstring here docstring here
![]() docstring here docstring here
![]() pep8 validation pep8 validation
![]() pep8 validation pep8 validation
![]() docstring here please docstring here please
![]() docstring here please docstring here please
![]() if not self.tasks if not self.tasks
![]() if not self.tasks if not self.tasks
![]() pep8 validation pep8 validation
![]() pep8 validation pep8 validation
![]() @PeterSurda , I think we need optimization here. @PeterSurda , I think we need optimization here.
![]() @PeterSurda , I think we need optimization here. @PeterSurda , I think we need optimization here.
`self.availableSolvers` is visible to the outside code, so it can log or print if `fast` is missing. It should show a message in GUI status bar like the current code does.
`self.availableSolvers` is visible to the outside code, so it can log or print if `fast` is missing. It should show a message in GUI status bar like the current code does.
![]() It's less readable. It's less readable.
![]() It's less readable. It's less readable.
![]() It calls the It calls the `self.statusUpdated` callback and the outside code should log this and display in the GUI.
![]() It calls the It calls the `self.statusUpdated` callback and the outside code should log this and display in the GUI.
![]() if not name and not self.solverName: if not name and not self.solverName:
![]() if not name and not self.solverName: if not name and not self.solverName:
![]() if self.solver: if self.solver:
![]() if self.solver: if self.solver:
![]() if name: if name:
![]() if name: if name:
![]() undefined name 'GPUSolverError' undefined name 'GPUSolverError'
![]() undefined name 'GPUSolverError' undefined name 'GPUSolverError'
self.statusUpdated = statusUpdated
self.commandsQueue = Queue.Queue()
self.resultsQueue = Queue.Queue()
![]() pass is the dangerous statement, please log it or please write a print statement atleast... pass is the dangerous statement, please log it or please write a print statement atleast...
![]() parallelism = self.solver.parallelism if self.solver else 0 parallelism = self.solver.parallelism if self.solver else 0
![]() if not name and not self.solverName if not name and not self.solverName
![]() logging is required for this functionality. logging is required for this functionality.
![]() if not self.solver if not self.solver
![]() if not name if not name
![]() doc string required here doc string required here
![]() docstring here docstring here
![]() pep8 validation pep8 validation
![]() docstring here please docstring here please
![]() if not self.tasks if not self.tasks
![]() pep8 validation pep8 validation
![]() @PeterSurda , I think we need optimization here. @PeterSurda , I think we need optimization here.
`self.availableSolvers` is visible to the outside code, so it can log or print if `fast` is missing. It should show a message in GUI status bar like the current code does.
![]() It's less readable. It's less readable.
![]() It calls the It calls the `self.statusUpdated` callback and the outside code should log this and display in the GUI.
![]() if not name and not self.solverName: if not name and not self.solverName:
![]() if self.solver: if self.solver:
![]() if name: if name:
![]() undefined name 'GPUSolverError' undefined name 'GPUSolverError'
![]() pass is the dangerous statement, please log it or please write a print statement atleast... pass is the dangerous statement, please log it or please write a print statement atleast...
![]() parallelism = self.solver.parallelism if self.solver else 0 parallelism = self.solver.parallelism if self.solver else 0
![]() if not name and not self.solverName if not name and not self.solverName
![]() logging is required for this functionality. logging is required for this functionality.
![]() if not self.solver if not self.solver
![]() if not name if not name
![]() doc string required here doc string required here
![]() docstring here docstring here
![]() pep8 validation pep8 validation
![]() docstring here please docstring here please
![]() if not self.tasks if not self.tasks
![]() pep8 validation pep8 validation
![]() @PeterSurda , I think we need optimization here. @PeterSurda , I think we need optimization here.
`self.availableSolvers` is visible to the outside code, so it can log or print if `fast` is missing. It should show a message in GUI status bar like the current code does.
![]() It's less readable. It's less readable.
![]() It calls the It calls the `self.statusUpdated` callback and the outside code should log this and display in the GUI.
![]() if not name and not self.solverName: if not name and not self.solverName:
![]() if self.solver: if self.solver:
![]() if name: if name:
![]() undefined name 'GPUSolverError' undefined name 'GPUSolverError'
if resultsQueue is None:
![]() pass is the dangerous statement, please log it or please write a print statement atleast... pass is the dangerous statement, please log it or please write a print statement atleast...
![]() parallelism = self.solver.parallelism if self.solver else 0 parallelism = self.solver.parallelism if self.solver else 0
![]() if not name and not self.solverName if not name and not self.solverName
![]() logging is required for this functionality. logging is required for this functionality.
![]() if not self.solver if not self.solver
![]() if not name if not name
![]() doc string required here doc string required here
![]() docstring here docstring here
![]() pep8 validation pep8 validation
![]() docstring here please docstring here please
![]() if not self.tasks if not self.tasks
![]() pep8 validation pep8 validation
![]() @PeterSurda , I think we need optimization here. @PeterSurda , I think we need optimization here.
`self.availableSolvers` is visible to the outside code, so it can log or print if `fast` is missing. It should show a message in GUI status bar like the current code does.
![]() It's less readable. It's less readable.
![]() It calls the It calls the `self.statusUpdated` callback and the outside code should log this and display in the GUI.
![]() if not name and not self.solverName: if not name and not self.solverName:
![]() if self.solver: if self.solver:
![]() if name: if name:
![]() undefined name 'GPUSolverError' undefined name 'GPUSolverError'
self.resultsQueue = Queue.Queue()
![]() pass is the dangerous statement, please log it or please write a print statement atleast... pass is the dangerous statement, please log it or please write a print statement atleast...
![]() parallelism = self.solver.parallelism if self.solver else 0 parallelism = self.solver.parallelism if self.solver else 0
![]() if not name and not self.solverName if not name and not self.solverName
![]() logging is required for this functionality. logging is required for this functionality.
![]() if not self.solver if not self.solver
![]() if not name if not name
![]() doc string required here doc string required here
![]() docstring here docstring here
![]() pep8 validation pep8 validation
![]() docstring here please docstring here please
![]() if not self.tasks if not self.tasks
![]() pep8 validation pep8 validation
![]() @PeterSurda , I think we need optimization here. @PeterSurda , I think we need optimization here.
`self.availableSolvers` is visible to the outside code, so it can log or print if `fast` is missing. It should show a message in GUI status bar like the current code does.
![]() It's less readable. It's less readable.
![]() It calls the It calls the `self.statusUpdated` callback and the outside code should log this and display in the GUI.
![]() if not name and not self.solverName: if not name and not self.solverName:
![]() if self.solver: if self.solver:
![]() if name: if name:
![]() undefined name 'GPUSolverError' undefined name 'GPUSolverError'
![]() pass is the dangerous statement, please log it or please write a print statement atleast... pass is the dangerous statement, please log it or please write a print statement atleast...
![]() parallelism = self.solver.parallelism if self.solver else 0 parallelism = self.solver.parallelism if self.solver else 0
![]() if not name and not self.solverName if not name and not self.solverName
![]() logging is required for this functionality. logging is required for this functionality.
![]() if not self.solver if not self.solver
![]() if not name if not name
![]() doc string required here doc string required here
![]() docstring here docstring here
![]() pep8 validation pep8 validation
![]() docstring here please docstring here please
![]() if not self.tasks if not self.tasks
![]() pep8 validation pep8 validation
![]() @PeterSurda , I think we need optimization here. @PeterSurda , I think we need optimization here.
`self.availableSolvers` is visible to the outside code, so it can log or print if `fast` is missing. It should show a message in GUI status bar like the current code does.
![]() It's less readable. It's less readable.
![]() It calls the It calls the `self.statusUpdated` callback and the outside code should log this and display in the GUI.
![]() if not name and not self.solverName: if not name and not self.solverName:
![]() if self.solver: if self.solver:
![]() if name: if name:
![]() undefined name 'GPUSolverError' undefined name 'GPUSolverError'
self.resultsQueue = resultsQueue
![]() pass is the dangerous statement, please log it or please write a print statement atleast... pass is the dangerous statement, please log it or please write a print statement atleast...
![]() parallelism = self.solver.parallelism if self.solver else 0 parallelism = self.solver.parallelism if self.solver else 0
![]() if not name and not self.solverName if not name and not self.solverName
![]() logging is required for this functionality. logging is required for this functionality.
![]() if not self.solver if not self.solver
![]() if not name if not name
![]() doc string required here doc string required here
![]() docstring here docstring here
![]() pep8 validation pep8 validation
![]() docstring here please docstring here please
![]() if not self.tasks if not self.tasks
![]() pep8 validation pep8 validation
![]() @PeterSurda , I think we need optimization here. @PeterSurda , I think we need optimization here.
`self.availableSolvers` is visible to the outside code, so it can log or print if `fast` is missing. It should show a message in GUI status bar like the current code does.
![]() It's less readable. It's less readable.
![]() It calls the It calls the `self.statusUpdated` callback and the outside code should log this and display in the GUI.
![]() if not name and not self.solverName: if not name and not self.solverName:
![]() if self.solver: if self.solver:
![]() if name: if name:
![]() undefined name 'GPUSolverError' undefined name 'GPUSolverError'
self.solverName = None
self.solver = None
@ -86,7 +92,7 @@ class WorkProver(threading.Thread):
![]() pass is the dangerous statement, please log it or please write a print statement atleast... pass is the dangerous statement, please log it or please write a print statement atleast...
![]() pass is the dangerous statement, please log it or please write a print statement atleast... pass is the dangerous statement, please log it or please write a print statement atleast...
![]() parallelism = self.solver.parallelism if self.solver else 0 parallelism = self.solver.parallelism if self.solver else 0
![]() parallelism = self.solver.parallelism if self.solver else 0 parallelism = self.solver.parallelism if self.solver else 0
![]() if not name and not self.solverName if not name and not self.solverName
![]() if not name and not self.solverName if not name and not self.solverName
![]() logging is required for this functionality. logging is required for this functionality.
![]() logging is required for this functionality. logging is required for this functionality.
![]() if not self.solver if not self.solver
![]() if not self.solver if not self.solver
![]() if not name if not name
![]() if not name if not name
![]() doc string required here doc string required here
![]() doc string required here doc string required here
![]() docstring here docstring here
![]() docstring here docstring here
![]() pep8 validation pep8 validation
![]() pep8 validation pep8 validation
![]() docstring here please docstring here please
![]() docstring here please docstring here please
![]() if not self.tasks if not self.tasks
![]() if not self.tasks if not self.tasks
![]() pep8 validation pep8 validation
![]() pep8 validation pep8 validation
![]() @PeterSurda , I think we need optimization here. @PeterSurda , I think we need optimization here.
![]() @PeterSurda , I think we need optimization here. @PeterSurda , I think we need optimization here.
`self.availableSolvers` is visible to the outside code, so it can log or print if `fast` is missing. It should show a message in GUI status bar like the current code does.
`self.availableSolvers` is visible to the outside code, so it can log or print if `fast` is missing. It should show a message in GUI status bar like the current code does.
![]() It's less readable. It's less readable.
![]() It's less readable. It's less readable.
![]() It calls the It calls the `self.statusUpdated` callback and the outside code should log this and display in the GUI.
![]() It calls the It calls the `self.statusUpdated` callback and the outside code should log this and display in the GUI.
![]() if not name and not self.solverName: if not name and not self.solverName:
![]() if not name and not self.solverName: if not name and not self.solverName:
![]() if self.solver: if self.solver:
![]() if self.solver: if self.solver:
![]() if name: if name:
![]() if name: if name:
![]() undefined name 'GPUSolverError' undefined name 'GPUSolverError'
![]() undefined name 'GPUSolverError' undefined name 'GPUSolverError'
if self.solver is not None:
status = self.solver.status
![]() if not self.statusUpdated: if not self.statusUpdated:
![]() It's less acurate.
It's less acurate.
`self.statusUpdated` must be either a function or a `None`. If it's 0 or an empty string, it would be a programming error and further call would rise an exception making the error noticable.
self.statusUpdated((self.solverName, status, self.speed))
![]() pass is the dangerous statement, please log it or please write a print statement atleast... pass is the dangerous statement, please log it or please write a print statement atleast...
![]() parallelism = self.solver.parallelism if self.solver else 0 parallelism = self.solver.parallelism if self.solver else 0
![]() if not name and not self.solverName if not name and not self.solverName
![]() logging is required for this functionality. logging is required for this functionality.
![]() if not self.solver if not self.solver
![]() if not name if not name
![]() doc string required here doc string required here
![]() docstring here docstring here
![]() pep8 validation pep8 validation
![]() docstring here please docstring here please
![]() if not self.tasks if not self.tasks
![]() pep8 validation pep8 validation
![]() @PeterSurda , I think we need optimization here. @PeterSurda , I think we need optimization here.
`self.availableSolvers` is visible to the outside code, so it can log or print if `fast` is missing. It should show a message in GUI status bar like the current code does.
![]() It's less readable. It's less readable.
![]() It calls the It calls the `self.statusUpdated` callback and the outside code should log this and display in the GUI.
![]() if not name and not self.solverName: if not name and not self.solverName:
![]() if self.solver: if self.solver:
![]() if name: if name:
![]() undefined name 'GPUSolverError' undefined name 'GPUSolverError'
self.statusUpdated((self.solverName, status, self.speed, len(self.tasks)))
![]() pass is the dangerous statement, please log it or please write a print statement atleast... pass is the dangerous statement, please log it or please write a print statement atleast...
![]() parallelism = self.solver.parallelism if self.solver else 0 parallelism = self.solver.parallelism if self.solver else 0
![]() if not name and not self.solverName if not name and not self.solverName
![]() logging is required for this functionality. logging is required for this functionality.
![]() if not self.solver if not self.solver
![]() if not name if not name
![]() doc string required here doc string required here
![]() docstring here docstring here
![]() pep8 validation pep8 validation
![]() docstring here please docstring here please
![]() if not self.tasks if not self.tasks
![]() pep8 validation pep8 validation
![]() @PeterSurda , I think we need optimization here. @PeterSurda , I think we need optimization here.
`self.availableSolvers` is visible to the outside code, so it can log or print if `fast` is missing. It should show a message in GUI status bar like the current code does.
![]() It's less readable. It's less readable.
![]() It calls the It calls the `self.statusUpdated` callback and the outside code should log this and display in the GUI.
![]() if not name and not self.solverName: if not name and not self.solverName:
![]() if self.solver: if self.solver:
![]() if name: if name:
![]() undefined name 'GPUSolverError' undefined name 'GPUSolverError'
def setSolver(self, name, configuration):
if name is None and self.solverName is None:
![]() pass is the dangerous statement, please log it or please write a print statement atleast... pass is the dangerous statement, please log it or please write a print statement atleast...
![]() pass is the dangerous statement, please log it or please write a print statement atleast... pass is the dangerous statement, please log it or please write a print statement atleast...
![]() parallelism = self.solver.parallelism if self.solver else 0 parallelism = self.solver.parallelism if self.solver else 0
![]() parallelism = self.solver.parallelism if self.solver else 0 parallelism = self.solver.parallelism if self.solver else 0
![]() if not name and not self.solverName if not name and not self.solverName
![]() if not name and not self.solverName if not name and not self.solverName
![]() logging is required for this functionality. logging is required for this functionality.
![]() logging is required for this functionality. logging is required for this functionality.
![]() if not self.solver if not self.solver
![]() if not self.solver if not self.solver
![]() if not name if not name
![]() if not name if not name
![]() doc string required here doc string required here
![]() doc string required here doc string required here
![]() docstring here docstring here
![]() docstring here docstring here
![]() pep8 validation pep8 validation
![]() pep8 validation pep8 validation
![]() docstring here please docstring here please
![]() docstring here please docstring here please
![]() if not self.tasks if not self.tasks
![]() if not self.tasks if not self.tasks
![]() pep8 validation pep8 validation
![]() pep8 validation pep8 validation
![]() @PeterSurda , I think we need optimization here. @PeterSurda , I think we need optimization here.
![]() @PeterSurda , I think we need optimization here. @PeterSurda , I think we need optimization here.
`self.availableSolvers` is visible to the outside code, so it can log or print if `fast` is missing. It should show a message in GUI status bar like the current code does.
`self.availableSolvers` is visible to the outside code, so it can log or print if `fast` is missing. It should show a message in GUI status bar like the current code does.
![]() It's less readable. It's less readable.
![]() It's less readable. It's less readable.
![]() It calls the It calls the `self.statusUpdated` callback and the outside code should log this and display in the GUI.
![]() It calls the It calls the `self.statusUpdated` callback and the outside code should log this and display in the GUI.
![]() if not name and not self.solverName: if not name and not self.solverName:
![]() if not name and not self.solverName: if not name and not self.solverName:
![]() if self.solver: if self.solver:
![]() if self.solver: if self.solver:
![]() if name: if name:
![]() if name: if name:
![]() undefined name 'GPUSolverError' undefined name 'GPUSolverError'
![]() undefined name 'GPUSolverError' undefined name 'GPUSolverError'
@ -38,21 +38,24 @@ def threadFunction(local, remote, codePath, threadNumber):
![]() remove un necessary spaces remove un necessary spaces
![]() remove un necessary spaces remove un necessary spaces
solver = dumbsolver.DumbSolver(codePath)
while True:
received = local.recv()
![]() remove un necessary spaces remove un necessary spaces
![]() remove un necessary spaces remove un necessary spaces
received = local.recv()
![]() remove un necessary spaces remove un necessary spaces
command = received[0]
![]() remove un necessary spaces remove un necessary spaces
arguments = received[1: ]
![]() remove un necessary spaces remove un necessary spaces
command = received[0]
![]() remove un necessary spaces remove un necessary spaces
arguments = received[1: ]
![]() remove un necessary spaces remove un necessary spaces
if command == "search":
![]() remove un necessary spaces remove un necessary spaces
initialHash, target, seed, timeout = arguments
![]() remove un necessary spaces remove un necessary spaces
appendedSeed = seed + struct.pack(">Q", threadNumber)
![]() remove un necessary spaces remove un necessary spaces
if command == "search":
![]() remove un necessary spaces remove un necessary spaces
initialHash, target, seed, timeout = arguments
![]() remove un necessary spaces remove un necessary spaces
appendedSeed = seed + struct.pack(">Q", threadNumber)
![]() remove un necessary spaces remove un necessary spaces
nonce, iterationsCount =, target, appendedSeed, timeout)
![]() remove un necessary spaces remove un necessary spaces
nonce, iterationsCount =, target, appendedSeed, timeout)
![]() remove un necessary spaces remove un necessary spaces
local.send(("done", nonce, iterationsCount))
![]() remove un necessary spaces remove un necessary spaces
elif command == "shutdown":
![]() remove un necessary spaces remove un necessary spaces
![]() remove un necessary spaces remove un necessary spaces
local.send(("done", nonce, iterationsCount))
![]() remove un necessary spaces remove un necessary spaces
elif command == "shutdown":
![]() remove un necessary spaces remove un necessary spaces
![]() remove un necessary spaces remove un necessary spaces
![]() remove un necessary spaces remove un necessary spaces
except (EOFError, IOError):
![]() remove un necessary spaces remove un necessary spaces
class ForkingSolver(object):
![]() remove un necessary spaces remove un necessary spaces
![]() remove un necessary spaces remove un necessary spaces
@ -121,7 +121,7 @@ class TestGPUSolver(TestSolver):
class TestWorkProver(unittest.TestCase):
def setUp(self):
self.thread = __init__.WorkProver(codePath, None, seed, None)
self.thread = __init__.WorkProver(codePath, None, seed, None, None)
def checkTaskLinks(self):
Pep8 validation here.