- Missing renamed to PendingDownload - PendingDownload now only retries 3 times rather than 6 to dowload an object - Added PendingUpload, replacing invQueueSize - PendingUpload has both the "len" method (number of objects not uploaded) as well as "progress" method, which is a float from 0 (nothing done) to 1 (all uploaded) which considers not only objects but also how many nodes they are uploaded to - PendingUpload tracks when the object is successfully uploaded to the remote node instead of just adding an arbitrary time after they have been send the corresponding "inv" - Network status tab's "Objects to be synced" shows the sum of PendingUpload and PendingDownload sizes
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76 lines
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import os
import socket
import sys
from binascii import hexlify, unhexlify
from multiprocessing import current_process
from threading import current_thread, enumerate
from configparser import BMConfigParser
from debug import logger
import shared
def powQueueSize():
curWorkerQueue = shared.workerQueue.qsize()
for thread in enumerate():
if thread.name == "singleWorker":
curWorkerQueue += thread.busy
return curWorkerQueue
def convertIntToString(n):
a = __builtins__.hex(n)
if a[-1:] == 'L':
a = a[:-1]
if (len(a) % 2) == 0:
return unhexlify(a[2:])
return unhexlify('0' + a[2:])
def convertStringToInt(s):
return int(hexlify(s), 16)
def signal_handler(signal, frame):
logger.error("Got signal %i in %s/%s", signal, current_process().name, current_thread().name)
if current_process().name == "RegExParser":
# on Windows this isn't triggered, but it's fine, it has its own process termination thing
raise SystemExit
if "PoolWorker" in current_process().name:
raise SystemExit
if current_thread().name != "MainThread":
logger.error("Got signal %i", signal)
if BMConfigParser().safeGetBoolean('bitmessagesettings', 'daemon'):
print 'Unfortunately you cannot use Ctrl+C when running the UI because the UI captures the signal.'
def isHostInPrivateIPRange(host):
if ":" in host: #IPv6
hostAddr = socket.inet_pton(socket.AF_INET6, host)
if hostAddr == ('\x00' * 15) + '\x01':
return False
if hostAddr[0] == '\xFE' and (ord(hostAddr[1]) & 0xc0) == 0x80:
return False
if (ord(hostAddr[0]) & 0xfe) == 0xfc:
return False
elif ".onion" not in host:
if host[:3] == '10.':
return True
if host[:4] == '172.':
if host[6] == '.':
if int(host[4:6]) >= 16 and int(host[4:6]) <= 31:
return True
if host[:8] == '192.168.':
return True
# Multicast
if host[:3] >= 224 and host[:3] <= 239 and host[4] == '.':
return True
return False
def addDataPadding(data, desiredMsgLength = 12, paddingChar = '\x00'):
return data + paddingChar * (desiredMsgLength - len(data))