- in corner cases, download request could have contained an incorrect request length. I haven't actually checked if this can be triggered though - wait for downloading until anti intersection delay expires. Doesn't necessarily mean that it will always avoid peer's anti intersection delay, but it's close enough - tracks last time an object was received. If it was too long time ago, reset the download request queue. This avoid situations like when a request gets ignored during the anti intersection delay, but it will keep thinking there are still pending requests as long as not all missing objects have been requested. This caused staggered download (request 1000 items, wait 1 minute, request 1000 more, wait another minute, ...) - with these fixes, you should end up downloading as fast as your network and CPU allow - best tested with trustedpeer
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130 lines
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import time
from threading import RLock
from inventory import Inventory
import network.connectionpool
from network.dandelion import Dandelion
from randomtrackingdict import RandomTrackingDict
from state import missingObjects
haveBloom = False
# pybloomfiltermmap
from pybloomfilter import BloomFilter
haveBloom = True
except ImportError:
# pybloom
from pybloom import BloomFilter
haveBloom = True
except ImportError:
# it isn't actually implemented yet so no point in turning it on
haveBloom = False
class ObjectTracker(object):
invCleanPeriod = 300
invInitialCapacity = 50000
invErrorRate = 0.03
trackingExpires = 3600
initialTimeOffset = 60
def __init__(self):
self.objectsNewToMe = RandomTrackingDict()
self.objectsNewToThem = {}
self.objectsNewToThemLock = RLock()
self.lastCleaned = time.time()
def initInvBloom(self):
if haveBloom:
# lock?
self.invBloom = BloomFilter(capacity=ObjectTracker.invInitialCapacity,
def initAddrBloom(self):
if haveBloom:
# lock?
self.addrBloom = BloomFilter(capacity=ObjectTracker.invInitialCapacity,
def clean(self):
if self.lastCleaned < time.time() - ObjectTracker.invCleanPeriod:
if haveBloom:
if len(missingObjects) == 0:
# release memory
deadline = time.time() - ObjectTracker.trackingExpires
with self.objectsNewToThemLock:
self.objectsNewToThem = {k: v for k, v in self.objectsNewToThem.iteritems() if v >= deadline}
self.lastCleaned = time.time()
def hasObj(self, hashid):
if haveBloom:
return hashid in self.invBloom
return hashid in self.objectsNewToMe
def handleReceivedInventory(self, hashId):
if haveBloom:
with self.objectsNewToThemLock:
del self.objectsNewToThem[hashId]
except KeyError:
if hashId not in missingObjects:
missingObjects[hashId] = time.time()
self.objectsNewToMe[hashId] = True
def handleReceivedObject(self, streamNumber, hashid):
for i in network.connectionpool.BMConnectionPool().inboundConnections.values() + network.connectionpool.BMConnectionPool().outboundConnections.values():
if not i.fullyEstablished:
del i.objectsNewToMe[hashid]
except KeyError:
if streamNumber in i.streams and \
(not Dandelion().hasHash(hashid) or \
Dandelion().objectChildStem(hashid) == i):
with i.objectsNewToThemLock:
i.objectsNewToThem[hashid] = time.time()
# update stream number, which we didn't have when we just received the dinv
# also resets expiration of the stem mode
Dandelion().setHashStream(hashid, streamNumber)
if i == self:
with i.objectsNewToThemLock:
del i.objectsNewToThem[hashid]
except KeyError:
def hasAddr(self, addr):
if haveBloom:
return addr in self.invBloom
def addAddr(self, hashid):
if haveBloom:
# addr sending -> per node upload queue, and flush every minute or so
# inv sending -> if not in bloom, inv immediately, otherwise put into a per node upload queue and flush every minute or so
# data sending -> a simple queue
# no bloom
# - if inv arrives
# - if we don't have it, add tracking and download queue
# - if we do have it, remove from tracking
# tracking downloads
# - per node hash of items the node has but we don't
# tracking inv
# - per node hash of items that neither the remote node nor we have