QtPy is a compatibility layer which allows to use the code written for
PyQt5 with any python Qt binding: PyQt4, PyQt5, pyside or pyside2.
Main differences in PyQt5:
- all widget classes are now in QtWidgets package, not QtGui;
- QString obsoleted by unicode (sip API 2);
- changed the way of signals connection.
- used BMConfigParser.safeGet.. methods instead of try .. except
- moved all config checks from class_sqlThread into helper_startup
- commented out initialization of settings which are then rewritten
by updateConfig()
- bmconfigpaser.py now allows to put default values for a specific
option in the file
- addresses as sections are now detected by "BM-" rather than
just ignoring bitmessagesettings. There can now be other sections
with a cleaner config file
- rearranged code to reduce cyclic dependencies
- doCleanShutdown is separated in shutdown.py
- shared queues are separated in queues.py
- some default values were moved to defaults.py
- knownnodes partially moved to knownnodes.py
- got rid of shared config parser and made it into a singleton
- refactored safeConfigGetBoolean as a method of the config singleton
- refactored safeConfigGet as a method of the config singleton
- moved softwareVersion from shared.py into version.py
- moved some global variables from shared.py into state.py
- moved some protocol-specific functions from shared.py into protocol.py
Initial subscription fix. Still does not always display the list from
the correct folder, and it currently does not update unread count on
- shows gateway parser results more accurately
- gateway class assigned dynamically
- inbox sort order is aware of what you click on and defaults to