# Copyright (C) 2013 by Daniel Kraft # This file is part of the Bitmessage project. # # Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy # of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal # in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights # to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell # copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is # furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: # # The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all # copies or substantial portions of the Software. # # THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR # IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, # FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE # AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER # LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, # OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE # SOFTWARE. import base64 import httplib import json import socket import sys import os from bmconfigparser import BMConfigParser import defaults import tr # FIXME: from debug import logger crashes PyBitmessage due to a circular # dependency. The debug module will also override/disable logging.getLogger() # loggers so module level logging functions are used instead import logging as logger configSection = "bitmessagesettings" # Error thrown when the RPC call returns an error. class RPCError (Exception): error = None def __init__ (self, data): self.error = data def __str__(self): return '{0}: {1}'.format(type(self).__name__, self.error) # This class handles the Namecoin identity integration. class namecoinConnection (object): user = None password = None host = None port = None nmctype = None bufsize = 4096 queryid = 1 con = None # Initialise. If options are given, take the connection settings from # them instead of loading from the configs. This can be used to test # currently entered connection settings in the config dialog without # actually changing the values (yet). def __init__ (self, options = None): if options is None: self.nmctype = BMConfigParser().get (configSection, "namecoinrpctype") self.host = BMConfigParser().get (configSection, "namecoinrpchost") self.port = int(BMConfigParser().get (configSection, "namecoinrpcport")) self.user = BMConfigParser().get (configSection, "namecoinrpcuser") self.password = BMConfigParser().get (configSection, "namecoinrpcpassword") else: self.nmctype = options["type"] self.host = options["host"] self.port = int(options["port"]) self.user = options["user"] self.password = options["password"] assert self.nmctype == "namecoind" or self.nmctype == "nmcontrol" if self.nmctype == "namecoind": self.con = httplib.HTTPConnection(self.host, self.port, timeout = 3) # Query for the bitmessage address corresponding to the given identity # string. If it doesn't contain a slash, id/ is prepended. We return # the result as (Error, Address) pair, where the Error is an error # message to display or None in case of success. def query(self, string): slashPos = string.find("/") if slashPos < 0: string = "id/" + string try: if self.nmctype == "namecoind": res = self.callRPC("name_show", [string]) res = res["value"] elif self.nmctype == "nmcontrol": res = self.callRPC("data", ["getValue", string]) res = res["reply"] if res is False: return ( tr._translate( "MainWindow", "The name {0} was not found." ).format(string), None ) else: assert False except RPCError as exc: logger.exception("Namecoin query RPC exception") if isinstance(exc.error, dict): errmsg = exc.error["message"] else: errmsg = exc.error return ( tr._translate( "MainWindow", "The namecoin query failed ({0})" ).format(errmsg), None ) except Exception as exc: logger.exception("Namecoin query exception") return ( tr._translate("MainWindow", "The namecoin query failed."), None ) try: val = json.loads(res) except: logger.exception("Namecoin query json exception") return ( tr._translate( "MainWindow", "The name {0} has no valid JSON data." ).format(string), None ) if "bitmessage" in val: if "name" in val: ret = "%s <%s>" % (val["name"], val["bitmessage"]) else: ret = val["bitmessage"] return (None, ret) return ( tr._translate( "MainWindow", "The name {0} has no associated Bitmessage address." ).format(string), None ) # Test the connection settings. This routine tries to query a "getinfo" # command, and builds either an error message or a success message with # some info from it. def test(self): try: if self.nmctype == "namecoind": try: vers = self.callRPC("getinfo", [])["version"] except RPCError: vers = self.callRPC("getnetworkinfo", [])["version"] v3 = vers % 100 vers = vers / 100 v2 = vers % 100 vers = vers / 100 v1 = vers if v3 == 0: versStr = "0.%d.%d" % (v1, v2) else: versStr = "0.%d.%d.%d" % (v1, v2, v3) return ( 'success', tr._translate( "MainWindow", "Success! Namecoind version {0} running." ).format(versStr) ) elif self.nmctype == "nmcontrol": res = self.callRPC ("data", ["status"]) prefix = "Plugin data running" if ("reply" in res) and res["reply"][:len(prefix)] == prefix: return ('success', tr._translate("MainWindow",'Success! NMControll is up and running.')) logger.error("Unexpected nmcontrol reply: %s", res) return ('failed', tr._translate("MainWindow",'Couldn\'t understand NMControl.')) else: assert False except Exception: logger.info("Namecoin connection test failure") return ( 'failed', tr._translate( "MainWindow", "The connection to namecoin failed.") ) # Helper routine that actually performs an JSON RPC call. def callRPC (self, method, params): data = {"method": method, "params": params, "id": self.queryid} if self.nmctype == "namecoind": resp = self.queryHTTP (json.dumps (data)) elif self.nmctype == "nmcontrol": resp = self.queryServer (json.dumps (data)) else: assert False val = json.loads (resp) if val["id"] != self.queryid: raise Exception ("ID mismatch in JSON RPC answer.") if self.nmctype == "namecoind": self.queryid = self.queryid + 1 error = val["error"] if error is None: return val["result"] if isinstance(error, bool): raise RPCError (val["result"]) raise RPCError (error) # Query the server via HTTP. def queryHTTP (self, data): result = None try: self.con.putrequest("POST", "/") self.con.putheader("Connection", "Keep-Alive") self.con.putheader("User-Agent", "bitmessage") self.con.putheader("Host", self.host) self.con.putheader("Content-Type", "application/json") self.con.putheader("Content-Length", str(len(data))) self.con.putheader("Accept", "application/json") authstr = "%s:%s" % (self.user, self.password) self.con.putheader("Authorization", "Basic %s" % base64.b64encode (authstr)) self.con.endheaders() self.con.send(data) try: resp = self.con.getresponse() result = resp.read() if resp.status != 200: raise Exception ("Namecoin returned status %i: %s", resp.status, resp.reason) except: logger.info("HTTP receive error") except: logger.info("HTTP connection error") return result # Helper routine sending data to the RPC server and returning the result. def queryServer (self, data): try: s = socket.socket (socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM) s.setsockopt (socket.SOL_SOCKET, socket.SO_REUSEADDR, 1) s.settimeout(3) s.connect ((self.host, self.port)) s.sendall (data) result = "" while True: tmp = s.recv (self.bufsize) if not tmp: break result += tmp s.close () return result except socket.error as exc: raise Exception ("Socket error in RPC connection: %s" % str (exc)) # Look up the namecoin data folder. # FIXME: Check whether this works on other platforms as well! def lookupNamecoinFolder (): app = "namecoin" from os import path, environ if sys.platform == "darwin": if "HOME" in environ: dataFolder = path.join (os.environ["HOME"], "Library/Application Support/", app) + '/' else: print ("Could not find home folder, please report this message" + " and your OS X version to the BitMessage Github.") sys.exit() elif "win32" in sys.platform or "win64" in sys.platform: dataFolder = path.join(environ["APPDATA"], app) + "\\" else: dataFolder = path.join(environ["HOME"], ".%s" % app) + "/" return dataFolder # Ensure all namecoin options are set, by setting those to default values # that aren't there. def ensureNamecoinOptions (): if not BMConfigParser().has_option (configSection, "namecoinrpctype"): BMConfigParser().set (configSection, "namecoinrpctype", "namecoind") if not BMConfigParser().has_option (configSection, "namecoinrpchost"): BMConfigParser().set (configSection, "namecoinrpchost", "localhost") hasUser = BMConfigParser().has_option (configSection, "namecoinrpcuser") hasPass = BMConfigParser().has_option (configSection, "namecoinrpcpassword") hasPort = BMConfigParser().has_option (configSection, "namecoinrpcport") # Try to read user/password from .namecoin configuration file. defaultUser = "" defaultPass = "" nmcFolder = lookupNamecoinFolder () nmcConfig = nmcFolder + "namecoin.conf" try: nmc = open (nmcConfig, "r") while True: line = nmc.readline () if line == "": break parts = line.split ("=") if len (parts) == 2: key = parts[0] val = parts[1].rstrip () if key == "rpcuser" and not hasUser: defaultUser = val if key == "rpcpassword" and not hasPass: defaultPass = val if key == "rpcport": defaults.namecoinDefaultRpcPort = val nmc.close () except IOError: logger.error("%s unreadable or missing, Namecoin support deactivated", nmcConfig) except Exception as exc: logger.warning("Error processing namecoin.conf", exc_info=True) # If still nothing found, set empty at least. if (not hasUser): BMConfigParser().set (configSection, "namecoinrpcuser", defaultUser) if (not hasPass): BMConfigParser().set (configSection, "namecoinrpcpassword", defaultPass) # Set default port now, possibly to found value. if (not hasPort): BMConfigParser().set (configSection, "namecoinrpcport", defaults.namecoinDefaultRpcPort)