from collections import deque import asyncore import shared import socket import ssl import sys from addresses import * import helper_inbox class bitmessagePOP3Connection(asyncore.dispatcher): END = b"\r\n" def __init__(self, sock, peer_address, debug=False): asyncore.dispatcher.__init__(self, sock) self.peer_address = peer_address self.data_buffer = [] self.commands = deque() self.debug = debug self.dispatch = dict( USER=self.handleUser, PASS=self.handlePass, STAT=self.handleStat, LIST=self.handleList, #TOP=self.handleTop, RETR=self.handleRetr, DELE=self.handleDele, NOOP=self.handleNoop, QUIT=self.handleQuit, ) self.messages = None self.storage_size = 0 self.address = None = None self.loggedin = False self.sendline("+OK Bitmessage POP3 server ready") def populateMessageIndex(self): if not self.loggedin: raise Exception("Cannot be called when not logged in.") if self.address is None: raise Exception("Invalid address: {}".format(self.address)) if self.messages is not None: return v = (self.address,) shared.sqlLock.acquire() # TODO LENGTH(message) needs to be the byte-length, not the character-length. shared.sqlSubmitQueue.put('''SELECT msgid, fromaddress, subject, LENGTH(message) FROM inbox WHERE folder='inbox' AND toAddress=?''') shared.sqlSubmitQueue.put(v) queryreturn = shared.sqlReturnQueue.get() shared.sqlLock.release() self.storage_size = 0 self.messages = [] for row in queryreturn: msgid, fromAddress, subject, size = row subject = shared.fixPotentiallyInvalidUTF8Data(subject) if subject.startswith("': subject = "" # Reserved, flags. flags = subject[-21:-1] # TODO - checksum? self.messages.append({ 'msgid': msgid, 'fromAddress': fromAddress, 'subject': subject, 'size': size, }) self.storage_size += size def getMessageContent(self, msgid): if self.address is None: raise Exception("Invalid address: {}".format(self.address)) v = (msgid,) shared.sqlLock.acquire() shared.sqlSubmitQueue.put('''SELECT fromaddress, received, message, encodingtype FROM inbox WHERE msgid=?''') shared.sqlSubmitQueue.put(v) queryreturn = shared.sqlReturnQueue.get() shared.sqlLock.release() for row in queryreturn: fromAddress, received, message, encodingtype = row message = shared.fixPotentiallyInvalidUTF8Data(message) return { 'fromAddress': fromAddress, 'received': received, 'message': message, 'encodingtype': encodingtype } def trashMessage(self, msgid): # TODO - how to determine if the update succeeded? helper_inbox.trash(msgid) return True def sendline(self, data, END=END): if self.debug: shared.printLock.acquire() sys.stdout.write("sending ") sys.stdout.write(data) sys.stdout.write("\n") shared.printLock.release() data = data + END while len(data) > 4096: self.send(data[:4096]) data = data[4096:] if len(data): self.send(data) def handle_read(self): chunk = self.recv(4096) while bitmessagePOP3Connection.END in chunk: # Join all the data up to the END and throw it in commands command = b''.join(self.data_buffer) + chunk[:chunk.index(bitmessagePOP3Connection.END)] chunk = chunk[chunk.index(bitmessagePOP3Connection.END)+2:] self.data_buffer = [] self.commands.append(command) if len(chunk): self.data_buffer.append(chunk) if self.debug: shared.printLock.acquire() print('data_buffer', self.data_buffer) print('commands', self.commands) print('-') shared.printLock.release() while len(self.commands): line = self.commands.popleft() if b' ' in line: cmd, data = line.split(b' ', 1) else: cmd, data = line, b'' try: cmd = self.dispatch[cmd.decode('ascii').upper()] except KeyError: self.sendline('-ERR unknown command') continue for response in cmd(data): self.sendline(response) if cmd is self.handleQuit: self.close() break def handleUser(self, data): if self.loggedin: raise Exception("Cannot login twice") self.address = data status, addressVersionNumber, streamNumber, ripe = decodeAddress(self.address) if status != 'success': shared.printLock.acquire() print 'Error: Could not decode address: ' + self.address + ' : ' + status if status == 'checksumfailed': print 'Error: Checksum failed for address: ' + self.address if status == 'invalidcharacters': print 'Error: Invalid characters in address: ' + self.address if status == 'versiontoohigh': print 'Error: Address version number too high (or zero) in address: ' + self.address shared.printLock.release() raise Exception("Invalid Bitmessage address: {}".format(self.address)) self.address = addBMIfNotPresent(self.address) # Each identity must be enabled independly by setting the smtppop3password for the identity # If no password is set, then the identity is not available for SMTP/POP3 access. try: if shared.config.getboolean(self.address, "enabled"): = shared.config.get(self.address, "smtppop3password") yield "+OK user accepted" return except: pass yield "-ERR access denied" self.close() def handlePass(self, data): if is None: yield "-ERR must specify USER" else: pw = data.decode('ascii') if pw == # TODO - hashed passwords? yield "+OK pass accepted" self.loggedin = True else: yield "-ERR invalid password" def handleStat(self, data): self.populateMessageIndex() return ["+OK {} {}".format(len(self.messages), self.storage_size)] def handleList(self, data): self.populateMessageIndex() yield "+OK {} messages ({} octets)".format(len(self.messages), self.storage_size) for i, msg in enumerate(self.messages): yield "{} {}".format(i + 1, msg['size']) yield "." #def handleTop(self, data): # cmd, num, lines = data.split() # assert num == "1", "unknown message number: {}".format(num) # lines = int(lines) # text = + "\r\n\r\n" + "\r\n".join([:lines]) # return "+OK top of message follows\r\n{}\r\n.".format(text) def handleRetr(self, data): index = int(data.decode('ascii')) - 1 assert index >= 0 self.populateMessageIndex() msg = self.messages[index] content = self.getMessageContent(msg['msgid']) if self.debug: shared.printLock.acquire() sys.stdout.write(str(msg) + ": " + str(content)) shared.printLock.release() yield "+OK {} octets".format(msg['size']) yield content['message'] yield '.' def handleDele(self, data): index = int(data.decode('ascii')) - 1 assert index >= 0 self.populateMessageIndex() msg = self.messages[index] if self.trashMessage(msg['msgid']): return ["+OK deleted"] else: return ["-ERR internal error"] def handleNoop(self, data): return ["+OK"] def handleQuit(self, data): return ["+OK Bitmessage POP3 server signing off"] class bitmessagePOP3Server(asyncore.dispatcher): def __init__(self, debug=False): asyncore.dispatcher.__init__(self) self.debug = debug pop3port = shared.config.getint('bitmessagesettings', 'pop3port') self.ssl = shared.config.getboolean('bitmessagesettings', 'pop3ssl') if self.ssl: self.keyfile = shared.config.get('bitmessagesettings', 'keyfile') self.certfile = shared.config.get('bitmessagesettings', 'certfile') self.create_socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM) self.bind(('', pop3port)) self.listen(10) shared.printLock.acquire() print "POP3 server started: SSL enabled={}".format(str(self.ssl)) shared.printLock.release() def handle_accept(self): sock, peer_address = self.accept() if self.ssl: sock = ssl.wrap_socket(sock, server_side=True, certfile=self.certfile, keyfile=self.keyfile, ssl_version=ssl.PROTOCOL_SSLv23) _ = bitmessagePOP3Connection(sock, peer_address, debug=self.debug)