DEF LINE_CAP_NONE = 0 DEF LINE_CAP_SQUARE = 1 DEF LINE_CAP_ROUND = 2 DEF LINE_JOINT_NONE = 0 DEF LINE_JOINT_MITER = 1 DEF LINE_JOINT_BEVEL = 2 DEF LINE_JOINT_ROUND = 3 DEF LINE_MODE_POINTS = 0 DEF LINE_MODE_ELLIPSE = 1 DEF LINE_MODE_CIRCLE = 2 DEF LINE_MODE_RECTANGLE = 3 DEF LINE_MODE_ROUNDED_RECTANGLE = 4 DEF LINE_MODE_BEZIER = 5 from cimport StencilUse, StencilUnUse, StencilPush, StencilPop import itertools cdef float PI = 3.1415926535 cdef inline int line_intersection(double x1, double y1, double x2, double y2, double x3, double y3, double x4, double y4, double *px, double *py): cdef double u = (x1 * y2 - y1 * x2) cdef double v = (x3 * y4 - y3 * x4) cdef double denom = (x1 - x2) * (y3 - y4) - (y1 - y2) * (x3 - x4) if denom == 0: return 0 px[0] = (u * (x3 - x4) - (x1 - x2) * v) / denom py[0] = (u * (y3 - y4) - (y1 - y2) * v) / denom return 1 cdef class Line(VertexInstruction): '''A 2d line. Drawing a line can be done easily:: with self.canvas: Line(points=[100, 100, 200, 100, 100, 200], width=10) The line has 3 internal drawing modes that you should be aware of for optimal results: #. If the :attr:`width` is 1.0, then the standard GL_LINE drawing from OpenGL will be used. :attr:`dash_length`, :attr:`dash_offset`, and :attr:`dashes` will work, while properties for cap and joint have no meaning here. #. If the :attr:`width` is greater than 1.0, then a custom drawing method, based on triangulation, will be used. :attr:`dash_length`, :attr:`dash_offset`, and :attr:`dashes` do not work in this mode. Additionally, if the current color has an alpha less than 1.0, a stencil will be used internally to draw the line. .. image:: images/line-instruction.png :align: center :Parameters: `points`: list List of points in the format (x1, y1, x2, y2...) `dash_length`: int Length of a segment (if dashed), defaults to 1. `dash_offset`: int Offset between the end of a segment and the beginning of the next one, defaults to 0. Changing this makes it dashed. `dashes`: list of ints List of [ON length, offset, ON length, offset, ...]. E.g. ``[2,4,1,6,8,2]`` would create a line with the first dash length 2 then an offset of 4 then a dash lenght of 1 then an offset of 6 and so on. Defaults to ``[]``. Changing this makes it dashed and overrides `dash_length` and `dash_offset`. `width`: float Width of the line, defaults to 1.0. `cap`: str, defaults to 'round' See :attr:`cap` for more information. `joint`: str, defaults to 'round' See :attr:`joint` for more information. `cap_precision`: int, defaults to 10 See :attr:`cap_precision` for more information `joint_precision`: int, defaults to 10 See :attr:`joint_precision` for more information See :attr:`cap_precision` for more information. `joint_precision`: int, defaults to 10 See :attr:`joint_precision` for more information. `close`: bool, defaults to False If True, the line will be closed. `circle`: list If set, the :attr:`points` will be set to build a circle. See :attr:`circle` for more information. `ellipse`: list If set, the :attr:`points` will be set to build an ellipse. See :attr:`ellipse` for more information. `rectangle`: list If set, the :attr:`points` will be set to build a rectangle. See :attr:`rectangle` for more information. `bezier`: list If set, the :attr:`points` will be set to build a bezier line. See :attr:`bezier` for more information. `bezier_precision`: int, defaults to 180 Precision of the Bezier drawing. .. versionchanged:: 1.0.8 `dash_offset` and `dash_length` have been added. .. versionchanged:: 1.4.1 `width`, `cap`, `joint`, `cap_precision`, `joint_precision`, `close`, `ellipse`, `rectangle` have been added. .. versionchanged:: 1.4.1 `bezier`, `bezier_precision` have been added. .. versionchanged:: 1.11.0 `dashes` have been added ''' cdef int _cap cdef int _cap_precision cdef int _joint_precision cdef int _bezier_precision cdef int _joint cdef list _points cdef list _dash_list cdef float _width cdef int _dash_offset, _dash_length cdef int _use_stencil cdef int _close cdef int _mode cdef Instruction _stencil_rect cdef Instruction _stencil_push cdef Instruction _stencil_use cdef Instruction _stencil_unuse cdef Instruction _stencil_pop cdef double _bxmin, _bxmax, _bymin, _bymax cdef tuple _mode_args def __init__(self, **kwargs): super(Line, self).__init__(**kwargs) v = kwargs.get('points') self.points = v if v is not None else [] self.dashes = kwargs.get('dashes', []) self.batch.set_mode('line_strip') self._dash_length = kwargs.get('dash_length') or 1 self._dash_offset = kwargs.get('dash_offset') or 0 self._width = kwargs.get('width') or 1.0 self.joint = kwargs.get('joint') or 'round' self.cap = kwargs.get('cap') or 'round' self._cap_precision = kwargs.get('cap_precision') or 10 self._joint_precision = kwargs.get('joint_precision') or 10 self._bezier_precision = kwargs.get('bezier_precision') or 180 self._close = int(bool(kwargs.get('close', 0))) self._stencil_rect = None self._stencil_push = None self._stencil_use = None self._stencil_unuse = None self._stencil_pop = None self._use_stencil = 0 if 'ellipse' in kwargs: self.ellipse = kwargs['ellipse'] if 'circle' in kwargs: = kwargs['circle'] if 'rectangle' in kwargs: self.rectangle = kwargs['rectangle'] if 'rounded_rectangle' in kwargs: self.rounded_rectangle = kwargs['rounded_rectangle'] if 'bezier' in kwargs: self.bezier = kwargs['bezier'] cdef void build(self): if self._mode == LINE_MODE_ELLIPSE: self.prebuild_ellipse() elif self._mode == LINE_MODE_CIRCLE: self.prebuild_circle() elif self._mode == LINE_MODE_RECTANGLE: self.prebuild_rectangle() elif self._mode == LINE_MODE_ROUNDED_RECTANGLE: self.prebuild_rounded_rectangle() elif self._mode == LINE_MODE_BEZIER: self.prebuild_bezier() if self._width == 1.0: self.build_legacy() else: self.build_extended() cdef void ensure_stencil(self): if self._stencil_rect == None: self._stencil_rect = Rectangle() self._stencil_push = StencilPush() self._stencil_pop = StencilPop() self._stencil_use = StencilUse(op='lequal') self._stencil_unuse = StencilUnUse() cdef int apply(self) except -1: if self._width == 1.: VertexInstruction.apply(self) return 0 cdef double alpha = getActiveContext()['color'][-1] self._use_stencil = alpha < 1 if self._use_stencil: self.ensure_stencil() self._stencil_push.apply() VertexInstruction.apply(self) self._stencil_use.apply() self._stencil_rect.pos = self._bxmin, self._bymin self._stencil_rect.size = self._bxmax - self._bxmin, self._bymax - self._bymin self._stencil_rect.apply() self._stencil_unuse.apply() VertexInstruction.apply(self) self._stencil_pop.apply() else: VertexInstruction.apply(self) return 0 cdef void build_legacy(self): cdef int i cdef long count = int(len(self.points) / 2.) cdef list p = self.points cdef vertex_t *vertices = NULL cdef unsigned short *indices = NULL cdef float tex_x cdef char *buf = NULL cdef Texture texture = self.texture cdef int length = 0 cdef int position = 0 cdef int val if count < 2: self.batch.clear_data() return if self._close: p = p + [p[0], p[1]] count += 1 self.batch.set_mode('line_strip') if self._dash_list: length = sum(self._dash_list) if texture is None or texture._width != length \ or texture._height != 1: self.texture = texture = Texture.create(size=(length, 1)) texture.wrap = 'repeat' # create a buffer to fill our texture buf = malloc(4 * length) memset(buf, 0, 4 * length) for idx, val in enumerate(self._dash_list): if idx % 2 == 0: memset(buf + position, 255, val * 4) position += val * 4 p_str = buf[:position] try: self.texture.blit_buffer(p_str, colorfmt='rgba', bufferfmt='ubyte') finally: free(buf) elif self._dash_offset != 0: length = self._dash_length + self._dash_offset if texture is None or texture._width != \ (self._dash_length + self._dash_offset) or \ texture._height != 1: self.texture = texture = Texture.create( size=(self._dash_length + self._dash_offset, 1)) texture.wrap = 'repeat' # create a buffer to fill our texture buf = malloc(4 * (self._dash_length + self._dash_offset)) memset(buf, 255, self._dash_length * 4) memset(buf + self._dash_length * 4, 0, self._dash_offset * 4) p_str = buf[:(self._dash_length + self._dash_offset) * 4] try: self.texture.blit_buffer(p_str, colorfmt='rgba', bufferfmt='ubyte') finally: free(buf) elif texture is not None: self.texture = None vertices = malloc(count * sizeof(vertex_t)) if vertices == NULL: raise MemoryError('vertices') indices = malloc(count * sizeof(unsigned short)) if indices == NULL: free(vertices) raise MemoryError('indices') tex_x = 0 for i in range(count): if (self._dash_offset != 0 or self._dash_list) and i > 0: tex_x += (sqrt( pow(p[i * 2] - p[(i - 1) * 2], 2) + pow(p[i * 2 + 1] - p[(i - 1) * 2 + 1], 2)) / length) vertices[i].s0 = tex_x vertices[i].t0 = 0 vertices[i].x = p[i * 2] vertices[i].y = p[i * 2 + 1] indices[i] = i self.batch.set_data(vertices, count, indices, count) free(vertices) free(indices) cdef void build_extended(self): cdef int i, j cdef long count = int(len(self.points) / 2.) cdef list p = self.points cdef vertex_t *vertices = NULL cdef unsigned short *indices = NULL cdef float tex_x cdef int cap cdef char *buf = NULL self.texture = None self._bxmin = 999999999 self._bymin = 999999999 self._bxmax = -999999999 self._bymax = -999999999 if count < 2: self.batch.clear_data() return cap = self._cap if self._close and count > 2: p = p + p[0:4] count += 2 cap = LINE_CAP_NONE self.batch.set_mode('triangles') cdef unsigned long vertices_count = (count - 1) * 4 cdef unsigned long indices_count = (count - 1) * 6 cdef unsigned int iv = 0, ii = 0, siv = 0 if self._joint == LINE_JOINT_BEVEL: indices_count += (count - 2) * 3 vertices_count += (count - 2) elif self._joint == LINE_JOINT_ROUND: indices_count += (self._joint_precision * 3) * (count - 2) vertices_count += (self._joint_precision) * (count - 2) elif self._joint == LINE_JOINT_MITER: indices_count += (count - 2) * 6 vertices_count += (count - 2) * 2 if cap == LINE_CAP_SQUARE: indices_count += 12 vertices_count += 4 elif cap == LINE_CAP_ROUND: indices_count += (self._cap_precision * 3) * 2 vertices_count += (self._cap_precision) * 2 vertices = malloc(vertices_count * sizeof(vertex_t)) if vertices == NULL: raise MemoryError('vertices') indices = malloc(indices_count * sizeof(unsigned short)) if indices == NULL: free(vertices) raise MemoryError('indices') cdef double ax, ay, bx, _by, cx, cy, angle, a1, a2 cdef double x1, y1, x2, y2, x3, y3, x4, y4 cdef double sx1, sy1, sx4, sy4, sangle cdef double pcx, pcy, px1, py1, px2, py2, px3, py3, px4, py4, pangle = 0, pangle2 cdef double w = self._width cdef double ix, iy cdef unsigned int piv, pii2, piv2, skip = 0 cdef double jangle angle = sangle = 0 piv = pcx = pcy = cx = cy = ii = iv = ix = iy = 0 px1 = px2 = px3 = px4 = py1 = py2 = py3 = py4 = 0 sx1 = sy1 = sx4 = sy4 = 0 x1 = x2 = x3 = x4 = y1 = y2 = y3 = y4 = 0 cdef double cos1 = 0, cos2 = 0, sin1 = 0, sin2 = 0 for i in range(0, count - 1): ax = p[i * 2] ay = p[i * 2 + 1] bx = p[i * 2 + 2] _by = p[i * 2 + 3] if (ax, ay) == (bx, _by): skip += 1 continue if i - skip > 0 and self._joint != LINE_JOINT_NONE: pcx = cx pcy = cy px1 = x1 px2 = x2 px3 = x3 px4 = x4 py1 = y1 py2 = y2 py3 = y3 py4 = y4 piv2 = piv piv = iv pangle2 = pangle pangle = angle # calculate the orientation of the segment, between pi and -pi cx = bx - ax cy = _by - ay angle = atan2(cy, cx) a1 = angle - PI2 a2 = angle + PI2 # calculate the position of the segment cos1 = cos(a1) * w sin1 = sin(a1) * w cos2 = cos(a2) * w sin2 = sin(a2) * w x1 = ax + cos1 y1 = ay + sin1 x4 = ax + cos2 y4 = ay + sin2 x2 = bx + cos1 y2 = _by + sin1 x3 = bx + cos2 y3 = _by + sin2 if i - skip == 0: sx1 = x1 sy1 = y1 sx4 = x4 sy4 = y4 sangle = angle indices[ii ] = iv indices[ii + 1] = iv + 1 indices[ii + 2] = iv + 2 indices[ii + 3] = iv indices[ii + 4] = iv + 2 indices[ii + 5] = iv + 3 ii += 6 vertices[iv].x = x1 vertices[iv].y = y1 vertices[iv].s0 = 0 vertices[iv].t0 = 0 iv += 1 vertices[iv].x = x2 vertices[iv].y = y2 vertices[iv].s0 = 1 vertices[iv].t0 = 0 iv += 1 vertices[iv].x = x3 vertices[iv].y = y3 vertices[iv].s0 = 1 vertices[iv].t0 = 1 iv += 1 vertices[iv].x = x4 vertices[iv].y = y4 vertices[iv].s0 = 0 vertices[iv].t0 = 1 iv += 1 # joint generation if i - skip == 0 or self._joint == LINE_JOINT_NONE: continue # calculate the angle of the previous and current segment jangle = atan2( cx * pcy - cy * pcx, cx * pcx + cy * pcy) # in case of the angle is NULL, avoid the generation if jangle == 0: if self._joint == LINE_JOINT_ROUND: vertices_count -= self._joint_precision indices_count -= self._joint_precision * 3 elif self._joint == LINE_JOINT_BEVEL: vertices_count -= 1 indices_count -= 3 elif self._joint == LINE_JOINT_MITER: vertices_count -= 2 indices_count -= 6 continue if self._joint == LINE_JOINT_BEVEL: vertices[iv].x = ax vertices[iv].y = ay vertices[iv].s0 = 0 vertices[iv].t0 = 0 if jangle < 0: indices[ii] = piv2 + 1 indices[ii + 1] = piv indices[ii + 2] = iv else: indices[ii] = piv2 + 2 indices[ii + 1] = piv + 3 indices[ii + 2] = iv ii += 3 iv += 1 elif self._joint == LINE_JOINT_MITER: vertices[iv].x = ax vertices[iv].y = ay vertices[iv].s0 = 0 vertices[iv].t0 = 0 if jangle < 0: if line_intersection(px1, py1, px2, py2, x1, y1, x2, y2, &ix, &iy) == 0: vertices_count -= 2 indices_count -= 6 continue vertices[iv + 1].x = ix vertices[iv + 1].y = iy vertices[iv + 1].s0 = 0 vertices[iv + 1].t0 = 0 indices[ii] = iv indices[ii + 1] = iv + 1 indices[ii + 2] = piv2 + 1 indices[ii + 3] = iv indices[ii + 4] = piv indices[ii + 5] = iv + 1 ii += 6 iv += 2 else: if line_intersection(px3, py3, px4, py4, x3, y3, x4, y4, &ix, &iy) == 0: vertices_count -= 2 indices_count -= 6 continue vertices[iv + 1].x = ix vertices[iv + 1].y = iy vertices[iv + 1].s0 = 0 vertices[iv + 1].t0 = 0 indices[ii] = iv indices[ii + 1] = iv + 1 indices[ii + 2] = piv2 + 2 indices[ii + 3] = iv indices[ii + 4] = piv + 3 indices[ii + 5] = iv + 1 ii += 6 iv += 2 elif self._joint == LINE_JOINT_ROUND: # cap end if jangle < 0: a1 = pangle2 - PI2 a2 = angle + PI2 a0 = a2 step = (abs(jangle)) / float(self._joint_precision) pivstart = piv + 3 pivend = piv2 + 1 else: a1 = angle - PI2 a2 = pangle2 + PI2 a0 = a1 step = -(abs(jangle)) / float(self._joint_precision) pivstart = piv pivend = piv2 + 2 siv = iv vertices[iv].x = ax vertices[iv].y = ay vertices[iv].s0 = 0 vertices[iv].t0 = 0 iv += 1 for j in xrange(0, self._joint_precision - 1): vertices[iv].x = (ax - cos(a0 - step * j) * w) vertices[iv].y = (ay - sin(a0 - step * j) * w) vertices[iv].s0 = 0 vertices[iv].t0 = 0 if j == 0: indices[ii] = siv indices[ii + 1] = pivstart indices[ii + 2] = iv else: indices[ii] = siv indices[ii + 1] = iv - 1 indices[ii + 2] = iv iv += 1 ii += 3 indices[ii] = siv indices[ii + 1] = iv - 1 indices[ii + 2] = pivend ii += 3 # caps if cap == LINE_CAP_SQUARE: vertices[iv].x = (x2 + cos(angle) * w) vertices[iv].y = (y2 + sin(angle) * w) vertices[iv].s0 = 0 vertices[iv].t0 = 0 vertices[iv + 1].x = (x3 + cos(angle) * w) vertices[iv + 1].y = (y3 + sin(angle) * w) vertices[iv + 1].s0 = 0 vertices[iv + 1].t0 = 0 indices[ii] = piv + 1 indices[ii + 1] = piv + 2 indices[ii + 2] = iv + 1 indices[ii + 3] = piv + 1 indices[ii + 4] = iv indices[ii + 5] = iv + 1 ii += 6 iv += 2 vertices[iv].x = (sx1 - cos(sangle) * w) vertices[iv].y = (sy1 - sin(sangle) * w) vertices[iv].s0 = 0 vertices[iv].t0 = 0 vertices[iv + 1].x = (sx4 - cos(sangle) * w) vertices[iv + 1].y = (sy4 - sin(sangle) * w) vertices[iv + 1].s0 = 0 vertices[iv + 1].t0 = 0 indices[ii] = 0 indices[ii + 1] = 3 indices[ii + 2] = iv + 1 indices[ii + 3] = 0 indices[ii + 4] = iv indices[ii + 5] = iv + 1 ii += 6 iv += 2 elif cap == LINE_CAP_ROUND: # cap start a1 = sangle - PI2 a2 = sangle + PI2 step = (a1 - a2) / float(self._cap_precision) siv = iv cx = p[0] cy = p[1] vertices[iv].x = cx vertices[iv].y = cy vertices[iv].s0 = 0 vertices[iv].t0 = 0 iv += 1 for i in xrange(0, self._cap_precision - 1): vertices[iv].x = (cx + cos(a1 + step * i) * w) vertices[iv].y = (cy + sin(a1 + step * i) * w) vertices[iv].s0 = 1 vertices[iv].t0 = 1 if i == 0: indices[ii] = siv indices[ii + 1] = 0 indices[ii + 2] = iv else: indices[ii] = siv indices[ii + 1] = iv - 1 indices[ii + 2] = iv iv += 1 ii += 3 indices[ii] = siv indices[ii + 1] = iv - 1 indices[ii + 2] = 3 ii += 3 # cap end a1 = angle - PI2 a2 = angle + PI2 step = (a2 - a1) / float(self._cap_precision) siv = iv cx = p[-2] cy = p[-1] vertices[iv].x = cx vertices[iv].y = cy vertices[iv].s0 = 0 vertices[iv].t0 = 0 iv += 1 for i in xrange(0, self._cap_precision - 1): vertices[iv].x = (cx + cos(a1 + step * i) * w) vertices[iv].y = (cy + sin(a1 + step * i) * w) vertices[iv].s0 = 0 vertices[iv].t0 = 0 if i == 0: indices[ii] = siv indices[ii + 1] = piv + 1 indices[ii + 2] = iv else: indices[ii] = siv indices[ii + 1] = iv - 1 indices[ii + 2] = iv iv += 1 ii += 3 indices[ii] = siv indices[ii + 1] = iv - 1 indices[ii + 2] = piv + 2 ii += 3 while ii < indices_count: # make all the remaining indices point to the last vertice indices[ii] = siv ii += 1 # compute bbox cdef unsigned long iul for iul in xrange(vertices_count): if vertices[iul].x < self._bxmin: self._bxmin = vertices[iul].x if vertices[iul].x > self._bxmax: self._bxmax = vertices[iul].x if vertices[iul].y < self._bymin: self._bymin = vertices[iul].y if vertices[iul].y > self._bymax: self._bymax = vertices[iul].y self.batch.set_data(vertices, vertices_count, indices, indices_count) free(vertices) free(indices) property points: '''Property for getting/settings points of the line .. warning:: This will always reconstruct the whole graphics from the new points list. It can be very CPU expensive. ''' def __get__(self): return self._points def __set__(self, points): if points and isinstance(points[0], (list, tuple)): self._points = list(itertools.chain(*points)) else: self._points = list(points) self._mode = LINE_MODE_POINTS self.flag_update() property dash_length: '''Property for getting/setting the length of the dashes in the curve .. versionadded:: 1.0.8 ''' def __get__(self): return self._dash_length def __set__(self, value): if value < 0: raise GraphicException('Invalid dash_length value, must be >= 0') self._dash_length = value self.flag_update() property dash_offset: '''Property for getting/setting the offset between the dashes in the curve .. versionadded:: 1.0.8 ''' def __get__(self): return self._dash_offset def __set__(self, value): if value < 0: raise GraphicException('Invalid dash_offset value, must be >= 0') self._dash_offset = value self.flag_update() property dashes: '''Property for getting/setting ``dashes``. List of [ON length, offset, ON length, offset, ...]. E.g. ``[2,4,1,6,8,2]`` would create a line with the first dash length 2 then an offset of 4 then a dash lenght of 1 then an offset of 6 and so on. .. versionadded:: 1.11.0 ''' def __get__(self): return self._dash_list def __set__(self, value): self._dash_list = list(value) self.flag_update() property width: '''Determine the width of the line, defaults to 1.0. .. versionadded:: 1.4.1 ''' def __get__(self): return self._width def __set__(self, value): if value <= 0: raise GraphicException('Invalid width value, must be > 0') self._width = value self.flag_update() property cap: '''Determine the cap of the line, defaults to 'round'. Can be one of 'none', 'square' or 'round' .. versionadded:: 1.4.1 ''' def __get__(self): if self._cap == LINE_CAP_SQUARE: return 'square' elif self._cap == LINE_CAP_ROUND: return 'round' return 'none' def __set__(self, value): if value not in ('none', 'square', 'round'): raise GraphicException('Invalid cap, must be one of ' '"none", "square", "round"') if value == 'square': self._cap = LINE_CAP_SQUARE elif value == 'round': self._cap = LINE_CAP_ROUND else: self._cap = LINE_CAP_NONE self.flag_update() property joint: '''Determine the join of the line, defaults to 'round'. Can be one of 'none', 'round', 'bevel', 'miter'. .. versionadded:: 1.4.1 ''' def __get__(self): if self._joint == LINE_JOINT_ROUND: return 'round' elif self._joint == LINE_JOINT_BEVEL: return 'bevel' elif self._joint == LINE_JOINT_MITER: return 'miter' return 'none' def __set__(self, value): if value not in ('none', 'miter', 'bevel', 'round'): raise GraphicException('Invalid joint, must be one of ' '"none", "miter", "bevel", "round"') if value == 'round': self._joint = LINE_JOINT_ROUND elif value == 'bevel': self._joint = LINE_JOINT_BEVEL elif value == 'miter': self._joint = LINE_JOINT_MITER else: self._joint = LINE_JOINT_NONE self.flag_update() property cap_precision: '''Number of iteration for drawing the "round" cap, defaults to 10. The cap_precision must be at least 1. .. versionadded:: 1.4.1 ''' def __get__(self): return self._cap_precision def __set__(self, value): if value < 1: raise GraphicException('Invalid cap_precision value, must be >= 1') self._cap_precision = int(value) self.flag_update() property joint_precision: '''Number of iteration for drawing the "round" joint, defaults to 10. The joint_precision must be at least 1. .. versionadded:: 1.4.1 ''' def __get__(self): return self._joint_precision def __set__(self, value): if value < 1: raise GraphicException('Invalid joint_precision value, must be >= 1') self._joint_precision = int(value) self.flag_update() property close: '''If True, the line will be closed. .. versionadded:: 1.4.1 ''' def __get__(self): return self._close def __set__(self, value): self._close = int(bool(value)) self.flag_update() property ellipse: '''Use this property to build an ellipse, without calculating the :attr:`points`. You can only set this property, not get it. The argument must be a tuple of (x, y, width, height, angle_start, angle_end, segments): * x and y represent the bottom left of the ellipse * width and height represent the size of the ellipse * (optional) angle_start and angle_end are in degree. The default value is 0 and 360. * (optional) segments is the precision of the ellipse. The default value is calculated from the range between angle. Note that it's up to you to :attr:`close` the ellipse or not. For example, for building a simple ellipse, in python:: # simple ellipse Line(ellipse=(0, 0, 150, 150)) # only from 90 to 180 degrees Line(ellipse=(0, 0, 150, 150, 90, 180)) # only from 90 to 180 degrees, with few segments Line(ellipse=(0, 0, 150, 150, 90, 180, 20)) .. versionadded:: 1.4.1 ''' def __set__(self, args): if args == None: raise GraphicException( 'Invalid ellipse value: {0!r}'.format(args)) if len(args) not in (4, 6, 7): raise GraphicException('Invalid number of arguments: ' '{0} instead of 4, 6 or 7.'.format(len(args))) self._mode_args = tuple(args) self._mode = LINE_MODE_ELLIPSE self.flag_update() cdef void prebuild_ellipse(self): cdef double x, y, w, h, angle_start = 0, angle_end = 360 cdef int angle_dir, segments = 0 cdef double angle_range cdef tuple args = self._mode_args if len(args) == 4: x, y, w, h = args elif len(args) == 6: x, y, w, h, angle_start, angle_end = args elif len(args) == 7: x, y, w, h, angle_start, angle_end, segments = args segments += 2 else: x = y = w = h = 0 assert(0) if angle_end > angle_start: angle_dir = 1 else: angle_dir = -1 if segments == 0: segments = int(abs(angle_end - angle_start) / 2) + 3 if segments % 2 == 1: segments += 1 # rad = deg * (pi / 180), where pi/180 = 0.0174... angle_start = angle_start * 0.017453292519943295 angle_end = angle_end * 0.017453292519943295 angle_range = abs(angle_end - angle_start) / (segments - 2) cdef list points = [0, ] * segments cdef double angle cdef double rx = w * 0.5 cdef double ry = h * 0.5 for i in xrange(0, segments, 2): angle = angle_start + (angle_dir * (i - 1) * angle_range) points[i] = (x + rx) + (rx * sin(angle)) points[i + 1] = (y + ry) + (ry * cos(angle)) self._points = points property circle: '''Use this property to build a circle, without calculating the :attr:`points`. You can only set this property, not get it. The argument must be a tuple of (center_x, center_y, radius, angle_start, angle_end, segments): * center_x and center_y represent the center of the circle * radius represent the radius of the circle * (optional) angle_start and angle_end are in degree. The default value is 0 and 360. * (optional) segments is the precision of the ellipse. The default value is calculated from the range between angle. Note that it's up to you to :attr:`close` the circle or not. For example, for building a simple ellipse, in python:: # simple circle Line(circle=(150, 150, 50)) # only from 90 to 180 degrees Line(circle=(150, 150, 50, 90, 180)) # only from 90 to 180 degrees, with few segments Line(circle=(150, 150, 50, 90, 180, 20)) .. versionadded:: 1.4.1 ''' def __set__(self, args): if args == None: raise GraphicException( 'Invalid circle value: {0!r}'.format(args)) if len(args) not in (3, 5, 6): raise GraphicException('Invalid number of arguments: ' '{0} instead of 3, 5 or 6.'.format(len(args))) self._mode_args = tuple(args) self._mode = LINE_MODE_CIRCLE self.flag_update() cdef void prebuild_circle(self): cdef double x, y, r, angle_start = 0, angle_end = 360 cdef int angle_dir, segments = 0 cdef double angle_range cdef tuple args = self._mode_args if len(args) == 3: x, y, r = args elif len(args) == 5: x, y, r, angle_start, angle_end = args elif len(args) == 6: x, y, r, angle_start, angle_end, segments = args segments += 1 else: x = y = r = 0 assert(0) if angle_end > angle_start: angle_dir = 1 else: angle_dir = -1 if segments == 0: segments = int(abs(angle_end - angle_start) / 2) + 3 segmentpoints = segments * 2 # rad = deg * (pi / 180), where pi/180 = 0.0174... angle_start = angle_start * 0.017453292519943295 angle_end = angle_end * 0.017453292519943295 angle_range = abs(angle_end - angle_start) / (segmentpoints - 2) cdef list points = [0, ] * segmentpoints cdef double angle for i in xrange(0, segmentpoints, 2): angle = angle_start + (angle_dir * i * angle_range) points[i] = x + (r * sin(angle)) points[i + 1] = y + (r * cos(angle)) self._points = points property rectangle: '''Use this property to build a rectangle, without calculating the :attr:`points`. You can only set this property, not get it. The argument must be a tuple of (x, y, width, height): * x and y represent the bottom-left position of the rectangle * width and height represent the size The line is automatically closed. Usage:: Line(rectangle=(0, 0, 200, 200)) .. versionadded:: 1.4.1 ''' def __set__(self, args): if args == None: raise GraphicException( 'Invalid rectangle value: {0!r}'.format(args)) if len(args) != 4: raise GraphicException('Invalid number of arguments: ' '{0} instead of 4.'.format(len(args))) self._mode_args = tuple(args) self._mode = LINE_MODE_RECTANGLE self.flag_update() cdef void prebuild_rectangle(self): cdef double x, y, width, height cdef int angle_dir, segments = 0 cdef double angle_range cdef tuple args = self._mode_args if args == None: raise GraphicException( 'Invalid ellipse value: {0!r}'.format(args)) if len(args) == 4: x, y, width, height = args else: x = y = width = height = 0 assert(0) self._points = [x, y, x + width, y, x + width, y + height, x, y + height] self._close = 1 property rounded_rectangle: '''Use this property to build a rectangle, without calculating the :attr:`points`. You can only set this property, not get it. The argument must be a tuple of one of the following forms: * (x, y, width, height, corner_radius) * (x, y, width, height, corner_radius, resolution) * (x, y, width, height, corner_radius1, corner_radius2, corner_radius3, corner_radius4) * (x, y, width, height, corner_radius1, corner_radius2, corner_radius3, corner_radius4, resolution) * x and y represent the bottom-left position of the rectangle * width and height represent the size * corner_radius is the number of pixels between two borders and the center of the circle arc joining them * resolution is the number of line segment that will be used to draw the circle arc at each corner (defaults to 30) The line is automatically closed. Usage:: Line(rounded_rectangle=(0, 0, 200, 200, 10, 20, 30, 40, 100)) .. versionadded:: 1.9.0 ''' def __set__(self, args): if args == None: raise GraphicException( 'Invlid rounded rectangle value: {0!r}'.format(args)) if len(args) not in (5, 6, 8, 9): raise GraphicException('invalid number of arguments:' '{0} not in (5, 6, 8, 9)'.format(len(args))) self._mode_args = tuple(args) self._mode = LINE_MODE_ROUNDED_RECTANGLE self.flag_update() cdef void prebuild_rounded_rectangle(self): cdef float a, px, py, x, y, w, h, c1, c2, c3, c4 cdef resolution = 30 cdef int l = len(self._mode_args) self._points = [] a = -PI x, y, w, h = self._mode_args [:4] if l == 5: c1 = c2 = c3 = c4 = self._mode_args[4] elif l == 6: c1 = c2 = c3 = c4 = self._mode_args[4] resolution = self._mode_args[5] elif l == 8: c1, c2, c3, c4 = self._mode_args[4:] else: # l == 9, but else make the compiler happy about uninitialization c1, c2, c3, c4 = self._mode_args[4:8] resolution = self._mode_args[8] px = x + c1 py = y + c1 while a < - PI / 2.: a += pi / resolution self._points.extend([ px + cos(a) * c1, py + sin(a) * c1]) px = x + w - c2 py = y + c2 while a < 0: a += PI / resolution self._points.extend([ px + cos(a) * c2, py + sin(a) * c2]) px = x + w - c3 py = y + h - c3 while a < PI / 2.: a += PI / resolution self._points.extend([ px + cos(a) * c3, py + sin(a) * c3]) px = x + c4 py = y + h - c4 while a < PI: a += PI / resolution self._points.extend([ px + cos(a) * c4, py + sin(a) * c4]) self._close = 1 property bezier: '''Use this property to build a bezier line, without calculating the :attr:`points`. You can only set this property, not get it. The argument must be a tuple of 2n elements, n being the number of points. Usage:: Line(bezier=(x1, y1, x2, y2, x3, y3) .. versionadded:: 1.4.2 .. note:: Bezier lines calculations are inexpensive for a low number of points, but complexity is quadratic, so lines with a lot of points can be very expensive to build, use with care! ''' def __set__(self, args): if args == None or len(args) % 2: raise GraphicException( 'Invalid bezier value: {0!r}'.format(args)) self._mode_args = tuple(args) self._mode = LINE_MODE_BEZIER self.flag_update() cdef void prebuild_bezier(self): cdef double x, y, l cdef int segments = self._bezier_precision cdef list T = list(self._mode_args)[:] self._points = [] for x in xrange(segments): l = x / (1.0 * segments) # # as the list is in the form of (x1, y1, x2, y2...) iteration is # done on each item and the current item (xn or yn) in the list is # replaced with a calculation of "xn + x(n+1) - xn" x(n+1) is # placed at n+2. Each iteration makes the list one item shorter for i in range(1, len(T)): for j in xrange(len(T) - 2*i): T[j] = T[j] + (T[j+2] - T[j]) * l # we got the coordinates of the point in T[0] and T[1] self._points.append(T[0]) self._points.append(T[1]) # add one last point to join the curve to the end self._points.append(T[-2]) self._points.append(T[-1]) property bezier_precision: '''Number of iteration for drawing the bezier between 2 segments, defaults to 180. The bezier_precision must be at least 1. .. versionadded:: 1.4.2 ''' def __get__(self): return self._bezier_precision def __set__(self, value): if value < 1: raise GraphicException('Invalid bezier_precision value, must be >= 1') self._bezier_precision = int(value) self.flag_update() cdef class SmoothLine(Line): '''Experimental line using over-draw methods to get better anti-aliasing results. It has few drawbacks: - drawing a line with alpha will probably not have the intended result if the line crosses itself. - :attr:`~Line.cap`, :attr:`~Line.joint` and :attr:`~Line.dash` properties are not supported. - it uses a custom texture with a premultiplied alpha. - lines under 1px in width are not supported: they will look the same. .. warning:: This is an unfinished work, experimental, and subject to crashes. .. versionadded:: 1.9.0 ''' cdef float _owidth def __init__(self, **kwargs): Line.__init__(self, **kwargs) self._owidth = kwargs.get("overdraw_width") or 1.2 self.batch.set_mode("triangles") self.texture = self.premultiplied_texture() def premultiplied_texture(self): texture = Texture.create(size=(4, 1), colorfmt="rgba") texture.add_reload_observer(self._smooth_reload_observer) self._smooth_reload_observer(texture) return texture cpdef _smooth_reload_observer(self, texture): cdef bytes GRADIENT_DATA = ( b"\xff\xff\xff\x00\xff\xff\xff\xff\xff\xff\xff\xff\xff\xff\xff\x00") texture.blit_buffer(GRADIENT_DATA, colorfmt="rgba") cdef void build(self): if self._mode == LINE_MODE_ELLIPSE: self.prebuild_ellipse() elif self._mode == LINE_MODE_CIRCLE: self.prebuild_circle() elif self._mode == LINE_MODE_RECTANGLE: self.prebuild_rectangle() elif self._mode == LINE_MODE_ROUNDED_RECTANGLE: self.prebuild_rounded_rectangle() elif self._mode == LINE_MODE_BEZIER: self.prebuild_bezier() self.build_smooth() cdef int apply(self) except -1: VertexInstruction.apply(self) return 0 cdef void build_smooth(self): cdef: list p = self.points double width = max(0, (self._width - 1.)) double owidth = width + self._owidth vertex_t *vertices = NULL unsigned short *indices = NULL unsigned short *tindices = NULL double ax, ay, bx = 0., by = 0., rx = 0., ry = 0., last_angle = 0., angle, av_angle double cos1, sin1, cos2, sin2, ocos1, ocos2, osin1, osin2 long index, icount, iv, ii, max_vindex, count unsigned short i0, i1, i2, i3, i4, i5, i6, i7, vindex, vcount iv = vindex = 0 count = int(len(p) / 2.) if count < 2: self.batch.clear_data() return vcount = (count * 4) icount = (count - 1) * 18 if self._close: icount += 18 vertices = malloc(vcount * sizeof(vertex_t)) if vertices == NULL: raise MemoryError("vertices") indices = malloc(icount * sizeof(unsigned short)) if indices == NULL: free(vertices) raise MemoryError("indices") if self._close: ax = p[-2] ay = p[-1] bx = p[0] by = p[1] rx = bx - ax ry = by - ay last_angle = atan2(ry, rx) max_index = len(p) for index in range(0, max_index, 2): ax = p[index] ay = p[index + 1] if index < max_index - 2: bx = p[index + 2] by = p[index + 3] rx = bx - ax ry = by - ay angle = atan2(ry, rx) else: angle = last_angle if index == 0 and not self._close: av_angle = angle ad_angle = pi else: av_angle = atan2( sin(angle) + sin(last_angle), cos(angle) + cos(last_angle)) ad_angle = abs(pi - abs(angle - last_angle)) a1 = av_angle - PI2 a2 = av_angle + PI2 ''' cos1 = cos(a1) * width sin1 = sin(a1) * width cos2 = cos(a2) * width sin2 = sin(a2) * width ocos1 = cos(a1) * owidth osin1 = sin(a1) * owidth ocos2 = cos(a2) * owidth osin2 = sin(a2) * owidth print 'angle diff', ad_angle ''' #l = width #ol = owidth if index == 0 or index >= max_index - 2: l = width ol = owidth else: la1 = last_angle - PI2 la2 = angle - PI2 ra1 = last_angle + PI2 ra2 = angle + PI2 ox = p[index - 2] oy = p[index - 1] if line_intersection( ox + cos(la1) * width, oy + sin(la1) * width, ax + cos(la1) * width, ay + sin(la1) * width, ax + cos(la2) * width, ay + sin(la2) * width, bx + cos(la2) * width, by + sin(la2) * width, &rx, &ry) == 0: #print 'ERROR LINE INTERSECTION 1' pass l = sqrt((ax - rx) ** 2 + (ay - ry) ** 2) if line_intersection( ox + cos(ra1) * owidth, oy + sin(ra1) * owidth, ax + cos(ra1) * owidth, ay + sin(ra1) * owidth, ax + cos(ra2) * owidth, ay + sin(ra2) * owidth, bx + cos(ra2) * owidth, by + sin(ra2) * owidth, &rx, &ry) == 0: #print 'ERROR LINE INTERSECTION 2' pass ol = sqrt((ax - rx) ** 2 + (ay - ry) ** 2) last_angle = angle #l = sqrt(width ** 2 * (1. / sin(av_angle)) ** 2) #l = width / tan(av_angle / 2.) #l = width * sqrt(1 + 1 / (av_angle / 2.)) #l = 2 * (width * width * sin(av_angle)) #l = 2 * (cos(av_angle / 2.) * width) #l = width / abs(cos(PI2 - 1.5 * ad_angle)) cos1 = cos(a1) * l sin1 = sin(a1) * l cos2 = cos(a2) * l sin2 = sin(a2) * l #ol = sqrt(owidth ** 2 * (1. / sin(av_angle)) ** 2) #ol = owidth / tan(av_angle / 2.) #ol = owidth * sqrt(1 + 1 / (av_angle / 2.)) #ol = 2 * (owidth * owidth * sin(av_angle)) #ol = 2 * (cos(av_angle / 2.) * owidth) #ol = owidth / abs(cos(PI2 - 1.5 * ad_angle)) ocos1 = cos(a1) * ol osin1 = sin(a1) * ol ocos2 = cos(a2) * ol osin2 = sin(a2) * ol x1 = ax + cos1 y1 = ay + sin1 x2 = ax + cos2 y2 = ay + sin2 ox1 = ax + ocos1 oy1 = ay + osin1 ox2 = ax + ocos2 oy2 = ay + osin2 vertices[iv].x = x1 vertices[iv].y = y1 vertices[iv].s0 = 0.5 vertices[iv].t0 = 0.25 iv += 1 vertices[iv].x = x2 vertices[iv].y = y2 vertices[iv].s0 = 0.5 vertices[iv].t0 = 0.75 iv += 1 vertices[iv].x = ox1 vertices[iv].y = oy1 vertices[iv].s0 = 1 vertices[iv].t0 = 0 iv += 1 vertices[iv].x = ox2 vertices[iv].y = oy2 vertices[iv].s0 = 1 vertices[iv].t0 = 1 iv += 1 tindices = indices for vindex in range(0, vcount - 4, 4): tindices[0] = vindex tindices[1] = vindex + 2 tindices[2] = vindex + 6 tindices[3] = vindex tindices[4] = vindex + 6 tindices[5] = vindex + 4 tindices[6] = vindex + 1 tindices[7] = vindex tindices[8] = vindex + 4 tindices[9] = vindex + 1 tindices[10] = vindex + 4 tindices[11] = vindex + 5 tindices[12] = vindex + 3 tindices[13] = vindex + 1 tindices[14] = vindex + 5 tindices[15] = vindex + 3 tindices[16] = vindex + 5 tindices[17] = vindex + 7 tindices = tindices + 18 if self._close: vindex = vcount - 4 i0 = vindex i1 = vindex + 1 i2 = vindex + 2 i3 = vindex + 3 i4 = 0 i5 = 1 i6 = 2 i7 = 3 tindices[0] = i0 tindices[1] = i2 tindices[2] = i6 tindices[3] = i0 tindices[4] = i6 tindices[5] = i4 tindices[6] = i1 tindices[7] = i0 tindices[8] = i4 tindices[9] = i1 tindices[10] = i4 tindices[11] = i5 tindices[12] = i3 tindices[13] = i1 tindices[14] = i5 tindices[15] = i3 tindices[16] = i5 tindices[17] = i7 tindices = tindices + 18 #print 'tindices', tindices, indices, (tindices - indices) / sizeof(unsigned short) self.batch.set_data(vertices, vcount, indices, icount) free(vertices) free(indices) property overdraw_width: '''Determine the overdraw width of the line, defaults to 1.2. ''' def __get__(self): return self._owidth def __set__(self, value): if value <= 0: raise GraphicException('Invalid width value, must be > 0') self._owidth = value self.flag_update()