''' Mouse provider implementation ============================= On linux systems, the mouse provider can be annoying when used with another multitouch provider (hidinput or mtdev). The Mouse can conflict with them: a single touch can generate one event from the mouse provider and another from the multitouch provider. To avoid this behavior, you can activate the "disable_on_activity" token in the mouse configuration. Then, if any touches are created by another provider, the mouse event will be discarded. Add this to your configuration:: [input] mouse = mouse,disable_on_activity Using multitouch interaction with the mouse ------------------------------------------- .. versionadded:: 1.3.0 By default, the middle and right mouse buttons, as well as a combination of ctrl + left mouse button are used for multitouch emulation. If you want to use them for other purposes, you can disable this behavior by activating the "disable_multitouch" token:: [input] mouse = mouse,disable_multitouch .. versionchanged:: 1.9.0 You can now selectively control whether a click initiated as described above will emulate multi-touch. If the touch has been initiated in the above manner (e.g. right mouse button), a `multitouch_sim` value will be added to the touch's profile, and a `multitouch_sim` property will be added to the touch. By default, `multitouch_sim` is True and multitouch will be emulated for that touch. If, however, `multitouch_on_demand` is added to the config:: [input] mouse = mouse,multitouch_on_demand then `multitouch_sim` defaults to `False`. In that case, if `multitouch_sim` is set to True before the mouse is released (e.g. in on_touch_down/move), the touch will simulate a multi-touch event. For example:: if 'multitouch_sim' in touch.profile: touch.multitouch_sim = True Following is a list of the supported values for the :attr:`~kivy.input.motionevent.MotionEvent.profile` property list. ================ ========================================================== Profile value Description ---------------- ---------------------------------------------------------- button Mouse button (one of `left`, `right`, `middle`, `scrollup` or `scrolldown`). Accessed via the 'button' property. pos 2D position. Also reflected in the :attr:`~kivy.input.motionevent.MotionEvent.x`, :attr:`~kivy.input.motionevent.MotionEvent.y` and :attr:`~kivy.input.motionevent.MotionEvent.pos` properties. multitouch_sim Specifies whether multitouch is simulated or not. Accessed via the 'multitouch_sim' property. ================ ========================================================== ''' __all__ = ('MouseMotionEventProvider', ) from kivy.base import EventLoop from collections import deque from kivy.logger import Logger from kivy.input.provider import MotionEventProvider from kivy.input.factory import MotionEventFactory from kivy.input.motionevent import MotionEvent # late binding Color = Ellipse = None class MouseMotionEvent(MotionEvent): def depack(self, args): profile = self.profile # don't overwrite previous profile if not profile: profile.extend(('pos', 'button')) self.is_touch = True self.sx, self.sy = args[:2] if len(args) >= 3: self.button = args[2] if len(args) == 4: self.multitouch_sim = args[3] profile.append('multitouch_sim') super(MouseMotionEvent, self).depack(args) # # Create automatically touch on the surface. # def update_graphics(self, win, create=False): global Color, Ellipse de = self.ud.get('_drawelement', None) if de is None and create: if Color is None: from kivy.graphics import Color, Ellipse with win.canvas.after: de = ( Color(.8, .2, .2, .7), Ellipse(size=(20, 20), segments=15)) self.ud._drawelement = de if de is not None: self.push() # use same logic as WindowBase.on_motion() so we get correct # coordinates when _density != 1 w, h = win._get_effective_size() self.scale_for_screen(w, h, rotation=win.rotation) de[1].pos = self.x - 10, self.y - 10 self.pop() def clear_graphics(self, win): de = self.ud.pop('_drawelement', None) if de is not None: win.canvas.after.remove(de[0]) win.canvas.after.remove(de[1]) class MouseMotionEventProvider(MotionEventProvider): __handlers__ = {} def __init__(self, device, args): super(MouseMotionEventProvider, self).__init__(device, args) self.waiting_event = deque() self.touches = {} self.counter = 0 self.current_drag = None self.alt_touch = None self.disable_on_activity = False self.disable_multitouch = False self.multitouch_on_demand = False # split arguments args = args.split(',') for arg in args: arg = arg.strip() if arg == '': continue elif arg == 'disable_on_activity': self.disable_on_activity = True elif arg == 'disable_multitouch': self.disable_multitouch = True elif arg == 'multitouch_on_demand': self.multitouch_on_demand = True else: Logger.error('Mouse: unknown parameter <%s>' % arg) def start(self): '''Start the mouse provider''' if not EventLoop.window: return EventLoop.window.bind( on_mouse_move=self.on_mouse_motion, on_mouse_down=self.on_mouse_press, on_mouse_up=self.on_mouse_release) def stop(self): '''Stop the mouse provider''' if not EventLoop.window: return EventLoop.window.unbind( on_mouse_move=self.on_mouse_motion, on_mouse_down=self.on_mouse_press, on_mouse_up=self.on_mouse_release) def test_activity(self): if not self.disable_on_activity: return False # trying to get if we currently have other touch than us # discard touches generated from kinetic touches = EventLoop.touches for touch in touches: # discard all kinetic touch if touch.__class__.__name__ == 'KineticMotionEvent': continue # not our instance, stop mouse if touch.__class__ != MouseMotionEvent: return True return False def find_touch(self, x, y): factor = 10. / EventLoop.window.system_size[0] for t in self.touches.values(): if abs(x - t.sx) < factor and abs(y - t.sy) < factor: return t return False def create_touch(self, rx, ry, is_double_tap, do_graphics, button): self.counter += 1 id = 'mouse' + str(self.counter) args = [rx, ry, button] if do_graphics: args += [not self.multitouch_on_demand] self.current_drag = cur = MouseMotionEvent(self.device, id=id, args=args) cur.is_double_tap = is_double_tap self.touches[id] = cur if do_graphics: # only draw red circle if multitouch is not disabled, and # if the multitouch_on_demand feature is not enable # (because in that case, we wait to see if multitouch_sim # is True or not before doing the multitouch) create_flag = ( (not self.disable_multitouch) and (not self.multitouch_on_demand) ) cur.update_graphics(EventLoop.window, create_flag) self.waiting_event.append(('begin', cur)) return cur def remove_touch(self, cur): if cur.id not in self.touches: return del self.touches[cur.id] cur.update_time_end() self.waiting_event.append(('end', cur)) cur.clear_graphics(EventLoop.window) def on_mouse_motion(self, win, x, y, modifiers): width, height = EventLoop.window.system_size rx = x / float(width) ry = 1. - y / float(height) if self.current_drag: cur = self.current_drag cur.move([rx, ry]) cur.update_graphics(win) self.waiting_event.append(('update', cur)) elif self.alt_touch is not None and 'alt' not in modifiers: # alt just released ? is_double_tap = 'shift' in modifiers cur = self.create_touch(rx, ry, is_double_tap, True, []) return True def on_mouse_press(self, win, x, y, button, modifiers): if self.test_activity(): return width, height = EventLoop.window.system_size rx = x / float(width) ry = 1. - y / float(height) new_me = self.find_touch(rx, ry) if new_me: self.current_drag = new_me else: is_double_tap = 'shift' in modifiers do_graphics = (not self.disable_multitouch) and ( button != 'left' or 'ctrl' in modifiers) cur = self.create_touch(rx, ry, is_double_tap, do_graphics, button) if 'alt' in modifiers: self.alt_touch = cur self.current_drag = None return True def on_mouse_release(self, win, x, y, button, modifiers): # special case, if button is all, then remove all the current mouses. if button == 'all': for cur in list(self.touches.values())[:]: self.remove_touch(cur) self.current_drag = None cur = self.current_drag if cur: not_right = button in ( 'left', 'scrollup', 'scrolldown', 'scrollleft', 'scrollright' ) not_ctrl = not ('ctrl' in modifiers) not_multi = ( self.disable_multitouch or 'multitouch_sim' not in cur.profile or not cur.multitouch_sim ) if (not_right and not_ctrl or not_multi): self.remove_touch(cur) self.current_drag = None else: cur.update_graphics(EventLoop.window, True) if self.alt_touch: self.remove_touch(self.alt_touch) self.alt_touch = None return True def update(self, dispatch_fn): '''Update the mouse provider (pop event from the queue)''' try: while True: event = self.waiting_event.popleft() dispatch_fn(*event) except IndexError: pass # registers MotionEventFactory.register('mouse', MouseMotionEventProvider)