''' This is a extended unittest module for Kivy, to make unittests based on graphics with an OpenGL context. The idea is to render a Widget tree, and after 1, 2 or more frames, a screenshot will be made and be compared to the original one. If no screenshot exists for the current test, the very first one will be used. The screenshots live in the 'kivy/tests/results' folder and are in PNG format, 320x240 pixels. ''' __all__ = ( 'GraphicUnitTest', 'UnitTestTouch', 'UTMotionEvent', 'async_run', 'requires_graphics') import unittest import logging import pytest import sys from functools import partial import os import threading from kivy.graphics.cgl import cgl_get_backend_name from kivy.input.motionevent import MotionEvent log = logging.getLogger('unittest') _base = object if 'mock' != cgl_get_backend_name(): # check what the gl backend might be, we can't know for sure # what it'll be until actually initialized by the window. _base = unittest.TestCase make_screenshots = os.environ.get('KIVY_UNITTEST_SCREENSHOTS') http_server = None http_server_ready = threading.Event() kivy_eventloop = os.environ.get('KIVY_EVENTLOOP', 'asyncio') def requires_graphics(func): if 'mock' == cgl_get_backend_name(): return pytest.mark.skip( reason='Skipping because gl backend is set to mock')(func) return func def ensure_web_server(root=None): if http_server is not None: return True if not root: root = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), "..", "..") need_chdir = sys.version_info.major == 3 and sys.version_info.minor <= 6 curr_dir = os.getcwd() def _start_web_server(): global http_server from http.server import SimpleHTTPRequestHandler from socketserver import TCPServer try: if need_chdir: os.chdir(root) handler = SimpleHTTPRequestHandler else: handler = partial(SimpleHTTPRequestHandler, directory=root) http_server = TCPServer( ("", 8000), handler, bind_and_activate=False) http_server.daemon_threads = True http_server.allow_reuse_address = True http_server.server_bind() http_server.server_activate() http_server_ready.set() http_server.serve_forever() except: import traceback traceback.print_exc() finally: http_server = None http_server_ready.set() if need_chdir: os.chdir(curr_dir) th = threading.Thread(target=_start_web_server) th.daemon = True th.start() http_server_ready.wait() if http_server is None: raise Exception("Unable to start webserver") class GraphicUnitTest(_base): framecount = 0 def _force_refresh(self, *largs): # this prevent in some case to be stuck if the screen doesn't refresh # and we wait for a number of self.framecount that never goes down from kivy.base import EventLoop win = EventLoop.window if win and win.canvas: win.canvas.ask_update() def render(self, root, framecount=1): '''Call rendering process using the `root` widget. The screenshot will be done in `framecount` frames. ''' from kivy.base import runTouchApp from kivy.clock import Clock self.framecount = framecount try: Clock.schedule_interval(self._force_refresh, 1) runTouchApp(root) finally: Clock.unschedule(self._force_refresh) # reset for the next test, but nobody will know if it will be used :/ if self.test_counter != 0: self.tearDown(fake=True) self.setUp() def run(self, *args, **kwargs): '''Extend the run of unittest, to check if results directory have been found. If no results directory exists, the test will be ignored. ''' from os.path import join, dirname, exists results_dir = join(dirname(__file__), 'results') if make_screenshots and not exists(results_dir): log.warning('No result directory found, cancel test.') os.mkdir(results_dir) self.test_counter = 0 self.results_dir = results_dir self.test_failed = False return super(GraphicUnitTest, self).run(*args, **kwargs) def setUp(self): '''Prepare the graphic test, with: - Window size fixed to 320x240 - Default kivy configuration - Without any kivy input ''' # use default kivy configuration (don't load user file.) from os import environ environ['KIVY_USE_DEFAULTCONFIG'] = '1' # force window size + remove all inputs from kivy.config import Config Config.set('graphics', 'width', '320') Config.set('graphics', 'height', '240') for items in Config.items('input'): Config.remove_option('input', items[0]) # bind ourself for the later screenshot from kivy.core.window import Window self.Window = Window Window.bind(on_flip=self.on_window_flip) # ensure our window is correctly created Window.create_window() Window.register() Window.initialized = True Window.canvas.clear() Window.close = lambda *s: True def on_window_flip(self, window): '''Internal method to be called when the window have just displayed an image. When an image is showed, we decrement our framecount. If framecount is come to 0, we are taking the screenshot. The screenshot is done in a temporary place, and is compared to the original one -> test ok/ko. If no screenshot is available in the results directory, a new one will be created. ''' from kivy.base import EventLoop from tempfile import mkstemp from os.path import join, exists from os import unlink, close from shutil import move, copy # don't save screenshot until we have enough frames. # log.debug('framecount %d' % self.framecount) # ! check if there is 'framecount', otherwise just # ! assume zero e.g. if handling runTouchApp manually self.framecount = getattr(self, 'framecount', 0) - 1 if self.framecount > 0: return # don't create screenshots if not requested manually if not make_screenshots: EventLoop.stop() return reffn = None match = False try: # just get a temporary name fd, tmpfn = mkstemp(suffix='.png', prefix='kivyunit-') close(fd) unlink(tmpfn) # get a filename for the current unit test self.test_counter += 1 test_uid = '%s-%d.png' % ( '_'.join(self.id().split('.')[-2:]), self.test_counter) # capture the screen log.info('Capturing screenshot for %s' % test_uid) tmpfn = window.screenshot(tmpfn) log.info('Capture saved at %s' % tmpfn) # search the file to compare to reffn = join(self.results_dir, test_uid) log.info('Compare with %s' % reffn) # get sourcecode import inspect frame = inspect.getouterframes(inspect.currentframe())[6] sourcecodetab, line = inspect.getsourcelines(frame[0]) line = frame[2] - line currentline = sourcecodetab[line] sourcecodetab[line] = '%s' % ( currentline) sourcecode = ''.join(sourcecodetab) sourcecodetab[line] = '>>>>>>>>\n%s<<<<<<<<\n' % currentline sourcecodeask = ''.join(sourcecodetab) if not exists(reffn): log.info('No image reference, move %s as ref ?' % test_uid) if self.interactive_ask_ref(sourcecodeask, tmpfn, self.id()): move(tmpfn, reffn) tmpfn = reffn log.info('Image used as reference') match = True else: log.info('Image discarded') else: from kivy.core.image import Image as CoreImage s1 = CoreImage(tmpfn, keep_data=True) sd1 = s1.image._data[0].data s2 = CoreImage(reffn, keep_data=True) sd2 = s2.image._data[0].data if sd1 != sd2: log.critical( '%s at render() #%d, images are different.' % ( self.id(), self.test_counter)) if self.interactive_ask_diff(sourcecodeask, tmpfn, reffn, self.id()): log.critical('user ask to use it as ref.') move(tmpfn, reffn) tmpfn = reffn match = True else: self.test_failed = True else: match = True # generate html from os.path import join, dirname, exists, basename from os import mkdir build_dir = join(dirname(__file__), 'build') if not exists(build_dir): mkdir(build_dir) copy(reffn, join(build_dir, 'ref_%s' % basename(reffn))) if tmpfn != reffn: copy(tmpfn, join(build_dir, 'test_%s' % basename(reffn))) with open(join(build_dir, 'index.html'), 'at') as fd: color = '#ffdddd' if not match else '#ffffff' fd.write('
Reference | ' 'Test | ' 'Comment | ') fd.write('|
First time, no comparison. | ') fd.write('%s | ' % sourcecode)